MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA, Vol. 130, No. 3, pp. 247-263, 2005

Domination numbers on the complement of the Boolean function graph of a graph

T. N. Janakiraman, S. Muthammai, M. Bhanumathi

T. N. Janakiraman, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-620 015, India, e-mail:; S. Muthammai, M. Bhanumathi, Government Arts College for Women, Pudukkottai-622 001, India

Abstract: For any graph $G$, let $V(G)$ and $E(G)$ denote the vertex set and the edge set of $G$ respectively. The Boolean function graph $B(G, L(G), \NINC)$ of $G$ is a graph with vertex set $V(G)\cup E(G)$ and two vertices in $B(G, L(G), \NINC)$ are adjacent if and only if they correspond to two adjacent vertices of $G$, two adjacent edges of $G$ or to a vertex and an edge not incident to it in $G$. For brevity, this graph is denoted by $B_1(G)$. In this paper, we determine domination number, independent, connected, total, point-set, restrained, split and non-split domination numbers in the complement $\bar{B}_1(G)$ of $B_1(G)$ and obtain bounds for the above numbers.

Keywords: domination number, eccentricity, radius, diameter, neighborhood, perfect matching, Boolean function graph

Classification (MSC 2000): 05C15

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