Early Stage Researcher in Spectroscopy and Spectroelectrochemistry of Carbon Nanostructures (FP7 RADDEL ITN).
Applications are invited for a PhD position to work in the RADDEL project, a Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) within the FP7 programme. The research program focuses on the design, synthesis, characterisation, pharmacological studies and dosimetry calculations of nanocapsules that contain in their interior radioactive materials for biomedical applications in the areas of cancer diagnosis and therapy.
The selected candidate will be based at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v. v. i. (HIPC), working under the supervision of Dr. Martin Kalbac. The researcher is expected to work on the synthesis of carbon nanotubes (using chemical vapor deposition), their purification and filling with inorganic materials. In addition the characterization of the nanotubes will be performed using spectroscopy, spectroelectrochemistry and other techniques. The post is available for 3 years and the salary will be commensurate with a Marie-Curie Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) position.
The position is open to candidates from any country, as long as they fulfill the following requirements:
- Expected candidates will have less than 4 years full-time research experience and must not hold a PhD.
- Researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Czech Republic for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the date of appointment.
Required experience/skills
- Candidates must have completed their Master studies at the time of the appointment.
- Good level of English (written and spoken).
- Organization, communication and interpersonal skills.
- Experience in materials chemistry (in particular carbon nanotubes) would be an advantage.
- Experience in spectroscopy (Raman, Vis NIR), thermogravimetry.
- Basic knowledge of solid state physics.
- Basic knowledge of electrochemistry.
- Technical skills (construction of devices) would be an advantage.
Interested candidates should send a CV and a short motivation letter to Dr. Martin Kalbac (martin.kalbac jh-inst.cas.cz) by 30th of June 2012.
The expected starting date for the contract is 1st of August 2012.
Job details
Type of contract: Temporary (3 years)
Status: Full-time
Company/Institute: . J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the ASCR, v. v. i. (HIPC)
Country: Czech Republic
Address: Dolejskova 3, Prague
Euraxess Job ID: 33777959