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Albuquerque, Farrar, Kolb
Exotic massive hadrons and UHECR
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Berezinsky V.
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from Decaying Superheavy Particles

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UHECR (figures)
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UHECR from Cosmological Relics

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Signatures of topological defects
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Anisotropy of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in the Dark Matter Halo Model (fig.)
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Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays from Topological Defects - Cosmic Strings, Monopoles, Necklaces, and All That

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Cosmic Topological Defects, Highest Energy Cosmic Rays, and the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe
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Birkel Michael, Subir Sarkar
Extremely high energy cosmic rays from relic particle decays
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On the detection of ultra high energy neutrinos with the Auger observatory
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On spectrum of EHECR through decay of superheavy particles

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The angular deviation of ultra high energy cosmic rays in intergalactic magnetic fields
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Comment on 'Cosmological Gamma rays Bursts and the highest energy CR'

Domocos G. and S.Kovesi-Domokos
Strongly interacting neutrinos and the highest energy CR

Farrar Glennys R., Peter L. Biermann
Correlation between Compact Radio Quasars and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
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Dynamical QCD predictions for ultrahigh energy neutrino cross sections
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Long Lived Superheavy Dark Matter with Discrete Gauge Symmetries
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Klein Joshua R., Alfred K. Mann
Prototype detector for ultrahigh energy neutrino detection
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Kuzmin V. , I. Tkachev
UHECR, Superheavy long-living particles and Matter creation after inflation

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Matter creation via Vacuum fluctuation in the early universe and observed UHECR events

Medina-Tanco G.A.
On the significance of the observed clustering of UHECR
ApJ 495, L71

Medina-Tanco G.A.
The effect of highly structured cosmic magnetic fields on UHECR propagation
ApJ 505, L79

Medina-Tanco Gustavo
The energy spectrum observed by the AGASA experiment and the spatial distribution of the sources of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (figures)

Medina-Tanco Gustavo A. , Elisabete M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, Jorge E. Horvath
Origin and Propagation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays
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The photodisintegration of cosmic ray nuclei by solar photons: the Gerasimova-Zatsepin effect revisited (figures)
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Cut-offs and pile-ups in shock acceleration spectra
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Cosmic rays and neutrinos from Gamma ray Bursts
Texas Abstracts

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Sources of UHE Neutrinos

Sigl, Lemoin, Biermann
UHECR propagation in the local supercluster
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Sahu Sarira, Vishnu M. Bannur
Neutrino propagation in AGN environment
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M.B. , 12.10.2000