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SEED SCIENCE RESEARCH 9, 297 – 304, 1999
Bögre, L., Calderini, O., Binarová, P., Mattauch M., Till, S., Kiegerl, S., Jonak, C., Pollaschek, Ch., Barker. P., Huskisson, S., Hirt, H. and Heberle-Bors, E.
PLANT CELL 11, 101-114, 1999
Cvikrová, M., Binarová, P., Eder, J., Vagner, M., Hrubcová, M., Zon, J. and Macháčková, I.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 107, 329-337, 1999
Fowke, L., Attree, S., and Binarová, P.
Morphogenesis in Plant Tissue cultures , 96-114, 1999
Bögre, L., Calderini, O., Meskiene, I., Binarová, P.
MAP Kinases in Plant Signal Transduction , 95-117, 1999
Bögre L., Ligterink W., Meskiene I., Binarová P.
Advances in Regulation of Plant Growth and Development , 169-181, 1999
Cvikrová M., Binarová P., Cenklová V., Eder J., Macháčková I.
PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 105, 330 – 337, 1999
Sedlářová M., Lebeda A., Binarová P.
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Kong, L., Atree, S.M., Evans, D.E., Binarová, P., Zeung, E.C., and L.C. Fowke
Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants. Vol.4 , 1-29, 1999