
oddělení Neurofyziologie paměti
Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
Vídeňská 1083
142 20 - Praha 4
Tel.:(420) 296 442 538
Mob. (420) 607 638 062
Fax: (420) 296 442 488
E-mail na vedoucího oddělení:
C/ Výjezdové fellowshipy |
D/ Ceny - Prizes
1a) ERC - Starting Independent Researcher Grants
1b) ERC - Advanced Investigators Grants
2) Welcome Trust - International Senior Research Fellowships
3) HHMI - 2011 International Early Career Scientist Competition
4) EMBO - Installation Grants
5) MŠMT - Návrat
1a) ERC - Starting Independent Researcher Grants
eligibility: between 2 and 12 yrs postdoctoral experience, pioneering frontier research,
proven potential – at least one important publication without PhD thesis supervisor
geographical: EU + associates
duration: up to 5 yrs
award: up to 1.5 - 2 M€; 100% direct costs + 20% indirect costs
deadline: call late July, proposals due in autumn (October – November)
Scientific excellence the sole selection criterion
1b) ERC - Advanced Investigators Grants
eligibility: scientific independence, exceptional leadership in the respective research field
documented by recent track record and significance of research contributions, pioneering frontier research
geographical: EU + associates
duration: up to 5 yrs
award: up to 2.5 – 3.5 M€; 100% direct costs + 20% indirect costs
deadline: call in autumn, proposals due in spring
Scientific excellence the sole selection criterion
2) Welcome Trust - International Senior Research Fellowships
eligibility: between 5 and 10 yrs postdoctoral experience and substantial publication
record in leading international journals
geographical: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia
duration: 5 yrs
award: salary, essential costs including consumables, equipment, collaborative travel,
research assistance and technical support if appropriate, flexible funding allowance
preliminary application deadline: 1. Oct 2011 ??? (not specified yet, based on last year)
3) HHMI - 2011 International Early Career Scientist Competition
eligibility: completed PhD, full-time independent reseracher position, doctoral, medical,
or postdoctoral training in the US, at least 2 first author original papers in peer-reviwed En journals,
first independent research position starting date on or after Jan 1, 2004, independent position,
no major admin. Duties
geographical: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Hungary, India,
Italy, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey
duration: 5 yrs
award: 650 000 $
deadline: Feb 23. 2011 2PM US Eastern Time (20:00 CET)
4) EMBO - Installation Grants
eligibility: excellent publication record, have spent at least 2 consecutive years prior to appl.
deadline outside the country and not be back longer than 2 yrs, be negotiating a full-time position
geographical: Croatia, Estonia, Czech Rep., Portugal, Poland, Turkey
duration: 3-5 yrs
award: 50 000 € /year from EMBC member state + small benefits from EMBO
deadline: 15 April
5) MŠMT - Návrat
The goal of the program is to attract and retain leading researchers with international experience.
It aims to create conditions for professional development of the PIs comparable to international standards.
The project may cover lab space remodelling or construction, equipment, new technology,
and a possibility to create own team of 5-7 people (page 4 of the guide, but see page 13).
eligibility: The applicant is a Czech research institution located in Prague and must have an internal
directive governing handling of research results; the PI can be any nationality
(but the project must be submitted in Czech, but must spent at least 3 years working abroad
and must not return earlier than 3 months before publication of this project call which was 14. 9. 2011.
ATTENTION! – the monitoring and evaluation criteria for successful projects are relatively stringent
(14 scored results and one new international collaboration per project) and sanctions
for failure to achieve goals set in the project are very severe and may amount
to having to return the entire funding.
duration: 3-5 yrs. (2012-2019).