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List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.<BR><BR>Year 2011. List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.

Year 2011.

Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages.
Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined.
Updated 19.3.2012

Zicha J. - Dobesova Z. - Behuliak M. - Kunes J. - Vaneckova I.
Preventive dietary potassium supplementation in young salt-sensitive Dahl rats attenuates development of salt hypertension by decreasing sympathetic vasoconstriction.
Acta Physiologica, 202(1), 29-38, 2011
IF = 3,138(10)

Pico C. - Macek Jilkova Z. - Kus V. - Palou A. - Kopecky J.
Perinatal programming of body weight control by leptin: putative roles of AMP kinase and muscle thermogenesis.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 94, 1830S-1837S, 2011
IF = 6,606(10)

Sotak M. - Polidarova L. - Musilkova J. - Hock M. - Sumova A. - Pacha J.
Circadian regulation of electrolyte absorption in the rat colon.
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 301(6), G1066-G1074, 2011
IF = 3,522(10)

Borchert G.H. - Yang Ch. - Kolar F.
Mitochondrial BKCa channels contribute to protection of cardiomyocytes isolated from chronically hypoxic rats.
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 300(2), H507-H513, 2011
IF = 3,88(10)

Holakovska B. - Grycova L. - Bily J. - Teisinger J.
Characterization of calmodulin binding domains in TRPV2 and TRPV5 C-tails.
Amino Acids, 40(2), 741-748, 2011
IF = 4,106(10)

Benes ml. J. - Melenovsky V. - Skaroupkova P. - Pospisilova J. - Petrak J. - Cervenka L. - Sedmera D.
Myocardial Morphological Characteristics and Proarrhythmic Substrate in the Rat Model of Heart Failure Due to Chronic Volume Overload.
Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 294(1), 102-111, 2011
IF = 1,4(10)

Rohlena J. - Dong L.-F. - Kluckova K. - Zobalova R. - Goodwin J. - Tilly D. - Stursa J. - Pecinova A. - Philimonenko A. - Hozak P. - Banerjee J. - Ledvina M. - Sen Ch. - Houstek J. - Coster M. J. - Neuzil J.
Mitochondrially Targeted alpha-Tocopheryl Succinate Is Antiangiogenic: Potential Benefit Against Tumor Angiogenesis but Caution Against Wound Healing.
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 15(12), 2923-2935, 2011
IF = 8,209(10)

Slamberova R. - Mikulecka A. - Pometlova M. - Schutova B. - Hruba L. - Deykun K.
Sex differences in social interaction of methamphetamine-treated rats.
Behavioural Pharmacology, 22(7), 617-623, 2011
IF = 2,53(10)

Samad A. - Sura L. - Benedikt J. - Ettrich R. - Minofar B. - Teisinger J. - Vlachova V.
The C-terminal basic residues contribute to the chemical- and voltage-dependent activation of TRPA1.
Biochemical Journal, 433(1), 197-204, 2011
IF = 5,016(10)

Petrenko N. - Khafizov K. - Tvrdonova V. - Skorinkin A. - Giniatullin R.
Role of the Ectodomain Serine 275 in Shaping the Binding Pocket of the ATP-Gated P2X3 Receptor.
Biochemistry, 50(39), 8427-8436, 2011
IF = 3,226(10)

Hejzlarova K. - Tesarova M. - Vrbacka-Cizkova A. - Vrbacky M. - Hartmannova H. - Kaplanova V. - Noskova L. - Kratochvilova H. - Buzkova J. - Havlickova V. - Zeman J. - Kmoch S. - Houstek J.
Expression and processing of the TMEM70 protein.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1807(1), 144-149, 2011
IF = 5,132(10)

Brejchova J. - Sykora J. - Dlouha K. - Roubalova L. - Ostasov P. - Vosahlikova M. - Hof M. - Svoboda P.
Fluorescence spectroscopy studies of HEK293 cells expressing DOR-Gi1alfa fusion protein; the effect of cholesterol depletion.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1808(12), 2819-2829, 2011
IF = 4,647(10)

Obsil T. - Obsilova V.
Structural basis for DNA recognition by FOXO proteins.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research, 1813(11), 1946-1953, 2011
IF = 4,733(10)

Ujcikova H. - Dlouha K. - Roubalova L. - Vosahlikova M. - Kagan D. - Svoboda P.
Up-regulation of adenylylcyclases I and II induced by long-term adaptation of rats to morphine fades away 20 days after morphine withdrawal.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects, 1810(12), 1220-1229, 2011
IF = 4,663(10)

