O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
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Seznam zahraničních a soukromých grantových příležitostí

INDIVIDUÁLNÍ - Výjezdové fellowshipy –
do zahraničí nebo pro zahraniční pracovníky

1) HFSP Long-Term Fellowships
eligibility: PhD. less than 3 yrs. (+ career breaks); at least one original research paper
as lead-author in an international peer-reviewed journal; application to work in a NEW country
(not more than 12 months of previous research experience); to be ranked outstanding an applicant
must consider a simultaneous change in research topic, study species/system and technology!
duration: 3 yrs.
award: tenure of up to 3 years; the 3rd fellowship year can be used forrepatriation to home
country and can be deferred for up to two years; up to 3 months paid parental leave and a child
care allowance!
deadline: 25 August 2011 -registration; 8 September 2011 - submission

2) HFSP Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships
eligibility: less than 3 yrs.(+ career breaks) of PhD. in the physical sciences, chemistry,
mathematics, engineering and computer sciences who wish to receive training in biology; at
least one original research paper as lead-author in an international peer-reviewed journal;
application to work in a NEW country (not more than 12 months of previous research experience);
to be ranked outstanding an applicant must consider a simultaneous change in research topic,
study species/system and technology!
duration: 3 yrs.
award: tenure of up to 3 years; the 3rd fellowship year can be used forrepatriation to home
country and can be deferred for up to two years; up to 3 months paid parental leave and as
of 2007 a child care allowance!
deadline: 25 August 2011 - registration; 8 September 2011 - submission

3) Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
eligibility: less than 4 yrs. of PhD.; above average qualifications; geographical:
host lab in Germany
duration: 6-24 months
award: The fellowship is worth 2,250 € per month. This includes a mobility lump sum and
a contribution towards health and liability insurance.
Additional benefits:
- an allowance for research costs to be paid to the hosts in Germany amounting to 800 € per month
(natural sciences and engineering)
- language fellowship for an intensive language course for the fellow and his/her marital partner
lasting two to four months at selected language institutes in Germany immediately prior to the actual
period of research
- lump sum for the fellow's travel expenses if the costs are not borne by a third party
- family allowances for visits by family members lasting at least three months (up to 326 € for the
marital partner and up to 234 € per month for each child)
- Europe allowance for a research stay at a research institute in another European country (though
not the research fellow's own country); for a designated period in the course of the fellowship if
necessary to ensure the success of the research project
- extensive alumni sponsorship once a successful research stay has come to an end, especially for
maintaining contact with collaborative partners in Germany during the Humboldtian's entire academic
deadline: continuous http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/

4) Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
eligibility: less than 12 yrs. of PhD.; own research profile and are working at least at the level
of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or have a record of several years of independent
academic work; geographical: academic host lab in Germany
duration: 6-18 months (may be divided into 3 stays over 3 yrs.)
award: The fellowship is worth 2,450 € per month. This includes a mobility lump sum and a contribution
towards health and liability insurance. Additional benefits:
- an allowance for research costs to be paid to the hosts in Germany amounting to 800 € per month
(natural sciences and engineering)
- language fellowship for an intensive language course for the fellow and his/her marital partner
lasting two to four months at selected language institutes in Germany immediately prior to the actual
period of research;
- lump sum for the fellow's return travel expenses if the costs are not borne by a third party
- family allowances for visits by family members lasting at least three months (up to 326 € for the
marital partner and up to 234 € per month for each child)
- Europe allowance for a research stay at a research institute in another European country (though not
the research fellow's own country); for a designated period in the course of the fellowship if
necessary to ensure the success of the research project
- extensive alumni sponsorship once a successful research stay has come to an end, especially for
maintaining contact with collaborative partners in Germany during the Humboldtian's entire academic career.
deadline: continuous

