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19 Jun 09 - 1 Nov 14
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O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu
Vědečtí a výzkumní pracovníci
Mgr. Adam Eckhardt, PhD.
Ing. Statis Pataridis
Ing. Jana Svobodová, PhD.
Mgr. Kateřina Lacinová, PhD.
Mgr. Pavla Sedláková, PhD.

Techničtí pracovníci
Miroslav Smrž
Zdena Poláková
Oddělení: Analýza fyziologicky aktivních látek

Seznam publikací v časopisech s impaktem.

Autoři z oddělení jsou označeni červeně.
Autoři FGU podtržením jména.
Aktualizováno 11.2.2010

2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  1998  1997  1996  1995  1994  1993  


Mikšík I. - Sedláková P. - Lacinová K. - Pataridis S. - Eckhardt A.
Determination of insoluble avian eggshell matrix proteins.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 397(1), 205-214, 2010
IF = 3.48(09)

Maxová H. - Bačáková L. - Eckhardt A. - Mikšík I. - Lisá V. - Novotná J. - Herget J.
Growth of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells on Collagen I Exposed to RBL-2H3 Mastocytoma Cells.
Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 25(6), 615-622, 2010
IF = 3.563(09)

Furuhashi T. - Mikšík I. - Smrž M. - Germann B. - Nebija D. - Lachmann B. - Noe Ch.
Comparison of aragonitic molluscan shell proteins.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 155(2), 195-200, 2010
IF = 1.607(09)

Jeleník T. - Rossmeisl M. - Kuda O. - Macek Jílková Z. - Medříková D. - Kůs V. - Hensler M. - Janovská P. - Mikšík I. - Baranowski M. - Gorski J. - Hébrard S. - Jensen T. E. - Flachs P. - Hawley S. - Viollet B. - Kopecký J.
AMP-activated Protein Kinase alfa2 Subunit Is Required for the Preservation of Hepatic Insulin Sensitivity by n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.
Diabetes, 59(11), 2737-2746, 2010
IF = 8.505(09)

Zmatliková Z. - Sedláková P. - Lacinová K. - Eckhardt A. - Pataridis S. - Mikšík I.
Non-enzymatic posttranslational modifications of bovine serum albumin by oxo-compounds investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and capillary zone electrophoresis–mass spektrometry.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1217(51), 8009-8015, 2010
IF = 4.101(09)

Sýkora D. - Kašička V. - Mikšík I. - Řezanka , P. - Záruba K. - Matějka P. - Král V.
Application of gold nanoparticles in separation sciences.
Journal of Separation Science, 33(3), 372-387, 2010
IF = 2.551(09)

Ergang P. - Leden P. - Vagnerová K. - Klusoňová P. - Mikšík I. - Jurčovičová J. - Kment M. - Pácha J.
Local metabolism of glucocorticoids and its role in rat adjuvant arthritis.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 323(2), 155-160, 2010
IF = 3.503(09)

Klásek A. - Lyčka A. - Mikšík I. - Růžička A.
Reaction of 3-phenyl-3-aminoquinoline-2,4-diones with isothiocyanates. Facile access to novel spiro-linked 2-thioxoimidazolidine-oxindoles and imidazoline-2-thiones.
Tetrahedron, 66(11), 2015-2025, 2010
IF = 3.219(09)


Furuhashi T. - Schwarzinger C. - Mikšík I. - Smrž M. - Beran A.
Molluscan shell evolution with review of shell calcification hypothesis.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 154(3), 351-371, 2009
IF = 1.607(09)

Pataridis S. - Eckhardt A. - Mikulíková K. - Sedláková P. - Mikšík I.
Determination and Quantification of Collagen Types in Tissues Using HPLC-MS/MS.
Current Analytical Chemistry, 5(4), 316-323, 2009
IF = 2.143(09)

Klusoňová P. - Řeháková L. - Borchert G.H. - Vagnerová K. - Neckář J. - Ergang P. - Mikšík I. - Kolář F. - Pácha J.
Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia Induces 11Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase in Rat Heart.
Endocrinology, 150(9), 4270-4277, 2009
IF = 4.752(09)

Klásek A. - Lyčka A. - Mikšík I. - Růžička A.
Molecular Rearrangement of 9b-Hydroxy-1H-imidazo[4,5-c]quinoline-2,4-diones - A Convenient Pathway to Spiro-Linked Imidazolidine-Oxindole Derivatives.
Helvetica Chimica Acta, 92(4), 689-708, 2009
IF = 1.435(09)

