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About Institute/IALS

Český národní komitét Mezinárodního sdružení právních věd (IALS, AISJ)

(International Association of Legal Science, Association internationale des sciences juridiques)

The International Association of Legal Science (I.A.L.S.) was established in July 1950, with a view to promoting the development of legal science throughout the world, by using in particular the comparative method. From July 1950 to March1955, the Association was known by the name of International Committee of Comparative Law (I.C.C.L.). Consequently, the documents published by the Association or under its auspices prior to march 1955 appeared under that name. Since 1955, the International Committee of Comparative Law acts as the Executive Committee of the Association. The Association operates under the auspices of UNESCO and of the International Social Science Council, of which it is a founding member.
The Association fosters the Development of legal science throughout the world through the study of foreign laws and the use of the comparative method. It has as its ultimate object to aid the mutual knowledge and understanding of nations. The Association lends its aid to international exchanges, in every form, and facilitates by methods of international co-operation meetings among jurists and the access to legal sources, publications and documents. The Association encourages in every country the development of institutions devoted to the study of foreign laws and comparative law, and stimulates their creation in countries where they do not exist.
The affairs of the International Association of Legal Science are directed, with the assistance of a Council, by an International Committee of Comparative Law (hereinafter called the International Committee) composed of nine members. It is managed, on behalf of the International Committee, by a Secretary-General. The direction of scientific studies is conducted by a Director. The Council is composed of delegates appointed by the National Committee, one delegate each.
The National Committees make known to the International Committee the names of the persons appointed by them and any alterations thereto.
The members of the International Committee must belong to nine different States. They should represent as far as possible the principal types of the various legal systems.
They are elected by the Council on a postal vote, by a relative majority, from a list of persons proposed by the National Committees.

 More www.aisj-ials.org

Members IALS:

JUDr. Vladimír Balaš, CSc., prof. JUDr. Josef Bejček, CSc., doc. JUDr. Josef Blahož, DrSc., JUDr. František Cvrček, CSc., prof. JUDr. Dušan Hendrych, CSc. (PF UK v Praze), prof. JUDr. Pavel Holländer, CSc. (Ústavní soud ČR), prof. JUDr. Jan Kříž, CSc.(PF UK v Praze), prof. JUDr. Monika Pauknerová, CSc.- chief, prof. JUDr. Jiří Přibáň, CSc. (Cardiff Law School), prof. JUDr. Pavel Šturma, DrSc., doc. JUDr. Vladimír Týc, CSc. (PF MU v Brně), JUDr. Eliška Wagnerová (Ústavní soud ČR), prof. JUDr. František Zoulík (PF UK v Praze)