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Aktualizováno 6.2.2012

Costa A.D.T. - Quinlan C.L. - Andrukhiv A. - West I.C. - Jabůrek M. - Garlid K. D.
The direct physiological effects of mitoK(ATP) opening on heart mitochondria.
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 290(1), H406-H415, 2006
IF = 3.724(06)

Sedmera D. - Wessels A. - Trusk T. C. - Thompson R. P. - Hewett K. W. - Gourdie R. G.
Changes in activation sequence of embryonic chick atria correlate with developing myocardial architecture.
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 291(), H1646-H1652, 2006
IF = 3.724(06)

Labajová A. - Vojtíšková A. - Křiváková P. - Kofránek J. - Drahota Z. - Houštěk J.
Evaluation of mitochondrial membrane potential using a computerized device with a tetraphenylphosphonium-selective electrode.
Analytical Biochemistry, 353(1), 37-42, 2006
IF = 2.948(06)

Sedmera D. - Watanabe M.
Growing the coronary tree: the quail saga.
Anatomical Record Part A-Discoveries in Molecular Cellular and Evolutionary Biology, (9), 933-935, 2006
IF = 1.807(05)

Hliňák Z. - Krejčí I.
Spontaneous alternation behaviour in rats: kynurenic acid attenuated deficits induced by MK-801.
Behavioural Brain Research, 168(1), 144-149, 2006
IF = 2.591(06)

Nekovářová T. - Nedvídek J. - Bureš J.
Spatial choices of macaque monkeys based on abstract visual stimuli.
Behavioural Brain Research, 174(1), 93-100, 2006
IF = 2.591(06)

Nekovářová T. - Nedvídek J. - Bureš J.
Spatial choices of rats based on abstract visual information: Pattern- or configuration-discrimination?.
Behavioural Brain Research, 172(2), 264-271, 2006
IF = 2.591(06)

Stuchlík A. - Valeš K.
Effect of dopamine D1 receptor antagonist SCH23390 and D1 agonist A77636 on active allothetic place avoidance, a spatial cognition task.
Behavioural Brain Research, 172(2), 250-255, 2006
IF = 2.591(06)

Zach P. - Křivánek J. - Valeš K.
Serotonin and dopamine in the parabrachial nucleus of rats during conditioned taste aversion learning.
Behavioural Brain Research, 170(2), 271-276, 2006
IF = 2.591(06)

Hervouet E. - Pecina P. - Demont J. - Vojtíšková A. - Simonnet H. - Houštěk J. - Godinot C.
Inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 precursor processing by the hypoxia mimic cobalt chloride.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 344(4), 1086-1093, 2006
IF = 2.855(06)

Jelínková I. - Yan Z. - Liang Z. - Moonat S. - Teisinger J. - Stojilkovic S. S. - Zemková H.
Identification of P2X4 receptor-specific residues contributing to the ivermectin effects on channel deactivation.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 349(2), 619-625, 2006
IF = 2.855(06)

Rauchová H. - Vrbacký M. - Bergamini C. - Fato R. - Lenaz G. - Houštěk J. - Drahota Z.
Inhibition of glycerophosphate-dependent H2O2 generation in brown fat mitochondria by idebenone.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 339(1), 362-366, 2006
IF = 2.855(06)

Beck V. - Jabůrek M. - Breen E. P. - Porter R. K. - Ježek P. - Pohl E. E.
A new automated technique for the reconstitution of hydrophobic proteins into planar bilayer membranes. Studies of human recombinant uncoupling protein 1.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1757(5-6), 474-479, 2006
IF = 4.237(06)

Dlasková A. - Špaček T. - Škobisová E. - Šantorová J. - Ježek P.
Certain aspects of uncoupling due to mitochondrial uncoupling proteins in vitro and in vivo.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1757(5-6), 467-473, 2006
IF = 4.237(06)

Houštěk J. - Pícková A. - Vojtíšková A. - Mráček T. - Pecina P. - Ješina P.
Mitochondrial diseases and genetic defects of ATP synthase.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1757(9-10), 1400-1405, 2006
IF = 4.237(06)

Flegelová H. - Haguenauer-Tsapis R. - Sychrová H.
Heterologous expression of mammalian Na/H antiporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1760(3), 504-516, 2006
IF = 2.024(06)

Košťál L. - Lánský P.
Similarity of interspike interval distributions and information gain in a stationary neuronal firing.
Biological Cybernetics, 94(2), 157-167, 2006
IF = 1.474(06)

Mikšík I. - Sedláková P. - Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A. - Cserháti T. - Horváth T.
Matrices for capillary gel electrophoresis--a brief overview of uncommon gels.
Biomedical Chromatography, 20(6-7), 458-465, 2006
IF = 1.611(06)

