<--1999         2001 -->         TOP       

Abu-Zayyad T. et al. (HiRes-MIA Collaboration)
Measurement of the Cosmic Ray Energy Spectrum and Composition from 1017 to 1018.3 eV Using a Hybrid Fluorescence Technique
ApP 16, Is.1, 2001

Anchordoqui L. A., M. T. Dova, T. P. McCauley, T. Paul, S. Reucroft, J. D. Swain
A pot of gold at the end of the cosmic "raynbow"?

Anchordoqui L. A. , M. Kirasirova, T. P. McCauley, S. Reucroft, J. D. Swain
On the nature of cosmic rays above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuz'min cut off

Athar H.
Ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos

Ave M., R.A. Vázquez and E. Zas
Modeling horizontal air showers induced by cosmic rays
Astroparticle Physics 14, I. 2, 91-107

Ave M., R.A. Vázquez and E. Zas,J.A. Hinton and A.A. Watson
The rate of cosmic ray showers at large zenith angles: a step towards the detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos by the Pierre Auger Observatory
Astroparticle Physics 14, I. 2, 109-120

Ave M., J.A. Hinton, R.A. Vazquez, A.A. Watson, E. Zas
New constraints from Haverah Park data on the photon and iron fluxes of UHE cosmic rays (figures)
Phys.Rev.Lett. 85 (2000) 2244-2247

Ave M., R.A. Vazquez, E. Zas
Modelling Horizontal Air Showers Induced by Cosmic Rays

Bednarz J., Ostrowski M.
Eficiency of cosmic ray reflections from an ultrarelativistic shock wave
MNRAS 310, L11

Bellido J. A. , R. W. Clay, B. R. Dawson, M. Johnston-Hollitt
Southern Hemisphere Observations of a 1018 eV Cosmic Ray Source Near the Direction of the Galactic Centre
ApP 15, Is. 2, 2001

Berezinsky V.
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from Cosmological Relics
astro-ph REMAKE?

Bertolami O.
On the spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 88 (2000) 49-56

Bertolami O.
Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Symmetries of Spacetime

Bertou X., Pierre Billoir and Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne
LPM effect and pair production in the geomagnetic field: a signature of ultra-high energy photons in the Pierre Auger Observatory
Astroparticle Physics 14, I. 2,121-130

Bertou X., Boratav M., Letessier-Selvon A.
Physics of Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays

Biermann P.L., E.-J. Ahn, G. Medina Tanco, T. Stanev
Origin of the highest energy cosmic rays
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 87 (2000) 417-419

Billoir P., Letessier-Selvon A.
Note on the Origin of the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

Blanton Michael, Pasquale Blasi, Angela V. Olinto
The GZK Feature in our Neighborhood of the Universe
ApP 15, Is. 3, 2001

Blasi Pasquale, R. Sheth
Halo Dark Matter and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (figures)
Phys.Lett. B486 (2000) 233-238

Blasi Pasquale
Opening the ultra high energy cosmic ray window from the top

Blasi Pasquale
Dark matter distribution in the universe and ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Boratav Murat, Alan A. Watson
Cosmic Rays above 1014 eV
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, IV (2000) 207

Brunetti M.T., Codino A.
Age of CR Protons Computed Using Simple Configurations of the Galactic Mag. Field
ApJ,528, p.789

Brücher Lars, Petteri Keränen, Jukka Maalampi
Searching Scalar Resonances with Ultra-high Energy Neutrinos

Cecchini S. et al
Solar panels as air Cherenkov detectors for extremely high energy cosmic rays

Cline D.B. (UCLA), Stecker F.W. (NASA/Goddard)
Exploring the Ultrahigh Energy Neutrino Universe

Crooks J. L., Dunn J.O., Frampton M.
Relic Neutrinos and Z-Resonance Mechanism for Highest-Energy Cosmic Rays (figures)

Dar Arnon
Comment on 'Violation of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin Cutoff: A Tempest in a (Magnetic) Teapot? Why Cosmic Ray Energies above 1020 eV May Not Require New Physics'

Davoudiasl H., J.L. Hewett, T.G. Rizzo
Gravi-Burst: Super-GZK Cosmic Rays from Localized Gravity

Dermer Charles D.
Neutrino, Neutron, and Cosmic Ray Production in the External Shock Model of Gamma Ray Bursts

Dermer Charles D., Mayer Humi
Adiabatic Losses and Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Acceleration in Gamma-Ray Burst Blast Waves

Doroshkevich A.G., P.D. Naselsky
Ultra - High Energy Cosmic Rays from decay of the Super Heavy Dark Matter Relics
astro-ph (submitted to Physical Review D)

Dubovsky S.L., Tinyakov P.G., Tkachev I.I.
Statistics of clustering of UHECR and the number of their sources
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 1154-1157 (2000)

Ellis John
Testing Fundamental Physics with High-Energy Cosmic Rays

Fargion Daniele
Discovering Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Horizontal and Upward tau Air-Showers: First evidences in Terrestrial Gamma Flashes

Fargion Daniele
Detecting Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Upward Tau Airshowers and Gamma Flashes

Farrar Glennys R., Tsvi Piran
Deducing the Source of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays

Gaisser Thomas K.
High Energy Neutrino Astronomy - the cosmic-ray connection

Gandhi Raj
Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos: A Review of Theoretical and Phenomenological Issues
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 91 (2000) 453-461

Gelmini Graciela B.
Super-Kamiokande 0.07 eV Neutrinos in Cosmology: Hot Dark Matter and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

Goldberg Haim, Thomas J. Weiler
Clustering in Highest Energy Cosmic Rays: Physics or Statistics?