Sedláková P. - Eckhardt A. - Lacinová K. - Pataridis S. - Mikšík I. - Král V. - Kašička V.
Separation of tryptic peptides of native and glycated BSA using open-tubular CEC with salophene-lanthanide-Zn2+ complex as stationary phase.
Journal of Separation Science, 32(22), 3930-3935, 2009
IF = 2.551(09)

Vacková Z. - Vagnerová K. - Libra A. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J. - Staud F.
Dexamethasone and betamethasone administration during pregnancy affects expression and function of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 in the rat placenta.
Reproductive Toxicology, 28(1), 46-51, 2009
IF = 3.367(09)

Klásek A. - Mrkvička V. - Lyčka A. - Mikšík I. - Růžička A.
Reaction of 1-substituted 3-aminoquinoline-2,4-diones with isothiocyanates. An easy pathway to generate novel 2-thioxo-1'H-spiro[imidazoline-5,3'-indole]-2,2'-diones.
Tetrahedron, 65(25), 4908-4916, 2009
IF = 3.219(09)

Prucková Z. - Klásek A. - Lyčka A. - Mikšík I. - Růžička A.
Synthesis of 2-thioxoimidazolines via reaction of 1-unsubstituted 3-aminoquinoline-2,4-diones with isothiocyanates.
Tetrahedron, 65(45), 9103-9115, 2009
IF = 3.219(09)


Roulin A. - Almasi B. - Rossi-Pedruzzi A. - Ducrest A.-L. - Wakamatsu K. - Mikšík I. - Blount J.D. - Jenni-Eiermann S. - Jenni L.
Corticosterone mediates the condition-dependent component of melanin-based coloration.
Animal Behaviour, 75(4), 1351-1358, 2008
IF = 2.828(08)

López-Rull I. - Mikšík I. - Gil D.
Egg pigmentation reflects female and egg quality in the spotless starling Sturnus unicolor.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62(12), 1877-1884, 2008
IF = 2.917(08)

Ergang P. - Leden P. - Bryndová J. - Žbánková Š. - Mikšík I. - Kment M. - Pácha J.
Glucocorticoid Availability in Colonic Inflammation of Rat.
Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 53(8), 2160-2167, 2008
IF = 1.583(08)

Mikšík I. - Sedláková P. - Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A. - Kašička V.
Comparison of CE-MS and LC-MS Analyses of Avian Eggshell Matrix Proteins.
Chromatographia, 67, 89-96, 2008
IF = 1.312(08)

Pataridis S. - Eckhardt A. - Mikulíková K. - Sedláková P. - Mikšík I.
Identification of collagen types in tissues using HPLC-MS/MS.
Journal of Separation Science, 31(20), 3483-3488, 2008
IF = 2.746(08)

Klusoňová P. - Kučka M. - Ergang P. - Mikšík I. - Bryndová J. - Pácha J.
Cloning of chicken 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and its tissue distribution.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 111, 217-224, 2008
IF = 2.827(08)

Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J. - Mikšík I.
Advanced glycation end-product pentosidine accumulates in various tissues of rats with high fructose intake.
Physiological Research, 57(1), 89-94, 2008
IF = 1.653(08)

Vagnerová K. - Vacková Z. - Klusoňová P. - Štaud F. - Kopecký M. - Ergang P. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Reciprocal Changes in Maternal and Fetal Metabolism of Corticosterone in Rat During Gestation.
Reproductive Sciences, 15(9), 921-931, 2008
IF = 1.951(08)

Klusoňová P. - Kučka M. - Mikšík I. - Bryndová J. - Pácha J.
Chicken 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2: Partial cloning and tissue distribution.
Steroids, 73(3), 348-355, 2008
IF = 2.588(08)


Rehfeldt F. - Engler A. J. - Eckhardt A. - Fariyal C. - Discher D. E.
Cell responses to the mechanochemical microenvironment—Implications for regenerative medicine and drug delivery.
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 59(13), 1329-1339, 2007
IF = 8.224(07)

Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A. - Sedláková P. - Mikulíková K.
Proteins of Insoluble Matrix of Avian (Gallus Gallus) Eggshell.
Connective Tissue Research, 48(1), 1-8, 2007
IF = 1.085(07)

Sedláková P. - Mikšík I. - Gatschelhofer Ch. - Sinner F. M. - Buchmeiser M. R.
Voltage-assisted capillary LC of peptides using monolithic capillary columns prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization.
Electrophoresis, 28(13), 2219-2222, 2007
IF = 3.609(07)

