Ing. Dagmar Benešová
Ph.D. student
Born: 08.10.1982 in Mnichovo Hradištì
from 2006 |
Faculty of Environmental Technology, Institute of Chemical
Technology in Prague
Ph.D. thesis entitled: Study of environment
decontamination by phytotechnologies using
2001 - 2006 |
Faculty of Environmental Technology, Institute of Chemical
Technology in Prague
Diploma thesis entitled: Study of accumulation of uranium by
culture of higher plants
Qualification degree: M.Sc.
Professional experience:
from 2007 |
Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, Prague
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies
Position: Ph.D. student
2005 - 2006 |
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR,
Prague Department of Plant Tissue Cultures
Position: Ph.D. student
June - July 2005 |
Waste treatment plant Mladá Boleslav - Podlázky