Kamba List
of publications
S. Kamba, J.
Petzelt, V. Železný: Infrared reflectivity of BaMnF4. Czech J. Phys. B 36 , 848 (1986)
V. Gregor, J.
Petzelt, S. Kamba et al: Properties of CuO based superconducting oxides. Int. J. Mod. Physics B1, 1021 (1987)
M. Závětová,
V. Riede, J. Pangrác, S. Kamba: Local vibration modes of nitrogen in GaAs. (In
Czech). Proceedings of 6th
Czechoslovak conference of thin layers, Mariánské Lázně, 12, 173 (1987)
V. Železný, P.
Vanìk, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, B. Březina: Infrared
reflectivity and phase transitions in Rb2CoCl4. Ferroelectrics 80, 217 (1988)
J. Kroupa, J.
Fousek, A. Fousková, J. Petzelt, M. Pavel, S. Kamba, A. Fuith, H. Warhanek: New data on the phase transition in KSCN. Ferroelectrics 87, 121 (1988)
J. Petzelt, J. F.
Legrand, S. Pačesová, S. Kamba, G. V. Kozlov, A. A. Volkov: Far infrared
and submillimetre studies of the ferroelectric phase transition in P (VF2-
F3E) copolymers. Phase
Transitions 12, 305 (1988)
J. Petzelt, S.
Kamba, S. Pačesová, E. Pollert, J. Šrámek, O. Smrčková, D. Sýkorová:
Infrared reflectivity of high Tc YBa2Cu3O7-x
and related ceramics. phys. stat. sol.
(b) 146, 743 (1988).
J. Petzelt, S.
Pačesová, J. Fousek, S. Kamba, V. Železný, V. Koukal, J. Schwarzbach, B.
P. Gorshunov, G. V. Kozlov, A. A. Volkov. Dielectric spectra of some ceramics
for microwave applications in the range of 1010 - 1014
Hz. Ferroelectrics 93, 77 (1989)
S. Kamba, J.
Petzelt, V. Železný, E. V. Pechen, S. I. Krasnosvobodtsev, B. P. Gorshunov:
Infrared reflectance of anisotropic (110) YBCO epitaxial film.
V. Riede, H. Sobota, H. Neumann, I. Gregora, S. Kamba, V.
Vorlíček: Infrared optical characterization of epitaxial layer-substrate
systems (II). Cryst. Res. Tech. 24, 909 (1989)
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, V. Dvořák, Yu. G. Goncharov, A. A. Volkov,
G. V. Kozlov, J. Albers: Far infrared spectroscopy of the phase-transition
sequence in BCCD. Ferroelectrics 105, 351 (1990)
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, S. P. Lebedev, A. A. Volkov, A.Fuith, H.
Warhanek: Far infrared spectroscopy of the phase transition in KSCN. Ferroelectrics 109, 3 (1990)
M. Závětová, I.P. Akinchenko, N.N. Dymova, S. Kamba: Infrared
and Raman spectra of implanted GaAs. J.
Molecular Structure 219, 89 (1990)
R. Currat, J. F. Legrand, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, V. Dvořák, J.
Albers: Inelastic neutron scattering study of the soft phonon branch in
deuterated BCCD.
J. Petzelt, V. Železný, S. Kamba, A. V. Sinitski, S. P. Lebedev, A. A.
Volkov, G. V. Kozlov, V. H. Schmidt: Far infrared and near-millimetre
spectroscopy of the 50/50 RADP dipolar glass. J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 3,
2021 (1991)
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, A. V. Sinitski, A.G. Pimenov, A. A. Volkov, G. V.
Kozlov: Far infrared properties of the Rb0.5(ND4)0.5D2PO4
dipolar glass. Ferroelectrics 127, 263-268 (1992)
A. A. Volkov, G. V. Kozlov, S. P. Lebedev, A. V. Sinitskii, S. Kamba,
J. Petzelt: Soft modes in the RADP dipolar glass (in Russian) Zh. Exp. Teor. Phys. 101, 248-255 (1992)
H. Kabelka, A. Fuith, H. Warhanek, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, S. P. Lebedev,
A. A. Volkov: The dielectric behaviour of KSCN. Ferroelectrics 135, 303-308 (1992)
J. Petzelt, R. Zurmühlen, A. Bell, S. Kamba, G. V.Kozlov, A. A.Volkov,
N. Setter: Dielectric spectroscopy of some Ba(B¢1/2B¢¢1/2)O3
complex perovskites in the 1011-1014Hz range. Ferroelectrics 133, 205-210 (1992)
H. Neumann, H. Sobota, V. Riede, S. Kamba, N.N. Syrbu, I. Golovei:
Infrared lattice vibrations of Tl3AsS4, Cryst. Res. Tech. 27, 965 (1992)
V. M. Ferreira, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, J. L. Baptista: Dielectric
spectroscopy of MgTiO3-based ceramics in the far infrared region. J. Mat. Sci. 28, 5894 - 5900 (1993)
J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, A. V. Sinitski, A. G. Pimenov, A. A. Volkov, G.
V. Kozlov, R. Kind: Far-infrared and near-millimetre
dielectric response of DRADP-50 dipolar glass compared with that of RADP. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 5, 3573-86 (1993)
S. Kamba, V. Dvořák, J. Petzelt, Yu. G. Goncharov, A. A. Volkov,
G. V. Kozlov: Far-infrared spectroscopy of the modulated and ferroelectric
betaine calcium chloride dihydrate. J.
Phys.: Condens. Matter 5,
4401-18 (1993)
J. Petzelt, J. Hrabovská, S. Kamba, I. Gregora, V. Vorlíček, K.
Kokešová, B. Březina, J. Hulliger: Vibrational spectroscopy of optically
nonlinear molecular crystals 2-cyclo-octylamino-5-nitropyridine (COANP) and
2-N-CL -prolind 5-nitropyridine (PNP). Nonlinear
Optics 7, 7 - 20 (1994)
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, V. Železný, F. Smutný, P. B. Gorshunov, G.
V. Kozlov, V. V. Voitsekhovskii, A. A.
Volkov: Far-infrared dielectric response of Rb0.75(ND4)0.25D2PO4. Ferroelectrics 157, pp. 227-232, (1994)
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, V. Železný, F. Smutný, V. Dvořák, J. Hlinka,
M. Quilichichini, Volkov A. A. Gorshunov
B.P., Kozlov G. V., Currat R., Legrand J. F.: Dynamical studies of fully
deuterated BCCD. Ferroelectrics 159, pp. 97-102 (1994)
J. K. Krüger, J. Schreiber, R. Jiménez, K.- P.
Bohn, F. Smutný, M. Kubát, J. Petzelt, J. Hrabovská-Bradshaw, S. Kamba, S. F.
Legrand: Unconventional orientational glass transition in symmetrical
difluorotetrachloroethane. J. Phys: Condens.
Matter 6, 6947-6964 (1994)
R. Zurmühlen, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, V. V. Voitsekhovskii, N. Setter:
Dielectric spectroscopy of Ba(B¢1/2B¢¢1/2)O3
complex perovskite ceramisc: Correlation between ionic parameters and microwave
dielectric properties. Part I - Infrared reflectivity study (1012-1014Hz). J. Appl. Phys. 77, (No 10), 5341-5350 (1995)
R. Zurmühlen, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba. G. Kozlov. A.
Volkov, B. Gorshunov, D. Dube, A. Tagantsev, N. Setter: Correlation between
ionic parameters and microwave dielectric properties. Part II.:
Studies below the phonon eigenfrequencies (102-1012Hz). J. Appl. Phys. 77, 5351-5364 (1995)
S. Kamba, G. Schaack, J. Petzelt: Vibrational spectroscopy and soft
mode behaviour in Rochelle salt. Phys.
Rev. B 51, 14998-15007 (1995)
J. Kulek, B. Hilczer, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt: Effect of crystallization,
poling and ageing conditions on the FIR, dielectric and pyroelectric properties
of hot-pressed PVDF and P(VDF/TFE)-(0.98/0.02). Acta Polymer. 46,
152-155 (1995)
S. Kamba, G. Schaack, J. Petzelt, B. Březina: Soft mode behaviour
in Rochelle salt and lithium-thalium tartrate monohydrate at high pressure. Ferroelectrics 186, 181-184 (1996)
J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, A. A. Volkov, G. V. Kozlov: Dielectric properties
of microwave ceramics investigated by infrared and submillimetre spectroscopy. Ferroelectrics 176, 145-165 (1996)
V. Samulionis, V. Valevicius, J. Banys, S. Kamba: Critical ultrasonic
behaviour near phase transitions in BCCD crystals, Ferroelectrics 183, 225 (1996)
S. Kamba, G. Schaack, J. Petzelt, B.
Březina: High-pressure dielectric and lattice vibration studies of the
phase transition in lithium thallium tartrate monohydrate (LTT). J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 8, 4631-4642 (1996)
S. Kamba, B. Březina, J. Petzelt, G. Schaack,:
Study of the phase transition in lithium ammonium tartrate monohydrate (LAT) by
means of infrared and Raman spectroscopy. J.