Pravenec M. - Hyakukoku M. - Houštěk J. - Zídek V. - Landa V. - Mlejnek P. - Mikšík I. - Mothejzíková-Dudová K. - Pecina P. - Vrbacký M. - Drahota Z. - Vojtíšková A. - Mráček T. - Kazdová L. - Oliyarnyk O. - Wang Ji. - Ho Ch. - Qi N. - Sugimoto K. - Kurtz T.
Direct linkage of mitochondrial genome variation to risk factors for type 2 diabetes in conplastic strains.
Genome Research, 17(9), 1319-1326, 2007
IF = 11.224(07)

Gottardo R. - Bortolotti F. - De Paoli G. - Pascali J. P. - Mikšík I. - Tagliaro F.
Hair analysis for illicit drugs by using capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-ion trap mass spektrometry.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1159, 185-189, 2007
IF = 3.641(07)

Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A. - Pataridis S. - Mikšík I.
Study of posttranslational non-enzymatic modifications of collagen using capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1155(2), 125-133, 2007
IF = 3.641(07)

Šolínová V. - Kašička V. - Sázelová P. - Barth T. - Mikšík I.
Separation and investigation of structure-mobility relationship of gonadotropin-releasing hormones by capillary zone electrophoresis in conventional and isoelectric acidic background electrolytes.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1155(2), 146-153, 2007
IF = 3.641(07)

Mikšík I. - Sedláková P.
Capillary electrochromatography of proteins and peptides.
Journal of Separation Science, 30(11), 1686-1703, 2007
IF = 2.632(07)


Mikšík I. - Sedláková P. - Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A. - Cserháti T. - Horváth T.
Matrices for capillary gel electrophoresis--a brief overview of uncommon gels.
Biomedical Chromatography, 20(6-7), 458-465, 2006
IF = 1.611(06)

Kučka M. - Vagnerová K. - Klusoňová P. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Corticosterone metabolism in chicken tissues: evidence for tissue-specific distribution of steroid dehydrogenases.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 147(3), 377-383, 2006
IF = 2.487(06)

Vagnerová K. - Kverka M. - Klusoňová P. - Ergang P. - Mikšík I. - Tlaskalová H. - Pácha J.
Intestinal inflammation modulates expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in murine gut.
Journal of Endocrinology, 191(2), 497-503, 2006
IF = 3.072(06)

Mikšík I. - Sedláková P. - Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A.
Capillary electromigration methods for the study of collagen.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 841(1-2), 3-13, 2006
IF = 2.647(06)

Sedláková P. - Svobodová J. - Mikšík I.
Capillary electrophoresis of peptides and proteins with plug of Pluronic gel.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 839(1-2), 112-117, 2006
IF = 2.647(06)

Sedláková P. - Svobodová J. - Mikšík I. - Tomás H.
Separation of poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer generations by dynamic coating capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 841(1-2), 135-139, 2006
IF = 2.647(06)

Bryndová J. - Klusoňová P. - Kučka M. - Vagnerová K. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Cloning and expression of chicken 20-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 37(3), 453-462, 2006
IF = 2.988(06)

Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A. - Mikšík I.
Posttranslational modifications of collagen studied by off-line coupling of HPLC and CE.
Journal of Separation Science, 29(8), 1126-1131, 2006
IF = 2.535(06)

Staud F. - Mazancová K. - Mikšík I. - Pávek P. - Fendrich Z. - Pácha J.
Corticosterone transfer and metabolism in the dually perfused rat placenta: effect of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2.
Placenta, 27(2-3), 171-180, 2006
IF = 2.969(06)

Řezáčová V. - Hršelová H. - Gryndlerová H. - Mikšík I. - Gryndler M.
Modification of degradation-resistant soil organic matter by soil saprobic microfungi.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38(), 2292-2299, 2006
IF = 2.623(06)


Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Chromatography in authenticity and traceability tests of vegetable oils and dairy products: a review.
Biomedical Chromatography, 19(3), 183-190, 2005
IF = 1.218(05)

Mazancová K. - Kučka M. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Glucocorticoid metabolism and Na+ transport in chicken intestine.
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Comparative Experimental Biology, 303(2), 113-122, 2005
IF = 1.111(05)

Mikulíková K. - Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Non-enzymatic posttranslational modifications of bovine serum albumin by oxo-compounds investigated by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 815(1-2), 315-331, 2005
IF = 2.391(05)

