
Journal Právník/Instructions for Authors


  1. Please, send all manuscripts in electronic form to editor’s e-mail address.
  2. Pages of each manuscript are to be numbered and clearly divided into paragraphs and chapters with optional subheadings. Electronic versions of manuscripts must be processed using a standard text editor (such as MS Word).
  3. Notes in manuscripts are to be numbered for the entire text but located at the bottom of the corresponding page as footnotes.
  4. Prior to acceptation manuscripts sent to the editor are subject to a review proceeding.
  5. By submitting a manuscript (author's work protected by copyright) to the editor the author acknowledges that the work will be, after publication in Právník, kept by the Academy of Sciences Library and that unlimited online access to this work will be granted to all Internet users. The author may withdraw his permission to provide online access to his work until the moment his work was accepted for publication. Author's other rights related to the use of the work are not affected by this permission.
  6. Please, address all correspondence for journal Právník to e-mail address pravnik@ilaw.cas.cz, and in all communications always include your contact data.