Bacakova L. - Filova E. - Parizek M. - Ruml T. - Svorcik V.
Modulation of cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation on materials designed for body implants.
Biotechnology Advances, 29(6), 739-767, 2011
IF = 7,6(10)

Adamek S. - Vyskocil F.
Potassium-selective microelectrode revealed difference in threshold potassium concentration for cortical spreading depression in female and male rat brain.
Brain Research, 1370, 215-219, 2011
IF = 2,623(10)

Tabashidze A. - Mares P.
GABA-A receptors play a minor role in cortical epileptic afterdischarges in immature rats.
Brain Research, 1412, 102-107, 2011
IF = 2,623(10)

Jakubik J. - Janickova H. - El-Fakahany E. E. - Dolezal V.
Negative cooperativity in binding of muscarinic receptor agonists and GDP as a measure of agonist efficacy.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 162(5), 1029-1044, 2011
IF = 4,925(10)

Valis K. - Prochazka L. - Boura E. - Chladova J. - Obsil T. - Rohlena J. - Truksa J. - Dong L.F. - Ralph S.J. - Neuzil J.
Hippo/Mst1 stimulates transcription of the proapoptotic mediator NOXA in a FoxO1-dependent manner.
Cancer Research, 71(3), 946-954, 2011
IF = 8,234(10)

Sedmera D.
Function and form in the developing cardiovascular system.
Cardiovascular Research, 91(2), 252-259, 2011
IF = 6,051(10)

Benes J. - Kazdova L. - Drahota Z. - Houstek J. - Medrikova D. - Kopecky J. - Kovarova A. - Vrbacky M. - Sedmera D. - Strnad H. - Kolar M. - Petrak J. - Benada O. - Skaroupkova P. - Cervenka L. - Melenovsky V.
Effect of metformin therapy on cardiac function and survival in a volume-overload model of heart failure in rats.
Clinical Science and Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine, 121(1), 29-41, 2011
IF = 4,613(10)

Stastna E. - Chodounska H. - Pouzar V. - Borovska J. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Synthesis of pregnane 3-carboxylic acids via Pd-catalyzed alkoxycarbonylation and their effect on NMDA receptor activity.
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 76(9), 1141-1161, 2011
IF = 0,853(10)

Volkov E. M. - Nurullin L. F. - Volkov M. E. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskocil F.
Mechanisms of carbacholine and GABA action on resting membrane potential and Na+/K+-ATPase of Lumbricus terrestris body wall muscles.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 158(4), 520-524, 2011
IF = 2,134(10)

Brom C. - Preuss M. - Klement D.
Are educational computer micro-games engaging and effective for knowledge acquisition at high-schools? A quasi-experimental study.
Computers & Education, 57(3), 1971-1988, 2011
IF = 2,617(10)

Kozina V. - Banek L. - Knezevic N. - Geist D. - Kubinova L. - Kosovic M. - Rentenberger Ch. - Vukasovic A. - Jezek D.
Reinke´s Crystals in Perivascular and Peritubular Leydig Cells.
Croatica Chemica Acta, 84(2), 159-167, 2011
IF = 0,713(10)

Touska F. - Marsakova L. - Teisinger J. - Vlachova V.
A “Cute” Desensitization of TRPV1.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 12(1), 122-129, 2011
IF = 3,455(10)

Vlachova V.
TRP Channels: From Understanding to Action.
Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 12(1), 1-2, 2011
IF = 3,455(10)

Sedmera D. - Thompson R. P.
Myocyte proliferation in the developing heart.
Developmental Dynamics, 240(6), 1322-1334, 2011
IF = 2,864(10)

Flachs P. - Ruhl R. - Hensler M. - Janovska P. - Zouhar P. - Kus V. - Macek Jilkova Z. - Papp E. - Kuda O. - Svobodova M. - Rossmeisl M. - Tsenov G. - Mohamed-Ali V. - Kopecky J.
Synergistic induction of lipid catabolism and anti-inflammatory lipids in white fat of dietary obese mice in response to calorie restriction and n-3 fatty acids.
Diabetologia, 54(10), 2626-2638, 2011
IF = 6,973(10)

Zemkova H. - Stojilkovic S.S. - Klein D. C.
Norepinephrine Causes a Biphasic Change in Mammalian Pinealocye Membrane Potential: Role of alfa1B-Adrenoreceptors, Phospholipase C, and Ca2plus.
Endocrinology, 152(10), 3842-3851, 2011
IF = 4,993(10)

