Oddělení: Neurohumorální regulace Seznam publikací v časopisech s impaktem. Autoři z oddělení jsou označeni červeně. Autoři FGU podtržením jména. Aktualizováno 23.01.2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 2011 1. Soták M. - Polidarová L. - Musílková J. - Hock M. - Sumová A. - Pácha J. Circadian regulation of electrolyte absorption in the rat colon. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 301(6), G1066-G1074, 2011 IF = 3.522(10) 2. Nováková M. - Paclt I. - Ptáček R. - Kuželová H. - Hájek I. - Sumová A. Salivary Melatonin Rhythm as a Marker of the Circadian System in Healthy Children and Those With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Chronobiology International, 28(7), 630-637, 2011 IF = 5.576(10) 3. Polidarová L. - Sládek M. - Soták M. - Pácha J. - Sumová A. Hepatic, Duodenal, and Colonic Circadian Clocks Differ in their Persistence under Conditions of Constant Light and in their Entrainment by Restricted Feeding. Chronobiology International, 28(3), 204-215, 2011 IF = 5.576(10) 4. Nováková M. - Polidarová L. - Sládek M. - Sumová A. Restricted feeding regime affects clock gene expression profiles in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rats exposed to constant light. Neuroscience, 197, 65-71, 2011 IF = 3.215(10) 2010 1. Sosniyenko S. - Parkanová D. - Illnerová H. - Sládek M. - Sumová A. Different mechanisms of adjustment to a change of the photoperiod in the suprachiasmatic and liver circadian clocks. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 298(4), R959-R971, 2010 IF = 3.058(09) 2. Nováková M. - Sládek M. - Sumová A. Exposure of Pregnant Rats to Restricted Feeding Schedule Synchronizes the SCN Clocks of Their Fetuses under Constant Light but Not under a Light-Dark Regime. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 25(5), 350-360, 2010 IF = 4.418(09) 3. Matějů K. - Sumová A. - Bendová Z. Expression and light sensitivity of clock genes Per1 and Per2 and immediate-early gene c-fos within the retina of early postnatal Wistar rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 518(17), 3630-3644, 2010 IF = 3.718(09) 2009 1. Matějů K. - Bendová Z. - El-Hennamy R. - Sládek M. - Sosniyenko S. - Sumová A. Development of the light sensitivity of the clock genes Period1 and Period2, and immediate-early gene c-fos within the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(3), 490-501, 2009 IF = 3.418(09) 2. Sosniyenko S. - Hut R.A. - Daan S. - Sumová A. Influence of photoperiod duration and light–dark transitions on entrainment of Per1 and Per2 gene and protein expression in subdivisions of the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus. European Journal of Neuroscience, 30(9), 1802-1814, 2009 IF = 3.418(09) 3. Polidarová L. - Soták M. - Sládek M. - Pácha J. - Sumová A. Temporal Gradient in the Clock Gene and Cell-Cycle Checkpoint Kinase Wee1 Expression along the Gut. Chronobiology International, 26(4), 607-620, 2009 IF = 3.987(09) 4. Walton K. M. - Fisher K. - Rubitski D. - Marconi M. - Meng Q.-J. - Sládek M. - Adams J. - Bass M. - Chandrasekaran R. - Butler T. - Griffor M. - Rajamohan F. - Serpa M. - Chen Y. - Claffey M. - Hastings M. - Loudon A. - Maywood E. - Ohren J. - Doran A. - Wager T. T. Selective Inhibition of Casein Kinase 1 epsilon Minimally Alters Circadian Clock Period. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 330(2), 430-439, 2009 IF = 4.093(09) 5. Zíková M. - Corlett A. - Bendová Z. - Pajer P. - Bartůněk P. DISP3, a sterol-sensing domain-containing protein that links thyroid hormone action and cholesterol metabolism. Molecular Endocrinology, 23(4), 520-528, 2009 IF = 5.257(09) 6. Bendová Z. - Sumová A. - Mikkelsen J. D. Circadian and developmental regulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor 1 mRNA splice variants and N-methyl-d-aspartate-receptor 3 subunit expression within the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroscience, 159(2), 599-609, 2009 IF = 3.292(09) 2008 1. El-Hennamy R. - Matějů K. - Bendová Z. - Sosniyenko S. - Sumová A. Maternal Control of the Fetal and Neonatal Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 23(5), 435-444, 2008 IF = 4.211(08) 2. Blažejová K. - Illnerová H. - Hájek I. - Nevšímalová S. Circadian rhythm in salivary melatonin in narcoleptic patiens. Neuroscience Letters, 437(2), 162-164, 2008 IF = 2.2(08) 3. Sumová A. - Bendová Z. - Sládek M. - El-Hennamy R. - Matějů K. - Polidarová L. - Sosniyenko S. - Illnerová H. Circadian molecular clocks tick along ontogenesis. Physiological Research, 57, S139-S148, 2008 IF = 1.653(08) 2007 1. Sládek M. - Jindráková Z. - Bendová Z. - Sumová A. Postnatal ontogenesis of the circadian clock within the rat liver. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 292(3), R1224-R1229, 2007 IF = 3.661(07) 2. Sládek M. - Rybová M. - Jindráková Z. - Zemanová Z. - Polidarová L. - Mrnka L. - O´Neill J. - Pácha J. - Sumová A. Insight Into the Circadian Clock Within Rat Colonic Epithelial Cells. Gastroenterology, 133(4), 1240-1249, 2007 IF = 11.673(07) 3. Sumová A. - Kováčiková Z. - Illnerová H. Dynamics of the Adjustment of Clock Gene Expression in the Rat Suprachiasmatic Nucleus to an Asymmetrical Change from a Long to a Short Photoperiod. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 22(3), 259-267, 2007 IF = 3.868(07) 2006 1. Sumová A. - Bendová Z. - Sládek M. - El-Hennamy R. - Laurinová K. - Jindráková Z. - Illnerová H. Setting the biological time in central and peripheral clocks during ontogenesis. FEBS Letters, 580(12), 2836-2842, 2006 IF = 3.372(06) 2. Sumová A. - Bendová Z. - Sládek M. - Kováčiková Z. - El-Hennamy R. - Laurinová K. - Illnerová H. The rat circadian clockwork and its photoperiodic entrainment during development. Chronobiology International, 23(1-2), 237-243, 2006 IF = 2.517(06) 3. Kováčiková Z. - Sládek M. - Bendová Z. - Illnerová H. - Sumová A. Expression of clock and clock-driven genes in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus during late fetal and early postnatal development. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 21(2), 140-148, 2006 IF = 4.633(06) 4. Bendová Z. - Sumová A. Photoperiodic regulation of PER1 and PER2 protein expression in rat peripheral tissues. Physiological Research, 55(6), 623-632, 2006 IF = 2.093(06) 2005 1. Kováčiková Z. - Sládek M. - Laurinová K. - Bendová Z. - Illnerová H. - Sumová A. Ontogenesis of photoperiodic entrainment of the molecular core clockwork in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research, 1064(1-2), 83-89, 2005 IF = 2.296(05) 2. Sumová A. - Illnerová H. Effect of photic stimuli disturbing overt circadian rhythms on the dorsomedial and ventrolateral SCN rhythmicity. Brain Research, 1048(1-2), 161-169, 2005 IF = 2.296(05) 2004 1. Bendová Z. - Sumová A. - Illnerová H. Development of circadian rhythmicity and photoperiodic response in subdivisions of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Developmental Brain Research, 148(1), 105-112, 2004 IF = 1.854(04) 2. Sumová A. - Bendová Z. - Sládek M. - Kováčiková Z. - Illnerová H. Seasonal molecular timekeeping within the rat circadian clock. Physiological Research, 53(Suppl.1), S167-S176, 2004 IF = 1.14(04) 3. Sládek M. - Sumová A. - Kováčiková Z. - Bendová Z. - Laurinová K. - Illnerová H. Insight into molecular core clock mechanism of embryonic and early postnatal rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(16), 6231-6236, 2004 IF = 10.452(04) 2003 1. Sumová A. - Jáč M. - Sládek M. - Šauman I. - Illnerová H. Clock gene daily profiles and their phase relationship in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus are affected by photoperiod. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(2), 134-144, 2003 IF = 4.061(03) 2002 1. Sumová A. - Sládek M. - Jáč M. - Illnerová H. The circadian rhythm of Per1 gene product in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus and its modulation by seasonal changes in daylength. Brain Research, 947(2), 260-270, 2002 IF = 2.409(02) 2001 1. Daan S. - Albrecht U. - van der Horst G.T. - Illnerová H. - Roenneberg T. - Wehr T.A. - Schwartz W.J. Assembling a clock for all seasons: are there M and E oscillators in the genes? Journal of Biological Rhythms, 16(2), 105-116, 2001 IF = 2.695(01) 2. Schwartz W.J. - de la Iglesia H.O. - Zlomanczuk P. - Illnerová H. Encoding le quattro stagioni within the mammalian brain: photoperiodic orchestration through the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 16(4), 302-311, 2001 IF = 2.695(01) 2000 1. Jáč M. - Sumová A. - Illnerová H. c-Fos rhythm in subdivisions of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus under artifical and natural photoperiods. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 279, R2270-R2276, 2000 IF = 2.765(00) 2. Sumová A. - Trávníčková Z. - Illnerová H. Sponataneous c-Fos rhythm in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus: location and effect of photoperiod. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 279, R2262-R2269, 2000 IF = 2.765(00) 3. Jáč M. - Kiss A. - Sumová A. - Illnerová H. - Ježová D. Daily profiles of arginine vasopressin mRNA in the suprachiasmatic, supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the rat hypothalamus under various photoperiods. Brain Research, 887(2), 472-476, 2000 IF = 2.526(00) 4. Illnerová H. - Borbély A.A. - Wirtz-Justice A. - Praško J. Circadian rhythmicity: from basic science to clinical approach. Clinical Neurophysiology, 53, 339-347, 2000 IF = 1.672(00) 5. Nevšímalová S. - Blažejová K. - Illnerová H. - Vaňková J. - Pretl M. - Šonka K. A contribution to pathophysiology of idiopathic hypersomnia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 53, 366-370, 2000 IF = 1.672(00) 6. Jelínková D. - Illnerová H. - Sumová A. Gate for photic resetting of intrinsic rhythmicity of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus under a long photoperiod. Neuroscience Letters, 280(2), 143-146, 2000 IF = 2.091(00) 7. Illnerová H. - Sumová A. - Trávníčková Z. - Jáč M. - Jelínková D. Hormones, subjective night and season of the year. Physiological Research, 49(suppl), S1-S10, 2000 IF = 1.366(00) 1999 1. Jelínková-Vondrašová D. - Hájek I. - Illnerová H. Adjustment of the human melatonin and cortisol rhythms to shortening of the natural summer photoperiod. Brain Research, 816, 249-253, 1999 IF = 2.302(99) 2. Jelínková-Vondrašová D. - Hájek I. - Illnerová H. Adjusment of the human circadian system to changes of the sleep schedule under dim light at home. Neuroscience Letters, 265, 111-114, 1999 IF = 2.085(99) 3. Novotná R. - Jáč M. - Hájek I. - Novotný I. Arginine vasotocin activates phosphoinositide signal transduction system and potentiates N-acetyltransferase activity in the rat pineal gland. Neuroscience Letters, 262, 97-100, 1999 IF = 2.085(99) 1998 1. Sumová A. - Illnerová H. Photic resetting of intrinsic rhytmicity of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus under various photoperiods. American Journal of Physiology, 274(3, čá), R857-R863, 1998 IF = 3.077(98) 2. Sumová A. - Trávníčková Z. - Mikkelsen J.D. - Illnerová H. Spontaneous rhythm in c-Fos immunoreactivity in the dorsomedial part of the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research, 801(2), 254-258, 1998 IF = 2.15(98) 1997 1. Vondrašová D. - Hájek I. - Illnerová H. Exposure to long summer days affect the human melatonin and cortisol rhythms. Brain Research, 759, 166-170, 1997 IF = 2.119(97) 2. Illnerová H. - Sumová A. Photic entrainment of the mammalian rhythm in melatonin production. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 12(6), 547-555, 1997 IF = 1.983(97) 3. Sumová A. - Vaněček J. Melatonin inhibits GnRH-induced increase of cFOS immunoreactivity in neonatal rat pituitary. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 9, 135-139, 1997 IF = 2.563(97) 4. Trávníčková Z. - Illnerová H. Melatonin entrainment of the circadian N-acetyltransferase rhythm in the newborn rat pineal gland. Journal of Pineal Research, 23, 136-141, 1997 IF = 3.771(97) 5. Samková L. - Vondrašová D. - Hájek I. - Illnerová H. A fixed morning awakening coupled with a low intensity light maintains a phase advance of the human circadian system. Neuroscience Letters, 224(1), 21-24, 1997 IF = 1.768(97) 6. Kolář J. - Macháčková M. - Eder J. - Prinsen E. - Van Dongen W. - Van Onckelen H. - Illnerová H. Melatonin: occurence and daily rhythm in chenopodium rubrum. Phytochemistry, 44(8), 1407-1413, 1997 IF = 1.165(97) 1996 1. Trávníčková Z. - Sumová A. - Peters R. - Schwarts W.J. - Illnerová H. Photoperiod-dependent correlation between light-induced SCN c-fos expression and resetting of circadian phase. American Journal of Physiology, 271(40), R825-R831, 1996 IF = 3.323(96) 2. Sumová A. - Illnerová H. Endogenous melatonin signal does not mediate the effect of photoperiod on the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research, 725, 281-283, 1996 IF = 2.526(96) 3. Sumová A. - Maywood E.S. - Selvage E.S. - Ebling F.J.P. - Hastings M.H. Serotonergic antagonists impair arousal-induced phase shifts of the circadian system of the Syrian hamster. Brain Research, 709(1), 88-96, 1996 IF = 2.526(96) 4. Sumová A. - Illnerová H. Melatonin instantaneously resets intrinsic circadian rhythmicity in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleous. Neuroscience Letters, 218(3), 181-184, 1996 IF = 2.09(96) 1995 1. Sumová A. - Trávníčková Z. - Illnerová H. Memory on long but not on short days stored in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Neuroscience Letters, 200(1), 191-194, 1995 IF = 2.318(95) 2. Koldovský O. - Illnerová H. - Macho L. - Štrbák V. - Štěpánková R. Milk-borne hormones: Possible tools of communication between mother and suckling. Physiological Research, 44(6), 349-351, 1995 IF = 0.588(95) 3. Sumová A. - Trávníčková Z. - Peters R. - Schwartz W.J. - Illnerová H. The rat suprachiasmatic nucleus is a clock for all seasons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92(17), 7754-7758, 1995 IF = 10.52(95) 1994 1. Sumová A. - Ebling F. J. P. - Maywood E. S. - Herbert J. - Hastings M. H. Non-Photic Circadian Entranment in the Syrian Hamster Is Not Associated with Phosphorylation of the Transcriptional Regulator CREB within the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, but Is Associated with Adrenocortical Activation. Neuroendocrinology, 59(5), 579-589, 1994 IF = 2.422(94) 1993 1. Illnerová H. - Burešová M. - Nedvídková J. - Dvořáková M. - Zvolský P. Maintenance of a circadian phase adjustment of the human melatonin rhythm following artificial long days. Brain Research, 626(1/2), 322-326, 1993 IF = 2.854(93) 2. Donohue J. J. - Roseboom P. H. - Illnerová H. - Weller J. L. - Klein D. C. Human hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase: presence of LINE-1 fragment in a cDNA clone and pineal mRNA. DNA and Cell Biology, 12(8), 715-727, 1993 IF = 5.272(93) 3. Illnerová H. - Burešová O. - Presl J. Melatonin rhythm in human milk. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 77(3), 838-841, 1993 IF = 4.22(93) |