Natalie Simonová, Vladislava Závrská, Pavlína Valouchová 2010-12-03
FF UP Olomouc, Katedra sociologie a andragogiky, 12th November 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl, Jana Straková 2010-11-27
Seminar - Jonathan Kelley and Mariah D. R. Evans with discusion about the new book Cultures of Inequality: Conflict and Consensus over Ideals about Earnings in International Perspective. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 15th December 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl, Jiří Šafr 2010-11-27
Brainstorming with prof. Jonathan Kelley and prof. Mariah D. R. Evans about analyses planned by the team of solvers of the project ISSP 2009 Social Inequalities IV for 2010. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 17 - 18 December 2009.
Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl 2010-11-27
Workshop with prof. Jonathan Kelley and prof. Mariah D. R. Evans to the solving of the project ISSP 2009 Social Inequalities IV. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 14 - 16 December 2009.
Jana Straková, Natalie Simonová, Petr Matějů, Josef Basl, Michael L. Smith 2010-11-27
Workshop with delegation of activists from Barma and Taiwan (Palaung Women´s Organization, 63110, Tak, Maesot, Thailand; Teacher Training Center for Burmese Teachers, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand) - Educational Inequalities and their development in the Czech Republic after 1989. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 13th November 2009.
Petr Matějů, Natalie Simonová, Michael L. Smith, Jana Straková, Josef Basl, Tomáš Konečný 2010-11-27
Workshop pro delegaci z Kasetsart University, Thailand, nad tematickou náplní práce oddělení Sociologie vzdělání a stratifikace. SOÚ AV CR, v.v.i., 6th May 2009.