Tolner E. A. - Hochman D. W. - Hassinen P. - Otahal J. - Gaily E. - Haglund M. M. - Kubova H. - Schuchmann S. - Vanhatalo S. - Kaila K.
Five percent CO2 is a potent, fast-acting inhalation anticonvulsant.
Epilepsia, 52(1), 104-114, 2011
IF = 3,955(10)

Mikulecka A. - Mares P. - Kubova H.
Rebound increase in seizure susceptibility but not isolation-induced calls after single administration of clonazepam and Ro 19-8022 in infant rats.
Epilepsy and Behavior, 20(1), 12-19, 2011
IF = 1,994(10)

Lomoio S. - Necchi D. - Mares V. - Scherini E.
A single episode of neonatal seizures alters the cerebellum of immature rats.
Epilepsy Research, 93(1), 17-24, 2011
IF = 2,302(10)

Barreto L. - Canadell D. - Petrezselyova S. - Navarrete C. - Maresova L. - Perez-Valle J. - Herrera R. - Olier I. - Giraldo J. - Sychrova H. - Yenush L. - Ramos J. - Arino J.
A Genomewide Screen for Tolerance to Cationic Drugs Reveals Genes Important for Potassium Homeostasis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Eukaryotic Cell, 10(9), 1241-1250, 2011
IF = 3,395(10)

Kraidlova L. - Van Zeebroeck G. - van Dijck P. - Sychrova H.
The Candida albicans GAP Gene Family Encodes Permeases Involved in General and Specific Amino Acid Uptake and Sensing.
Eukaryotic Cell, 10(9), 1219-1229, 2011
IF = 3,395(10)

Kaniakova, Martina M. - Lindovsky J. - Krusek J. - Adamek S. - Vyskocil F.
Dual effect of lobeline on alpha 4 beta 2 rat neuronal nicotinic receptors.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 658, 108-113, 2011
IF = 2,737(10)

Liskova S. - Petrova M. - Karen P. - Kunes J. - Zicha J.
Effects of aging and hypertension on the participation of endothelium-derived constricting factor (EDCF) in norepinephrine-induced contraction of rat femoral artery.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 667, 265-270, 2011
IF = 2,737(10)

Rivolta I. - Lucchini G. - Rocchetti M. - Kolar F. - Palazzo F. - Zaza A. - Miserocchi G.
Interstitial pressure and lung oedema in chronic hypoxia.
European Respiratory Journal, 37(4), 943-949, 2011
IF = 5,922(10)

Ramos J. - Arino J. - Sychrova H.
Alkali–metal–cation influx and efflux systems in nonconventional yeast species.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 317(1), 1-8, 2011
IF = 2,04(10)

Krauke Y. - Sychrova H.
Cnh1 Na+/H+ antiporter and Ena1 Na+-ATPase play different roles in cation homeostasis and cell physiology of Candida glabrata.
FEMS Yeast Research, 11(1), 29-41, 2011
IF = 2,279(10)

Petrezselyova S. - Ramos J. - Sychrova H.
Trk2 transporter is a relevant player in K+ supply and plasma-membrane potential control in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Folia Microbiologica, 56(1), 23-28, 2011
IF = 0,977(10)

Martinez J. L. - Sychrova H. - Ramos J.
Monovalent cations regulate expression and activity of the Hak1 potassium transporter in Debaryomyces hansenii.
Fungal Genetics and Biology, 48(2), 177-184, 2011
IF = 3,333(10)

Kozina V. - Geist D. - Kubinova L. - Bilic E. - Karnthaler H. P. - Waitz T. - Janacek J. - Chernyavskiy O. - Krhen I. - Jezek D.
Visualization of Reinke’s crystals in normal and cryptorchid testis.
Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 135(2), 215-228, 2011
IF = 4,727(10)

Rauchova H. - Mracek T. - Novak P. - Vokurkova M. - Soukup T.
Glycerol-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Expression and Oxygen Consumption in Liver Mitochondria of Female and Male Rats with Chronic Alteration of Thyroid Status.
Hormone and Metabolic Research, 43(1), 43-47, 2011
IF = 2,414(10)

Pravenec M. - Kajiya T. - Zidek V. - Landa V. - Mlejnek P. - Simakova M. - Silhavy J. - Malinska H. - Oliyarnyk O. - Kazdova L. - Fan J. - Wang J. - Kurtz T. W.
Effects of Human C-Reactive Protein on Pathogenesis of Features of the Metabolic Syndrome.
Hypertension, 57(4), 731-737, 2011
IF = 6,908(10)