Eckhardt A. - Mikšík I. - Charvátová J. - Deyl Z. - Forgács E. - Cserháti T.
Proteomics of collagen peptides: a method to reveal minor changes in post-translationally modified collagen by HPLC and capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 28(10), 1437-1451, 2005
IF = 0.814(05)

Gere-Pászti E. - Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A. - Illés Z.
Interaction of hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin with peptides, studied by reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 28(16), 2619-2632, 2005
IF = 0.814(05)

Mazancová K. - Kopecký M. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the heart of normotensive and hypertensive rats.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 94(1-3), 273-277, 2005
IF = 2.866(05)


Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Chromatographic determination of herbicide residues in various matrices.
Biomedical Chromatography, 18(6), 350-359, 2004
IF = 1.069(04)

Matějková O. - Mustard K.J. - Šponarová J. - Flachs P. - Rossmeisl M. - Mikšík I. - Thomason-Hughes M. - Hardie D.G. - Kopecký J.
Possible involvement of AMP-activated protein kinase in obesity resistance induced by respiratory uncoupling in white fat.
FEBS Letters, 569(1-3), 245-248, 2004
IF = 3.843(04)

Eckhardt A. - Mikšík I. - Deyl Z. - Charvátová J.
Separation of low-molecular mass peptides by capillary electrophoresis with the use of alkylamines as dynamic coating agents at low pH.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1051(1-2), 111-117, 2004
IF = 3.359(04)

Forgács E. - Cserháti T. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A. - Deyl Z.
Simultaneous effect of organic modifier and physicochemical parameters of barbiturates on their retention on a narrow-bore PGC column.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 259-262, 2004
IF = 2.176(04)

Charvátová J. - Deyl Z. - Klevar M. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Plastic substrates based separation channels in electromigration techniques.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 83-89, 2004
IF = 2.176(04)

Mikšík I. - Mikulíková K. - Pácha J. - Kučka M. - Deyl Z.
Application of liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for study of steroid-converting enzymes.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 145-153, 2004
IF = 2.176(04)

Mikšík I. - Charvátová J. - Eckhardt A. - Deyl Z.
Peptide mapping by capillary electrophoresis with Pluronic F127.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 155-160, 2004
IF = 2.176(04)

Mikšík I. - Charvátová J. - Eckhardt A. - Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z.
Capillary electrophoretic separation of proteins and peptides by ion-pairing with heptanesulfonic acid.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 161-167, 2004
IF = 2.176(04)

Ruangyuttikarn W. - Mikšík I. - Pekkoh J. - Peerapornpisal Y. - Deyl Z.
Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric determination of microcystin-LR in cyanobacteria blooms under alkaline conditions.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 800(1-2), 315-319, 2004
IF = 2.176(04)

Forgács E. - Cserháti T. - Farkas O. - Eckhardt A. - Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Interaction between cholesterol and non-ionic surfactants studied by thin-layer chromatography.
Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 27(13), 1981-1992, 2004
IF = 0.836(04)

Pácha J. - Mikšík I. - Mrnka L. - Zemanová Z. - Bryndová J. - Mazancová K. - Kučka M.
Corticosteroid regulation of colonic ion transport during postnatal development: methods for corticosteroid analysis.
Physiological Research, 53(Suppl. 1), S63-S80, 2004
IF = 1.14(04)


Mazancová K. - Mikšík I. - Kuneš J. - Pácha J.
Placental 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in Dahl and spontaneously hypertensive rats.
American Journal of Hypertension, 16(5, Pt 1), 401-406, 2003
IF = 3.103(03)

Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Binding of low molecular mass compounds to proteins studied by liquid chromatographic techniques.
Biomedical Chromatography, 17(6), 353-360, 2003
IF = 1.269(03)

Mikšík I. - Charvátová J. - Eckhardt A. - Deyl Z.
Insoluble eggshell matrix proteins - their peptide mapping and partial characterization by capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography.
Electrophoresis, 24(5), 843-852, 2003
IF = 4.04(03)

Mazancová K. - Mikšík I. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J. - Pácha J.
Sexual dimorphism of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in hypertensive and normotensive rats.
Hypertension Research, 26(4), 333-338, 2003
IF = 2.013(03)

Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Binding of environmental pollutants to the corn protein zein studied by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Journal of Chromatography A, 987(1-2), 403-408, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Comparison of standard capillary and chip separations of sodium dodecylsulfate-protein complexes.
Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 153-158, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Charvátová J. - Eckhardt A.
Comparison of the electrophoretic separation of proteins in capillaries with different inner diameter.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1013(1-2), 233-238, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Charvátová J. - Kašička V. - Deyl Z. - Král V.
Influencing electroosmotic flow and selectivity in open tubular electrochromatography by tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin as capillary wall modifier.
Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 111-119, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Charvátová J. - Deyl Z. - Kašička V. - Král V.
Open tubular capillary electrochromatography of underivatized amino acids using Rh(III) tetrakis(phenoxyphenyl)porphyrinate as wall modifier.
Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 159-167, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Charvátová J. - Kašička V. - Barth T. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Král V.
Separation of structurally related peptides by open-tubular capillary electrochromatography using (metallo)porphyrins as the adsorbed stationary phase.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1009(1-2), 73-80, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Manetto G. - Silvana Bellini M. - Deyl Z.
Application of capillaries with minimized electroosmotic flow to the electrokinetic study of acidic drug-beta-oleoyl-gamma-palmitoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidyl choline liposome interactions.
Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 205-214, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Manetto G. - Silvana Bellini M. - Deyl Z.
Affinity electrochromatography of acidic drugs using a liposome-modified capillary.
Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 281-289, 2003
IF = 2.922(03)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Preparative procedures and purity assessment of collagen proteins.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 790(1-2), 245-275, 2003
IF = 2.085(03)


Flachs P. - Novotný J. - Baumruk F. - Bardová K. - Bouřová L. - Mikšík I. - Šponarová J. - Svoboda P. - Kopecký J.
Impaired noradrenaline-induced lipolysis in white fat of aP2-Ucp1 transgenic mice is associated with changes in G-protein levels.
Biochemical Journal, 364(2), 369-376, 2002
IF = 4.589(02)

Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Modification of nonlinear mapping technique for quantitative structure-retention relationship studies.
Croatica Chemica Acta, 75(1), 13-24, 2002
IF = 0.722(02)

Charvátová J. - Král V. - Deyl Z.
Capillary electrochromatographic study of sapphyrin-organophosphoric acid derivatives interaction.
Electrophoresis, 23(2), 237-244, 2002
IF = 4.325(02)

Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A. - Forgács E. - Cserháti T. - Deyl Z.
The effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate and Pluronic F127 on the electrophoretic separation of protein and polypeptide test mixtures at acid pH.
Electrophoresis, 23(12), 1882-1886, 2002
IF = 4.325(02)

Charvátová J. - Král V. - Deyl Z.
Capillary electrochromatographic separation of aromatic amino acids possessing peptides using porphyrin derivatives as the inner wall modifiers.
Journal of Chromatography B, 770(1-2), 155-163, 2002
IF = 1.913(02)

Rohlíček V. - Deyl Z.
Versatile tool for the manipulation of electrophoresis chips.
Journal of Chromatography B, 770(1-2), 19-23, 2002
IF = 1.913(02)

Rohlíček V. - Rech F.
Improvement of the accuracy by the measurement of the electrical cell membrane parameters.
Physiological Research, 51(2), 169-177, 2002
IF = 0.984(02)

Pácha J. - Lisá V. - Mikšík I.
Effect of cellular differentiation on 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in the intestine.
Steroids, 67(2), 119-126, 2002
IF = 2.524(02)


Bellini M.S. - Deyl Z. - Manetto G. - Kohlíčková M.
Determination of apparent binding constants of drugs by capillary electrophoresis using beta-cyclodextrin as ligand and three different linear plotting methods.
Journal of Chromatography A, 924(1-2), 483-491, 2001
IF = 2.793(01)

Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Interaction of surfactants with homologous series of peptides studied by reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography.
Journal of Chromatography A, 910(1), 137-145, 2001
IF = 2.793(01)

Forgács E. - Cserháti T. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A.
Mixtures of nonionic and anionic surfactants: interactions with low-molecular-mass homopeptides.
Journal of Chromatography A, 917(1-2), 287-295, 2001
IF = 2.793(01)

Charvátová J. - Matějka P. - Král V. - Deyl Z.
Open-tubular electrochromatography of organic phosphates on a sapphyrin-modified capillary.
Journal of Chromatography A, 921(1), 99-107, 2001
IF = 2.793(01)

Mikšík I. - Eckhardt A. - Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Zicha J. - Deyl Z.
Evaluation of peptide electropherograms by multivariate mathematical-statistical methods. I. Principal component analysis.
Journal of Chromatography A, 921(1), 81-91, 2001
IF = 2.793(01)

Cserháti T. - Forgács E. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Effect of molecular parameters on the binding of phenoxyacetic acid derivatives to albumins.
Journal of Chromatography B, 753(1), 87-92, 2001
IF = 1.911(01)

Forgács E. - Cserháti T. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Binding of substituted phenol and aniline derivatives to the corn protein zein studied by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Journal of Chromatography B, 753(1), 79-86, 2001
IF = 1.911(01)


Pohlová I. - Mikšík I. - Kuneš J. - Pácha J.
11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in spontaneously hypertensive and dahl rats.
American Journal of Hypertension, 13(8), 927-933, 2000
IF = 2.685(00)

Bielavská E. - Mikšík I. - Křivánek J.
Glutamate in the parabrachial nucleus of rats during conditioned taste aversion.
Brain Research, 887, 413-417, 2000
IF = 2.526(00)

Bellini M.S. - Manetto G. - Deyl Z. - Tagliaro F. - Mikšík I.
Capillary electrophoretic separation of vitamins in sodium dodecyl sulfate containing buffers with lower aliphatic alcohols and n-hexane as organic modifiers.
Journal of Chromatography B, 741(1), 67-75, 2000
IF = 1.802(00)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Comparison of different electrokinetic separation modes applicable to a model peptide mixture (collagen type I and III CNBr fragments).
Journal of Chromatography B, 745, 251-260, 2000
IF = 1.802(00)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Advanced separation methods for collagen parent alfa-chains, their polymers and fragments.
Journal of Chromatography B, 739, 3-31, 2000
IF = 1.802(00)

Kašička V. - Prusík Z. - Sázelová P. - Chiari M. - Mikšík I.
External electric field control of electroosmotic flow in non-coated and coated fused-silica capillaries and its application for capillary electrophoretic separations of peptides.
Journal of Chromatography B, 741(1), 43-54, 2000
IF = 1.802(00)

Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Application of pluronic copolymer liquid crystals for the capillary electrophoretic separation of collagen type I cyanogen bromide fragments.
Journal of Chromatography B, 739, 109-116, 2000
IF = 1.802(00)

Mikšík I. - Deyl Z. - Kašička V.
Capillary electrophoretic separation of proteins and peptides using Pluronic liquid crystals and surface-modified capillaries.
Journal of Chromatography B, 741(l), 37-42, 2000
IF = 1.802(00)


Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Zicha J.
Multicomponent analysis by off-line combination of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy and capillary electrophoresis of collagen glycation adducts.
Journal of Chromatography A, 836, 161-171, 1999
IF = 2.52(99)

Hamrníková I. - Mikšík I. - Deyl Z. - Kašička V.
Binding of proline- and hydroxyproline-containing peptides and proteins to the capillary wall.
Journal of Chromatography A, 838, 167-177, 1999
IF = 2.52(99)

Mikšík I. - Deyl Z. - Herget J. - Novotná J. - Mestek O.
Binding of lead to collagen type I and V and alpha2 (I) CNBr (3,5) fragment by a modified Hummel-Dreyer method.
Journal of Chromatography A, 852, 245-253, 1999
IF = 2.52(99)

Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Separation of proteins and peptides by capillary electrophoresis in acid buffers containing high concentrations of surfactants.
Journal of Chromatography A, 852, 325-336, 1999
IF = 2.52(99)

Mikšík I. - Vylitová M. - Pácha J. - Deyl Z.
Separation and identification of corticosterone metabolites by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Journal of Chromatography B, 726, 59-69, 1999
IF = 1.666(99)


Hamrníková I. - Mikšík I. - Uhrová M. - Deyl Z.
Ultraviolet detector response of glycine and alanine homopeptides: some specific features in capillary electrophoresis.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 372, 257-272, 1998
IF = 1.692(98)

Linnertz H. - Mikšík I. - Kvasnička P. - Bertoli E. - Mazzanti L. - Schoner W. - Amler E.
Binding of pyrene isothiocyanate to the E1ATP site makes the H4-H5 cytoplamic loop of Na+/K+ -ATPase rigid.
European Journal of Biochemistry, 251(2), 522-527, 1998
IF = 3.249(98)

Bellini M.S. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. Application to the separation of complex mixtures of organic acids by ion-pairing mechanism.
Forensic Science International, 92, 185-199, 1998
IF = 0.818(98)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Tagliaro F.
Advances in capillary electrophoresis.
Forensic Science International, 92, 89-124, 1998
IF = 0.818(98)

Vylitová M. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Metabolism of corticosterone in mammalian and avian intestine.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 109, 315-324, 1998
IF = 1.835(98)

