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Publications to Download
- Hegedüs, J., M. Lux, P. Sunega 2011. Decline and depression: the impact of the global economic crisis on housing markets in two post-socialist states. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 26 (3): 315-333.
- Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Katrňák 2011. Classes and Castles: Impact of Social Stratification on Housing Inequality in Post-Socialist States. European Sociological Review. First published online July 30, 2011 doi:10.1093/esr/jcr060.
- Lux, M. (ed.). Standardy bydlení 2010/2011: Sociální nerovnosti a tržní rizika v bydlení. (Housing Standards 2010/2011: Social Inequalities and Housing Market Risks) Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR.
- Lux, M., T. Kostelecký (eds.). Bytová politika: teorie a inovace pro praxi. (Housing Policy: Theory and Innovations for Practice) Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON).
- Sunega, P., R. Jahoda, T. Kostelecký, M. Lux, K. Báťa 2011. Reforma bytové politiky v ČR: návrh a výsledky simulací. (Czech Housing policy reform in the Czech Republic: proposal and results of simulations) Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR.
- Kuda, F., M. Lux (eds.) 2010. Bydlení v regionech. Důsledky regionálních rozdílů v dostupnosti bydlení. (Housing in regions. Consequences of regional differences in housing availability and affordability). Praha: Professional Publishing. [in Czech]
- Mikeszová, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, M. Lux, J. Sládek 2010. Dopady hospodářské krize na finanční dostupnost bydlení - analýza a možné nástroje státu. (Impacts of the Economic Crisis on Housing Affordability – the Analysis and Possible State-level Policies). Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. [in Czech]
- Sunega, P., M. Lux, M. Mikeszová 2010. Regionální rozdíly ve finanční dostupnosti bydlení jako bariéra pro migraci za prací - analýza a možné nástroje státu. (Regional differences in housing affordability as potential barrier for labour migration – analysis and possible government tools). Praha: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i. [in Czech]
- Lux, M., M. Mikeszová, P. Sunega 2010. Podpora dostupnosti bydlení pro lidi akutně ohrožené sociálním vyloučením - mezinárodní perspektiva a návrhy opatření v ČR. (Policies increasing housing affordability for people threatened by social exclusion - international perspective and proposals for the Czech Republic). Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR [in Czech]
- Lux, M., T. Kostelecký, P. Sunega, J. Vobecká, J. Sládek 2010. Moderní nástroje sociálního bydlení pro mladé rodiny jako nepřímá podpora růstu porodnosti. (Contemporary social housing policies targeted on young families as indirect suppport for higher natality). Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR [in Czech]
- Sunega, P., M. Lux 2010. Segmentace českých domácností a orientační prognóza počtu domácností ve vybraných právních formách bydlení a typech zástavby do roku 2020. (The Segmentation of Czech Households and a General Prognosis of the Number of Households in Selected Housing Tenures and Types of Development until 2020). Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 46 (1): 3-41 [in Czech, English abstract].
- Lux, M., P. Sunega 2010. Interrelations between housing supply agents: the metropolitan housing market in Prague. Post-Communist Economies 22 (1): 99-117 [in English].
- Lux, M., P. Sunega 2010. The future of housing systems after the transition: The case of the Czech Republic. Communist and Post-Communist Studies 43 (2): 221-231 [in English].
- Lux, M., P. Sunega. 2010. Udržitelnost vývoje cen bytů v České republice. (Sustainability of House Price Trends in the Czech Republic). Politická ekonomie 58 (2): 225-252 [in Czech, English abstract].
- Lux, M., P. Sunega 2010. Private rental housing in the Czech Republic: Growth and…?. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 46 (3): 349-373 [in English].
- Lux, M. 2009. Housing policy and housing finance in the Czech Republic during transition. An example of schism between the still-living past and the need of reform.