Lojková D. - Živanovič D. - Mareš P.
Different effects of nonNMDA and NMDA receptor antagonists (NBQX and dizocilpine) on cortical epileptic afterdischarges in rats.
Brain Research, 1124(1), 167-175, 2006
IF = 2.341(06)

Tchekalarova J. - Kubová H. - Mareš P.
Biphasic effect of chronic postnatal caffeine treatment on cortical epileptic afterdischarges during ontogeny in rats.
Brain Research, 1082(1), 43-49, 2006
IF = 2.341(06)

Mareš P. - Šlamberová R.
Opposite effects of a GABAB antagonist in two models of epileptic seizures in developing rats.
Brain Research Bulletin, 71(1-3), 160-166, 2006
IF = 1.684(06)

Škoda D. - Kranda K. - Bojar M. - Glosová L. - Bäurle J. - Kenney J. - Romportl D. - Pelichovská M. - Cvachovec K.
Antibody formation against beta-tubulin class III in response to brain trauma.
Brain Research Bulletin, 68(4), 213-216, 2006
IF = 1.684(06)

Pajer P. - Pečenka V. - Králová J. - Karafiát V. - Průková D. - Zemanová Z. - Kodet R. - Dvořák M.
Identification of potential human oncogenes by mapping the common viral integration sites in avian nephroblastoma.
Cancer Research, 66(1), 78-86, 2006
IF = 7.656(06)

Čebašek V. - Radochová B. - Ribarič S. - Kubínová L. - Eržen I.
Nerve injury affects the capillary supply in rat slow and fast muscles differently.
Cell and Tissue Research, 323(2), 305-312, 2006
IF = 2.58(06)

Novotný J. - Durchánková D. - Ward R. J. - Carrillo J. J. - Svoboda P. - Milligan G.
Functional interactions between the alpha(1b)-adrenoceptor and Galpha(11) are compromised by de-palmitoylation of the G protein but not of the receptor.
Cellular Signalling, 18(8), 1244-1251, 2006
IF = 4.887(06)

Jabůrek M. - Costa A.D.T. - Burton J. R. - Costa C. L. - Garlid K. D.
Mitochondrial PKC epsilon and mitochondrial ATP-sensitive K+ channel copurify and coreconstitute to form a functioning signaling module in proteoliposomes.
Circulation Research, 99(8), 878-883, 2006
IF = 9.854(06)

Netuka I. - Szárszoi O. - Malý J. - Bešík J. - Neckář J. - Kolář F. - Ošťádalová I. - Pirk J. - Ošťádal B.
Effect of perinatal hypoxia on cardiac tolerance to acute ischaemia in adult male and female rats.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, 33(8), 714-719, 2006
IF = 1.78(06)

Kuneš J. - Zicha J.
Developmental windows and environment as important factors in the expression of genetic information: a cardiovascular physiologist's view.
Clinical Science, 111(5), 295-305, 2006
IF = 3.263(06)

Pecháňová O. - Zicha J. - Kojšová S. - Dobešová Z. - Jendeková L. - Kuneš J.
Effect of chronic N-acetylcysteine treatment on the development of spontaneous hypertension.
Clinical Science, 110(2), 235-242, 2006
IF = 3.263(06)

Kinclová-Zimmermannová O. - Sychrová H.
Functional study of the Nha1p C-terminus: involvement in cell response to changes in external osmolarity.
Current Genetics, 49(4), 229-236, 2006
IF = 2.22(06)

Raška I. - Shaw P. J. - Cmarko D.
Structure and function of the nucleolus in the spotlight.
Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 18(3), 325-334, 2006
IF = 14.299(06)

Laczó J. - Hort J. - Vlček K. - Vyhnálek M. - Bojar M. - Vajnerová O. - Holmerová I. - Hořínek D. - Kalina M. - Bureš J.
Poruchy prostorové paměti u Alzheimerovy choroby jsou detekovatelné již u pacientů s Mírnou kognitivní poruchou.
Česká a Slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, (6), 431-437, 2006
IF = 0.045(06)

Flachs P. - Mohamed-Ali V. - Horáková O. - Rossmeisl M. - Hosseinzadeh-Attar M. J. - Hensler M. - Růžičková J. - Kopecký J.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids of marine origin induce adiponectin in mice fed a high-fat diet.
Diabetologia, 49(2), 394-397, 2006
IF = 5.247(06)

Doyen C. M. - Montel F. - Gautier T. - Menoni H. - Claudet C. - Delacour-Larose M. - Angelov D. - Hamiche A. - Bednár J. - Faivre-Moskalenko C. - Bouvet P. - Dimitrov S.
Dissection of the unusual structural and functional properties of the variant H2A.Bbd nucleosome.
EMBO Journal, 25(18), 4234-4244, 2006
IF = 10.086(06)