Deyl Z. - Novotná J. - Mikšík I. - Herget J.
Micropreparation of tissue collagenase fragments of type I collagen in the form of surfactant-peptide complexes and their identification by capillary electrophoresis and partial sequencing.
Journal of Chromatography A, 796, 181-193, 1998
IF = 2.321(98)

Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Microemulsion eklectrokinetic chromatography of fatty acids as phenacyl esters.
Journal of Chromatography A, 807, 111-119, 1998
IF = 2.321(98)

Mestek O. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Novotná J. - Pfeifer I. - Herget J.
Accumulation of lead in tissues after its administration in drinking water to laboratory rats.
Physiological Research, 47(3), 197-202, 1998
IF = 0.616(98)


Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Zicha J. - Jelínková D.
Reversed-phase chromatography of pentosidine-containing CNBr peptides from collagen.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 352, 257-270, 1997
IF = 1.778(97)

Mikšík I. - Novotná J. - Uhrová M. - Jelínková D. - Deyl Z.
Capillary electrophoresis of large cyanogen bromide peptides of fibre-forming collagens with special reference to cross-linking.
Journal of Chromatography A, 772, 213-220, 1997
IF = 2.697(97)

Mikšík I. - Gabriel J. - Deyl Z.
Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography of diphenylhydrazones of dicarbonyl sugars.
Journal of Chromatography A, 772, 297-303, 1997
IF = 2.697(97)

Deyl Z. - Novotná J. - Mikšík I. - Jelínková D. - Uhrová M. - Suchánek M.
Quantitation of collagen types I, III and V in tissue slices by capillary electrophoresis after cyanogen bromide solubilization.
Journal of Chromatography B, 689, 181-194, 1997
IF = 1.588(97)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Post-translational non-enzymatic modification of proteins I. Chromatography of marker adducts with special emphasis to glycation reactions.
Journal of Chromatography B, 699, 287-309, 1997
IF = 1.588(97)

Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Post-translational non-enzymatic modification of proteins II. Separation of selected protein species after glycation and other carbonyl-mediated modifications.
Journal of Chromatography B, 699, 311-345, 1997
IF = 1.588(97)

Mikšík I. - Zicha J. - Kuneš J. - Deyl Z.
Glycation of collagen in hypertriglyceridemic rats.
Life Sciences, 60(23), 220-227, 1997
IF = 2.275(97)

Pácha J. - Mikšík I. - Lisá V. - Pohlová I.
Hormonal regulation of intestinal 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
Life Sciences, 61(24), 2391-2396, 1997
IF = 2.275(97)

Pohlová I. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
The role of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in maturation of the intestine.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 98, 139-150, 1997
IF = 1.143(97)

Uhrová M. - Mikšík I. - Deyl Z. - Bellini M.S.
Determination of dissociation constants by separation methods (HPLC and CE). Theoretical background and guidelines for application.
Process Control and Quality, 10, 151-167, 1997
IF = 0.533(97)


Mikšík I. - Holáň V. - Deyl Z.
Avian eggshell pigments and their variability.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, 113B(3), 607-612, 1996
IF = 0.729(96)

Pácha J. - Mikšík I.
11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in developing rat intestine.
Journal of Endocrinology, 148, 561-566, 1996
IF = 2.565(96)

Novotná J. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Capillary zone electrophoresis of collagen type I CNBr peptides in acid buffers.
Journal of Chromatography B, 681(1), 77-82, 1996
IF = 1.341(96)

Uhrová M. - Deyl Z. - Suchánek M.
Separation of common nucleotides, mono-, di- and triphosphates, by capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of Chromatography B, 681(1), 99-105, 1996
IF = 1.341(96)

Vomastová L. - Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Microemulsion and micellar electrokinetic chromatography of steroids.
Journal of Chromatography B, 681(1), 107-113, 1996
IF = 1.341(96)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
The effect of high fat diet upon the production of reactive carbonyls in hypoxic heart. The effect upon connective tissue.
Nutrition Research, 16(1), 79-90, 1996
IF = 0.638(96)

Rech F. - Rohlíček V. - Schmid A.
A method of resolution improvement by the measurement of cell membrane capitance.
Physiological Research, 45(5), 421-425, 1996
IF = 0.532(96)


Tagliaro F. - Smyth W.F. - Turrina S. - Deyl Z. - Marigo M.
Capillary electrophoresis: a new tool in forensic toxicology. Applications and prospects in hair analysis for illicit drugs.
Forensic Science International, 70(1-3), 93-104, 1995
IF = 1.254(95)

