O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu

Seznam zahraničních a soukromých grantových příležitostí


A. AXA Research Fund
1) Chair – recruiting a world-class researcher
2) AXA project – a research project
3) Postdoctoral fellowships
4) PhD. fellowships

A. AXA Research Fund
eligibility/requirements: registration of the institution more than 3 days before deadline; high level of excellence
and international scope; institutions from EU and associated countries, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea,
India, Brazil, and Mexico or any institution proposing a citizen from one of the above countries; focus on environmental,
life, and societal RISKs; projects should rely on specific RISK identification, definition, assessment, modelling,
mitigation, prevention etc.; the Fund is supposed to become “RISK observatory”; INSTITUTIONAL only,no individual
applications; unclear links to corporate business?; unclear bottom-up and top-down components of the application process;
the program claims to aim on world-class research and scientific excellence as if it were more applied version
of the ERC, but the statistics shows that 53% of the allocated funding ended up in France (6 of 12 chairs),
suggesting that other criteria than scientific excellence enter the evaluation process. 4 types of funding: chairs,
AXA projects, postdoctoral and PhD fellowships

1) Chair – recruiting a world-class researcher
duration: 3-5 years or permanent
award: 250 000 €/year (3-5 yrs.) or 3 000 000(permanent – to be invested and pay provided from the interest)
deadline: 1 Feb

2) AXA project – a research project
duration: 2-3 years
award: according to scope
deadline: 23 May

3) Postdoctoral fellowships
duration: 2 years
award: 120 000 €
deadline: two rounds: 25 Feb (candidate submission) and 21 March (application) and
then again on 5 Sep and 3 Oct

4) PhD. fellowships
duration: 3 years
award: 120 000 €
deadline: 21 March (candidate submission) and 15 Apr (application)