Gruenbaum Y. - Raška I. - Herrmann H.
The cell nucleus taking centre stage. Workshop on the functional organization of the cell nucleus.
Embo Reports, 7(12), 1211-1215, 2006
IF = 8.175(06)

Nairismägi J. - Pitkänen A. - Kettunen M. I. - Kauppinen R. A. - Kubová H.
Status epilepticus in 12 day old rats leads to temporal lobe neurodegeneration and volume reduction: A histologic and MRI study.
Epilepsia, 47(3), 479-488, 2006
IF = 3.526(06)

Mareš P. - Mikulecká A. - Haugvicová R. - Kasal A.
Anticonvulsant action of allopregnanolone in immature rats.
Epilepsy Research, 70(2-3), 110-117, 2006
IF = 2.088(06)

Mátéffyová A. - Otáhal J. - Tsenov G. - Mareš P. - Kubová H.
Intrahippocampal injection of endothelin-1 in immature rats results in neuronal death, development of epilepsy and behavioral abnormalities later in life.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 24(2), 351-360, 2006
IF = 3.709(06)

Nerad L. - McNaughton N.
The septal EEG suggests a distributed organization of the pacemaker of hippocampal theta in the rat.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 24(1), 155-166, 2006
IF = 3.709(06)

Valeš K. - Zach P. - Bielavská E.
Metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonists but not NMDA antagonists affect conditioned taste aversion acquisition in the parabrachial nucleus of rats.
Experimental Brain Research, 169(1), 50-57, 2006
IF = 1.959(06)

Mráček T. - Pecina P. - Vojtíšková A. - Kalous M. - Šebesta O. - Houštěk J.
Two components in pathogenic mechanism of mitochondrial ATPase deficiency: energy deprivation and ROS production.
Experimental Gerontology, 41(7), 683-687, 2006
IF = 2.93(06)

Folbergrová J. - Druga R. - Otáhal J. - Haugvicová R. - Mareš P. - Kubová H.
Effect of free radical spin trap N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN) on seizures induced in immature rats by homocysteic acid.
Experimental Neurology, 201(1), 105-119, 2006
IF = 4.156(06)

Papoušková K. - Sychrová H.
Yarrowia lipolytica possesses two plasma membrane alkali metal cation/H+ antiporters with different functions in cell physiology.
FEBS Letters, 580(8), 1971-1976, 2006
IF = 3.372(06)

Sardanelli A. M. - Signorile A. - Nuzzi R. - De Rasmo D. - Dobrová Z. - Drahota Z. - Occhiello A. - Pica A. - Papa S.
Occurrence of A-kinase anchor protein and associated cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the inner compartment of mammalian mitochondria.
FEBS Letters, 580(24), 5690-5696, 2006
IF = 3.372(06)

Sumová A. - Bendová Z. - Sládek M. - El-Hennamy R. - Laurinová K. - Jindráková Z. - Illnerová H.
Setting the biological time in central and peripheral clocks during ontogenesis.
FEBS Letters, 580(12), 2836-2842, 2006
IF = 3.372(06)

Marešová L. - Urbánková E. - Gášková D. - Sychrová H.
Measurements of plasma membrane potential changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells reveal the importance of the Tok1 channel in membrane potential maintenance.
FEMS Yeast Research, 6(7), 1039-1046, 2006
IF = 2.274(06)

Zimmermannová O. - Gášková D. - Sychrová H.
The Na+,K+/H+-antiporter Nha1 influences the plasma membrane potential of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
FEMS Yeast Research, 6(5), 792-800, 2006
IF = 2.274(06)

Petrović M. M. - Valeš K. - Stojan G. - Basta-Jovanović G. - Mitrović D. M.
Regulation of selectivity and translocation of aquaporins: an update.
Folia Biologica, 52(5), 173-180, 2006
IF = 0.387(06)

Smirnov E. - Kalmárová M. - Koberna K. - Zemanová Z. - Malínský J. - Mašata M. - Cvačková Z. - Michalová K. - Raška I.
NORs and their transcription competence during the cell cycle.
Folia Biologica, 52(3), 59-70, 2006
IF = 0.387(06)

Přibylová L. - Sychrová H.
Expression of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MPR1 gene encoding N-acetyltransferase in Zygosaccharomyces rouxii confers resistance to l-azetidine-2-carboxylate.
Folia Microbiologica, 51(3), 203-207, 2006
IF = 0.963(06)