Tesařová E. - Gilar M. - Hobza P. - Kabeláč M. - Deyl Z. - Smolková-Keulemansová E.
Correlation between structure of dihydropyridine calcium antagonists and their retention behavior and enantioseparation on the beta-cyclodextrin stationary phase in HPLC.
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, 18, 597-601, 1995
IF = 1.909(95)

Boso R.L. - Bellini M.S. - Mikšík I. - Deyl Z.
Microemulsion elektrokinetic chromatography with different organic modifiers: separation of Water- and lipid-soluble vitamins.
Journal of Chromatography A, 709, 11-19, 1995
IF = 2.296(95)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Separation of collagen type I chain polymers by electrophoresis in non-cross-linked polyacrylamide-filled capillaries.
Journal of Chromatography A, 698(2), 369-373, 1995
IF = 2.296(95)

Jelínková D. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I. - Tagliaro F.
Capillary electrophoresis of hair proteins modified by alcohol intake in laboratory rats.
Journal of Chromatography A, 709, 111-119, 1995
IF = 2.296(95)


Rohlíček V. - Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Determination of the isoelectric point of the capillary wall in capillary electrophoresis Application to plastic capillaries.
Journal of Chromatography A, 662(2), 369-373, 1994
IF = 2.523(94)

Deyl Z. - Tagliaro F. - Mikšík I.
Biomedical applications of capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of Chromatography B, 656(1), 3-27, 1994
IF = 1.209(94)

Deyl Z. - Tagliaro F. - Mikšík I.
Capillary electrophoretic profiling of rat hair: a tool for alopecia areata diagnosis.
Journal of Chromatography B, 653(1), 47-54, 1994
IF = 1.209(94)

Krull I. S. - Deyl Z. - Lingeman H.
General strategies and selection of derivatization reactions for liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of Chromatography B, 659(1), 1-17, 1994
IF = 1.209(94)

Pácha J. - Mikšík I.
Distribution of 11ß - Hydrosteroid Dehydrogenase along the Rat Intestine.
Life Sciences, 54(11), 745-749, 1994
IF = 2.5(94)

Deyl Z. - Mikšík I.
Age- and feeding-dependent production of carbonyl compounds in hypoxic heart. The role of carbonyls produced in connective tissue modification.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 73(1), 47-55, 1994
IF = 1.124(94)

Rohlíček V. - Schmid A.
Dual-frequency method for synchronous measurement of cell capacitance, membrane conductance and access resistance on single cells.
Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology, 428(1), 30-38, 1994
IF = 2.921(94)

Rohlíček V. - Ullrich K. J.
Simple Device for Continuous Measurement of Fluorescent Anions and Cations in the Rat Kidney in situ.
Renal Physiology and Biochemistry, 17(2), 56-61, 1994
IF = 1.111(94)


Mikšík I. - Gabriel J. - Deyl Z.
Capillary electrophoresis of o-phenylenediamine derivatives (quinoxalines) of dicarbonyl sugars.
Journal of Chromatography, 638, 343-348, 1993
IF = 1.874(93)

Mikšík I. - Hodný Z. - Deyl Z.
Chromatographic separation of glycated nucleotides.
Journal of Chromatography, 612, 57-61, 1993
IF = 1.874(93)

Ošťádalová I. - Kolář F. - Ošťádal B. - Rohlíček V. - Rohlíček J. - Procházka J.
Early postnatal development of contractile performance and responsiveness to Ca+2++, verapamil and ryanodine in the isolated rat heart.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 25(6), 733-740, 1993
IF = 3.485(93)

Vejsadová H. - Siblíková D. - Gryndler M. - Simon T. - Mikšík I.
Influence of Inoculation with Bradyrhizobium Japonicum and Glomus Claroideum on Seed Yield of Soybean under Greenhouse and Field Conditions.
Journal of Plant Nutrition, 16(4), 619-629, 1993
IF = 0.53(93)

Rech F. - Dittert I. - Rohlíček V.
A Method with Enhanced Sensitivity for Temperature Measurement in Living Tissues.
Physiological Research, 42(4), 277-282, 1993
IF = 0.3(93)

Rohlíček V. - Rohlíček J.
Measurement of membrane capacitance and resistance of single cells using two frequencies.
Physiological Research, 42(6), 423-428, 1993
IF = 0.3(93)

Rohlíček V.
A new method of measuring of contractility of the isolated perfused neonatal muscle.
Physiological Research, 42(6), 429-430, 1993
IF = 0.3(93)