Behuliak M. - Pinterova M. - Kunes J. - Zicha J.
Vasodilator efficiency of endogenous prostanoids, Ca2+-activated K+ channels and nitric oxide in rats with spontaneous, salt-dependent or NO-deficient hypertension.
Hypertension Research, 34(8), 968-975, 2011
IF = 2,353(10)

Najmanova V. - Rambousek L. - Syslova K. - Bubenikova V. - Slamberova R. - Vales K. - Kacer P.
LC-ESI-MS-MS Method for Monitoring Dopamine, Serotonin and Their Metabolites in Brain Tissue.
Chromatographia, 73, 143-149, 2011
IF = 1,075(10)

Novakova M. - Paclt I. - Ptacek R. - Kuzelova H. - Hajek I. - Sumova A.
Salivary Melatonin Rhythm as a Marker of the Circadian System in Healthy Children and Those With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Chronobiology International, 28(7), 630-637, 2011
IF = 5,576(10)

Polidarova L. - Sladek M. - Sotak M. - Pacha J. - Sumova A.
Hepatic, Duodenal, and Colonic Circadian Clocks Differ in their Persistence under Conditions of Constant Light and in their Entrainment by Restricted Feeding.
Chronobiology International, 28(3), 204-215, 2011
IF = 5,576(10)

Smolkova K. - Plecita-Hlavata L. - Bellance N. - Benard G. - Rossignol R. - Jezek P.
Waves of gene regulation suppress and then restore oxidative phosphorylation in cancer cells.
International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 43(7), 950-968, 2011
IF = 4,956(10)

Cupera J. - Lansky P.
Homogeneous diffusion layer model of dissolution incorporating the initial transient phase.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 416(1), 35-42, 2011
IF = 3,607(10)

Filova E. - Parizek M. - Olsovska J. - Kamenik Z. - Brynda E. - Riedel T. - Vandrovcova M. - Lisa V. - Machova L. - Skalsky I. - Szarszoi O. - Suchy T. - Bacakova L.
Perivascular sirolimus-delivery system.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 404, 94-101, 2011
IF = 3,607(10)

Lyukmanova E. N. - Shenkarev Z. O. - Shulepko M. A. - Mineev K. S. - D´Hoedt D. - Kasheverov I. E. - Filkin S. Yu. - Krivolapova A. P. - Janickova H. - Dolezal V. - Dolgikh D. A. - Arseniev A. S. - Bertrand D. - Tsetlin V.I. - Kirpichnikov M. P.
NMR Structure and Action on Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors of Water-soluble Domain of Human LYNX1.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(12), 10618-10627, 2011
IF = 5,328(10)

Rezabkova L. - Man P. - Novak P. - Herman P. - Vecer J. - Obsilova V. - Obsil T.
Structural Basis for the 14-3-3 Protein-dependent Inhibition of the Regulator of G Protein Signaling 3 (RGS3) Function.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(50), 43527-43536, 2011
IF = 5,328(10)

Drastichova Z. - Skrabalova J. - Neckar J. - Kolar F. - Novotny J.
Prolonged morphine administration alters protein expression in the rat myocardium.
Journal of Biomedical Science, 18, e89, 2011
IF = 1,962(10)

Arnostova P. - Jedelsky P. L. - Soukup T. - Zurmanova J.
Electrophoretic Mobility of Cardiac Myosin Heavy Chain Isoforms Revisited: Application of MALDI TOF/TOF Analysis.
Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2011, e634253, 2011
IF = 1,225(10)

Vachova L. - Stovicek V. - Hlavacek O. - Chernyavskiy O. - Stepanek L. - Kubinova L. - Palkova Z.
Flo11p, drug efflux pumps, and the extracellular matrix cooperate to form biofilm yeast colonies.
Journal of Cell Biology, 194(5), 679-687, 2011
IF = 9,921(10)

Syslova K. - Rambousek L. - Kuzma M. - Najmanova V. - Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Slamberova R. - Kacer P.
Monitoring of dopamine and its metabolites in brain microdialysates: Method combining freeze-drying with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spektrometry.
Journal of Chromatography A, 1218(21), 3382-3391, 2011
IF = 4,194(10)

Hajkova Z. - Bugajev V. - Draberova E. - Vinopal S. - Draberova L. - Janacek J. - Draber P. - Draber P.
STIM1-Directed Reorganization of Microtubules in Activated Mast Cells.
Journal of Immunology, 186(2), 913-923, 2011
IF = 5,745(10)

Dobiasova M. - Frohlich J. - Sedova M. - Cheung M. C. - Brown B.G.
Cholesterol esterification and atherogenic index of plasma correlate with lipoprotein size and findings on coronary angiography.
Journal of Lipid Research, 52(3), 566-571, 2011
IF = 6,115(10)

Rezanka P. - Navratilova K. - Zvatora P. - Sykora D. - Matejka P. - Miksik I. - Kasicka V. - Kral V.
Cyclodextrin modified gold nanoparticles-based open-tubular capillary electrochromatographic separations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons.
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 13(11), 5947-5957, 2011
IF = 3,25(10)

Jindrichova M. - Khafizov K. - Skorinkin A. - Fayuk D. - Bart G. - Zemkova H. - Giniatullin R.
Highly conserved tyrosine 37 stabilizes desensitized states and restricts calcium permeability of ATP-gated P2X3 receptor.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 119(4), 676-685, 2011
IF = 4,337(10)

Spicarova D. - Nerandzic V. - Palecek J.
Modulation of spinal cord synaptic activity by tumor necrosis factor ? in a model of peripheral neuropathy.
Journal of Neuroinflammation, 8, e177, 2011
IF = 5,785(10)

Draberova E. - Vinopal S. - Morfini G. - Liu P. S. - Sladkova V. - Sulimenko T. - Burns M.R. - Solowska J. - Kulandaivel K. - De Chadarevian J.P. - Legido A. - Mork S.J. - Janacek J. - Baas P. - Draber P. - Katsetos C.D.
Microtubule-severing ATPase spastin in glioblastoma: increased expression in human glioblastoma cell lines and inverse roles in cell motility and proliferation.
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 70(9), 811-826, 2011
IF = 4,19(10)

Ergang P. - Vytackov K. - Svec J. - Bryndova J. - Miksik I. - Pacha J.
Upregulation of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 in lymphoid organs during inflammation in the rat.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 126, 19-25, 2011
IF = 2,886(10)

Philimonenko A. - Janacek J. - Snyers L. - Almeder M. - Berger W. - Schmidt W. - Schofer C. - Hozak P.
Chromosomal dynamics of cell cycle regulator gene p21 during transcriptional activation.
Journal of Structural Biology, 173(2), 382-390, 2011
IF = 3,497(10)

Kochova P. - Cimrman R. - Janacek J. - Witter K. - Tonar Z.
How to asses, visualize and compare the anisotropy of linear structures reconstructed from optical sections ? A study based on histopathological quantification of human brain microvessels.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 286, 67-78, 2011
IF = 2,371(10)

Maurer G. - Portugal S. J. - Miksik I. - Cassey P.
Speckles of cryptic black-headed gull eggs show no mechanical or conductance structural function.
Journal of Zoology, 285(3), 194-204, 2011
IF = 1,787(10)

Vaneckova I. - Huskova Z. - Vanourkova Z. - Cervenka L.
Castration Has Antihypertensive and Organoprotective Effects in Male but Not in Female Heterozygous Ren-2 Rats.
Kidney & Blood Pressure Research, 34(1), 46-52, 2011
IF = 1,5(10)

Lukac R. - Kauerova Z. - Masek J. - Bartheldyova E. - Kulich P. - Koudelka S. - Korvasova Z. - Plockova J. - Papousek F. - Kolar F. - Schmidt R. - Turanek J.
Preparation of Metallochelating Microbubbles and Study on Their Site-Specific Interaction with rGFP-HisTag as a Model Protein.
Langmuir, 27(8), 4829-4837, 2011
IF = 4,269(10)

Hensler M. - Bardova K. - Macek Jilkova Z. - Wahli W. - Meztger D. - Chambon P. - Kopecky J. - Flachs P.
The inhibition of fat cell proliferation by fatty acids in dietary obese mice.
Lipids in Health and Disease, 10, 128, 2011
IF = 2,239(10)

Vohnik M. - Burdikova Z. - Vyhnal A. - Koukol O.
Interactions Between Testate Amoebae and Saprotrophic Microfungi in a Scots Pine Litter Microcosm.
Microbial Ecology, 61(3), 660-668, 2011
IF = 2,875(10)

Leandro M.J. - Sychrova H. - Prista C. - Loureiro-Dias M.C.
The osmotolerant fructophilic yeast Zygosaccharomyces rouxii employs two plasma-membrane fructose uptake systems belonging to a new family of yeast sugar transporters.
Microbiology, 157(2), 601-608, 2011
IF = 2,957(10)

Michalek J. - Capek M. - Kubinova L.
Nonrigid Registration of CLSM Images of Physical Sections with Discontinuous Deformations.
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17(6), 923-936, 2011
IF = 2,179(10)

Michalek J. - Capek M. - Kubinova L.
Compensation of inhomogeneous fluorescence signal distribution in 2D images acquired by confocal microscopy.
Microscopy Research Technique, 74(9), 831-838, 2011
IF = 1,712(10)

Janacek J. - Cvetko E. - Kubinova L. - Travnik L. - Erzen I.
A novel method for evaluation of capillarity in human skeletal muscles from confocal 3D images.
Microvascular Research, 81(2), 231-238, 2011
IF = 2,39(10)

Pecinova A. - Drahota Z. - Nuskova H. - Pecina P. - Houstek J.
Evaluation of basic mitochondrial functions using rat tissue homogenates.
Mitochondrion, 11(5), 722-728, 2011
IF = 3,238(10)

Klevstig M. J. - Markova I. - Burianova J. - Kazdova L. - Pravenec M. - Novakova O. - Novak F.
Role of FAT/CD36 in novel PKC isoform activation in heart of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 357, 163-169, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Melenovsky V. - Benes J. - Skaroupkova P. - Sedmera D. - Strnad H. - Kolar M. - Vlcek C. - Petrak J. - Benes ml. J. - Papousek F. - Oliyarnyk O. - Kazdova L. - Cervenka L.
Metabolic characterization of volume overload heart failure due to aorto-caval fistula in rats.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 354, 83-96, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Wilhelm J. - Ivica J. - Kagan D. - Svoboda P.
Early postnatal development of rat brain is accompanied by generation of lipofuscin-like pigments.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 347, 157-162, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Wilhelm J. - Ostadalova I. - Vytasek R. - Vajner L.
Generation of hydrogen peroxide in the developing rat heart: the role of elastin metabolism.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 358, 215-220, 2011
IF = 2,168(10)

Jezek K. - Henriksen E. J. - Treves A. - Moser E. I. - Moser M.B.
Theta-paced flickering between place-cell maps in the hippocampus.
Nature, 478(7368), 246-249, 2011
IF = 36,101(10)

McDermott-Roe Ch. - Ye J. - Ahmed R. - Sun X. M. - Serafin A. - Ware J. - Bottolo L. - Muckett P. - Canas X. - Zhang J. - Rowe G. C. - Buchan R. - Lu H. - Braithwaite A. - Mancini M. - Hauton D. - Marti R. - Garcia-Arumi E. - Hubner N. - Jacob H. - Serikawa T. - Zidek V. - Papousek F. - Kolar F. - Cardona M. - Ruiz-Meana M. - Garcia-Dorado D. - Comella J. X. - Felkin L. E. - Barton P. J. R. - Arany Z. - Pravenec M. - Petretto E. - Sanchis D. - Cook S.A.
Endonuclease G is a novel determinant of cardiac hypertrophy and mitochondrial function.
Nature, 478(7367), 114-118, 2011
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Ditlevsen S. - Lansky P.
Firing Variability Is Higher than Deduced from the Empirical Coefficient of Variation.
Neural Computation, 23(8), 1944-1966, 2011
IF = 2,29(10)

Kobayashi R. - Shinomoto S. - Lansky P.
Estimation of time-dependent input from neuronal membrane potential.
Neural Computation, 23(12), 3070-3093, 2011
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Laczo J. - Andel R. - Vlcek K. - Matoska V. - Vyhnalek M. - Tolar M. - Bojar M. - Hort J.
Spatial Navigation and APOE in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Neurodegenerative Diseases, 8(4), 169-177, 2011
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Rezacova L. - Svoboda J. - Stuchlik A. - Vales K.
Differential effects of stable elevated levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone and systemic corticosterone on various types of rat learning.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 32(1), 64-76, 2011
IF = 1,621(10)

Zach P. - Mrzilkova J. - Stuchlik A. - Vales K. - Rezacova L.
Delayed effect of chronic administration of corticoids on the taste aversion learning.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 32(1), 90-95, 2011
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Rambousek L. - Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Kacer P. - Syslova K. - Kenney J. - Holubova K. - Najmanova V. - Zach P. - Svoboda J. - Stuchlik A. - Chodounska H. - Kapras V. - Adamusova E. - Borovska J. - Vyklicky ml. L. - Vales K.
Cellular and behavioural effects of a new steroidal inhibitor of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor 3?5ß-pregnanolone glutamate.
Neuropharmacology, 61, 61-68, 2011
IF = 4,677(10)