Přibylová L. - Papoušková K. - Zavřel M. - Souciet J. L. - Sychrová H.
Exploration of yeast alkali metal cation/H+ antiporters: sequence and structure comparison.
Folia Microbiologica, 51(5), 413-424, 2006
IF = 0.963(06)

Velková K. - Sychrová H.
The Debaryomyces hansenii NHA1 gene encodes a plasma membrane alkali-metal-cation antiporter with broad substrate specificity.
Gene, 369, 27-34, 2006
IF = 2.721(06)

Kučka M. - Vagnerová K. - Klusoňová P. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Corticosterone metabolism in chicken tissues: evidence for tissue-specific distribution of steroid dehydrogenases.
General and Comparative Endocrinology, 147(3), 377-383, 2006
IF = 2.487(06)

Lábajová A. - Kofránek J. - Křiváková P. - Červinková Z. - Drahota Z.
Tetraphenylphosphonium-selective electrode as a tool for evaluating mitochondrial permeability transition pore function in isolated rat hepatocytes.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 25(3), 325-331, 2006
IF = 0.771(06)

Strnisková M. - Ravingerová T. - Neckář J. - Kolář F. - Pastoreková S. - Barančík M.
Changes in the expression and/or activation of regulatory proteins in rat hearts adapted to chronic hypoxia.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 25(1), 25-41, 2006
IF = 0.771(06)

Vadlejch J. - Langrová I. - Borovský M. - Sedmíková M. - Jankovská I. - Fechtner J. - Lytvynets A.
Enzymatic and protein differences between infective larvae of Trichostrongylus colubriformis conditioned or not conditioned to hypobiosis.
Helminthologia, 43(2), 64-68, 2006
IF = 0.5(06)

Krajčí D. - Mareš V. - Lisá V. - Bottone M. G. - Pellicciari C.
Intranuclear microtubules are hallmarks of an unusual form of cell death in cisplatin - treated C6 glioma cells.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 125(1-2), 183-191, 2006
IF = 3.22(06)

Sugimoto K. - Qi N.R. - Kazdová L. - Pravenec M. - Ogihara T. - Kurtz T. W.
Telmisartan but not valsartan increases caloric expenditure and protects against weight gain and hepatic steatosis.
Hypertension, 47(5), 1003-1009, 2006
IF = 6.007(06)

Zicha J. - Dobešová Z. - Kuneš J.
Antihypertensive Mechanisms of Chronic Captopril or N-Acetylcysteine Treatment in L-NAME Hypertensive Rats.
Hypertension Research, 29(12), 1021-1027, 2006
IF = 3.177(06)

Staněk D. - Neugebauer K. M.
The Cajal body: a meeting place for spliceosomal snRNPs in the nuclear maze.
Chromosoma, 115(5), 343-354, 2006
IF = 4.065(06)

Sumová A. - Bendová Z. - Sládek M. - Kováčiková Z. - El-Hennamy R. - Laurinová K. - Illnerová H.
The rat circadian clockwork and its photoperiodic entrainment during development.
Chronobiology International, 23(1-2), 237-243, 2006
IF = 2.517(06)

Ježek P. - Špaček T. - Garlid K. - Jabůrek M.
Undecanesulfonate does not allosterically activate H+ uniport mediated by uncoupling protein-1 in brown adipose tissue mitochondria.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 38(11), 1965-1974, 2006
IF = 4.804(06)

Pravenec M. - Kazdová L. - Cahová M. - Landa V. - Zídek V. - Mlejnek P. - Šimáková M. - Wang J. - Qi N. - Kurtz T. W.
Fat-specific transgenic expression of resistin in the spontaneously hypertensive rat impairs fatty acid re-esterification.
International Journal of Obesity, 30(7), 1157-1159, 2006
IF = 4.055(06)

Raška I. - Shaw P. J. - Cmarko D.
New insights into nucleolar architecture and activity.
International Review of Cytology-A Survey of Cell Biology, 255(), 177-235, 2006
IF = 5.988(06)

Kováčiková Z. - Sládek M. - Bendová Z. - Illnerová H. - Sumová A.
Expression of clock and clock-driven genes in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus during late fetal and early postnatal development.
Journal of Biological Rhythms, 21(2), 140-148, 2006
IF = 4.633(06)

Lánský P. - Šanda P. - He J.
The parameters of the stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 21(2), 211-223, 2006
IF = 1.667(06)

Vagnerová K. - Kverka M. - Klusoňová P. - Ergang P. - Mikšík I. - Tlaskalová H. - Pácha J.
Intestinal inflammation modulates expression of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in murine gut.
Journal of Endocrinology, 191(2), 497-503, 2006
IF = 3.072(06)

Mikšík I. - Sedláková P. - Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A.
Capillary electromigration methods for the study of collagen.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 841(1-2), 3-13, 2006
IF = 2.647(06)

