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Social Housing in Europe 2000

Divadlo Image, Pařížská 4, Praha 1The Institute of Sociology and the Ministry of Regional Development organized an international seminar Social Housing in Europe 2000. The seminar was held in the Image Theatre in Prague on the 6th and 7th October 2000. With the support of the Hungarian Cultural Institute, the Slovak Institute and the Polish Cultural Institute, many well-known housing researchers from the countries of European Union and Central and Eastern Europe discussed problems, trends and the future of social housing in Europe. The main participants included Prof. Hugo Priemus from Delft University (Netherlands), Dr. Kenneth Gibb from Glasgow University (Great Britain), Dr. Ivan Tosics and Ms. Eva Geröhazi from the Metropolitan Research Institute in Budapest (Hungary), Mr. Zdislaw Slabkowicz from the Forum of Social Housing Associations in Warsaw (Poland), Ms. Alina Muziol- Weclawowicz from the National Economy Bank in Warsaw (Poland), Ms. Elena Szolgayova from the Ministry for Construction and Regional Development in Bratislava (Slovakia), Ms. Jaroslava Zapletalova from the Institute of Housing in Bratislava (Slovakia), etc. Czech researchers, policy-makers, politicians and pressure groups concerned with housing and urban policy also participated in the discussion. The seminar was held in English.

The seminar programme, abstracts of presentations and the full list of participants are listed below.

M. Lux (ed.): Social Housing in Europe 2000Papers of participants of the workshop Social Housing in Europe 2000 - Adobe Acrobat document, 695 kB Download in *.pdf.

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Latest Publications
Lux M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák, J. Montag (2005): Housing Standards 2004/2005: Financing Housing and Refurbishing Housing Estates Lux M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák, P. Košinár (2004): Housing Standards 2003/2004: Housing policy in the Czech Republic: more efficiently and more effective Lux M. 2004: Housing the Poor in the Czech Republic: Prague, Brno and Ostrava. In: Fearn, J. (ed.) 2004: Too Poor to Move, Too Poor to Stay Lux M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák 2003: Housing Standards 2002/03: Financial Affordability and Attitudes towards Housing
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