Mgr. Daniel Heider

Education and employment
- Bachelor of Arts (BA), the University of J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem (1992-1995)
- Socrates' scholarship at the University of Salford (Great Britain) - political philosophy and politics (2000)
- Master of English philology and philosophy at the University of Palacký in Olomouc (1996-2002). The theme of the Thesis: "Aristotelian" conception of the individuality, identity a persistence in the contemporary analytical metaphysics"
- Postgraduate Studies at the Philosophical Faculty of the Charles University in Prague. The theme of the Dissertation: "Suárez on Transcendental Unity, its Kinds and Principles". The Supervisor: Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Sousedík. CSc. (2002-)
- Employee of the Philosophical Institute of the Academy of Science (2002-)
- Employee of the Faculty of Theology at the Southbohemian University in České Budějovice (2002-)
- „Some Presuppositions and Problems of R. Descartes on his way to cogito and „cogito“ at Thomas Aquinas", in Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Olomouc, Facultas Philosophica, Philosophica IV – 2000, 231-239.
- „Substantiality and analytical philosophy. ´Neoaristotelian´ motives in the contemporary analytical philosophy“, in Sborník Katolické teologické fakulty. Praha, Karolinum, 2004, 320-345.
- „Some features of Suárez´s metaphysics in the background of the critiques of his ancestors“, in Teologické studie 1/2004, year, Faculty of Theology of the Southbohemian University, České Budějovice, 32-43.
- „Suárez´s Critique of thomistic principle of Individuation“, in Filosofický časopis n. 4/52, 2004, 591-607.
- „Leibniz´s Disputatio Metaphysica de Principio Individui and F. Suárez“, in Studia Neoaristotelica, the Journal for the Aristotelian Christian Philosophy, n. 1/2004, 101-123.
- „F. Suárez a J. Senftleben: Reification of Prime Matter“, Slánské Rozhovory: Španělsko, Slaný, 2004, 37-42.
- „Sortal Terms and the Problems of Identity. Neoaristotelism in the contemporary analytical metaphysics“, in Filosofický časopis n. 2/53, 2005, 167-194.
- „Cartesian Circle and some of its Possible Solutions", forthcoming in Studia Theologica, n. 4/ year VII., 2005
- "Suárez on the principle of Individuation of Accidents in the Light of the Thomistic Solution", forthcoming in Acta Commeniana et Historica
- "Suárez on the Concept of Being. Is Suárez´s Concept of Being Analogical or Univocal?" (in progress)
- „Kenny´s Vivisection des Descartes“, A. Kenny „Descartes, A Study of His Philosophy“, in Aluze 3-4. 1999, pp. 255-261.
- „Form and Matter, Themes in Contemporary Metaphysics“, ed. D.S. Oderberg. 1999. In Organon F 2001, Year VIII, n. 2, p. 217-229.
- „An Introduction of Philosophy of Mind“, E. J. Lowe, in Filosofický časopis č. 6, Ročník 51, 2003, p. 1035-1044.
- „An Introduction to Metaphysics“, B. Carr, forthcoming in Studia Neoaristotelica 1/2005.
Other activities:
- Executive editor of the journal Studia neoaristotelica
- Secretary of the Czech branch of the Society of St. Thomas Aquinas