Sedláková P. - Svobodová J. - Mikšík I.
Capillary electrophoresis of peptides and proteins with plug of Pluronic gel.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 839(1-2), 112-117, 2006
IF = 2.647(06)

Sedláková P. - Svobodová J. - Mikšík I. - Tomás H.
Separation of poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimer generations by dynamic coating capillary electrophoresis.
Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 841(1-2), 135-139, 2006
IF = 2.647(06)

Bryndová J. - Klusoňová P. - Kučka M. - Vagnerová K. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Cloning and expression of chicken 20-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.
Journal of Molecular Endocrinology, 37(3), 453-462, 2006
IF = 2.988(06)

Kubrycht J. - Sigler K. - Růžička M. - Souček P. - Borecký J. - Ježek P.
Ancient Phylogenetic Beginnings of Immunoglobulin Hypermutation.
Journal of Molecular Evolution, 63, 691-706, 2006
IF = 2.767(06)

Jakubík J. - Doležal V.
Determinants of positive cooperativity between strychnine-like allosteric modulators and N-methylscopolamine at muscarinic receptors.
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 30(1-2), 111-112, 2006
IF = 2.965(06)

Machová E. - Nováková J. - Lisá V. - Doležal V.
Docosahexaenoic acid supports cell growth and expression of choline acetyltransferase and muscarinic receptors in NG108-15 cell line.
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 30(1-2), 25-26, 2006
IF = 2.965(06)

Bruce A. W. - Krejčí A. - Ooi L. - Deuchars J. - Wood I. C. - Doležal V. - Buckley N. J.
The transcriptional repressor REST is a critical regulator of the neurosecretory phenotype.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 98(6), 1828-1840, 2006
IF = 4.26(06)

Olypher A.V. - Klement D. - Fenton A.A.
Cognitive disorganization in hippocampus: a physiological model of the disorganization in psychosis.
Journal of Neuroscience, 26(1), 158-168, 2006
IF = 7.453(06)

Dittert I. - Benedikt J. - Vyklický st. L. - Zimmermann K. - Reeh P. W. - Vlachová V.
Improved superfusion technique for rapid cooling or heating of cultured cells under patch-clamp conditions.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 151(2), 178-185, 2006
IF = 2.243(06)

Soták M. - Mrnka L. - Pácha J.
Heterogeneous expression of melatonin receptor MT1 mRNA in the rat intestine under control and fasting conditions.
Journal of Pineal Research, 41(2), 183-188, 2006
IF = 4.228(06)

Mikulíková K. - Eckhardt A. - Mikšík I.
Posttranslational modifications of collagen studied by off-line coupling of HPLC and CE.
Journal of Separation Science, 29(8), 1126-1131, 2006
IF = 2.535(06)

Pecháňová O. - Matušková J. - Čapíková D. - Jendeková L. - Paulis L. - Šimko F.
Effect of spironolactone and captopril on nitric oxide and S-nitrosothiol formation in kidney of L-NAME-treated rats.
Kidney International, 70(1), 170-176, 2006
IF = 4.773(06)

Petretto E. - Mangion J. - Pravenec M. - Hubner N. - Aitman T. J.
Integrated gene expression profiling and linkage analysis in the rat.
Mammalian Genome, 17(6), 480-489, 2006
IF = 2.279(06)

Kozáková H. - Kolínská J. - Lojda Z. - Řeháková Z. - Šinkora J. - Zákostelecká M. - Šplíchal I. - Tlaskalová H.
Effect of bacterial monoassociation on brush-border enzyme activities in ex-germ-free piglets: comparison of commensal and pathogenic E. coli strains.
Microbes and Infection, 8, 2629-2639, 2006
IF = 3.127(06)

Čapek M. - Janáček J. - Kubínová L.
Methods for compensation of the light attenuation with depth of images captured by a confocal microscope.
Microscopy Research and Technique, 69(8), 624-635, 2006
IF = 1.68(06)

Novák F. - Tvrzická E. - Hamplová B. - Kolář F. - Nováková O.
Postnatal development of phospholipids and their fatty acid profile in rat heart.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 293(1-2), 23-33, 2006
IF = 1.862(06)

Stavreva D. A. - Kawasaki M. - Dundr M. - Koberna K. - Müller W. G. - Tsujimura-Takahashi T. - Komatsu W. - Hayano T. - Isobe T. - Raška I. - Misteli T. - Takahashi N. - McNally J. G.
Potential roles for ubiquitin and the proteasome during ribosome biogenesis.
Molecular and Cellular Biology, 26(13), 5131-5145, 2006
IF = 6.773(06)

