Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies

Joint Laboratory of IEB AS CR, v.v.i. and CRI, v.v.i.

 About laboratory
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 Grants and Projects
 Diploma and Ph.D. thesis
 Laboratory in media
Copyright ©2009 by P. Soudek

Ing. Kateøina Mo�ková

Ph.D. student

Born: 15.04.1982 in Prague


form 2006 Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science

Ph.D. thesis entitled: New derivatives of taxol

2001 - 2006 Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science

Diploma thesis entitled: New derivatives of taxol

Qualification degree: M.Sc.

Professional experience:

 from 2007 Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, Prague, Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies

Position: Ph.D. student

July 2006 - Dec. 2006 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague Department of Plant Tissue Cultures

Position: Ph.D. student

2004 - 2006 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, Prague Department of Plant Tissue Cultures

Position: diploma student