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Aktualizováno 19.3.2012

Zicha J. - Dobešová Z. - Behuliak M. - Kuneš J. - Vaněčková I.
Preventive dietary potassium supplementation in young salt-sensitive Dahl rats attenuates development of salt hypertension by decreasing sympathetic vasoconstriction.
Acta Physiologica, 202(1), 29-38, 2011
IF = 3,138(10)

Pico C. - Macek Jílková Z. - Kůs V. - Palou A. - Kopecký J.
Perinatal programming of body weight control by leptin: putative roles of AMP kinase and muscle thermogenesis.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 94, 1830S-1837S, 2011
IF = 6,606(10)

Soták M. - Polidarová L. - Musílková J. - Hock M. - Sumová A. - Pácha J.
Circadian regulation of electrolyte absorption in the rat colon.
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 301(6), G1066-G1074, 2011
IF = 3,522(10)

Borchert G.H. - Yang Ch. - Kolář F.
Mitochondrial BKCa channels contribute to protection of cardiomyocytes isolated from chronically hypoxic rats.
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 300(2), H507-H513, 2011
IF = 3,88(10)

Holakovská B. - Gryčová L. - Bílý J. - Teisinger J.
Characterization of calmodulin binding domains in TRPV2 and TRPV5 C-tails.
Amino Acids, 40(2), 741-748, 2011
IF = 4,106(10)

Beneš ml. J. - Melenovsky V. - Škaroupková P. - Pospíšilová J. - Petrák J. - Červenka L. - Sedmera D.
Myocardial Morphological Characteristics and Proarrhythmic Substrate in the Rat Model of Heart Failure Due to Chronic Volume Overload.
Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 294(1), 102-111, 2011
IF = 1,4(10)

Rohlena J. - Dong L.-F. - Klučková K. - Zobalová R. - Goodwin J. - Tilly D. - Štursa J. - Pecinová A. - Philimonenko A. - Hozák P. - Banerjee J. - Ledvina M. - Sen Ch. - Houštěk J. - Coster M. J. - Neužil J.
Mitochondrially Targeted alpha-Tocopheryl Succinate Is Antiangiogenic: Potential Benefit Against Tumor Angiogenesis but Caution Against Wound Healing.
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 15(12), 2923-2935, 2011
IF = 8,209(10)

Šlamberová R. - Mikulecká A. - Pometlová M. - Schutová B. - Hrubá L. - Deykun K.
Sex differences in social interaction of methamphetamine-treated rats.
Behavioural Pharmacology, 22(7), 617-623, 2011
IF = 2,53(10)

Samad A. - Surá L. - Benedikt J. - Ettrich R. - Minofar B. - Teisinger J. - Vlachová V.
The C-terminal basic residues contribute to the chemical- and voltage-dependent activation of TRPA1.
Biochemical Journal, 433(1), 197-204, 2011
IF = 5,016(10)

Petrenko N. - Khafizov K. - Tvrdoňová V. - Skorinkin A. - Giniatullin R.
Role of the Ectodomain Serine 275 in Shaping the Binding Pocket of the ATP-Gated P2X3 Receptor.
Biochemistry, 50(39), 8427-8436, 2011
IF = 3,226(10)

Hejzlarová K. - Tesařová M. - Vrbacká-Čížková A. - Vrbacký M. - Hartmannová H. - Kaplanová V. - Nosková L. - Kratochvílová H. - Buzková J. - Havlíčková V. - Zeman J. - Kmoch S. - Houštěk J.
Expression and processing of the TMEM70 protein.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1807(1), 144-149, 2011
IF = 5,132(10)

Brejchová J. - Sýkora J. - Dlouhá K. - Roubalová L. - Ostašov P. - Vošahlíková M. - Hof M. - Svoboda P.
Fluorescence spectroscopy studies of HEK293 cells expressing DOR-Gi1alfa fusion protein; the effect of cholesterol depletion.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1808(12), 2819-2829, 2011
IF = 4,647(10)

Obšil T. - Obšilová V.
Structural basis for DNA recognition by FOXO proteins.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research, 1813(11), 1946-1953, 2011
IF = 4,733(10)

Ujčíková H. - Dlouhá K. - Roubalová L. - Vošahlíková M. - Kagan D. - Svoboda P.
Up-regulation of adenylylcyclases I and II induced by long-term adaptation of rats to morphine fades away 20 days after morphine withdrawal.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects, 1810(12), 1220-1229, 2011
IF = 4,663(10)

Bačáková L. - Filová E. - Pařízek M. - Ruml T. - Švorčík V.
Modulation of cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation on materials designed for body implants.
Biotechnology Advances, 29(6), 739-767, 2011
IF = 7,6(10)