Gonzalez-Iglesias A. E. - Jiang Y. - Tomič M. - Kretschmannová K. - Andric S. A. - Zemková H.
Dependence of electrical activity and calcium influx-controlled prolactin release on adenylyl cyclase signaling pathway in pituitary lactotrophs.
Molecular Endocrinology, 20(9), 2231-2246, 2006
IF = 4.967(06)

Zemková H. - Balík A. - Jiang Y. - Kretschmannová K. - Stojilkovic S. S.
Roles of purinergic P2X receptors as pacemaking channels and modulators of calcium-mobilizing pathway in pituitary gonadotrophs.
Molecular Endocrinology, 20(6), 1423-1436, 2006
IF = 4.967(06)

Zimmermannová O. - Zavřel M. - Sychrová H.
Importance of the seryl and threonyl residues of the fifth transmembrane domain to the substrate specificity of yeast plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporters.
Molecular Membrane Biology, 23(4), 349-361, 2006
IF = 3.25(06)

Jakubík J. - El-Fakahany E. E. - Doležal V.
Differences in kinetics of xanomeline binding and selectivity of activation of G proteins at M(1) and M(2) muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
Molecular Pharmacology, 70(2), 656-666, 2006
IF = 4.469(06)

Sušánková K. - Toušová K. - Vyklický st. L. - Teisinger J. - Vlachová V.
Reducing and oxidizing agents sensitize heat-activated vanilloid receptor (TRPV1) current.
Molecular Pharmacology, 70(1), 383-394, 2006
IF = 4.469(06)

Petretto E. - Mangion J. - Cook S.A. - Aitman T. J. - Pravenec M. - Schulz H. - Fischer J. - Hubner N.
Reply to "Normalization procedures and detection of linkage signal in genetical-genomics experiments".
Nature Genetics, 38(8), 858-859, 2006
IF = 24.176(06)

Košťál L. - Lánský P.
Classification of stationary neuronal activity according to its information rate.
Network-Computation in Neural Systems, 17(2), 193-210, 2006
IF = 1(06)

Koudelová J. - Rauchová H. - Vokurková M.
Activity of lactate dehydrogenase in serum and cerebral cortex of immature and mature rats after hypobaric hypoxia.
Neurochemical Research, 31(7), 915-919, 2006
IF = 2.139(06)

Krištofiková Z. - Říčný J. - Kozmiková I. - Řípová D. - Zach P. - Klaschka J.
Sex-dependent actions of amyloid beta peptides on hippocampal choline carriers of postnatal rats.
Neurochemical Research, 31(3), 351-360, 2006
IF = 2.139(06)

Machová E. - Málková B. - Lisá V. - Nováková J. - Doležal V.
The increase of choline acetyltransferase activity by docosahexaenoic acid in NG108-15 cells grown in serum-free medium is independent of its effect on cell growth.
Neurochemical Research, 31(10), 1239-1246, 2006
IF = 2.139(06)

Sperl W. - Ješina P. - Zeman J. - Mayr J. A. - DeMeirleir L. - VanCoster R. - Pícková A. - Hansíková H. - Houšťková H. - Krejčík Z. - Koch J. - Smet J. - Muss W. - Holme E. - Houštěk J.
Deficiency of mitochondrial ATP synthase of nuclear genetic origin.
Neuromuscular Disorders, 16(11), 821-829, 2006
IF = 2.615(06)

Horák M. - Vlček K. - Chodounská H. - Vyklický ml. L.
Subtype-dependence of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor modulation by pregnenolone sulfate.
Neuroscience, 137(1), 93-102, 2006
IF = 3.427(06)

Nekovářová T. - Bureš J.
Spatial decisions in rats based on the geometry of computer-generated patterns.
Neuroscience Letters, 394(3), 211-215, 2006
IF = 2.092(06)

Svobodová L. - Krůšek J. - Hendrych T. - Vyskočil F.
Physostigmine modulation of acetylcholine currents in COS cells transfected with mouse muscle nicotinic receptor.
Neuroscience Letters, 401(1-2), 20-24, 2006
IF = 2.092(06)

Valeš K. - Bubeníková-Valešová V. - Klement D. - Stuchlík A.
Analysis of sensitivity to MK-801 treatment in a novel active allothetic place avoidance task and in the working memory version of the Morris water maze reveals differences between Long-Evans and Wistar rats.
Neuroscience Research, 55(4), 383-388, 2006
IF = 1.953(06)

Pospíšilová E. - Paleček J.
Post-operative pain behavior in rats is reduced after single high-concentration capsaicin application.
Pain, 125(3), 233-243, 2006
IF = 4.836(06)

