prof. M. Kusch (University of
Vienna): Wittgestein, Metrology, Certainties, October 4, 2012, 3 p.m. CMS lecture room (Institute of Philosophy, Jilská 1) flyer with abstract
New releases:

M. Peliš, V. Punčochář (eds.): The Logica Yearbook 2011 College Publications, Londýn, 2012
Past events:
LOGICA 2012 June 18-22, 2012, Hejnice Monastery
Non–classical epistemic logics June 14-16, 2012, Institute of Philosophy
Prague Workshop on Logic of Questions October 26-27, 2011, Prague, Conference centre Jilská
Normativity of Meaning: Sellarsian Perspectives May 24-27, 2011, Prague
Prague Workshop on Epistemic Logics June 16-17, 2011, Prague, Institute of Philosophy and Faculty of Arts, Charles University
LOGICA 2011 June 20-24, 2011, Hejnice Monastery
Our email address is logica@flu.cas.cz