Adámek S. - Vyskočil F.
Potassium-selective microelectrode revealed difference in threshold potassium concentration for cortical spreading depression in female and male rat brain.
Brain Research, 1370, 215-219, 2011
IF = 2,623(10)

Tabashidze A. - Mareš P.
GABA-A receptors play a minor role in cortical epileptic afterdischarges in immature rats.
Brain Research, 1412, 102-107, 2011
IF = 2,623(10)

Jakubík J. - Janíčková H. - El-Fakahany E. E. - Doležal V.
Negative cooperativity in binding of muscarinic receptor agonists and GDP as a measure of agonist efficacy.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 162(5), 1029-1044, 2011
IF = 4,925(10)

Vališ K. - Procházka L. - Bouřa E. - Chladová J. - Obšil T. - Rohlena J. - Truksa J. - Dong L.F. - Ralph S.J. - Neužil J.
Hippo/Mst1 stimulates transcription of the proapoptotic mediator NOXA in a FoxO1-dependent manner.
Cancer Research, 71(3), 946-954, 2011
IF = 8,234(10)

Sedmera D.
Function and form in the developing cardiovascular system.
Cardiovascular Research, 91(2), 252-259, 2011
IF = 6,051(10)

Beneš J. - Kazdová L. - Drahota Z. - Houštěk J. - Medříková D. - Kopecký J. - Kovářová A. - Vrbacký M. - Sedmera D. - Strnad H. - Kolář M. - Petrák J. - Benada O. - Škaroupková P. - Červenka L. - Melenovsky V.
Effect of metformin therapy on cardiac function and survival in a volume-overload model of heart failure in rats.
Clinical Science and Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine, 121(1), 29-41, 2011
IF = 4,613(10)

Šťastná E. - Chodounská H. - Pouzar V. - Borovská J. - Vyklický ml. L.
Synthesis of pregnane 3-carboxylic acids via Pd-catalyzed alkoxycarbonylation and their effect on NMDA receptor activity.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 76(9), 1141-1161, 2011
IF = 0,853(10)

Volkov E. M. - Nurullin L. F. - Volkov M. E. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskočil F.
Mechanisms of carbacholine and GABA action on resting membrane potential and Na+/K+-ATPase of Lumbricus terrestris body wall muscles.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 158(4), 520-524, 2011
IF = 2,134(10)

Brom C. - Preuss M. - Klement D.
Are educational computer micro-games engaging and effective for knowledge acquisition at high-schools? A quasi-experimental study.
Computers & Education, 57(3), 1971-1988, 2011
IF = 2,617(10)

Kozina V. - Banek L. - Kneževič N. - Geist D. - Kubínová L. - Kosovič M. - Rentenberger Ch. - Vukasovič A. - Ježek D.
Reinke´s Crystals in Perivascular and Peritubular Leydig Cells.
Croatica Chemica Acta, 84(2), 159-167, 2011
IF = 0,713(10)

Touška F. - Maršáková L. - Teisinger J. - Vlachová V.
A “Cute” Desensitization of TRPV1.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 12(1), 122-129, 2011
IF = 3,455(10)

Vlachová V.
TRP Channels: From Understanding to Action.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 12(1), 1-2, 2011
IF = 3,455(10)

Sedmera D. - Thompson R. P.
Myocyte proliferation in the developing heart.
Developmental Dynamics, 240(6), 1322-1334, 2011
IF = 2,864(10)

Flachs P. - Rühl R. - Hensler M. - Janovská P. - Zouhar P. - Kůs V. - Macek Jílková Z. - Papp E. - Kuda O. - Svobodová M. - Rossmeisl M. - Tsenov G. - Mohamed-Ali V. - Kopecký J.
Synergistic induction of lipid catabolism and anti-inflammatory lipids in white fat of dietary obese mice in response to calorie restriction and n-3 fatty acids.
Diabetologia, 54(10), 2626-2638, 2011
IF = 6,973(10)

Zemková H. - Stojilkovič S.S. - Klein D. C.
Norepinephrine Causes a Biphasic Change in Mammalian Pinealocye Membrane Potential: Role of alfa1B-Adrenoreceptors, Phospholipase C, and Ca2plus.
Endocrinology, 152(10), 3842-3851, 2011
IF = 4,993(10)

Tolner E. A. - Hochman D. W. - Hassinen P. - Otáhal J. - Gaily E. - Haglund M. M. - Kubová H. - Schuchmann S. - Vanhatalo S. - Kaila K.
Five percent CO2 is a potent, fast-acting inhalation anticonvulsant.
Epilepsia, 52(1), 104-114, 2011
IF = 3,955(10)