Böhm M. - Pronicka E. - Karczmarewicz E. - Pronicki M. - Piekutowska-Abramczuk D. - Sykut-Cegielska J. - Mierzewska H. - Hansíková H. - Veselá K. - Tesařová M. - Houšťková H. - Houštěk J. - Zeman J.
Retrospective, multicentric study of 180 children with cytochrome C oxidase deficiency.
Pediatric Research, 59(1), 21-26, 2006
IF = 2.619(06)

Brauner P. - Kopecký P. - Flachs P. - Kuda O. - Vorlíček J. - Pláničková L. - Vítková I. - Andreelli F. - Foretz M. - Viollet B. - Kopecký J.
Expression of uncoupling protein 3 and GLUT4 gene in skeletal muscle of preterm newborns: possible control by AMP-activated protein kinase.
Pediatric Research, 60(5), 569-575, 2006
IF = 2.619(06)

Suchomelová L. - Baldwin R. A. - Kubová H. - Thompson K. W. - Sankar R. - Wasterlain C. G.
Treatment of experimental status epilepticus in immature rats: dissociation between anticonvulsant and antiepileptogenic effects.
Pediatric Research, 59(2), 237-243, 2006
IF = 2.619(06)

Mareš P. - Šlamberová R.
Efficacy of bretazenil against cortical epileptic afterdischarges increases during early ontogeny in rats.
Pharmacological Reports, 58(4), 519-525, 2006
IF = 0.764(06)

Ditlevsen S. - Lánský P.
Estimation of the input parameters in the Feller neuronal model.
Physical Review E, 73(6), 061910 /1/-061910 /9/, 2006
IF = 2.438(06)

Burešová M. - Zídek V. - Musilová A. - Šimáková M. - Fučíková A. - Bílá V. - Křen V. - Kazdová L. - Di Nicolantonio R. - Pravenec M.
Genetic relationship between placental and fetal weights and markers of the metabolic syndrome in rat recombinant inbred strains.
Physiological Genomics, 26(3), 226-231, 2006
IF = 3.789(06)

Bendová Z. - Sumová A.
Photoperiodic regulation of PER1 and PER2 protein expression in rat peripheral tissues.
Physiological Research, 55(6), 623-632, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Cebová M. - Kristek F. - Kuneš J.
Differential remodeling of carotid artery in spontaneously hypertensive and hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats.
Physiological Research, 55(S1), S81-S87, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Čačányiová S. - Cebová M. - Kuneš J. - Kristek F.
Comparison of vascular function and structure of iliac artery in spontaneously hypertensive and hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats.
Physiological Research, 55(S1), S73-S80, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Jendeková L. - Kojšová S. - Andriantsitohaina R. - Pecháňová O.
The time-dependent effect of provinolsTM on brain NO synthase activity in L-NAME-induced hypertension.
Physiological Research, 55(S1), S31-S37, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Kadlecová M. - Hojná S. - Bohuslavová R. - Hubáček J. A. - Zicha J. - Kuneš J.
Apolipoprotein a5 and hypertriglyceridemia in prague hypertriglyceridemic rats.
Physiological Research, 55(4), 373-379, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Kaiser M. - Mareš V. - Šťastný F. - Bubeníková-Valešová V. - Lisá V. - Suchomel P. - Balcar V. J.
The influence of interleukin-1beta on gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activity in rat hippocampus.
Physiological Research, 55(4), 461-465, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Kojšová S. - Jendeková L. - Zicha J. - Kuneš J. - Andriantsitohaina R. - Pecháňová O.
The effect of different antioxidants on nitric oxide production in hypertensive rats.
Physiological Research, 55(S1), S3-S16, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Kubík Š. - Stuchlík A. - Fenton A.A.
Evidence for hippocampal role in place avoidance other than merely memory storage.
Physiological Research, 55(4), 445-452, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Kunešová M. - Braunerová R. - Hlavatý P. - Tvrzická E. - Staňková B. - Škrha J. - Hilgertová J. - Hill M. - Kopecký J. - Wagenknecht M. - Hainer V. - Matoulek M. - Pařízková J. - Žák A. - Svačina Š.
The influence of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and very low calorie diet during a short-term weight reducing regimen on weight loss and serum fatty acid composition in severely obese women.
Physiological Research, 55(1), 63-72, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Lagana G. - Bellocco E. - Mannucci C. - Leuzzi U. - Tellone E. - Kotyk A. - Galtieri A.
Enzymatic urea adaptation: lactate and malate dehydrogenase in elasmobranchs.
Physiological Research, 55(6), 675-688, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Mareš P. - Haugvicová R. - Kasal A.
Action of two neuroactive steroids against motor seizures induced by pentetrazol in rats during ontogeny.
Physiological Research, 55(4), 437-444, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Nekovářová T. - Klement D.
Operant behavior of the rat can be controlled by the configuration of objects in an animated scene displayed on a computer screen.
Physiological Research, 55(1), 105-113, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Pecháňová O. - Rezzani R. - Babál P. - Bernátová I. - Andriantsitohaina R.
Beneficial effects of provinols(TM): cardiovascular system and kidney.
Physiological Research, 55(S1), S17-S30, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Petrov K. A. - Kovyazina I. V. - Zobov V. V. - Bukharaeva E. A. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskočil F.
Different sensitivity of miniature endplate currents of the rat extensor digitorum longus, soleus and diaphragm muscles to a novel acetylcholinesterase inhibitor C-547.
Physiological Research, 55(5), 585-589, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Rauchová H. - Vokurková M. - Dobešová Z. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J.
Erythrocyte ion transport in rats subjected to acute and chronic hypobaric hypoxia.
Physiological Research, 55(6), 711-713, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Török J. - Koprdová R. - Cebová M. - Kuneš J. - Kristek F.
Functional and structural pattern of arterial responses in hereditary hypertriglyceridemic and spontaneously hypertensive rats in early stage of experimental hypertension.
Physiological Research, 55(S1), S65-S71, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Vadászová A. - Hudecová S. - Križanová O. - Soukup T.
Levels of myosin heavy chain mRNA transcripts and content of protein isoforms in the slow soleus muscle of 7 month-old rats with altered thyroid status.
Physiological Research, 55(2), 221-225, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Vadászová A. - Hudecová S. - Križanová O. - Soukup T.
Levels of myosin heavy chain mRNA transcripts and protein isoforms in the fast extensor digitorum longus muscle of 7-month-old rats with chronic thyroid status alterations.
Physiological Research, 55(6), 707-710, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Wondmikun Y. - Soukup T. - Asmussen G.
Effects of caffeine at different temperatures on contractile properties of slow-twitch and fast-twitch rat muscles.
Physiological Research, 55(6), 641-652, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Zicha J. - Pecháňová O. - Čačányiová S. - Cebová M. - Kristek F. - Török J. - Šimko F. - Dobešová Z. - Kuneš J.
Hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rat: a suitable model of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome?.
Physiological Research, 55(S1), S49-S63, 2006
IF = 2.093(06)

