Year 2003. Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages. Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined. Updated 19.3.2012 1. Rauchova H. - Drahota Z. - Rauch P. - Fato R. - Lenaz G. Coenzyme Q releases the inhibitory effect of free fatty acids on mitochondrial glycerophosphate dehydrogenase. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 50(2), 405-413, 2003 IF = 0,629(03) 2. Soukup T. - Pedrosa-Domellof F. - Thornell L.E. Intrafusal fiber type composition of muscle spindles in the first human lumbrical muscle. Acta Neuropathologica, 105(1), 18-24, 2003 IF = 2,556(03) 3. Bacakova L. - Lapcikova M. - Kubies D. - Rypacek F. Adhesion and growth of rat aortic smooth muscle cells on lactide-based polymers. Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 534(-), 179-189, 2003 IF = 0,446(03) 4. Malik R. - Busek P. - Mares V. - Sevcik J. - Kleibl Z. - Sedo A. Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV activity and/or structure homologues (DASH) in transformed neuroectodermal cells. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 524(-), 95-102, 2003 IF = 0,446(03) 5. Mazancova K. - Miksik I. - Kunes J. - Pacha J. Placental 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in Dahl and spontaneously hypertensive rats. American Journal of Hypertension, 16(5, Pt 1), 401-406, 2003 IF = 3,103(03) 6. He M.L. - Zemkova H. - Koshimizu T. - Tomic M. - Stojilkovic S.S. Intracellular calcium measurements as a method in studies on activity of purinergic P2X receptor channels. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 285(2), C467-C479, 2003 IF = 4,103(03) 7. Hampl V. - Bibova J. - Ostadalova I. - Povysilova V. - Herget J. Gender differences in the long-term effects of perinatal hypoxia on pulmonary circulation in rats. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 285(2), L386-L392, 2003 IF = 3,735(03) 8. Krumscheid R. - Susankova K. - Ettrich R. - Teisinger J. - Amler E. - Schoner W. Localization of catalytic active sites in the large cytoplasmic domain of Na+/K+-ATPase. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 986(-), 242-244, 2003 IF = 1,892(03) 9. Stepankova K. - Pastalkova E. - Kalova E. - Bures J. A battery of tests for quantitative examination of idiothetic and allothetic place navigation modes in humans. Behavioural Brain Research, 147(1-2), 95-105, 2003 IF = 2,817(03) 10. Hofbauerova K. - Kopecky ml. V. - Ettrich R. - Kubala M. - Teisinger J. - Amler E. ATP-binding is stabilized by a stacking interaction within the binding site of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 306(2), 416-420, 2003 IF = 2,836(03) 11. Bonne A.C.M. - den Bieman M.G. - Gillissen G.F. - Kren V. - Krenova D. - Bila V. - Zidek V. - Kostka V. - Musilova A. - Pravenec M. - van Zutphen B.F.M. - van Lith H.A. Genetic map of AFLP markers in the rat (Rattus norvegicus) derived from the H × B/Ipcv and B × H/cub sets of recombinant inbred strains. Biochemical Genetics, 41(3-4), 77-89, 2003 IF = 0,569(03) 12. Kubala M. - Teisinger J. - Ettrich R. - Hofbauerova K. - Kopecky ml. V. - Baumruk V. - Krumscheid R. - Plasek J. - Schoner W. - Amler E. Eight amino acids form the ATP recognition site of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Biochemistry, 42(21), 6446-6452, 2003 IF = 3,922(03) 13. Matousek P. - Hodny Z. - Svandova I. - Svoboda P. Different methods of membrane domains isolation result in similar 2-D distribution patterns of membrane domain proteins. Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 81(6), 365-372, 2003 IF = 2,456(03) 14. Horak J. The role of ubiquitin in down-regulation and intracellular sorting of membrane proteins: insights from yeast. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1614(2), 139-155, 2003 IF = 2,665(03) 15. Pecina P. - Capkova M. - Chowdhury S. - Drahota Z. - Dubot A. - Vojtiskova A. - Hansikova H. - Houstkova H. - Zeman J. - Godinot C. - Houstek J. Functional alteration of cytochrome c oxidase by SURF1 mutations in Leigh syndrome. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1639(1), 53-63, 2003 IF = 2,509(03) 16. Krusek J. - Vyskocil F. Different degree of cooperativity in adult, embryonic and mutated mouse muscle nicotinic receptors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics, 1646(1-2), 119-130, 2003 IF = 1,602(03) 17. Cserhati T. - Forgacs E. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A. Binding of low molecular mass compounds to proteins studied by liquid chromatographic techniques. Biomedical Chromatography, 17(6), 353-360, 2003 IF = 1,269(03) 18. Hofbauerova K. - Kopecky ml. V. - Sykora J. - Karpenko V. Thermal stability of the human blood serum acid alpha(1)-glycoprotein in acidic media. Biophysical Chemistry, 103(1), 25-33, 2003 IF = 1,728(03) 19. Lansky P. - Weiss M. Role of heterogeneity in deterministic models of drug dissolution and their statistical characteristics. BioSystems, 71(1-2), 123-131, 2003 IF = 0,971(03) 20. Beskid S. - Pacha J. Membrane properties of rat colonic crypts during early postnatal development. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 13(6), 385-390, 2003 IF = 2,48(03) 21. Frohlich J. - Dobiasova M. Fractional esterification rate of cholesterol and ratio of triglycerides to HDL-cholesterol are powerful predictors of positive findings on coronary angiography. Clinical Chemistry, 49(11), 1873-1880, 2003 IF = 5,538(03) 22. Zicha J. - Pechanova O. - Dobesova Z. - Kunes J. Hypertensive response to chronic NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) treatment is similar in immature and adult Wistar rats. Clinical Science, 105(4), 483-489, 2003 IF = 2,117(03) 23. Dbaly V. - Tovarys F. - Honova H. - Petruzelka L. - Prokes K. - Burian J. - Marek M. - Honzatko J. - Tomandl I. - Kriz O. - Janku I. - Mares V. Soucasny stav Neutronove zachytove terapie ve svete (2. cast). Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie, 66/99(1), 60-63, 2003 IF = 0,047(03) 24. Rossmeisl M. - Rim J.S. - Koza R.A. - Kozak L.P. Variation in type 2 diabetes--related traits in mouse strains susceptible to diet-induced obesity. Diabetes, 52(8), 1958-1966, 2003 IF = 8,298(03) 25. Miksik I. - Charvatova J. - Eckhardt A. - Deyl Z. Insoluble eggshell matrix proteins - their peptide mapping and partial characterization by capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography. Electrophoresis, 24(5), 843-852, 2003 IF = 4,04(03) 26. Langmeier M. - Folbergrova J. - Haugvicova R. - Pokorny J. - Mares P. Neuronal cell death in hippocampus induced by homocysteic acid in immature rats. Epilepsia, 44(3), 299-304, 2003 IF = 3,549(03) 27. Kubala M. - Plasek J. - Amler E. Limitations in linearized analyses of binding equilibria: binding of TNP-ATP to the H(4)-H(5) loop of Na/K-ATPase. European Biophysics Journal, 32(4), 363-369, 2003 IF = 1,769(03) 28. Mlejnek P. - Kren V. - Liska F. - Zidek V. - Landa V. - Kurtz T.W. - Pravenec M. The CD36 protein functions as an immunogenic domain of the RT8 alloantigen. European Journal of Immunogenetics, 30(-), 325-327, 2003 IF = 1,009(03) 29. Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Duchamp A. - Duchamp-Viret P. Relation between stimulus and response in frog olfactory receptor neurons in vivo. European Journal of Neuroscience, 18(5), 1135-1154, 2003 IF = 3,872(03) 30. Asmussen G. - Schmalbruch I. - Soukup T. - Pette D. Contractile properties, fiber types, and myosin isoforms in fast and slow muscles of hyperactive Japanese waltzing mice. Experimental Neurology, 8287(2), 758-766, 2003 IF = 3,676(03) 31. Folbergrova J. - Haugvicova R. - Mares P. Seizures induced by homocysteic acid in immature rats are prevented by group III metabotropic glutamate receptoragonist (R,S)-4-phosphonophenylglycine. Experimental Neurology, 180(1), 46-54, 2003 IF = 3,676(03) 32. Jezek P. - Jezek J. Sequence anatomy of mitochondrial anion carriers. FEBS Letters, 534(1-3), 15-25, 2003 IF = 3,609(03) 33. Mayordomo I. - Regelmann J. - Horak J. - Sanz P. Saccharomyces cerevisiae 14-3-3 proteins Bmh1 and Bmh2 participate in the process of catabolite inactivation of maltose permease. FEBS Letters, 544(1-3), 160-164, 2003 IF = 3,609(03) 34. Pickova A. - Paul J. - Petruzzella V. - Houstek J. Differential expression of ATPAF1 and ATPAF2 genes encoding F(1)-ATPase assembly proteins in mouse tissues. FEBS Letters, 551(1-3), 42-46, 2003 IF = 3,609(03) 35. Kotyk A. - Lapathitis G. - Horak J. Critical findings on the activation cascade of yeast plasma membrane H+-ATPase. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 226(1), 175-180, 2003 IF = 1,932(03) 36. Naprstkova I. - Dusek Z. - Zemanova Z. - Novotna B. Assessment of nephrotoxicity in the chick embryo: effects of cisplatin and 1,2-Dibromoethane. Folia Biologica, 49(2), 78-86, 2003 IF = 0,527(03) 37. Maresova L. - Sychrova H. Physiological characterization of osmotolerant yeast Pichia sorbitophila and comparison with a putative synonym Pichia farinosa. Folia Microbiologica, 48(2), 211-217, 2003 IF = 0,857(03) 38. Bednar J. - Soukup T. Developmental changes in uncoupling protein 1 and F(1)-ATPase subunit levels in the golden hamster brown adipose tissue mitochondria as determined by electron microscopy in situ immunocytochemistry. General Physiology and Biophysics, 22(-), 1-10, 2003 IF = 0,794(03) 39. Drahota Z. - Rauchova H. - Jesina P. - Vojtiskova A. - Houstek J. Glycerophosphate-dependent peroxide production by brown fat mitochondria from newborn rats. General Physiology and Biophysics, 22(-), 93-102, 2003 IF = 0,794(03) 40. Mares V. - Lisa V. - Malik R. - Kozakova H. - Sedo A. Cisplatin induced gamma-glutamyltransferase up-regulation, hypertrophy and differentiation in astrocytic glioma cells in culture. Histology and Histopathology, 18(3), 687-693, 2003 IF = 1,83(03) 41. Pausova Z. - Sedova L. - Berube J. - Hamet P. - Tremblay J. - Dumont M. - Gaudet D. - Pravenec M. - Kren V. - Kunes J. Segment of rat chromosome 20 regulates diet-induced augmentations in adiposity, glucose intolerance, and blood pressure. Hypertension, 41(5), 1047-1055, 2003 IF = 5,63(03) 42. Pravenec M. - Wallace C. - Aitman T.J. - Kurtz T.W. Gene expression profiling in hypertension research: a critical perspective. Hypertension, 41(1), 3-8, 2003 IF = 5,63(03) 43. Tremblay J. - Hum D.H.F. - Sanchez R. - Dumas P. - Pravenec M. - Krenova D. - Kren V. - Kunes J. - Pausova Z. - Gossard F. - Hamet P. TA repeat variation, Npr1 expression, and blood pressure: impact of the Ace locus. Hypertension, 41(1), 16-24, 2003 IF = 5,63(03) 44. Mazancova K. - Miksik I. - Kunes J. - Zicha J. - Pacha J. Sexual dimorphism of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in hypertensive and normotensive rats. Hypertension Research, 26(4), 333-338, 2003 IF = 2,013(03) 45. Vokurkova M. - Dobesova Z. - Kunes J. - Zicha J. Membrane ion transport in erythrocytes of salt hypertensive Dahl rats and their F2 hybrids: the importance of cholesterol. Hypertension Research, 26(5), 397-404, 2003 IF = 2,013(03) 46. Meunier N. - Marion-Poll F. - Lansky P. - Rospars J. P. Estimation of the individual firing frequencies of two neurons recorded with a single electrode. Chemical Senses, 25(8), 671-679, 2003 IF = 2,691(03) 47. Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Krivan V. Extracellular transduction events under pulsed stimulation in moth olfactory sensilla. Chemical Senses, 28(6), 506-522, 2003 IF = 2,691(03) 48. Wise P.M. - Wysocki C.J. - Radil T. Time-intensity ratings of nasal irritation from carbon dioxide. Chemical Senses, 28(9), 751-760, 2003 IF = 2,691(03) 49. Kotyk A. Klasifikace transportnich proteinu. Chemicke Listy, 97(1), 37-40, 2003 IF = 0,345(03) 50. Urbankova E. - Hanak P. - Skobisova E. - Ruzicka M. - Jezek P. Substitutional mutations in the uncoupling protein-specific sequences of mitochondrial uncoupling protein UCP1 lead to the reduction of fatty acid-induced H(+) uniport. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 35(2), 212-220, 2003 IF = 3,571(03) 51. Jezek P. - Nekvasil M. - Skobisova E. - Urbankova E. - Jirsa M. - Zadinova M. - Pouckova P. - Klepacek I. Experimental photodynamic therapy with MESO-tetrakisphenylporphyrin (TPP) in liposomes leads to disintegration of human amelanotic melanoma implanted to nude mice. International Journal of Cancer, 103(5), 693-702, 2003 IF = 4,375(03) 52. Hrbasova M. - Novotny J. - Hejnova L. - Kolar F. - Neckar J. - Svoboda P. Altered myocardial Gs protein and adenylyl cyclase signaling in rats exposed to chronic hypoxia and normoxic recovery. Journal of Applied Physiology, 94(6), 2423-2432, 2003 IF = 3,027(03) 53. Calegario F.F. - Cosso R.G. - Fagian M.M. - Almeida F.V. - Jardim W.F. - Jezek P. - Arruda P. - Vercesi A.E. Stimulation of potato tuber respiration by cold stress is associated with an increased capacity of both plant uncoupling mitochondrial protein (PUMP) and alternative oxidase. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 35(3), 211-220, 2003 IF = 3,424(03) 54. Jaburek M. - Garlid K.D. Reconstitution of recombinant uncoupling proteins: UCP1, -2, and -3 have similar affinities for ATP and are unaffected by coenzyme Q10. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(28), 25825-25831, 2003 IF = 6,482(03) 55. Pravenec M. - Kazdova L. - Landa V. - Zidek V. - Mlejnek P. - Jansa P. - Wang J. - Qi N. - Kurtz T.W. Transgenic and recombinant resistin impair skeletal muscle glucose metabolism in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(-), -, 2003 IF = 6,482(03) 56. Urbankova E. - Voltchenko A. - Pohl P. - Jezek P. - Pohl E.E. Transport kinetics of uncoupling proteins: analysis of UCP1 reconstituted in planar lipid bilayers. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(35), 32497-32500, 2003 IF = 6,482(03) 57. Zackova M. - Skobisova E. - Urbankova E. - Jezek P. Activating omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inhibitory purine nucleotides are high affinity ligands for novel mitochondrial uncoupling proteins UCP2 and UCP3. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278(23), 20761-20769, 2003 IF = 6,482(03) 58. Sumova A. - Jac M. - Sladek M. - Sauman I. - Illnerova H. Clock gene daily profiles and their phase relationship in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus are affected by photoperiod. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 18(2), 134-144, 2003 IF = 4,061(03) 59. Liu X. - Rossmeisl M. - McClaine J. - Kozak L.P. Paradoxical resistance to diet-induced obesity in UCP1-deficient mice. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 111(3), 399-407, 2003 IF = 14,307(03) 60. Guenot M. - Bullier J. - Rospars J.P. - Lansky P. - Mertens P. - Sindou M. Single-unit analysis of the spinal dorsal horn in patients with neuropathic pain. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 20(2), 143-150, 2003 IF = 2,294(03) 61. Photos P.J. - Bacakova L. - Discher B. - Bates F.S. - Discher D.E. Polymer vesicles in vivo: correlations with PEG molecular weight. Journal of Controlled Release, 90(3), 323-334, 2003 IF = 3,298(03) 62. Suchankova G. - Vlasakova Z. - Zicha J. - Vokurkova M. - Dobesova Z. - Pelikanova T. Effect of acute hyperglycemia on erythrocyte membrane ion transport in offspring of hypertensive parents. Journal of Hypertension, 21(7), 1325-1330, 2003 IF = 3,572(03) 63. Cserhati T. - Forgacs E. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A. Binding of environmental pollutants to the corn protein zein studied by high-performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 987(1-2), 403-408, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 64. Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A. Comparison of standard capillary and chip separations of sodium dodecylsulfate-protein complexes. Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 153-158, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 65. Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Charvatova J. - Eckhardt A. Comparison of the electrophoretic separation of proteins in capillaries with different inner diameter. Journal of Chromatography A, 1013(1-2), 233-238, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 66. Charvatova J. - Kasicka V. - Deyl Z. - Kral V. Influencing electroosmotic flow and selectivity in open tubular electrochromatography by tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin as capillary wall modifier. Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 111-119, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 67. Charvatova J. - Deyl Z. - Kasicka V. - Kral V. Open tubular capillary electrochromatography of underivatized amino acids using Rh(III) tetrakis(phenoxyphenyl)porphyrinate as wall modifier. Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 159-167, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 68. Charvatova J. - Kasicka V. - Barth T. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Kral V. Separation of structurally related peptides by open-tubular capillary electrochromatography using (metallo)porphyrins as the adsorbed stationary phase. Journal of Chromatography A, 1009(1-2), 73-80, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 69. Manetto G. - Silvana Bellini M. - Deyl Z. Application of capillaries with minimized electroosmotic flow to the electrokinetic study of acidic drug-beta-oleoyl-gamma-palmitoyl-L-alpha-phosphatidyl choline liposome interactions. Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 205-214, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 70. Manetto G. - Silvana Bellini M. - Deyl Z. Affinity electrochromatography of acidic drugs using a liposome-modified capillary. Journal of Chromatography A, 990(1-2), 281-289, 2003 IF = 2,922(03) 71. Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A. Preparative procedures and purity assessment of collagen proteins. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 790(1-2), 245-275, 2003 IF = 2,085(03) 72. Pribylova L. - Sychrova H. Efficient transformation of the osmotolerant yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii by electroporation. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 55(2), 481-484, 2003 IF = 2,015(03) 73. Skarka L. - Bardova K. - Brauner P. - Flachs P. - Jarkovska D. - Kopecky J. - Ostadal B. Expression of mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 and adenine nucleotide translocase 1 genes in developing rat heart: putative involvement in control of mitochondrial membrane potential. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 35(3), 321-330, 2003 IF = 4,954(03) 74. Ueno T. - Tremblay J. - Kunes J. - Zicha J. - Dobesova Z. - Pausova Z. - Deng A.Y. - Sun Y.L. - Jacob H.J. - Hamet P. Resolving the composite trait of hypertension into its pharmacogenetic determinants by acute pharmacological modulation of blood pressure regulatory systems. Journal of Molecular Medicine-JMM, 81(1), 51-60, 2003 IF = 4,101(03) 75. Bourova L. - Kostrnova A. - Hejnova L. - Moravcova Z. - Moon H.E. - Novotny J. - Milligan G. - Svoboda P. Delta-Opioid receptors exhibit high efficiency when activating trimeric G proteins in membrane domains. Journal of Neurochemistry, 85(1), 34-49, 2003 IF = 4,825(03) 76. Malomouzh A.I. - Mukhtarov M.R. - Nikolsky E.E. - Vyskocil F. - Lieberman E.M. - Urazaev A.K. Glutamate regulation of non-quantal release of acetylcholine in the rat neuromuscular junction. Journal of Neurochemistry, 85(1), 206-213, 2003 IF = 4,825(03) 77. Vlachova V. - Teisinger J. - Susankova K. - Lyfenko A. - Ettrich R. - Vyklicky st. L. Functional role of C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of rat vanilloid receptor 1. Journal of Neuroscience, 23(4), 1340-1350, 2003 IF = 8,306(03) 78. Olypher A.V. - Lansky P. - Muller R.U. - Fenton A.A. Quantifying location-specific information in the discharge of rat hippocampal place cells. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 127(2), 123-135, 2003 IF = 1,777(03) 79. Lansky P. - Weiss M. Classification of dissolution profiles in terms of fractional dissolution rate and a novel measure of heterogeneity. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 92(8), 1632-1647, 2003 IF = 2,07(03) 80. Hynie S. - Sida P. - Klenerova V. - Asemu G. - Ostadal B. Exposure to intermittent high altitude induces different changes in adenylyl cyclase activity in hearts of young and adult Wistar rats. Journal of Receptor and Signal Transduction Research, 23(1), 53-67, 2003 IF = 1,093(03) 81. Jindrichova S. - Novakova O. - Bryndova J. - Tvrzicka E. - Lisa V. - Novak A. - Pacha J. Corticosteroid effect on Caco-2 cell lipids depends on cell differentiation. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 87(2-3), 157-165, 2003 IF = 2,596(03) 82. Kraml J. - Kolinska J. - Sinkora J. - Zakostelecka M. - Kadlecova L. - Hirsova D. - Noskova L. Glucocorticoid agonistic and antagonistic effects of mifepristone and onapristone on thymocyte subset composition and CD26/dipeptidyl peptidase IV activity in infant male rats. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 87(1), 85-96, 2003 IF = 2,596(03) 83. de Wolf I. - Fielmich-Bouman X. - Lankhorst A. - van Oost B. - Beynen A. - Kren V. - Pravenec M. - van Zutphen B. - van Lith H. Liver copper content of rats hypo- or hyperresponsive to dietary cholesterol. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 17(3), 177-182, 2003 IF = 0,686(03) 84. Vokurkova M. - Dobesova Z. - Pechanova O. - Kunes J. - Zicha J. Erythrocyte ion transport and membrane lipid composition in young and adult rats with NO-deficient hypertension. Life Sciences, 73(13), 1637-1644, 2003 IF = 1,944(03) 85. Jirout M. - Krenova D. - Kren V. - Breen L. - Pravenec M. - Schork N.J. - Printz M.P. A new framework marker-based linkage map and SDPs for the rat HXB/BXH strain set. Mammalian Genome, 14(8), 537-546, 2003 IF = 2,685(03) 86. Karen P. - Jirkovska M. - Tomori Z. - Demjenova E. - Janacek J. - Kubinova L. Three-dimensional computer reconstruction of large tissue volumes based on composing series of high-resolution confocal images by GlueMRC and LinkMRC software. Microscopy Research and Technique, 62(5), 415-422, 2003 IF = 2,307(03) 87. Novotny J. - Hrbasova M. - Kolar F. - Svoboda P. Cardiomegaly induced by pressure overload in newborn rats is accompanied by altered expression of the long isoform of G(s)alpha protein and deranged signaling of adenylyl cyclase. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 245(1-2), 157-166, 2003 IF = 1,763(03) 88. Ravingerova T. - Neckar J. - Kolar F. Ischemic tolerance of rat hearts in acute and chronic phases of experimental diabetes. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 249(1-2), 167-174, 2003 IF = 1,763(03) 89. Strniskova M. - Barancik M. - Neckar J. - Ravingerova T. Mitogen-activated protein kinases in the acute diabetic myocardium. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 249(1-2), 59-65, 2003 IF = 1,763(03) 90. Regelmann J. - Schule T. - Josupeit F.S. - Horak J. - Rose M. - Entian K.D. - Thumm M. - Wolf D.H. Catabolite degradation of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae: a genome-wide screen identifies eight novel GID genes and indicates the existence of two degradation pathways. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 14(4), 1652-1663, 2003 IF = 7,454(03) 91. Bonne A. - Gosele C. - den Bieman M. - Gillissen G. - Kreitler T. - Pravenec M. - Kren V. - van Lith H. - van Zutphen B. Sequencing and chromosomal localization of Fabp6 and an intronless Fabp6 segment in the rat. Molecular Biology Reports, 30(3), 173-176, 2003 IF = 0,565(03) 92. Kretschmannova K. - Svobodova I. - Zemkova H. Day-night variations in zinc sensitivity of GABA(A) receptor-channels in rat suprachiasmatic nucleus. Molecular Brain Research, 120(1), 46-51, 2003 IF = 2,107(03) 93. Svobodova I. - Vanecek J. - Zemkova H. The bidirectional phase-shifting effects of melatonin on the arginine vasopressin secretion rhythm in rat suprachiasmatic nuclei in vitro. Molecular Brain Research, 116(1-2), 80-85, 2003 IF = 2,107(03) 94. Myslivecek J. - Ricny J. - Kolar F. - Tucek S. The effects of hydrocortisone on rat heart muscarinic and adrenergic alpha(1), beta(1) and beta(2) receptors, propranolol-resistant binding sites and on some subsequent steps in intracellular signalling. Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 368(5), 366-376, 2003 IF = 2,101(03) 95. Dolezal V. - Kasparova J. Beta-amyloid and cholinergic neurons. Neurochemical Research, 28(3-4), 499-506, 2003 IF = 1,511(03) 96. Kovyazina I.V. - Nikolsky E.E. - Giniatullin R.A. - Adamek S. - Vyskocil F. Dependence of miniature endplate current on kinetic parameters of acetylcholine receptors activation: a model study. Neurochemical Research, 28(3-4), 443-448, 2003 IF = 1,511(03) 97. Samigullin D. - Bukharaeva E. - Nikolsky E. - Vyskocil F. Temperature effect on proximal to distal gradient of quantal release of acetylcholine at frog endplate. Neurochemical Research, 28(3-4), 507-514, 2003 IF = 1,511(03) 98. Vyskocil F. Early postdenervation depolarization is controlled by acetylcholine and glutamate via nitric oxide regulation of the chloride transporter. Neurochemical Research, 28(3-4), 575-585, 2003 IF = 1,511(03) 99. Vyklicky st. L. - Lyfenko A. - Kuffler D.P. - Vlachova V. Vanilloid receptor TRPV1 is not activated by vanilloids applied intracellularly. Neuroreport, 14(7), 1061-1065, 2003 IF = 2,503(03) 100. Palecek J. - Paleckova V. - Willis W.D. Postsynaptic dorsal column neurons express NK1 receptors following colon inflammation. Neuroscience, 116(2), 565-572, 2003 IF = 3,601(03) 101. Doczi J. - Bernaskova K. - Kubova H. - Detari L. - Vilagi I. - Druga R. - Mares P. Long-term changes of activity of cortical neurons after status epilepticus induced at early developmental stages in rats. Neuroscience Letters, 352(2), 125-128, 2003 IF = 1,967(03) 102. Palecek J. - Paleckova V. - Willis W.D. 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