Phys.: Condens. Matter. 8,
8669-8679 (1996)
J.Petzelt, V. Železný,
J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, I. Gregora: Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of
ill-ordered crystals. Phase Transitions
63, 107-145 (1997)
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, J. Pokorný, A. Loidl: Far-infrared spectroscopy
of the K1-x(NH4)x
I orientational glass. Physica B 244,
172-179 (1998)
S. Kamba, E. Buixaderas, I. Gregora, J. Petzelt, Y. Yamaguchi, M. Wada: Phonon anomalies near the ferroelectric phase
transition in LiNaGe4O9. J. Korean Phys. Soc. 32,
S 500-S502 (1998)
E. Buixaderas, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, M. Wada, A. Yamanaka, K. Inoue:
Study of phase transitions in hexagonal BaTiO3 by means of far
infrared spectroscopy. J. Korean Phys.
Soc. 32, S 578-S580 (1998)
P. Vaněk, Z. Zikmund, J. Kroupa, A. Pronin, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt:
Properties of a new weak ferroelectric - cyclohexane-1,1´-diacetic acid.
R. Mizaras, A. Kajokas, J. Banys, A. Brilingas, J. Grigas, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt: Low-frequency dielectric properties of
lanthanum-modified lead zirconate titanate ceramics. Lith. J. Phys. 38, 18-20
J. Banys, A. Brilingas, D. Jakonis, A. Kajokas,
S. Kamba, E. Buixaderas, A. Pajaczkowska: Polarized infrared
reflectivity spectra of SrLaAlO4 and SrLaGaO4 single
crystals, phys. stat. sol. (a), 168,
317 (1998).
P. Wachter, S. Kamba, M. Grioni: Empty 4F
states in TmS, Physica B, 252.
178-185 (1998)
J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, E. Buixaderas, V. Bovtun, Z. Zikmund, A. Kania,
V. Koukal, J. Pokorný, J. Polívka, V. Pashkov, G. Komandin, A. Volkov: Infrared
and microwave dielectric response of the disordered antiferroelectric Ag(Ta,Nb)O3
system. Ferroelectrics, 223,
235-246 (1999)
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, J. Banys, R. Mizaras, J. Grigas, J. Pokorný, J.
Endal, A. Brilingas, G. Komandin, A. Pronin, M. Kosec: Dielectric response of
antiferroelectric PLZT 2/95/5 ceramics in the range of 10-1014 Hz
and 10-530K. Ferroelectrics, 223,
247-254 (1999)
Ya. Shchur,
Ya. Shchur, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt: Lattice
dynamics simulation of Cs2CdBr4 crystal, J. Phys.:
Condens. Matter 11, 3615-3628 (1999)
Yu. I. Yuzyuk, R. Farhi, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt,
P. Vanek and L. M. Rabkin: Raman and far-infrared spectra of weak
ferroelectric cyclohexane-1,1?-diacetic acid. J. Raman
Spectroscopy 30:
599-604, 1999
E. Buixaderas, S. Kamba, I. Gregora, P. Vaněk, J. Petzelt, T.
Yamaguchi, M. Wada: Far-infrared and Raman studies of the ferroelectric phase
transition in LiNaGe4O9, phys. stat. sol. (b) 214: 441-452, 1999
I. Hrubá, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, I. Gregora, Z.
Zikmund, D. Ivannikov, G. Komandin, A. Volkov, B. Strukov: Optical
phonons and ferroelectric phase transition in the LaBGeO5 crystal. phys. stat. sol. (b) 214: 423-439, 1999
S. Kamba, V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, I. Rychetsky, R. Mizaras, A.
Brilingas, J. Banys, J. Grigas and M. Kosec: Dielectric dispersion of the
relaxor PLZT ceramics in the frequency range 20 Hz – 100 THz, J. Phys. Condens. Matter
12 497-519 (2000)
Ya. Shchur, S. Kamba: Far-infrared study and
lattice dynamics simulation of Cs2HgBr4 crystal, Ferroelectrics,
239, 141-148 (2000)
E. Buixaderas, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, M. Wada, S.
Ando, T. Tsukamato: Infrared spectroscopy of Ba2NaNb5O15
single crystal and thin films, Ferroelectrics 239, 17-24 (2000)
T. Ostapchuk, J. Petzelt,V. Železný, S. Kamba,
Barbara Malič, M. Kosec, L. Čakare, K. Roleder, J. Dec: Infrared
spectroscopy of lead zirconate single crystal, ceramics and films, Ferroelectrics,
239 109-115 (2000)
V. Porokhonskyy, V. Bovtun, S. Kamba, E. Buixaderas, J. Petzelt, A.
Kania, S. Miga, Y. Yakimenko: Microwave dielectric properties of the Ag1-xLixNbO3,
Ferroelectrics, 238 131-138
I. Kratochvílová, S. Kamba, I. Gregora, J.
Petzelt, V.N. Sigaev, E.N. Smelyanskaya: Vibrational properties of Pb5Ge3O11
and LaBGeO5 glasses and crystallised glasses, Ferroelectrics,
239 39-46 (2000)
J. Hlinka, J. Kulda, S. Kamba and J. Petzelt: On the nature of the
resonant soft mode in Rochelle salt, Phys. Rev. B 63, 052102 (4
pages) (2001)