Honzík T. - Drahota Z. - Böhm M. - Ješina P. - Mráček T. - Paul J. - Zeman J. - Houštěk J.
Specific properties of heavy fraction of mitochondria from human-term placenta - glycerophosphate-dependent hydrogen peroxide production.
Placenta, 27(4-5), 348-356, 2006
IF = 2.969(06)

Staud F. - Mazancová K. - Mikšík I. - Pávek P. - Fendrich Z. - Pácha J.
Corticosterone transfer and metabolism in the dually perfused rat placenta: effect of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2.
Placenta, 27(2-3), 171-180, 2006
IF = 2.969(06)

Petretto E. - Mangion J. - Dickens N. J. - Cook S.A. - Kumaran M. K. - Lu H. - Fischer J. - Maatz H. - Křen V. - Pravenec M. - Hubner N. - Aitman T. J.
Heritability and tissue specificity of expression quantitative trait loci.
PLoS Genetics, 2(10), 1625-1633, 2006
IF = 7.671(06)

Malm T. - Ort M. - Tähtivaara L. - Jukarainen N. - Goldsteins G. - Puoliväli J. - Nurmi A. - Pussinen R. - Ahtoniemi T. - Miettinen T.K. - Kanninen K. - Leskinen S. - Vartiainen N. - Yrjänheikki J. - Laatikainen R. - Harris-White M.E. - Koistinaho M. - Frautschy S.A. - Bureš J. - Koistinaho J.
beta-Amyloid infusion results in delayed and age-dependent learning deficits without role of inflammation or beta-amyloid deposits.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103(23), 8852-8857, 2006
IF = 9.643(06)

Řezáčová V. - Hršelová H. - Gryndlerová H. - Mikšík I. - Gryndler M.
Modification of degradation-resistant soil organic matter by soil saprobic microfungi.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 38(), 2292-2299, 2006
IF = 2.623(06)

Zhang N. - Mustin D. - Reardon M. W. - Dealmeida A. - Mozdziak P. - Mrug M. - Eisenberg L. M. - Sedmera D.
Blood-borne stem cells differentiate into vascular and cardiac lineages during normal development.
Stem Cells and Development, 15(), 17-28, 2006
IF = 3.076(06)

Marešová L. - Sychrová H.
Arabidopsis thaliana CHX17 gene complements the kha1 deletion phenotypes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Yeast, 23(16), 1167-1171, 2006
IF = 1.955(06)
