Skrytá kategorie
Centre for Medieval Studies at Charles University and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Jilská 1 110 00 Praha 1 phone: +420 222222146 fax: +420 222220726 cms
Events (in major world languages)
Up-coming Events
- Medieval Clergy in Rulers' Courts
Prague, 21-23 September 2011 -> Programme
- Lecture series "Modern Methods and Approaches in Medieval Studies": −> Current Programme
Past Events
- Situating Religious Controversy: Textual Transmission and Networks of Readership, 1378-1536
Prague, 26-27 May 2011 -> Program
- Hinter den Spiegeln der Texte. Akteure, Argumente und Ambitionen zur Zeit der Konzilien von Konstanz und Basel
Prag, 15.-16. 11. 2010 -> Conference Homesite
- Eigenkirchen, Höfe und Sitze und die Entwicklung von frühmittelalterlichen Eliten in Ostmitteleuropa
Kutná Hora, 26.-28. 5. 2010 -> Další informace
- Medieval Pilgrim Badges. Prospects of European Research
Prague, 21-24 April 2010 -> More details...
- Medieval Manuscript Miscellanies: Composition, Authorship, Use
International Workshop, Prague, August 24-26, 2009 (CMS as co-organizer) -> Programme
- The Old and the New in the Hussite Reformation, I-IV
Four sessions at the
International Medieval Congress in Leeds, 13−16 July 2009 (sessions no. 1215, 1315, 1515, and 1615)
- Mémoires, histoires et images des croisades aux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge
Prague, 20-21 novembre 2008: −>
Programme du colloque 
- La noblesse et la croisade à la fin du Moyen Âge : pieté, diplomatie, aventure.
Prague, 26-27 octobre 2007: −> Programme du colloque
Events in Czech
−> Upcoming events in Czech , −> Lectures , −> Conferences 