Original Articles
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Exercise training enhances flow-mediated dilation in
spontaneously hypertensive rats.
F. Gündüz, G. Koçer, S. Ülker, H. J. Meiselman, O. K. Başkurt, Ü.
K. Şentürk (Akdeniz Univ., Med. Fac., Dept. Physiol., Antalya,
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Modulation of myocardial stiffness by β-adrenergic
stimulation - its role in normal and failing heart.
I. Falcão-Pires, A. P. Fontes-Sousa, L. Lopes-Conceição, C. Brás-Silva,
A. F. Leite-Moreira (Dept. Physiol., Fac. Med, Univ. Porto,
Porto, Portugal)
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Atrioventricular conduction time in foetuses assessed by
Doppler echocardiography.
V. Tomek, J. Janoušek, O. Reich, J. Gilík, R. A. Gebauer, J.
Škovránek (Kardiocentrum and Cardiovasc. Res. Ctr., Univ. Hosp.
Motol, Prague, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article
Quantitative ballistocardiography (Q-BCG) for measurement of
cardiovascular dynamics.
Z. M. Trefný, J. Svačinka, O. Kittnar, J. Slavíček, M. Trefný, E.
Filatova, J.A. Tichý, P. Smrčka, M. Stork, M. Loučka (Lab.
Cardiol., Prague, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article
Serum concentrations of fibroblast growth factor 19 in
patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus: the
influence of acute hyperinsulinemia, very-low calorie diet and
PPAR-Α Agonist treatment.
M. Mráz, Z. Lacinová, P. Kavalková, D. Haluzíková, P. Trachta, J.
Drápalová, V. Hanušová, M. Haluzík (Third Dept. Med., Gen. Univ.
Hosp. and First Med. Fac., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article
Effect of the daily ingestion of a purified anthocyanin
extract from grape skin on rat serum antioxidant capacity.
M. G. Lionetto, M. E. Giordano, A. Calisi, E. Erroi, F. De
Nuccio, T. Schettino (Dept. Biol. Environm. Sci. Technol., Univ.
Salento, Italy)
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article
Gut peptide hormones and pediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus.
M. Huml, J. Kobr, K. Siala, J. Varvařovská, R. Pomahačová, M.
Karlíková, J. Sýkora (Charles Univ. Prague, Fac. Med. Pilsen,
Fac. Hosp., Dept. Pediat. Pilsen, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article
Functional coordination of motor activity in colonic smooth
muscles in rat experimental model.
N. Nedialkova, G. Stavreva, N. Negrev, C. Ivancheva, R.Radomirov
(Inst. Neurobiol., Bulgarian Acad. Sci., Sofia, Bulgaria)
Pre-press article
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article
Mast-cell degranulation induced by physical stimuli involves
the activation of transient-receptor-potential channel TRPV2.
D. Zhang, A. Spielmann, L. Wang, G. Ding, F. Huang, Q. Gu, W.
Schwarz (Shanghai Res. Ctr. Acupuncture and Meridians, Dept.
Mechanics Eng. Sci., Fudan Univ., Shanghai, China)
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation in embryonic diploid
fibroblasts WI-38 induces both apoptosis and senescence.
J. Cmielová, R. Havelek, A. Jiroutová, R. Kohlerová, M.
Seifrtová, D. Muthna, J. Vávrová, M. Řezáčová (Dept. Med.
Biochem., Fac. Med. Hradec Králové, Charles Univ. Prague, Czech
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Oxime reactivators and their in vivo and in vitro effects on
nicotinic receptors.
O. Soukup, J. Krůšek, M. Kaniaková, U. K. Kumar, M. Oz, D. Jun,
J. Fusek, K. Kuca, G. Tobin (Dept. Toxicol., Fac. Milit. Health
Sci., Univ. Defence, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic)
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Effects of acoustic stimuli on neuronal activity in the
auditory cortex of the rat.
Y. Zhang, L. Han, X. Xiao, B. Hu, H. Ruan, Y. Xiong (Dept.
Neurobiol., Third Milit. Med. Univ., Chongqing, P. R. China)
Short communications
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Antioxidants aleviate nicotine-induced platelet aggregation in cerebral
arterioles of mice in vivo.
M. A. Fahim, A. Nemmar, S. Singh, M. Y. Hassan (Dept. Physiol., Fac. Med.,
United Arab Emirates Univ., Al Ain, UAE)
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Role of L-DOPA in spinal nociceptive reflex activity: higher sensitivity of
Aδ versus C fibre-evoked nociceptive reflexes to L-DOPA.
E. D. Schomburg, P. Dibaj, H. Steffens (Inst. Physiol. Univ. Göttingen,
Göttingen, Germany)
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Chondroitinase ABC treatment and the phenotype of neural progenitor cells
isolated from injured rat spinal cord.
L. Slovinská, I. Novotná, D. Čížková (Inst. Neurobiol., Ctr. Excell., Slovak
Acad. Sci, Košice, Slovakia)
Rapid communication
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Suppression of ischemic and reperfusion
ventricular arrhythmias by inhalational anesthetic-induced
preconditioning in the rat heart.
H. Říha, J. Neckář, F. Papoušek, I. Netuka, J. Pirk, F. Kolář,
B. Ošťádal (Dept. Anesthesiol. Intens. Care Med., Inst. Clin.
Exper. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)
This number will be issued in August 2011