Mikulecká A. - Mareš P. - Kubová H.
Rebound increase in seizure susceptibility but not isolation-induced calls after single administration of clonazepam and Ro 19-8022 in infant rats.
Epilepsy and Behavior, 20(1), 12-19, 2011
IF = 1,994(10)

Lomoio S. - Necchi D. - Mareš V. - Scherini E.
A single episode of neonatal seizures alters the cerebellum of immature rats.
Epilepsy Research, 93(1), 17-24, 2011
IF = 2,302(10)

Barreto L. - Canadell D. - Petrezsélyová S. - Navarrete C. - Marešová L. - Peréz-Valle J. - Herrera R. - Olier I. - Giraldo J. - Sychrová H. - Yenush L. - Ramos J. - Ariňo J.
A Genomewide Screen for Tolerance to Cationic Drugs Reveals Genes Important for Potassium Homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Eukaryotic Cell, 10(9), 1241-1250, 2011
IF = 3,395(10)

Kraidlová L. - Van Zeebroeck G. - van Dijck P. - Sychrová H.
The Candida albicans GAP Gene Family Encodes Permeases Involved in General and Specific Amino Acid Uptake and Sensing.
Eukaryotic Cell, 10(9), 1219-1229, 2011
IF = 3,395(10)

Kaniaková, Martina M. - Lindovský J. - Krůšek J. - Adámek S. - Vyskočil F.
Dual effect of lobeline on alpha 4 beta 2 rat neuronal nicotinic receptors.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 658, 108-113, 2011
IF = 2,737(10)

Líšková S. - Petrová M. - Karen P. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J.
Effects of aging and hypertension on the participation of endothelium-derived constricting factor (EDCF) in norepinephrine-induced contraction of rat femoral artery.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 667, 265-270, 2011
IF = 2,737(10)

Rivolta I. - Lucchini G. - Rocchetti M. - Kolář F. - Palazzo F. - Zaza A. - Miserocchi G.
Interstitial pressure and lung oedema in chronic hypoxia.
European Respiratory Journal, 37(4), 943-949, 2011
IF = 5,922(10)

Ramos J. - Ariňo J. - Sychrová H.
Alkali–metal–cation influx and efflux systems in nonconventional yeast species.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 317(1), 1-8, 2011
IF = 2,04(10)

Krauke Y. - Sychrová H.
Cnh1 Na+/H+ antiporter and Ena1 Na+-ATPase play different roles in cation homeostasis and cell physiology of Candida glabrata.
FEMS Yeast Research, 11(1), 29-41, 2011
IF = 2,279(10)

Petrezsélyová S. - Ramos J. - Sychrová H.
Trk2 transporter is a relevant player in K+ supply and plasma-membrane potential control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Folia Microbiologica, 56(1), 23-28, 2011
IF = 0,977(10)

Martínez J. L. - Sychrová H. - Ramos J.
Monovalent cations regulate expression and activity of the Hak1 potassium transporter in Debaryomyces hansenii.
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 48(2), 177-184, 2011
IF = 3,333(10)

Kozina V. - Geist D. - Kubínová L. - Bilic E. - Karnthaler H. P. - Waitz T. - Janáček J. - Chernyavskiy O. - Krhen I. - Ježek D.
Visualization of Reinke’s crystals in normal and cryptorchid testis.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 135(2), 215-228, 2011
IF = 4,727(10)

Rauchová H. - Mráček T. - Novák P. - Vokurková M. - Soukup T.
Glycerol-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Expression and Oxygen Consumption in Liver Mitochondria of Female and Male Rats with Chronic Alteration of Thyroid Status.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 43(1), 43-47, 2011
IF = 2,414(10)

Pravenec M. - Kajiya T. - Zídek V. - Landa V. - Mlejnek P. - Šimáková M. - Šilhavý J. - Malínská H. - Oliyarnyk O. - Kazdová L. - Fan J. - Wang J. - Kurtz T. W.
Effects of Human C-Reactive Protein on Pathogenesis of Features of the Metabolic Syndrome.
Hypertension, 57(4), 731-737, 2011
IF = 6,908(10)

Behuliak M. - Pintérová M. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J.
Vasodilator efficiency of endogenous prostanoids, Ca2+-activated K+ channels and nitric oxide in rats with spontaneous, salt-dependent or NO-deficient hypertension.
Hypertension Research, 34(8), 968-975, 2011
IF = 2,353(10)

Najmanová V. - Rambousek L. - Syslová K. - Bubeníková V. - Šlamberová R. - Valeš K. - Kačer P.
LC-ESI-MS-MS Method for Monitoring Dopamine, Serotonin and Their Metabolites in Brain Tissue.
Chromatographia, 73, 143-149, 2011
IF = 1,075(10)

Nováková M. - Paclt I. - Ptáček R. - Kuželová H. - Hájek I. - Sumová A.
Salivary Melatonin Rhythm as a Marker of the Circadian System in Healthy Children and Those With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Chronobiology International, 28(7), 630-637, 2011
IF = 5,576(10)

Polidarová L. - Sládek M. - Soták M. - Pácha J. - Sumová A.
Hepatic, Duodenal, and Colonic Circadian Clocks Differ in their Persistence under Conditions of Constant Light and in their Entrainment by Restricted Feeding.
Chronobiology International, 28(3), 204-215, 2011
IF = 5,576(10)

Smolková K. - Plecitá-Hlavatá L. - Bellance N. - Benard G. - Rossignol R. - Ježek P.
Waves of gene regulation suppress and then restore oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 43(7), 950-968, 2011
IF = 4,956(10)

Čupera J. - Lánský P.
Homogeneous diffusion layer model of dissolution incorporating the initial transient phase.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 416(1), 35-42, 2011
IF = 3,607(10)

Filová E. - Pařízek M. - Olšovská J. - Kameník Z. - Brynda E. - Riedel T. - Vandrovcová M. - Lisá V. - Machová L. - Skalský I. - Szárszoi O. - Suchý T. - Bačáková L.
Perivascular sirolimus-delivery system.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 404, 94-101, 2011
IF = 3,607(10)

Lyukmanova E. N. - Shenkarev Z. O. - Shulepko M. A. - Mineev K. S. - D´Hoedt D. - Kasheverov I. E. - Filkin S. Yu. - Krivolapova A. P. - Janíčková H. - Doležal V. - Dolgikh D. A. - Arseniev A. S. - Bertrand D. - Tsetlin V.I. - Kirpichnikov M. P.
NMR Structure and Action on Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors of Water-soluble Domain of Human LYNX1.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(12), 10618-10627, 2011
IF = 5,328(10)

Řežábková L. - Man P. - Novák P. - Herman P. - Vecer J. - Obšilová V. - Obšil T.
Structural Basis for the 14-3-3 Protein-dependent Inhibition of the Regulator of G Protein Signaling 3 (RGS3) Function.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(50), 43527-43536, 2011
IF = 5,328(10)

Drastichová Z. - Škrabalová J. - Neckář J. - Kolář F. - Novotný J.
Prolonged morphine administration alters protein expression in the rat myocardium.
Journal of Biomedical Science, 18, e89, 2011
IF = 1,962(10)

Arnoštová P. - Jedelsky P. L. - Soukup T. - Žurmanová J.
Electrophoretic Mobility of Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms Revisited: Application of MALDI TOF/TOF Analysis.
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2011, e634253, 2011
IF = 1,225(10)

Váchová L. - Šťovíček V. - Hlaváček O. - Chernyavskiy O. - Štěpánek L. - Kubínová L. - Palková Z.
Flo11p, drug efflux pumps, and the extracellular matrix cooperate to form biofilm yeast colonies.
Journal of Cell Biology, 194(5), 679-687, 2011
IF = 9,921(10)

Syslová K. - Rambousek L. - Kuzma M. - Najmanová V. - Bubeniková-Valešová V. - Šlamberová R. - Kačer P.
Monitoring of dopamine and its metabolites in brain microdialysates: Method combining freeze-drying with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spektrometry.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1218(21), 3382-3391, 2011
IF = 4,194(10)

Hájková Z. - Bugajev V. - Dráberová E. - Vinopal S. - Dráberová L. - Janáček J. - Dráber P. - Dráber P.
STIM1-Directed Reorganization of Microtubules in Activated Mast Cells.
Journal of Immunology, 186(2), 913-923, 2011
IF = 5,745(10)

Dobiášová M. - Frohlich J. - Šedová M. - Cheung M. C. - Brown B.G.
Cholesterol esterification and atherogenic index of plasma correlate with lipoprotein size and findings on coronary angiography.
Journal of Lipid Research, 52(3), 566-571, 2011
IF = 6,115(10)

Řezanka P. - Navrátilová K. - Žvátora P. - Sýkora D. - Matějka P. - Mikšík I. - Kašička V. - Král V.
Cyclodextrin modified gold nanoparticles-based open-tubular capillary electrochromatographic separations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13(11), 5947-5957, 2011
IF = 3,25(10)