5) Fyssen Postdoctoral Study Grants
eligibility: less than 2 yrs after PhD.; age less 35; ethology-psychology, neurobiology,
anthropology-ethnology, human paleontology-archaeology; geographical: French or foreign research
scientists holder of a French doctorate (Ph.D) and attached to a laboratory in France who wish to
work in laboratories abroad (except country of origin or joint supervision) and foreign or French
research scientists holder a foreign doctorate (Ph.D) and attached to a foreign laboratory who wish
to work in French laboratories.
duration: 1 or 2 yrs.
award: 25 000 € /year
deadline: 31 March 2011

6) Fyssen Research Grants
eligibility: postdoctoral; age less 35; ethology-psychology, neurobiology, anthropology-ethnology,
human paleontology-archaeology; Priority will be given to researchers who will develop their project in
a different laboratory from the one they received their doctorate (Ph.D.) and from the laboratory(ies)
where they are working at present.; geographical: France; French summary
duration: 1 yr, no renewal.
award: 15 000 - 35 000 € /year
deadline: 29 October 2011

7) Boehringer Ingelheim Travel Grants
eligibility: PhD students less 30; postdocs less 32; geographical: from or to EU
duration: up to 3 months
award: travel, lodging, and course fees
deadline: continuous, apply 6 months ahead

8) Boehringer Ingelheim PhD Fellowships
eligibility: graduates less 27; experimental biomedical research; working on the PhD project less
6 months by the deadline; highly competitive; geographical: from or to EU
duration: 2 yrs.; can be extended by 12 mos.
award: ~1700 - 2400 € /month + conference attendance, spouse/child allowance
deadline: 1 Feb, 1 June, 1 October

9) Fulbright Commission
Grants are available for Czech students to pursue pre-doctoral research projects or Master's and
Ph.D. degrees in the United States. Czech scholars are offered post-doctoral research and lecturing
opportunities. There is also a Fulbright-Masaryk grant for researchers and/or university teachers who
participate actively in academic and community life.
Grants to American scholars enable them to accept invitations for temporary lecturing or lecturing/
researching positions at Czech universities. American teachers and school administrators have the
opportunity to participate in direct exchanges with Czech counterparts.

9a) The Fulbright Scholarship for Graduate Studies in the U.S.
eligibility: MD and MBA programs not funded, min Bc., TOEFL, GRE general test, highly competitive,
outstanding university record, high-quality project, preference to applicants without prior US experience
duration: 1 year award: pre-doctoral fellowship deadline: 1 September for next academic year

9b) The Fulbright Award for Research and Lecturing in the U.S.
eligibility: PhD, succesful university techers and scientists, invitation from US institution,
preference to applicants without prior US experience
duration: 3 - 10 months
award: lodging & boarding, health insurance, return ticket
deadline: 1 October

9c) The Fulbright-Masaryk Scholarship
eligibility: aknowledged researcher actively participating in public or academic life, invitation
from US institution,
duration: 3 - 10 months
award: stipend ~1500 $ (pre-PhD) or ~3000 $ (PhD), lodging & boarding, health insurance, return ticket
deadline: 1 December

9d) Travel grants
eligibility: study or research in the US > 3 mos. covered from other competitive source
deadline: 1 June

9e) Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program
eligibility: US scholars and prefessors
duration: semester - academic year
deadline: 3 August

10) EMBO Long-Term Fellowships
eligibility: PhD. at the start of fellowship, less 2 yrs. at the deadline; at least one first author
paper in and international peer-reviewed journal at the time of application; international mobility,
at least one country must me EMBC member; not in the receiving institution for longer than 19 months
(EMBC members) or 7 months (non-EMBC) at the closing date.
duration: up to 2 yrs.
award: stipend 25 000 - 35 000 € /year + travel costs + dependent allowance; EMBO Fellow Network
deadline: 15 February and 15 August

11) EMBO Short-Term Fellowships
eligibility: PhD. less 10 yrs. at the deadline or pre-PhD.; international mobility, at least one
country must me EMBC member
duration: 1 week to 3 mos.
award: travel + subsistence ~ 60-120 € /day
deadline: continuous, 3 months ahead

12) Stipendia francouzské vlády (SFV) 2011 Stipendia jsou určena jak pro frankofonní, tak i pro nefrankofonní studenty.
Nefrankofonní student ho může získat, když jeho francouzský školitel písemně potvrdí,
že francouzská univerzita souhlasí s výukou nebo programem stáže v angličtině.
V tomto případě pak mohou být dokumenty nutné pro podání žádosti o stipendium
napsány v angličtině a rovněž prezentace projektu před výběrovou komisí může být přednesena v angličtině.