Novakova M. - Polidarova L. - Sladek M. - Sumova A.
Restricted feeding regime affects clock gene expression profiles in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of rats exposed to constant light.
Neuroscience, 197, 65-71, 2011
IF = 3,215(10)

Vavra V. - Bhattacharya A. - Zemkova H.
Facilitation of glutamate and GABA release by P2X receptor activation in supraoptic neurons from freshly isolated rat brain slices.
Neuroscience, 188, 1-12, 2011
IF = 3,215(10)

Mlodzianoski M. J. - Schreiner J. M. - Callahan S. P. - Smolkova K. - Dlaskova A. - Santorova J. - Jezek P. - Bewersdorf J.
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Optics Express, 19(16), 15009-15019, 2011
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Ticha K. - Mikulecka A. - Mares P.
Behavioral consequences of the mGlu5 receptor antagonist MTEP in immature rats.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 99(4), 619-625, 2011
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Chaudhuri D. - Borowski P. - Zapotocky M.
Model of fasciculation and sorting in mixed populations of axons.
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Pawlas Z. - Lansky P.
Distribution of interspike intervals estimated from multiple spike trains observed in a short time window.
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Morrissey C. - Grieve I. - Heinig M. - Atanur S. - Petretto E. - Pravenec M. - Hubner N. - Aitman T. J.
Integrated genomic approaches to identification of candidate genes underlying metabolic and cardiovascular phenotypes in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Physiological Genomics, 43(21), 1207-1218, 2011
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Pravenec M. - Zidek V. - Landa V. - Simakova M. - Mlejnek P. - Silhavy J. - Maxova M. - Kazdova L. - Seidman J. G. - Seidman Ch. E. - Eminaga S. - Gorham J. - Wang J. - Kurtz T. W.
Age-related autocrine diabetogenic effects of transgenic resistin in spontaneously hypertensive rats: gene expression profile analysis.
Physiological Genomics, 43(7), 372-379, 2011
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Balkova P. - Hlavackova M. - Milerova M. - Neckar J. - Kolar F. - Novak F. - Novakova O.
N-acetylcysteine treatment prevents the up-regulation of MnSOD in chronically hypoxic rat hearts.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 467-474, 2011
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Erzen I. - Janacek J. - Kubinova L.
Characterization of the capillary network in skeletal muscles from 3D data.
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Hock M. - Sotak M. - Kment M. - Pacha J.
The early effect of dextran sodium sulfate administration on carbachol-induced short-circuit current in distal and proximal colon during colitis development.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 921-931, 2011
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Malomouzh A. I. - Arkhipova S. S. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskocil F.
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Physiological Research, 60(1), 185-188, 2011
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Novak P. - Soukup T.
Calsequestrin distribution, structure and function, its role in normal and pathological situations and the effect of thyroid hormones.
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Palenickova E. - Cahova M. - Drahota Z. - Kazdova L. - Kalous M.
Inhibitory effect of metformin on oxidation of NADH-dependent substrates in rat liver homogenate.
Physiological Research, 60(5), 835-839, 2011
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Parizek M. - Novotna K. - Bacakova L.
The role of smooth muscle cells in vessel wall pathophysiology and reconstruction using bioactive synthetic polymers.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 419-437, 2011
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Pinterova M. - Kunes J. - Zicha J.
Altered neural and vascular mechanisms in hypertension.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 381-402, 2011
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Raslova K. - Dobiasova M. - Hubacek J. A. - Bencova D. - Sivakova D. - Dankova Z. - Franekova J. - Jabor A. - Gasparovic J. - Vohnout B.
Association of metabolic and genetic factors with cholesterol esterification rate in HDL plasma and atherogenic index of plasma in a 40 years old Slovak population.
Physiological Research, 60(5), 758-795, 2011
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Ricny J. - Soukup T.
Comparison of new ELISA method with established SDS-PAGE method for determination of muscle myosin heavy chain isoforms.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 899-904, 2011
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Riha H. - Neckar J. - Papousek F. - Netuka I. - Pirk J. - Kolar F. - Ostadal B.
Suppression of ischemic and reperfusion ventricular arrhythmias by inhalational anesthetic-induced preconditioning in the rat heart.
Physiological Research, 60(4), 709-714, 2011
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Skalsky I. - Filova E. - Szarszoi O. - Parizek M. - Lytvynets A. - Maluskova J. - Lodererova A. - Brynda E. - Lisa V. - Burdikova Z. - Capek M. - Pirk J. - Bacakova L.