Jindřichová M. - Khafizov K. - Skorinkin A. - Fayuk D. - Bart G. - Zemková H. - Giniatullin R.
Highly conserved tyrosine 37 stabilizes desensitized states and restricts calcium permeability of ATP-gated P2X3 receptor.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 119(4), 676-685, 2011
IF = 4,337(10)

Špicarová D. - Nerandzic V. - Paleček J.
Modulation of spinal cord synaptic activity by tumor necrosis factor ? in a model of peripheral neuropathy.
Journal of Neuroinflammation, 8, e177, 2011
IF = 5,785(10)

Dráberová E. - Vinopal S. - Morfini G. - Liu P. S. - Sládková V. - Sulimenko T. - Burns M.R. - Solowska J. - Kulandaivel K. - De Chadarévian J.P. - Legido A. - Mork S.J. - Janáček J. - Baas P. - Dráber P. - Katsetos C.D.
Microtubule-severing ATPase spastin in glioblastoma: increased expression in human glioblastoma cell lines and inverse roles in cell motility and proliferation.
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 70(9), 811-826, 2011
IF = 4,19(10)

Ergang P. - Vytáčkov K. - Švec J. - Bryndová J. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Upregulation of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 in lymphoid organs during inflammation in the rat.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 126, 19-25, 2011
IF = 2,886(10)

Philimonenko A. - Janáček J. - Snyers L. - Almeder M. - Berger W. - Schmidt W. - Schofer C. - Hozák P.
Chromosomal dynamics of cell cycle regulator gene p21 during transcriptional activation.
Journal of Structural Biology, 173(2), 382-390, 2011
IF = 3,497(10)

Kochová P. - Cimrman R. - Janáček J. - Witter K. - Tonar Z.
How to asses, visualize and compare the anisotropy of linear structures reconstructed from optical sections ? A study based on histopathological quantification of human brain microvessels.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 286, 67-78, 2011
IF = 2,371(10)

Maurer G. - Portugal S. J. - Mikšík I. - Cassey P.
Speckles of cryptic black-headed gull eggs show no mechanical or conductance structural function.
Journal of Zoology, 285(3), 194-204, 2011
IF = 1,787(10)

Vaněčková I. - Husková Z. - Vaňourková Z. - Červenka L.
Castration Has Antihypertensive and Organoprotective Effects in Male but Not in Female Heterozygous Ren-2 Rats.
Kidney & Blood Pressure Research, 34(1), 46-52, 2011
IF = 1,5(10)

Lukáč R. - Kauerová Z. - Mašek J. - Bartheldyová E. - Kulich P. - Koudelka Š. - Korvasová Z. - Plocková J. - Papoušek F. - Kolář F. - Schmidt R. - Turánek J.
Preparation of Metallochelating Microbubbles and Study on Their Site-Specific Interaction with rGFP-HisTag as a Model Protein.
Langmuir, 27(8), 4829-4837, 2011
IF = 4,269(10)

Hensler M. - Bardová K. - Macek Jílková Z. - Wahli W. - Meztger D. - Chambon P. - Kopecký J. - Flachs P.
The inhibition of fat cell proliferation by fatty acids in dietary obese mice.
Lipids in Health and Disease, 10, 128, 2011
IF = 2,239(10)

Vohník M. - Burdíková Z. - Vyhnal A. - Koukol O.
Interactions Between Testate Amoebae and Saprotrophic Microfungi in a Scots Pine Litter Microcosm.
Microbial Ecology, 61(3), 660-668, 2011
IF = 2,875(10)

Leandro M.J. - Sychrová H. - Prista C. - Loureiro-Dias M.C.
The osmotolerant fructophilic yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii employs two plasma-membrane fructose uptake systems belonging to a new family of yeast sugar transporters.
Microbiology, 157(2), 601-608, 2011
IF = 2,957(10)

Michálek J. - Čapek M. - Kubínová L.
Nonrigid Registration of CLSM Images of Physical Sections with Discontinuous Deformations.
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17(6), 923-936, 2011
IF = 2,179(10)

Michálek J. - Čapek M. - Kubínová L.
Compensation of inhomogeneous fluorescence signal distribution in 2D images acquired by confocal microscopy.
Microscopy Research Technique, 74(9), 831-838, 2011
IF = 1,712(10)

Janáček J. - Cvetko E. - Kubínová L. - Travnik L. - Eržen I.
A novel method for evaluation of capillarity in human skeletal muscles from confocal 3D images.
Microvascular Research, 81(2), 231-238, 2011
IF = 2,39(10)

