Books published in 2005:

J. Peregrin: Kapitoly z analytické filosofie (Chapters from analytic philosophy), Filosofia, Praha
A historical treatise on the main problems of the tewntieth century analytic philosophy. Contains a thorough discussion of the reasons of constitution of analytic philosophy and of the development of the views of its protagonists on human knowledge, language and the world. It focuses especially on the views of Frege, Russell, Carnap, Wittgenstein, Quine and also on the actual trends of the development of this philosophical movement.
M. Vlasáková: Bernard Bolzano: cesta k logické sémantice (Bernard Bolzano: The Path to Logical Semantics), Filosofia, Praha
Most of Bolzano’s logical work was ignored in his time and was afterward almost forgotten. When interest in Bolzano’s logical heritage arose later it became clear that he had often developed logical issues that became topical much later. This is true especially for themes from logical semantics (concepts, logical truth and logical entailment, the analyticity of a statement), which was developed in detail by Alfred Tarski one hundred years after Bolzano. But Bolzano is not only a great anticipator of ideas. Inspiration can be found in his work for the further development of logic. This book therefore attempts not only to analyze the issues in Bolzano’s work, but also to confront them with contemporary approaches and so to bring his logical work up to date.

P. Sousedík (ed.): Logika, jazyk, věda, (Language – Logic – Science), Filosofia, Praha
A collection of papers delivered at the Slovak-Czech conference on analytic philosophy in Pec. The articles concern: the analysis of natural language, logic and philosophical problems of science.
M. Bílková & L. Běhounek (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2004, Filosofia, Praha
The volume comprises most of the papers presented at the international symposium LOGICA 2004. Reflecting the tradition of the LOGICA symposia, the papers deal with the broad range of problems in logic relevant to philosophy.
Volume may be ordered from Filosofia publishing house.


M. Nitsche, P. Sousedík, M. Šimsa (eds.): Schizma filosofie 20. století (Schism of the 20th Century), Filosofia, Praha
A collection of articles concerning the rupture in philosophy in the 20th century.A collection of articles concerning the rupture in philosophy in the 20th century.