
V. Svoboda, J. Peregrin: Od jazyka k logice (From Language to Logic), Praha, Academia, 2009.
The book From Language to Logic aims at answering the question what is the nature of logic? It shows that the way leading from ordinary language and argumentation to logical symbolism and to artificial languages employed within modern logic is far from straightforward. The book also presents a systematic survey of the foundations of the so called classical logic as well as of its non-classical alternatives. Attention is paid also to problems of logical modelling of meanings of natural language expressions, to logical paradoxes or to the question of the limits of application of the methods of logical modelling.
M. Peliš (ed): Logica Yearbook 2008, London ,College Publications, 2009.
The volume comprises most of the papers presented at the international symposium LOGICA 2008. Reflecting the tradition of the LOGICA symposia, the papers deal with the broad range of problems in logic relevant to philosophy.

O. Majer, A.-V. Pietarinen, T. Tulenheimo (eds.): Games: Unifying Logic, Language, and Philosophy, Springer, 2009
This volume presents mathematical game theory as an interface between logic and philosophy. It provides a discussion of various aspects of this interaction, covering new technical results and examining the philosophical insights that these have yielded. Organized in four sections it offers a balanced mix of papers dedicated to the major trends in the field: the dialogical approach to logic, Hintikka-style game-theoretic semantics, game-theoretic models of various domains (including computation and natural language) and logical analyses of game-theoretic situations.