School Program
Wednesday – April 25, 2007

9:30-10:30 Bob Brandom: Reason, Expression and the Philosophical Enterprise

10:30-13:30 Michael Williams: Meaning and Metaphysics: Sellars's Inferentialism
The relation of Sellars's inferentialism to his broader philosophical aims and concerns. |

15:00-18:00 James Conant: Wittgenstein on Following a Rule
Overview of some of the most influential attempts to make sense of the discussion that runs from sections 185 to 201 of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations.
Thursday – April 26, 2007

10:00-13:00 Björn Ramberg: The Rortyan background to Brandom's rationalism
Anti-authoritarian romantic naturalism

15:00-18:00 Mark Lance: Normative Pragmatism
A survey of ways in which the social pragmatist tradition anchored in the work of Wilfrid Sellars emphasizes normativity.
Friday – April 27, 2007

10:00-13:00 Michael Kremer: Inferentialism and Logic
The meaning of the traditional logical constants, such as 'and,' 'or,' 'not,' 'if...then...,' 'all,' 'some,' and 'is' explained in inferential terms.

15:00-18:00 Paul Horwich: Deflationism
An examination of the pros and cons of various alternative deflationary accounts of truth.