Volume 60, Issue 5, 2011 | |
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article
Association of metabolic and genetic factors with cholesterol esterification rate in HDL plasma and atherogenic index of plasma in a 40 years
old Slovak population Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article Increased circulating and epicardial adipose tissue mRNA expression of
fibroblast growth factor-21 after cardiac surgery: a possible role in
postoperative inflammatory response and insulin resistance
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article Is severe pulmonary hypertension a contraindication for orthotopic heart
transplantation? Not any more
Physiol. Res. 60:
Pre-press article Notch signaling may negatively regulate neonatal rat cardiac fibroblast-myofibroblast
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article Eye tracking using artificial neural networks for human computer
interaction Inhibitory effect of metformin on oxidation of NADH-dependent substrates
in rat liver homogenate
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article Voltage-dependent P/Q-type calcium channels at the frog neuromuscular
The cardiovascular effects of central hydrogen sulphide are related to KATP channels activation
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article The opposite polarity of the PQ segment compared to the P wave isointegral
Physiol. Res. 60: Pre-press article Sudden cardiac death thirty years ago and at present. The role of
autonomic disturbances in acute myocardial infarction revisited This number will be issued in October 2011 | |
© 2011 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences |