Year 2005. Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages. Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined. Updated 19.3.2012 1. Fitzpatrick C.M. - Shi Y. - Hutchins W.C. - Su J. - Gross G.J. - Ostadal B. - Tweddell J.S. - Baker J.E. Cardioprotection in chronically hypoxic rabbits persists on exposure to normoxia: role of NOS and KATP channels. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 288(1), H62-H68, 2005 IF = 3,56(05) 2. Neckar J. - Markova I. - Novak F. - Novakova O. - Szarszoi O. - Ostadal B. - Kolar F. Increased expression and altered subcellular distribution of PKC-delta in chronically hypoxic rat myocardium: involvement in cardioprotection. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 288(4), H1566-H1572, 2005 IF = 3,56(05) 3. Jirkovska M. - Naprstkova I. - Janacek J. - Kucera T. - Macasek J. - Karen P. - Kubinova L. Three-dimensional reconstructions from non-deparaffinized tissue sections. Anatomy and Embryology, 210(3), 163-173, 2005 IF = 1,255(05) 4. Kretschmannova K. - Svobodova I. - Balik A. - Mazna P. - Zemkova H. Circadian rhythmicity in AVP secretion and GABAergic synaptic transmission in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1048, 103-115, 2005 IF = 1,971(05) 5. Stojilkovic S. S. - Tomic M. - He M. L. - Yan Z. - Koshimizu T. - Zemkova H. Molecular dissection of purinergic P2X receptor channels. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1048, 116-130, 2005 IF = 1,971(05) 6. Svobodova L. - Krusek J. - Hendrych T. - Vyskocil F. Allosteric modulation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor by physostigmine. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1048, 355-358, 2005 IF = 1,971(05) 7. Hlinak Z. - Krejci I. Oxiracetam pre- but not post-treatment prevented social recognition deficits produced with trimethyltin in rats. Behavioural Brain Research, 161(2), 213-219, 2005 IF = 2,865(05) 8. Kalova E. - Vlcek K. - Jarolimova E. - Bures J. Allothetic orientation and sequential ordering of places is impaired in early stages of Alzheimer's disease: corresponding results in real space tests and computer tests. Behavioural Brain Research, 159(2), 175-186, 2005 IF = 2,865(05) 9. Stuchlik A. - Vales K. Systemic administration of MK-801, a non-competitive NMDA-receptor antagonist, elicits a behavioural deficit of rats in the Active Allothetic Place Avoidance (AAPA) task irrespectively of their intact spatial pretraining. Behavioural Brain Research, 159(1), 163-171, 2005 IF = 2,865(05) 10. Tchekalarova J. - Kubova H. - Mares P. Postnatal caffeine exposure: effects on motor skills and locomotor activity during ontogenesis. Behavioural Brain Research, 160(1), 99-106, 2005 IF = 2,865(05) 11. Vales K. - Stuchlik A. Central muscarinic blockade interferes with retrieval and reacquisition of active allothetic place avoidance despite spatial pretraining. Behavioural Brain Research, 161(2), 238-244, 2005 IF = 2,865(05) 12. Horak J. - Wolf D.H. The ubiquitin ligase SCF (Grr1) is required for Gal2p degradation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 335(4), 1185-1190, 2005 IF = 3(05) 13. Matousek P. - Durchankova D. - Svandova I. - Novotny J. - Svoboda P. Agonist-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Gq/G11 alpha requires the intact structure of membrane domains. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 328(2), 526-532, 2005 IF = 3(05) 14. Mazna P. - Berka K. - Jelinkova I. - Balik A. - Svoboda P. - Obsilova V. - Obsil T. - Teisinger J. Ligand binding to the human MT2 melatonin receptor: The role of residues in transmembrane domains 3, 6, and 7. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 332(3), 726-734, 2005 IF = 3(05) 15. Stiburek L. - Vesela K. - Hansikova H. - Pecina P. - Tesarova M. - Cerna L. - Houstek J. - Zeman J. Tissue-specific cytochrome c oxidase assembly defects due to mutations in SCO2 and SURF1. Biochemical Journal, 392(3), 625-632, 2005 IF = 4,224(05) 16. Obsilova V. - Vecer J. - Herman P. - Pabianova A. - Sulc M. - Teisinger J. - Boura E. - Obsil T. 14-3-3 protein interacts with nuclear localization sequence of forkhead transcription factor FoxO4. Biochemistry, 44(34), 11608-11617, 2005 IF = 3,848(05) 17. Mracek T. - Jesina P. - Krivakova P. - Bolehovska R. - Cervinkova Z. - Drahota Z. - Houstek J. Time-course of hormonal induction of mitochondrial glycerophosphate dehydrogenase biogenesis in rat liver. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects, 1726(2), 217-223, 2005 IF = 2,418(05) 18. Greenwood P.E. - Lansky P. Optimum signal in a simple neuronal model with signal-dependent noise. Biological Cybernetics, 92(3), 199-205, 2005 IF = 1,398(05) 19. Marsalek P. - Lansky P. Proposed mechanisms for coincidence detection in the auditory brainstem. Biological Cybernetics, 92(6), 445-451, 2005 IF = 1,398(05) 20. Babicky A. - Pavelka S. - Vobecky M. Biological half-lives of bromide and sodium in the rat are connected and dependent on the physiological state. Biological Trace Element Research, 103(1), 49-58, 2005 IF = 0,868(05) 21. Vobecky M. - Pavelka S. - Babicky A. Bromide transfer through mother's milk and its impact on the suckling rat.. Biological Trace Element Research, 103(1), 37-48, 2005 IF = 0,868(05) 22. Mikulikova R. - Moritz S. - Gumpenberger T. - Olbrich M. - Romanin C. - Bacakova L. - Svorcik V. - Heitz J. Cell microarrays on photochemically modified polytetrafluoroethylene. Biomaterials, 26(27), 5572-5580, 2005 IF = 4,698(05) 23. Cserhati T. - Forgacs E. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I. Chromatography in authenticity and traceability tests of vegetable oils and dairy products: a review. Biomedical Chromatography, 19(3), 183-190, 2005 IF = 1,218(05) 24. Kovacikova Z. - Sladek M. - Laurinova K. - Bendova Z. - Illnerova H. - Sumova A. Ontogenesis of photoperiodic entrainment of the molecular core clockwork in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Brain Research, 1064(1-2), 83-89, 2005 IF = 2,296(05) 25. Novakova J. - Mikasova L. - Machova E. - Lisa V. - Dolezal V. Chronic treatment with amyloid beta(1-42) inhibits non-cholinergic high-affinity choline transport in NG108-15 cells through protein kinase C signaling. Brain Research, 1062(1-2), 101-110, 2005 IF = 2,296(05) 26. Sumova A. - Illnerova H. Effect of photic stimuli disturbing overt circadian rhythms on the dorsomedial and ventrolateral SCN rhythmicity. Brain Research, 1048(1-2), 161-169, 2005 IF = 2,296(05) 27. Mares P. Anticonvulsant action of three neurosteroids against cortical epileptic afterdischarges in immature rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 68(3), 179-184, 2005 IF = 2,481(05) 28. Holejsovska I. - Radochova B. - Novotna B. - Janacek J. - Jirkovska M. - Kubinova L. Quantitative analysis of embryonic kidney impairment by confocal microscopy and stereology: effect of 1,2-dibromoethane in the chick mesonephros. British Poultry Science, 46(6), 661-667, 2005 IF = 0,813(05) 29. Stohr J. - Novotny J. - Svoboda P. Characterization of [3H]-forskolin binding sites in young and adult rat brain cortex: identification of suramin as a competitive inhibitor of [3H]-forskolin binding. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 83(7), 573-581, 2005 IF = 1,522(05) 30. Hervouet E. - Demont J. - Pecina P. - Vojtiskova A. - Houstek J. - Simonnet H. - Godinot C. A new role for the von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein: stimulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation complex biogenesis. Carcinogenesis, 26(3), 531-539, 2005 IF = 5,108(05) 31. Drahota Z. - Milerova M. - Stieglerova A. - Skarka L. - Houstek J. - Ostadal B. Development of cytochrome-c oxidase activity in rat heart: downregulation in newborn rats. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 43(1), 87-94, 2005 IF = 2,138(05) 32. Hamplova B. - Novakova O. - Tvrzicka E. - Kolar F. - Novak F. Protein kinase C activity and isoform expression during early postnatal development of rat myocardium. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 43(1), 105-118, 2005 IF = 2,138(05) 33. Matousek P. - Novotny J. - Rudajev V. - Svoboda P. Prolonged agonist stimulation does not alter the protein composition of membrane domains in spite of dramatic changes induced in a specific signaling cascade. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 42(1), 21-40, 2005 IF = 2,138(05) 34. Marek J. - Demjenova E. - Tomori Z. - Janacek J. - Zolotova I. - Valle F. - Favre M. - Dietler G. Interactive measurement and characterization of DNA molecules by analysis of AFM images. Cytometry Part A, 63(2), 87-93, 2005 IF = 2,115(05) 35. Flachs P. - Horakova O. - Brauner P. - Rossmeisl M. - Pecina P. - Franssen-van Hal N. - Ruzickova J. - Sponarova J. - Drahota Z. - Vlcek C. - Keijer J. - Houstek J. - Kopecky J. Polyunsaturated fatty acids of marine origin upregulate mitochondrial biogenesis and induce beta - oxidation in white fat. Diabetologia, 48(11), 2365-2375, 2005 IF = 5,337(05) 36. Kubova H. - Rejchrtova J. - Redkozubova O. - Mares P. Outcome of status epilepticus in immature rats varies according to the paraldehyde treatment. Epilepsia, 46, 38-42, 2005 IF = 3,227(05) 37. Mares P. - Tsenov G. - Aleksakhina K. - Druga R. - Kubova H. Changes of cortical interhemispheric responses after status epilepticus in immature rats. Epilepsia, 46, 31-37, 2005 IF = 3,227(05) 38. Otahal J. - Suchomelova L. - Druga R. - Kubova H. Changes in cytochrome oxidase in the piriform cortex after status epilepticus in adult rats. Epilepsia, 46, 89-93, 2005 IF = 3,227(05) 39. Alaverdashvili M. - Kubova H. - Mares P. Motor performance and behavior of immature rats are not compromised by a high dose of topiramate. Epilepsy and Behavior, 7(2), 222-230, 2005 IF = 1,936(05) 40. Druga R. - Mares P. - Otahal J. - Kubova H. Degenerative neuronal changes in the rat thalamus induced by status epilepticus at different developmental stages. Epilepsy Research, 63(1), 43-65, 2005 IF = 2,663(05) 41. Mrnka L. - Beskid S. - Sevastyanova O. - Bryndova J. - Pacha J. Age-dependent effect of secretagogues during colonic maturation. European Journal of Pharmacology, 516(3), 268-275, 2005 IF = 2,477(05) 42. Slamberova R. - Mares P. Cortical epileptic afterdischarges in immature rats are differently influenced by NMDA receptor antagonists. European Journal of Pharmacology, 516(1), 10-17, 2005 IF = 2,477(05) 43. Folbergrova J. - Druga R. - Otahal J. - Haugvicova R. - Mares P. - Kubova H. Seizures induced in immature rats by homocysteic acid and the associated brain damage are prevented by group II metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist (2R,4R)-4-aminopyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylate. Experimental Neurology, 192(2), 420-436, 2005 IF = 3,767(05) 44. Pravenec M. - Kren V. Genetic analysis of complex cardiovascular traits in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Experimental Physiology, 90(3), 273-276, 2005 IF = 2,054(05) 45. Flegelova H. - Sychrova H. Mammalian NHE2 Na(+)/H(+) exchanger mediates efflux of potassium upon heterologous expression in yeast. FEBS Letters, 579(21), 4733-4738, 2005 IF = 3,843(05) 46. Hasenbrink G. - Schwarzer S. - Kolacna L. - Ludwig J. - Sychrova H. - Lichtenberg-Frate H. Analysis of the mKir2.1 channel activity in potassium influx defective Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains determined as changes in growth characteristics. FEBS Letters, 579(7), 1723-1731, 2005 IF = 3,843(05) 47. Sponarova J. - Mustard K. J. - Horakova O. - Flachs P. - Rossmeisl M. - Brauner P. - Bardova K. - Thomason-Hughes M. - Braunerova R. - Janovska P. - Hardie D. G. - Kopecky J. Involvement of AMP - activated protein kinase in fat depot-specific metabolic changes during starvation. FEBS Letters, 579(27), 6105-6110, 2005 IF = 3,843(05) 48. Kelemen E. - Moron I. - Fenton A.A. Is the hippocampal theta rhythm related to cognition in a non-locomotor place recognition task?. Hippocampus, 15(4), 472-479, 2005 IF = 3,781(05) 49. Klement D. - Pastalkova E. - Fenton A.A. Tetrodotoxin infusions into the dorsal hippocampus block non-locomotor place recognition. Hippocampus, 15(4), 460-471, 2005 IF = 3,781(05) 50. Touretzky D. S. - Weisman W. E. - Fuhs M. C. - Skaggs W. E. - Fenton A.A. - Muller R. U. Deforming the hippocampal map. Hippocampus, 15(1), 41-55, 2005 IF = 3,781(05) 51. Kysela K. - Philimonenko A. - Philimonenko V. - Janacek J. - Kahle M. - Hozak P. Nuclear distribution of actin and myosin I depends on transcriptional activity of the cell. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 124(5), 347-358, 2005 IF = 2,594(05) 52. Qi N.R. - Wang J. - Zidek V. - Landa V. - Mlejnek P. - Kazdova L. - Pravenec M. - Kurtz T. W. A new transgenic rat model of hepatic steatosis and the metabolic syndrome. Hypertension, 45(5), 1004-1011, 2005 IF = 6,331(05) 53. Rauchova H. - Pechanova O. - Kunes J. - Vokurkova M. - Dobesova Z. - Zicha J. Chronic N-acetylcysteine administration prevents development of hypertension in Nomega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester-treated rats: the role of reactive oxygen species. Hypertension Research, 28(5), 475-482, 2005 IF = 2,786(05) 54. Kotyk A. Klasifikacni system lipidu. Chemicke listy, 99(8), 610-614, 2005 IF = 0,445(05) 55. Jezek P. - Hlavata L. Mitochondria in homeostasis of reactive oxygen species in cell, tissues, and organism. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 37(12), 2478-2503, 2005 IF = 3,871(05) 56. Ruzicka M. - Skobisova E. - Dlaskova A. - Santorova J. - Smolkova K. - Spacek T. - Zackova M. - Modriansky M. - Jezek P. Recruitment of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP2 after lipopolysaccharide induction. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 37(4), 809-821, 2005 IF = 3,871(05) 57. Ratajczak P. - Oliviero P. - Marotte F. - Kolar F. - Ostadal B. - Samuel J.L. Expression and localisation of caveolins during postnatal development in rat heart: implication of thyroid hormone. Journal of Applied Physiology, 99(1), 244-251, 2005 IF = 3,037(05) 58. Rudajev V. - Novotny J. - Hejnova L. - Milligan G. - Svoboda P. Dominant portion of thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor is excluded from lipid domains. Detergent-resistant and detergent-sensitive pools of TRH receptor and Gq alpha/G11 alpha protein. Journal of Biochemistry, 138(2), 111-125, 2005 IF = 1,827(05) 59. Kinclova-Zimmermannova O. - Zavrel M. - Sychrova H. Identification of conserved prolyl residue important for transport activity and the substrate specificity range of yeast plasma membrane Na(+)/H(+) antiporters. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280(34), 30638-30647, 2005 IF = 5,854(05) 60. Stohr J. - Novotny J. - Bourova L. - Svoboda P. Modulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in young and adult rat brain cortex. Identification of suramin as a direct inhibitor of adenylyl cyclase. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 9(4), 940-952, 2005 IF = 3,606(05) 61. Mazancova K. - Kucka M. - Miksik I. - Pacha J. Glucocorticoid metabolism and Na+ transport in chicken intestine. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A-Comparative Experimental Biology, 303(2), 113-122, 2005 IF = 1,111(05) 62. Mikulikova K. - Miksik I. - Deyl Z. Non-enzymatic posttranslational modifications of bovine serum albumin by oxo-compounds investigated by chromatographic and electrophoretic methods. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 815(1-2), 315-331, 2005 IF = 2,391(05) 63. Eckhardt A. - Miksik I. - Charvatova J. - Deyl Z. - Forgacs E. - Cserhati T. Proteomics of collagen peptides: a method to reveal minor changes in post-translationally modified collagen by HPLC and capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 28(10), 1437-1451, 2005 IF = 0,814(05) 64. Gere-Paszti E. - Cserhati T. - Forgacs E. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A. - Illes Z. Interaction of hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin with peptides, studied by reversed-phase thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 28(16), 2619-2632, 2005 IF = 0,814(05) 65. Duchamp-Viret P. - Kostal L. - Chaput M. - Lansky P. - Rospars J. P. Patterns of spontaneous activity in single rat olfactory receptor neurons are different in normally breathing and tracheotomized animals. Journal of Neurobiology, 65(2), 97-114, 2005 IF = 4,17(05) 66. Kubik S. - Fenton A.A. Behavioral evidence that segregation and representation are dissociable hippocampal functions. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(40), 9205-9212, 2005 IF = 7,506(05) 67. Petrovic M. - Sedlacek M. - Horak M. - Chodounska H. - Vyklicky ml. L. 20-oxo-5beta-pregnan-3alpha-yl sulfate is a use-dependent NMDA receptor inhibitor. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(37), 8439-8450, 2005 IF = 7,506(05) 68. Wesierska M. - Dockery C. - Fenton A.A. Beyond memory, navigation, and inhibition: behavioral evidence for hippocampus-dependent cognitive coordination in the rat. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(9), 2413-2419, 2005 IF = 7,506(05) 69. Jakubik J. - Krejci A. - Dolezal V. Asparagine, valine, and threonine in the third extracellular loop of muscarinic receptor have essential roles in the positive cooperativity of strychnine-like allosteric modulators. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 313(2), 688-696, 2005 IF = 4,098(05) 70. Plasek J. - Vojtiskova A. - Houstek J. Flow-cytometric monitoring of mitochondrial depolarisation: from fluorescence intensities to millivolts. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology, 78(2), 99-108, 2005 IF = 1,597(05) 71. Mazancova K. - Kopecky M. - Miksik I. - Pacha J. 11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the heart of normotensive and hypertensive rats. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 94(1-3), 273-277, 2005 IF = 2,866(05) 72. Vokurkova M. - Novakova O. - Dobesova Z. - Kunes J. - Zicha J. Relationships between membrane lipids and ion transport in red blood cells of Dahl rats. Life Sciences, 77(13), 1452-1464, 2005 IF = 2,512(05) 73. Kubova O. - Bacakova L. - Svorcik V. Biocompatibility of carbon layer on polymer. Materials Science Forum, 482(March), 247-250, 2005 IF = 0,399(05) 74. Mikulikova R. - Kolarova K. - Bacakova L. - Svorcik V. Biocompatibility of polyethylene doped with oxycellulose. Materials Science Forum, 482(March), 251-254, 2005 IF = 0,399(05) 75. Tousova K. - Vyklicky st. L. - Susankova K. - Benedikt J. - Vlachova V. Gadolinium activates and sensitizes the vanilloid receptor TRPV1 through the external protonation sites. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 30(2), 207-217, 2005 IF = 4,641(05) 76. Mares V. - Malik R. - Lisa V. - Sedo A. Up-regulation of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) activity in growth perturbed C6 astrocytes. Molecular Brain Research, 136(1-2), 75-80, 2005 IF = 1,585(05) 77. Maresova L. - Sychrova H. Physiological characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae kha1 deletion mutants. Molecular Microbiology, 55(2), 588-600, 2005 IF = 6,203(05) 78. Hubner N. - Wallace C.A. - Zimdahl H. - Petretto E. - Schulz H. - Maciver F. - Mueller M. - Hummel O. - Monti J. - Zidek V. - Musilova A. - Kren V. - Causton H. - Game L. - Born G. - Schmidt S. - Muller A. - Cook S.A. - Kurtz T. W. - Pravenec M. Integrated transcriptional profiling and linkage analysis for identification of genes underlying disease. Nature Genetics, 37(3), 243-253, 2005 IF = 25,797(05) 79. Lansky P. - Greenwood P.E. Optimal signal estimation in neuronal models. Neural Computation, 17(10), 2240-2257, 2005 IF = 2,591(05) 80. Lojkova D. - Mares P. Anticonvulsant action of an antagonist of metabotropic glutamate receptors mGluR5 MPEP in immature rats. Neuropharmacology, 49, 219-229, 2005 IF = 3,637(05) 81. Moravec J. - Vyskocil F. Early postdenervation depolarization develops faster at endplates of hibernating golden hamsters where spontaneous quantal and non-quantal acetylcholine release is very small. Neuroscience Research, 51(1), 25-29, 2005 IF = 2,184(05) 82. Hlinak Z. - Gandalovicova D. - Krejci I. Behavioral deficits in adult rats treated neonatally with glutamate. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 27(3), 465-473, 2005 IF = 1,94(05) 83. Rossmeisl M. - Kovar J. - Syrovy I. - Flachs P. - Bobkova D. - Kolar F. - Poledne R. - Kopecky J. Triglyceride-lowering effect of respiratory uncoupling in white adipose tissue. Obesity Research, 13(5), 835-844, 2005 IF = 3,972(05) 84. Skaloud P. - Neustupa J. - Radochova B. - Kubinova L. Confocal microscopy of chloroplast morphology and ontogeny in three strains of Dictyochloropsis (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Phycologia, 44(3), 261-269, 2005 IF = 1,271(05) 85. Ditlevsen S. - Lansky P. Estimation of the input parameters in the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck neuronal model. Physical Review E, 71(1 /1/), 011907 /1/-011907 /9/, 2005 IF = 2,418(05) 86. Bellocco E. - Lagana G. - Barreca D. - Ficarra S. - Tellone E. - Magazu S. - Branca C. - Kotyk A. - Galtieri A. - Leuzzi U. Role of polyols in thermal inactivation of shark ornithine transcarbamoylase. Physiological Research, 54(4), 395-402, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 87. Bukharaeva E.A. - Salakhutdinov R.I. - Vyskocil F. - Nikolsky E.E. Spontaneous quantal and non-quantal release of acetylcholine at mouse endplate during onset of hypoxia. Physiological Research, 54(2), 251-255, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 88. Dobiasova M. - Urbanova Z. - Samanek M. Relations between particle size of HDL and LDL lipoproteins and cholesterol esterification rate. Physiological Research, 54(2), 159-165, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 89. Drahota Z. - Krivakova P. - Cervinkova Z. - Kmonickova E. - Lotkova H. - Kucera O. - Houstek J. Tert-butyl hydroperoxide selectively inhibits mitochondrial respiratory-chain enzymes in isolated rat hepatocytes. Physiological Research, 54(1), 67-72, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 90. Hojna S. - Kadlecova M. - Zicha J. - Kunes J. Polymorphism in Nos2 gene is absent in Prague colony of Dahl/Rapp salt-sensitive and salt-resistant rats. Physiological Research, 54(2), 201-206, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 91. Chvojkova Z. - Ostadalova I. - Ostadal B. Low body weight and cardiac tolerance to ischemia in neonatal rats. Physiological Research, 54(4), 357-362, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 92. Jiruska P. - Proks J. - Drbal O. - Sovka P. - Marusic P. - Mares P. Comparison of different methods of time shift measurement in EEG. Physiological Research, 54(4), 459-465, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 93. Kolar F. - Neckar J. - Ostadal B. MCC-134, a blocker of mitochondrial and opener of sarcolemmal ATP-sensitive K+ channels, abrogates cardioprotective effects of chronic hypoxia. Physiological Research, 54(4), 467-471, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 94. Pavelka S. - Babicky A. - Vobecky M. Biological half-life of bromide in the rat depends primarily on the magnitude of sodium intake. Physiological Research, 54(6), 639-644, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 95. Rauchova H. - Vokurkova M. - Koudelova J. Developmental changes of erythrocyte catalase activity in rats exposed to acute hypoxia. Physiological Research, 54(5), 527-532, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 96. Rejchrtova J. - Kubova H. - Druga R. - Mares P. - Folbergrova J. Effects of a free radical scavenger N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN) on short-term recovery of immature rats after status epilepticus. Physiological Research, 54(2), 215-227, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 97. Samigullin D. - Bukharaeva E. A. - Vyskocil F. - Nikolsky E. E. Calcium dependence of uni-quantal release latencies and quantal content at mouse neuromuscular junction. Physiological Research, 54(1), 129-132, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 98. Tribulova N. - Dupont E. - Soukup T. - Okruhlicova L. - Severs N. J. Sex differences in connexin-43 expression in left ventricles of aging rats. Physiological Research, 54(6), 705-708, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 99. Zacharova G. - Vadaszova A. - Smerdu V. - Asmussen G. - Soukup T. The effect of a unilateral muscle transplantation on the muscle fiber type and the MyHC isoform content in unoperated hind limb slow and fast muscles of the inbred Lewis rats. Physiological Research, 54(6), 691-696, 2005 IF = 1,806(05) 100. Sykova E. - Vorisek I. - Antonova T. - Mazel T. - Meyer-Luehmann M. - Jucker M. - Hajek M. - Ort M. - Bures J. Changes in extracellular space size and geometry in APP23 transgenic mice: a model of Alzheimer's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(2), 479-484, 2005 IF = 10,231(05) 101. Vacik T. - Ort M. - Gregorova S. - Blatny R. - Strnad P. - Conte N. - Bradley A. - Bures J. - Forejt J. Segmental trisomy of chromosome 17: a mouse model of human aneuploidy syndromes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(12), 4500-4505, 2005 IF = 10,231(05) 102. Pickova A. - Potocky M. - Houstek J. Assembly factors of F1FO-ATP synthase across genomes. Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics, 59(3), 393-402, 2005 IF = 4,684(05) 103. Tlaskalova H. - Tuckova L. - Mestecky J. - Kolinska J. - Rossmann P. - Stepankova R. - Kozakova H. - Hudcovic T. - Hrncir T. - Frolova L. - Kverka M. Interaction of mucosal microbiota with the innate immune system. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 62, 106-113, 2005 IF = 2,023(05) 104. Zacharovova K. - Berkova Z. - Spacek T. - Kriz J. - Dovolilova E. - Girman P. - Koblas T. - Jezek P. - Saudek F. In vitro assessment of pancreatic islet vitality by oxymetry. Transplantation Proceedings, 37(8), 3454-3456, 2005 IF = 0,799(05) 105. Stojilkovic S. S. - Zemkova H. - Van Goor F. Biophysical basis of pituitary cell type-specific Ca(2+) signaling-secretion coupling. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 16(4), 152-159, 2005 IF = 7,22(05) 106. Holan V. - Pindjakova J. - Zajicova A. - Krulova M. - Zelezna B. - Matousek P. - Svoboda P. The activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase in rejected skin xenografts is selectively inhibited by a factor produced by grafted cells. Xenotransplantation, 12(3), 227-234, 2005 IF = 2,114(05) 107. 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