Gorham P.W.
On the possibility of radar echo detection of UHECR- and neutrino-induced extensive air showers
ApP 15, Is. 2, 2001

Gorham P.,David Saltzberg, Paul Schoessow, Wei Gai, John G. Power, Richard Konecny, M. E. Conde
Radio-Frequency Measurements of Coherent Transition and Cherenkov Radiation: Implications for High-Energy Neutrino Detection
Phys.Rev. E62 (2000) 8590-8605

Goyal Ashok, Abhinav Gupta, Namit Mahajan
Neutrinos as Source of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays in Extra Dimensions
Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 043003

Harari D., Mollerach S., Roulet E.
Signatures of galactic magnetic lensing upon UHECR

Harari D., Mollerach S., Roulet E.
Magnetic lensing of extremely high energy cosmic rays in a galactic wind

Harari Diego, Silvia Mollerach, Esteban Roulet
Magnetic lensing of ultra high energy cosmic rays

Iwazaki Aiichi
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays from Axion Stars

Kachelriess M.
Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and new particle physics

Kalashev O.E., Vadim A. Kuzmin, D.V. Semikoz
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: propagation in the Galaxy and anisotropy

Konoplich R.V., S.G.Rubin
Possible Signature of Low Scale Gravity in Ultra High Enegry Cosmic Rays (fig.1, fig.2, fig.3)

Kusenko Alexander
Signature neutrinos from ultrahigh-energy photons

Kusenko A., Vadim A. Kuzmin
Possible galactic sources of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays and a strategy for their detection via gravitational lensing

Letessier-Selvon A.
Theoretical and Experimental Topics on Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

Letessier-Selvon A.
Neutrinos and the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

Letessier-Selvon A.
Establishing The GZK Cutoff With Ultra High Energy Tau Neutrinos

Levinson A.
TeV Emission by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays in Nearby, Dormant AGNs

Levinson Amir
UHECR Production and Curvature TeV Emission in Nearby, Dormant AGNs

Masperi Luis, Milva Orsaria
Hard component of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and vortons

Masperi Luis, M. Orsaria
Comparison of UHECR spectra from necklaces and vortons (figures)

Medina-Tanco Gustavo
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays: are they isotropic?

Medina-Tanco Gustavo, Torsten A. Ensslin
Isotropization of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Arrival Directions by Radio Ghosts
ApP 16, Is.1, 2001

Nagano M., A. A. Watson
Observations and implications of the ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
Reviews of Modern Physics, V.72, Issue 3, pp. 689-732

Olinto A. V.
Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays: The theoretical challenge ( figures)

Pelletier Guy, Evy Kersale
Acceleration of UHE Cosmic Rays in Gamma-Ray Bursts

Pino, E.M. de Gouveia Dal, A. Lazarian
Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Ray Acceleration by Magnetic Reconnection in Newborn Accretion Induced Collapse Pulsars (figures)
Astrophys.J. 536 (2000) L31-L34

Poirier J. , J. Carpenter, J. Gress, T. F. Lin, A. Roesch
Composition of UHE Cosmic Ray Primaries

Ranft J.
Hadronic collisions: physics, models and event generators used for simulating the cosmic ray cascade at the highest energies

Ridky Jan
Can We Observe the Quark Gluon Plasma in Cosmic Ray Showers ?

Roulet E., Harari D., Mollerach S.
The most energetic particles in the universe

Sato Humitaka
Extremely High Energy and Violation of Lorentz Invariance

Scully S.T., F.W. Stecker
On the spectrum of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays and the Gamma Ray Burst Origin Hypothesis
ApP 16, Is.3, 2002

Siemieniec G., Ostrowski M.
On energy spectra of UHE cosmic rays accelerated in supergalactic accretion flows

Sigl G.
CR and neutrino interactions beyond the standard model

Sigl Guenter, Diego Torres, Luis Anchordoqui, Gustavo Romero
Testing the Correlation of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with High Redshift Sources

Sigl Guenter
Particle and Astrophysics Aspects of Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays

Stanev Todor, Engel Ralph, Anita Muecke, Raymond J. Protheroe, Joerg P. Rachen
Propagation of ultra-high energy protons in the nearby universe

Ugoccioni R., L. Teodoro, U. Wichoski
Large Scale Structure and Cosmic Rays revisited

Virmani A., S. Bhattacharya, P. Jain, S. Razzaque, J. P. Ralston, D. W. McKay
Correlation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays with Compact Radio Loud Quasars

Waxman E.
Gamma-Ray Bursts, Cosmic-Rays and Neutrinos
Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 87 (2000) 345-354

Wilson A. S., A. J. Young, P. L. Shopbell
Chandra X-ray Observations of Pictor A: High Energy Cosmic Rays in a Radio Galaxy (figures)

Zhang Xingzhi
The Multiply Scattering Effect on the Energy Measurement of UHE Cosmic Rays using Atmospheric Fluorescence Technique

Ziaeepour Houri
A Decaying Ultra Heavy Dark Matter (WIMPZILLA): Review of Recent Progress

<--1999         2001 -->         TOP

M.B. , 22.4.2001