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19 Jun 09 - 5 Apr 14
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O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu
Ing. Fabianová Michaela
Jaroslav Kalivoda

Technical assistants
Zdeňka Kotková
Quality Assurance
RNDr. Jiří Marhan, CSc.
QA , Head


Department: Department of Biological Controls
Head: Richard Pospíšil, MVD, PhD.
Contact phone: +420-2 9644 2280
E-mail: rpospisilbiomed.cas.cz

 Photo gallery


Main Topics:
  implementation of customized experiments for external authority
  quality control of manufacturing operations of medicinal products for human use
  implementation of customized experiments for external authority
  toxicological studies and testing of commercially manufactured drugs
  pharmacological tests (determination of the efficacy of immunomodulators)
  toxicological tests (tests on specific and nonspecific harmlessness)
 pharmacopoeial tests (evidence of extraneous agents in viral vaccines and human cell substrate for the manufacture of human vaccines)
  testing of vaccines and allergens (methods for determining efficacy and safety)
  immunization of animals and blood products formulation



Department of Biological Controls

Richard Pospisil, MVD, PhD.
Phone/Fax: +420 296 442 280
Email: rpospisilbiomed.cas.cz
Ing. Fabianová Michaela
deputy Head
Phone/Fax: +420 296 442 805
Email: fabianovabiomed.cas.cz
Quality Assurance
RNDr. Jiří Marhan, CSc.
QA , Head

Institute of Physiology AS CR
Vídeňská 1130
Prague 4
142 20
Czech Republic