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- Mikeszová, M., M. Lux, A. Morisseau. 2009. Potenciální finanční nedostupnost nájemního bydlení po deregulaci nájemného – regionální perspektiva. [The Potential Unaffordability of Rental Housing after Rent Deregulation in a Regional Perspective] Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 45 (2): 315-343. [available only in Czech + abstract in English]
- Lux, M., T. Kostelecký, M. Mikeszová, P. Sunega. 2009. Vybrané faktory poptávky po bydlení v pozadí vysokých cen bytů v Praze. [Factors behind High House Prices in Prague] Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 45 (5): 967-991. [available only in Czech + abstract in English]
- Lux, M. 2009. Housing Finance. Pp. 25-34 in Belarus. Country profile on the housing sector. New York, Geneve: United Nations.
- Lux, M. 2009. Czech housing policy – „locked-in“ by ideology. Paper for European Network for Housing Research Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 28.6.-1.7.2009.
- Mikeszová, M. 2009. Regional Differences in Rental Housing (Un)affordability following the Rent Deregulation in the Czech Republic. Pp. 219-233 in Kocourek, A. (ed.) Liberec Economic Forum 2009. Liberec: Technical University Liberec. 443 s.
- Lux, M., P. Sunega, M. Mikeszová, T. Kostelecký. 2008. Housing Standards 2007/2008.. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR.
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- Lux, M., F. Kuda (eds.) 2008. Regionální rozdíly v dostupnosti bydlení v České republice. Prague: Institute of Sociology AS CR. [only English abstract in *.pdf available]
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- Sunega, P., M. Mikeszová. 2008. Diversity in housing affordability and regional economic disparities - Is there a link?" Socioweb 7-8.
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- Sunega, P., M. Mikeszová. 2008. Regional Disparities in Housing Affordability in the Czech Republic. European Network for Housing Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 6.7. - 9.7. 2008.
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- Lux, M. 2008. Housing supply reactions on growing housing demand in Prague. European Network for Housing Research Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 5.-9.7. 2008.
- Sunega, P., M. Lux 2007. Market-Based Housing Finance Efficiency in the Czech Republic. European journal of Housing Policy 7:3. Pp. 241-273.
- Lux, M., P. Sunega 2007. Vliv podmínek bydlení na zamýšlenou migraci české populace za prací. Sociologický časopis-Czech Sociological Review 43:2. Str. 305-332.
- Lux, M. 2007. The Quasi-Normative Approach to Housing Affordability: The Case of the Czech Republic. Urban Studies 44:5/6. Pp. 1009-1024.
- Lux, M., P. Sunega 2007. Housing affordability of Rental and Owner-Occupied Housing over the Course of the Economic Transformation in the Czech Republic. Paper for ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) 2007 conference, 24.6.-28.6.2007, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
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- Sunega, P., G. Bezovan 2007. Regional differences in housing availability and affordability in the Czech Republic and in Croatia. Paper for ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) 2007 conference, 24.6.-28.6.2007, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
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- Mikeszová, M. 2007. Socio-Economic Research on Housing in the Czech Republic. Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 43 (3): 637-646.
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- Lux, M., P. Sunega, M. Mikeszová, V. Benáček, J. Večerník, Z. Nešpor, J. Šafr 2007. Socioweb 5/2007
[only in Czech available]
- Lux, M. 2004: Housing the Poor in the Czech Republic: Prague, Brno and Ostrava. In Fearn, J. (ed.) 2004: Too Poor to Move, Too Poor to Stay. Budapest: Open Society Institute.
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- Lux, M. (2004). Quasi-Normative Approach to Housing Affordability. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
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- Lux, M. (2004). The quasi-normatives for housing affordability: costs of alternative rent structures in social housing. Paper for ENHR (European Network for Housing Research) conference, July 2th-6th2004, Cambridge, GB.
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- Sunega, P. (2004). Effectiveness of Selected Housing Subsidies in the Czech Republic: How to Support Higher Income Households. Paper for ENHR conference, July 2th-6th2004, Cambridge, GB.
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- Lux, M., P. Sunega, T. Kostelecký, D. Čermák, P. Košinár (2004). Housing Standards 2003/2004: Housing policy in the Czech Republic: effectivity and effectiveness. Prague: Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
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