Pecinová A. - Drahota Z. - Nůsková H. - Pecina P. - Houštěk J.
Evaluation of basic mitochondrial functions using rat tissue homogenates.
Mitochondrion, 11(5), 722-728, 2011
IF = 3,238(10)

Klevstig M. J. - Marková I. - Burianová J. - Kazdová L. - Pravenec M. - Nováková O. - Novák F.
Role of FAT/CD36 in novel PKC isoform activation in heart of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 357, 163-169, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Melenovsky V. - Beneš J. - Škaroupková P. - Sedmera D. - Strnad H. - Kolář M. - Vlček Č. - Petrák J. - Beneš ml. J. - Papoušek F. - Oliyarnyk O. - Kazdová L. - Červenka L.
Metabolic characterization of volume overload heart failure due to aorto-caval fistula in rats.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 354, 83-96, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Wilhelm J. - Ivica J. - Kagan D. - Svoboda P.
Early postnatal development of rat brain is accompanied by generation of lipofuscin-like pigments.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 347, 157-162, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Wilhelm J. - Ošťádalová I. - Vytášek R. - Vajner L.
Generation of hydrogen peroxide in the developing rat heart: the role of elastin metabolism.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 358, 215-220, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Ježek K. - Henriksen E. J. - Treves A. - Moser E. I. - Moser M.B.
Theta-paced flickering between place-cell maps in the hippocampus.
Nature, 478(7368), 246-249, 2011
IF = 36,101(10)

McDermott-Roe Ch. - Ye J. - Ahmed R. - Sun X. M. - Serafín A. - Ware J. - Bottolo L. - Muckett P. - Caňas X. - Zhang J. - Rowe G. C. - Buchan R. - Lu H. - Braithwaite A. - Mancini M. - Hauton D. - Martí R. - García-Arumí E. - Hubner N. - Jacob H. - Serikawa T. - Zídek V. - Papoušek F. - Kolář F. - Cardona M. - Ruiz-Meana M. - García-Dorado D. - Comella J. X. - Felkin L. E. - Barton P. J. R. - Arany Z. - Pravenec M. - Petretto E. - Sanchis D. - Cook S.A.
Endonuclease G is a novel determinant of cardiac hypertrophy and mitochondrial function.
Nature, 478(7367), 114-118, 2011
IF = 36,101(10)

Ditlevsen S. - Lánský P.
Firing Variability Is Higher than Deduced from the Empirical Coefficient of Variation.
Neural Computation, 23(8), 1944-1966, 2011
IF = 2,29(10)

Kobayashi R. - Shinomoto S. - Lánský P.
Estimation of time-dependent input from neuronal membrane potential.
Neural Computation, 23(12), 3070-3093, 2011
IF = 2,29(10)

Laczó J. - Andel R. - Vlček K. - Maťoška V. - Vyhnálek M. - Tolar M. - Bojar M. - Hort J.
Spatial Navigation and APOE in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Neurodegenerative Diseases, 8(4), 169-177, 2011
IF = 3,791(10)

Řezáčová L. - Svoboda J. - Stuchlík A. - Valeš K.
Differential effects of stable elevated levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone and systemic corticosterone on various types of rat learning.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 32(1), 64-76, 2011
IF = 1,621(10)

Zach P. - Mrzílková J. - Stuchlík A. - Valeš K. - Řezáčová L.
Delayed effect of chronic administration of corticoids on the taste aversion learning.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 32(1), 90-95, 2011
IF = 1,621(10)

Rambousek L. - Bubeníková-Valešová V. - Kačer P. - Syslová K. - Kenney J. - Holubová K. - Najmanová V. - Zach P. - Svoboda J. - Stuchlík A. - Chodounská H. - Kapras V. - Adamusová E. - Borovská J. - Vyklický ml. L. - Valeš K.
Cellular and behavioural effects of a new steroidal inhibitor of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor 3?5ß-pregnanolone glutamate.
Neuropharmacology, 61, 61-68, 2011
IF = 4,677(10)

Nováková M. - Polidarová L. - Sládek M. - Sumová A.
Restricted feeding regime affects clock gene expression profiles in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rats exposed to constant light.
Neuroscience, 197, 65-71, 2011
IF = 3,215(10)

Vávra V. - Bhattacharya A. - Zemková H.
Facilitation of glutamate and GABA release by P2X receptor activation in supraoptic neurons from freshly isolated rat brain slices.
Neuroscience, 188, 1-12, 2011
IF = 3,215(10)

Mlodzianoski M. J. - Schreiner J. M. - Callahan S. P. - Smolková K. - Dlasková A. - Šantorová J. - Ježek P. - Bewersdorf J.
Sample drift correction in 3D fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy.
Optics Express, 19(16), 15009-15019, 2011
IF = 3,749(10)

Tichá K. - Mikulecká A. - Mareš P.
Behavioral consequences of the mGlu5 receptor antagonist MTEP in immature rats.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 99(4), 619-625, 2011
IF = 2,624(10)

Chaudhuri D. - Borowski P. - Zápotocký M.
Model of fasciculation and sorting in mixed populations of axons.
Physical Review. E, 84(2), e021908, 2011
IF = 2,352(10)

Pawlas Z. - Lánský P.
Distribution of interspike intervals estimated from multiple spike trains observed in a short time window.
Physical Review. E, 83(1), e011910, 2011
IF = 2,352(10)

Morrissey C. - Grieve I. - Heinig M. - Atanur S. - Petretto E. - Pravenec M. - Hubner N. - Aitman T. J.
Integrated genomic approaches to identification of candidate genes underlying metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Physiological Genomics, 43(21), 1207-1218, 2011
IF = 3,368(10)

Pravenec M. - Zídek V. - Landa V. - Šimáková M. - Mlejnek P. - Šilhavý J. - Maxová M. - Kazdová L. - Seidman J. G. - Seidman Ch. E. - Eminaga S. - Gorham J. - Wang J. - Kurtz T. W.
Age-related autocrine diabetogenic effects of transgenic resistin in spontaneously hypertensive rats: gene expression profile analysis.
Physiological Genomics, 43(7), 372-379, 2011
IF = 3,368(10)

Balková P. - Hlaváčková M. - Milerová M. - Neckář J. - Kolář F. - Novák F. - Nováková O.
N-acetylcysteine treatment prevents the up-regulation of MnSOD in chronically hypoxic rat hearts.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 467-474, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Eržen I. - Janáček J. - Kubínová L.
Characterization of the capillary network in skeletal muscles from 3D data.
Physiological Research, 60(1), 1-13, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Hock M. - Soták M. - Kment M. - Pácha J.
The early effect of dextran sodium sulfate administration on carbachol-induced short-circuit current in distal and proximal colon during colitis development.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 921-931, 2011
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Malomouzh A. I. - Arkhipova S. S. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskočil F.
Immunocytochemical demonstration of M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors at the presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes of rat diaphragm endplates.
Physiological Research, 60(1), 185-188, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Novák P. - Soukup T.
Calsequestrin distribution, structure and function, its role in normal and pathological situations and the effect of thyroid hormones.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 439-452, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Páleníčková E. - Cahová M. - Drahota Z. - Kazdová L. - Kalous M.
Inhibitory effect of metformin on oxidation of NADH-dependent substrates in rat liver homogenate.
Physiological Research, 60(5), 835-839, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Pařízek M. - Novotná K. - Bačáková L.
The role of smooth muscle cells in vessel wall pathophysiology and reconstruction using bioactive synthetic polymers.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 419-437, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Pintérová M. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J.
Altered neural and vascular mechanisms in hypertension.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 381-402, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Rašlová K. - Dobiášová M. - Hubáček J. A. - Bencová D. - Siváková D. - Danková Z. - Franeková J. - Jabor A. - Gašparovič J. - Vohnout B.
Association of metabolic and genetic factors with cholesterol esterification rate in HDL plasma and atherogenic index of plasma in a 40 years old Slovak population.
Physiological Research, 60(5), 758-795, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Říčný J. - Soukup T.
Comparison of new ELISA method with established SDS-PAGE method for determination of muscle myosin heavy chain isoforms.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 899-904, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Říha H. - Neckář J. - Papoušek F. - Netuka I. - Pirk J. - Kolář F. - Ošťádal B.
Suppression of ischemic and reperfusion ventricular arrhythmias by inhalational anesthetic-induced preconditioning in the rat heart.
Physiological Research, 60(4), 709-714, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Skalský I. - Filová E. - Szárszoi O. - Pařízek M. - Lytvynets A. - Malušková J. - Lodererová A. - Brynda E. - Lisá V. - Burdíková Z. - Čapek M. - Pirk J. - Bačáková L.
A periadventitial sirolimus-releasing mesh decreased intimal hyperplasia in a rabbit model.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 585-588, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Soukup O. - Krůšek J. - Kaniaková, Martina M. - Kumar U. K. - Oz M. - Jun D. - Fusek J. - Kuča K. - Tobin G.
Oxime reactivators and their in vivo and in vitro effects on nicotinic receptors.
Physiological Research, 60(4), 679-686, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Šedý J. - Kuneš J. - Zicha J.
Neurogenic pulmonary edema induced by spinal cord injury in spontaneously hypertensive and Dahl salt hypertensive rats.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 975-979, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Tchekalarova J. - Kubová H. - Mareš P.
Transient changes of cortical interhemispheric responses after repeated caffeine administration in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 961-969, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Vandrovcová M. - Bačáková L.
Adhesion, growth and differentiation of osteoblasts on surface-modified materials developed for bone implants.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 403-417, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Vandrovcová M. - Douglas T. - Hauk D. - Grössner-Schreiber B. - Wiltfang J. - Bačáková L. - Warnke P. H.
Influence of collagen and chondroitin sulfate (CS) coatings on poly-(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) on MG 63 osteoblast-like cells.
Physiological Research, 60(5), 797-813, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Vošahlíková M. - Svoboda P.
The influence of monovalent cations on trimeric G protein Gi1alfa activity in HEK293 cells stably expressing DOR-Gi1alfa (Cys351-Ile351) fusion protein.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 541-547, 2011
IF = 1,646(10)

Grausová L. - Kromka A. - Burdíková Z. - Eckhardt A. - Rezek B. - Vacík J. - Haenen K. - Lisá V. - Bačáková L.
Enhanced Growth and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Osteoblast-Like Cells on Boron-Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films.
PLoS ONE, 6(6), e20943, 2011
IF = 4,411(10)

Jakubík J. - Janíčková H. - Randáková A. - El-Fakahany E. E. - Doležal V.
Subtype Differences in Pre-Coupling of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors.
PLoS ONE, 6(11), e27732, 2011
IF = 4,411(10)

Košťál L. - Lánský P. - Pokora O.
Variability Measures of Positive Random Variables.
PLoS ONE, 6(7), e21998, 2011
IF = 4,411(10)

Kůs V. - Flachs P. - Kuda O. - Bardová K. - Janovská P. - Svobodová M. - Macek Jílková Z. - Rossmeisl M. - Wang-Sattler R. - Yu Z. - Illig T. - Kopecký J.
Unmasking Differential Effects of Rosiglitazone and Pioglitazone in the Combination Treatment with n-3 Fatty Acids in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet.
PLoS ONE, 6(11), e27126, 2011
IF = 4,411(10)

Telenský P. - Svoboda J. - Blahna K. - Bureš J. - Kubík Š. - Stuchlík A.
Functional inactivation of the rat hippocampus disrupts avoidance of a moving object.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(13), 5414-5418, 2011
IF = 9,771(10)

Petrák J. - Pospíšilová J. - Šedinová M. - Jedelský P. - Lorková L. - Vít O. - Kolář M. - Strnad H. - Beneš J. - Sedmera D. - Červenka L. - Melenovsky V.
Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of heart failure due to volume overload in a rat aortocaval fistula model provides support for new potential therapeutic targets - monoamine oxidase A and transglutaminase 2.
Proteome Science, 9(1), e69, 2011
IF = 2,488(10)

Obšil T. - Obšilová V.
Structural basis of 14-3-3 protein functions.
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 22(7), 663-672, 2011
IF = 5,908(10)

Klusoňová P. - Pátková L. - Ergang P. - Mikšík I. - Zicha J. - Kuneš J. - Pácha J.
Local metabolism of glucocorticoids in Prague hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats – Effect of hypertriglyceridemia and gender.
Steroids, 76(12), 1252-1259, 2011
IF = 3,106(10)

Kořínek M. - Kapras V. - Vyklický V. - Adamusová E. - Borovská J. - Valeš K. - Stuchlík A. - Horák M. - Chodounská H. - Vyklický ml. L.
Neurosteroid modulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors: Molecular mechanism and behavioral effects.
Steroids, 76(13), 1409-1418, 2011
IF = 3,106(10)

Vagnerová K. - Loukotová J. - Ergang P. - Musílková J. - Mikšík I. - Pácha J.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma stimulates 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in rat vascular smooth muscle cells.
Steroids, 76(6), 577-581, 2011
IF = 3,106(10)

Vidrna L. - Černý I. - Pouzar V. - Borovská J. - Vyklický V. - Vyklický ml. L. - Chodounská H.
Azido analogs of neuroactive steroids.
Steroids, 76, 1043-1050, 2011
IF = 3,106(10)

Alán L. - Špaček T. - Zelenka J. - Tauber J. - Berková Z. - Zacharovová K. - Saudek F. - Ježek P.
Assessment of Mitochondrial DNA as an Indicator of Islet Quality: An Example in Goto Kakizaki Rats.
Transplantation Proceedings, 43(9), 3281-3284, 2011
IF = 0,993(10)
