Programme C 05
Tuesday 23 August
Colin Howson
Don't Bet on Dutch Books
Mark Colyvan
Dutch Books and Bayesian Representation Theorems
Michael Schütte
Why "Depragmatizing" the Dutch Book Argument Is Not a Good Idea
Lina Eriksson
The Dutch Book, Pragmatism and the Definition of Degrees of Belief
Carl Wagner
Peter Walley’s Formulation of Subjective Probability: An Appreciation
Wednesday 24 August
Brad Armendt
Coherence and Consistency
Jan-Willem Romeyn
Meaning Shifts, Epistemic Actions, and Diachronic Dutch Books
Martin Rechenauer
Some Remarks on Game-Theoretic Interpretations of Diachronic Dutch Books
Brian Weatherson
Dutch Books and Infinity
John Cantwell
Dutch Book Arguments and Bets on Conditionals
Ondrej Majer and Libor Běhounek
Betting on Fuzzy Logics
Thursday 25 August
Peter Milne
Popper Functions, Dutch Books, and Conditionalization
Adrien Barton
Dutch Book Arguments in Case of Fission of a Rational Agent
George Kahrimanis
Trading Conditional Risks: The Reference Class Problem Reformed as a Workable Decision Problem, Assuming a Free and Fair Insurance Market
James Joyce
Subjective Probability and the Aim of Truth
Sergio Wechsler
Inadequacy of Bayesian Conditioning in the Generalized Prisoners Paradox
Kenneth A. Presting
A Generalized Dutch Book Theorem for Probability on a First-Order Language
Friday 26 August
Susan Vineberg
The Role of Dutch Book Arguments in Probabilistic Epistemology
Andy Egan and Adam Elga
I Can't Believe I'm Stupid
Alan Hájek
Arguments for Probabilism - Or Non-Probabilism