12a) Stipendia na výzkumnou stáž
eligibility: Stipendia na stáž jsou určena studentům české státní příslušnosti doktorandského
a studenty postdoktorandského stupně. Postdoktorand musí být však zapsán na univerzitě nebo výzkumné instituci.
duration: 1 - 3 měsíce, do konce r. 2011
deadline: 11 března 2011 http://www.france.cz/

12b) Stipendia na doktorát pod dvojím vedením
eligibility: Studijní stipendia jsou určena studentům české státní příslušnosti, kteří mají, nebo
před odjezdem na studia do Francie získají, diplom o ukončeném vysokoškolském vzdělání (diplom Ing.
nebo Mgr.). Doktorát pod dvojím vedením se připravuje současně na české a francouzské univerzitě a po
jeho ukončení obdrží student diplom uznávaný oběma univerzitami. Výzkumná práce tedy probíhá pod společným
vedením jednoho českého a jednoho francouzského školitele. Po dobu tří let tráví doktorand jistou část
školního roku střídavě na své mateřské univerzitě a univerzitě ve Francii.
duration: Během pobytů ve Francii pobírá doktorand pět měsíců stipendium francouzské vlády. (není
jasné zda se jedná o 5 měsíců každý rok či celkem)
deadline: 11 března 2011

13) ETH Zurich postdoctoral fellowship
eligibility: PhD. less 2 yrs.
duration: 1 to 2 yrs.
award: gross salary of 84 300 - 88 600 CHF par year + travel costs + consumables
deadline: 1 March and 1 September

14) Stipendia Martiny a Tomáše Krskových
eligibility: přijetí k postgraduálnímu studiu na některé z těchto prestižních světových univerzit:
Caltech, Cambridge, Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Oxford, Stanford, UC Berkeley
duration: 1 rok
award: školné a životní náklady na 1 rok zhruba do výše 1 mil. Kč, ale je třeba zjistit, jak
financovat zbytek studia
deadline: ?

15) IBRO Research Fellowship
eligibility: post-doctoral training to applicants under the age of 45 for up to one year abroad in
good laboratories; priority to those willing to return back; if available, provide evidence of an offer
that the applicant will have a position to return to in his/her home country after the fellowship
duration: 1 year, non-renewable
award: 35000€
deadline: 1 February http://funding.ibro.info/

16) Jahresstipendium Postgraduirentenstudium in Bayern
eligibility: graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia,
Slovakia and the Ukraine are eligible to apply. The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or
postgraduate studies at Bavarian universities
duration: 1 year scholarships, which can be extended twice for up to 3 years.
award: 8400€/year
deadline: receipt!!! 15 February

17) JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers
eligibility: cooperative research between international young PhD. researchers and Japanese universities.
duration: 12-24 months
award: round-trip air ticket, 562000YEN/mo.
deadline: start date 1 April - 30 Nov 2012

18) FOTR - Felowship of the Ring
eligibility: A diverse team of nine researchers will carry through an extensive field trip. During
the course of the project, the team members are expected to establish at least two new international collaborations.
At least one fellow is expected to reach the final destination. Overall, the project should achieve outstanding
results in preventing long-term darkness and saving the world.
duration: renewable 1 year fellowship
award: The cost of all equipment necessary to accomplish the project goals is eligible. In addition, each
fellow will be awarded one wish by the program administrator. A head of a successful team will be offered a position
on a permanent senior advisory board.
deadline: 1 April:
