O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu

Seznam zahraničních a soukromých grantových příležitostí

 Granty individuální
 Granty skupinové
 Granty institucionální


1) Marie Curie Career Integration Grants (CIG) - pro navrátilce
eligibility: experienced researcher = PhD. or 4 yrs of research experience; host in EU or
associates; mobility = not residing or carrying out main activity (work, studies, etc) in the
country of the host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the
relevant deadline
duration: 2-4 yrs.
award: 25 000 € /year; flat-rate contribution to support the research costs of the researcher at the career
integration host (e.g. salary, other staff employed for the project, travel costs, overheads, management costs,
etc = max. 100 000 € per project)
deadline: 6 March and final 18 September 2012 17:00 Brussels time

2) Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (IEF) - pro někoho od nás
do EU nebo z EU k nám
eligibility: experienced researcher = PhD. or 4 yrs of research experience, mobility = not being in
the country of the host institution more than 12 months in the 3 yrs preceding the relevant deadline
AND both previous and future hosts must be in EU or associated country
duration: 12-24 months
award: up to 100% budget = salary for the researcher and a contribution towards research-related
costs; contributions to overheads and management costs for the host; the funding covers advanced
training (including complementary skills) and trans-national mobility, on the basis of the
"personal career development plan" established by the experienced researcher with her/his personal
supervisor in the host organisation; example: Bucharest ' Paris with family - living allowance
+ mobility allowance + career exploratory allowance + travel costs + research costs + management
and overhead ? 195 064 € per project
deadline: 12. August 2011 at 17:00 Brussels time

3) Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) - pro někoho mimo EU k nám
eligibility: experienced researcher = PhD. or 4 yrs of research experience from a third (non-EU
or associated) country, mobility = not being in the country of the host institution more than 12
months in the 3 yrs preceding the relevant deadline AND incoming host must be in EU or associated
country, return host must be in a third country (not US, Canada, Australia, NZ etc.)
duration: 12-24 months (incoming) (+12 more mos. return phase if applicable)
award: up to 100% budget (incoming phase) = salary for the researcher and a contribution towards
research-related costs; contributions to overheads and management costs for the host; the funding
for transfer of knowledge and trans-national mobility, travel costs allowance; return phase:
fixed contribution to the scientific costs on a fixed amount basis and with a maximum ceiling;
example: Brazil ' France ' Brazil, no family living allowance + mobility allowance + travel costs
+ research costs + management and overhead ? 186 748 € per incoming phase + 15 000 € return phase (fixed)
deadline: 12. August 2011 at 17:00 Brussels time

4) Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development (IOF)
- pro někoho od nás mimo EU (2 roky) a zpět (1 rok)
eligibility: experienced researcher = PhD. or 4 yrs of research experience from EU or associated
country, mobility = not being in the country of the host institution more than 12 months in the 3 yrs
preceding the relevant deadline; outgoing host must be in a third (non-EU or associated) country,
reintegration host must be in EU or associated country (any); partnership agreement between
the EU host (reintegration) and the partner host
duration: 36 month, 24 outgoing + 12 mandatory reintegration
award: up to 100% budget = salary for the researcher and a contribution towards research-related costs;
contributions to overheads and management costs for the host; the funding covers advanced training
(including complementary skills) and trans-national mobility, on the basis of the "personal career
development plan" established by the experienced researcher with her/his personal supervisor
in the host organisation; example: Portugal'USA'Portugal with family - living allowance + mobility
allowance + travel costs + research costs + management and overhead ? 245 092 € per project
deadline: 12. August 2011 at 17:00 Brussels time

5) EMBO Young Investigator Programme
eligibility: independent >1yr but less 4 yrs, > 2 yrs postdoc, excellent track record, molecular
biology, sufficient funding to run their labs, at least one independent paper, age less 40
duration: 3 yrs.
award: 15 000 € /year from EMBC member state + small grant from EMBO; mentorship, networking, lab
management courses, sectoral meetings, EMBO young scientist forum
deadline: 1 April each year

6) IBRO Return Home Fellowships - pro navrátilce
eligibility: no explicit criteria other than this:
Three profiles of scientists will be the main target of the Return Home Programme of IBRO:
1. Postdoctoral fellows who have finished research training in neurosciences (including clinical
research) in a center of excellence of a developed country.
2. Research students who have been trained in a Centre of Excellence in Brain Research (CEBR).
3. Scientists who are developing a successful basic/clinical research career in a developed
country and wish to return to their country of origin or to a less developed country for personal
or cultural reasons.
duration: 1 year, non-renewable
award: 20 000 €
deadline: 1 September each year

7) Nadační Fond Karla Janečka
eligibility: český výzkumník VŠ nebo úspěšný český vědec, který se chce vrátit ze zahraničí;
věk do 40 let; obory: matematika, ekonomie, medicína
duration: 2-3 roky
award: max. 1 000 000 Kč.
deadline: 31 března 2012

8) FEI stipendia
eligibility: mladý vědecký pracovník do 30ti let s ukončeným vysokoškolským vzděláním
používající ke své práci elektronový mikroskop nebo data z el. mikroskopu
duration: 2 roky
award: 200 000 Kč.
deadline: 30 června

9) Fellowship JE Purkyně AV ČR
eligibility: excellent czech or foreign researchers with long-term international experience,
usually less 40 yrs. of age, binding list of personal, material, and technical conditions
created for the fellow's project (laboratory, co-workers, space and equipment, additional
material and financial support
duration: max. 5 yrs.
award: 1 050 000 CZK per year = minimum the salary of the fellow
deadline: continuous, evaluation always in 1st and 3rd quarter