A periadventitial sirolimus-releasing mesh decreased intimal hyperplasia in a rabbit model.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 585-588, 2011
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Soukup O. - Krusek J. - Kaniakova, Martina M. - Kumar U. K. - Oz M. - Jun D. - Fusek J. - Kuca K. - Tobin G.
Oxime reactivators and their in vivo and in vitro effects on nicotinic receptors.
Physiological Research, 60(4), 679-686, 2011
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Sedy J. - Kunes J. - Zicha J.
Neurogenic pulmonary edema induced by spinal cord injury in spontaneously hypertensive and Dahl salt hypertensive rats.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 975-979, 2011
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Tchekalarova J. - Kubova H. - Mares P.
Transient changes of cortical interhemispheric responses after repeated caffeine administration in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 60(6), 961-969, 2011
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Vandrovcova M. - Bacakova L.
Adhesion, growth and differentiation of osteoblasts on surface-modified materials developed for bone implants.
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Vandrovcova M. - Douglas T. - Hauk D. - Grossner-Schreiber B. - Wiltfang J. - Bacakova L. - Warnke P. H.
Influence of collagen and chondroitin sulfate (CS) coatings on poly-(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) on MG 63 osteoblast-like cells.
Physiological Research, 60(5), 797-813, 2011
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Vosahlikova M. - Svoboda P.
The influence of monovalent cations on trimeric G protein Gi1alfa activity in HEK293 cells stably expressing DOR-Gi1alfa (Cys351-Ile351) fusion protein.
Physiological Research, 60(3), 541-547, 2011
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Grausova L. - Kromka A. - Burdikova Z. - Eckhardt A. - Rezek B. - Vacik J. - Haenen K. - Lisa V. - Bacakova L.
Enhanced Growth and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Osteoblast-Like Cells on Boron-Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films.
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Jakubik J. - Janickova H. - Randakova A. - El-Fakahany E. E. - Dolezal V.
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Kostal L. - Lansky P. - Pokora O.
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Kus V. - Flachs P. - Kuda O. - Bardova K. - Janovska P. - Svobodova M. - Macek Jilkova Z. - Rossmeisl M. - Wang-Sattler R. - Yu Z. - Illig T. - Kopecky J.
Unmasking Differential Effects of Rosiglitazone and Pioglitazone in the Combination Treatment with n-3 Fatty Acids in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet.
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Telensky P. - Svoboda J. - Blahna K. - Bures J. - Kubik S. - Stuchlik A.
Functional inactivation of the rat hippocampus disrupts avoidance of a moving object.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(13), 5414-5418, 2011
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Petrak J. - Pospisilova J. - Sedinova M. - Jedelsky P. - Lorkova L. - Vit O. - Kolar M. - Strnad H. - Benes J. - Sedmera D. - Cervenka L. - Melenovsky V.
Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis of heart failure due to volume overload in a rat aortocaval fistula model provides support for new potential therapeutic targets - monoamine oxidase A and transglutaminase 2.
Proteome Science, 9(1), e69, 2011
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Obsil T. - Obsilova V.
Structural basis of 14-3-3 protein functions.
Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology, 22(7), 663-672, 2011
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Klusonova P. - Patkova L. - Ergang P. - Miksik I. - Zicha J. - Kunes J. - Pacha J.
Local metabolism of glucocorticoids in Prague hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats – Effect of hypertriglyceridemia and gender.
Steroids, 76(12), 1252-1259, 2011
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Korinek M. - Kapras V. - Vyklicky V. - Adamusova E. - Borovska J. - Vales K. - Stuchlik A. - Horak M. - Chodounska H. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Neurosteroid modulation of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors: Molecular mechanism and behavioral effects.
Steroids, 76(13), 1409-1418, 2011
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Vagnerova K. - Loukotova J. - Ergang P. - Musilkova J. - Miksik I. - Pacha J.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma stimulates 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 in rat vascular smooth muscle cells.
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Vidrna L. - Cerny I. - Pouzar V. - Borovska J. - Vyklicky V. - Vyklicky ml. L. - Chodounska H.
Azido analogs of neuroactive steroids.
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Alan L. - Spacek T. - Zelenka J. - Tauber J. - Berkova Z. - Zacharovova K. - Saudek F. - Jezek P.
Assessment of Mitochondrial DNA as an Indicator of Islet Quality: An Example in Goto Kakizaki Rats.
Transplantation Proceedings, 43(9), 3281-3284, 2011
IF = 0,993(10)
