M. Peliš, V. Punčochář (ed.): The Logica Yearbook 2010 London, College Publications, 2011
The volume comprises most of the papers presented at the international symposium LOGICA 2010.
J. Peregrin: Člověk a pravidla (Man and rules) Praha, Dokořán, 2011
After evolution theory has been established as a more or less unifying framework of contemporary life sciences, and after this theory has been finding its way into social sciences as well, scientists are facing the problem of understanding the ways in which evolution might have given rise to us humans, creatures is no many respects dissimilar to other animals. What is now in the focus of attention is the question of the evolutionary explanation of the emergence of cooperation. The book points out that this problem is closely connected with the problem of emergence of rules, though rules amount to incomparably more than mere "instinctive" cooperation; the claim is that rules are what has made it possible for cooperation to be projected into our very nature and to make us rational, talking and cultural creatures. It shows that the same kind of normativity that lies in the foundations of human sociality, lies also in the foundations of human language and human reason - hence that calling man a normative creature is not an overstatement.