M. Vaněček, A. Poruba, Z. Remeš, J. Rosa,
J. Petzelt, T. Ostapchuk, S. Kamba, I. Rychteský, M.
Savinov, A. Volkov, B. P. Gorshunov, S. Hoffmann, R. Waser, J. Lindner: High-frequency
dielectric response of SrTiO3 crystals, ceramics and thin films. Ferroelectrics
239, 117-124 (2000)
V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, V. Porokhonskyy, S. Kamba, Y. Yakimenko:
Structure of the dielectric spectrum of relaxor ferroelectrics. J. Europ. Cer. Soc. 21,
1307-1311 (2001)
E. Buixaderas, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, M. Savinov, N.N. Kolpakova: Phase
transition sequence in pyrochlore Cd2Nb2O7
studied by IR reflectivity. Eur. Phys. J. B 19, 9-16 (2001)
65. E. Buixaderas, S.
Kamba, J. Petzelt, Polar phonons and far-infrared amplitudon in Sr2Nb2O7,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 13,
2823-2834 (2001)
66. T.
Ostapchuk, J. Petzelt, V. Železný, S. Kamba, V. Bovtun, V. Porokhonskyy, A.F.
Pashkin, P. Kužel, M. Glinchuk, I. Bykov: Polar phonons and central mode in
antiferrolectric PbZrO3. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13,
2677-2689 (2001).
67. Ya.I. Shchur and S.
Kamba: Comment of “Infrared study of the low-temperature phase transitions in incommensurate Cs2HgBr4”. Phys.
Rev. B 63, 176101 (2001).
68. S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, E.
Buixaderas, D. Haubrich, P. Vaněk, P. Kužel, I. Jawahar, M. T. Sebastian,
P. Mohanan, High frequency dielectric properties of A5B4O15
microwave ceramics. J. Appl. Phys. 89, 3900 (2001)
69. B. Z. Malkin, A. I.
Iskhakova, S. Kamba, J. Heber, M. Altwein, G. Schaack: Far-infrared
spectroscopy investigation and lattice dynamics simulations in CsCdBr3:R3+
crystals. Phys. Rev. B 63, 075 104 (2001)
70. J. Petzelt, T. Ostapchuk, S.
Kamba, I. Gregora, I. Rychetský, J. Pokorný,
V. Bovtun, V. Porokhonskyy, M. Savinov, S. Hoffmann, R. Waser, J. Lindner, Far
infrared, microwave and Raman spectroscopy of the ferroelectric soft mode in
SrTiO3 thin films and ceramics
Integrated Ferroelectrics , 32, 11-20 (2001),
71. J. Petzelt, I. Gregora, I.
Rychetský, T. Ostapchuk, S. Kamba, P.
Vaněk, Y, Yuzyuk, A. Almeida, M. R. Chaves, B. Gorshunov, M. Dressel, S.
Hoffmann-Eifert, R. Waser: Polar grain boundaries in undoped SrTiO3
ceramics, J. Europ. Cer. Soc. 21, 2681-2686 (2001)
72. J. Petzelt, T. Ostapchuk, I.
Gregora, I. Rychetský, S. Hoffmann-Eifert, A. V. Pronin, Y. Yuzyuk, B. P.
Gorshunov, S. Kamba, V. Bovtun, J. Pokorný, M.
Savinov, V. Porokhonskyy, D. Rafaja, P. Vaněk, A. Almeida, M. R. Chaves,
A.A. Volkov, M. Dressel, R. Waser: Dielectric, IR and Raman response of undoped
SrTiO3 ceramics: Evidence of polar grain boundaries, Phys. Rev. B
64, 184111 (9 pages) (2001)
73. I.
Kratochvílová-Hrubá, I. Gregora, J. Pokorný, S. Kamba,
Z. Zikmund, J. Petzelt, M. Čerňanský, V. Studnička, V. Sigaev,
E. Smelyanskaya: Vibrational spectroscopy of LaBSiO5 glass and
glass-crystal composites. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 290, 224-230
74. S.
Kamba, E. Buixaderas, T. Ostapchuk, J. Petzelt: Ferroelectric soft modes and dynamic central
modes near some phase transitions. Ferroelectrics
268, 163-168
75. S. Kamba, J. Kulda, V. Petříček,
G. McIntyre, J.P. Kiat: High-pressure
structural and dielectric studies of the phase transitions in lithium thallium
tartrate monohydrate. J.
Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 4045-4054 (2002).
76. J. Banys, A. Kajokas, S. Lapinskas, A. Brilingas,
J. Grigas, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba: Microwave and millimetre-wave dielectric
response of Rb1-x(ND4)D2PO4 dipolar
glass. J. Phys.: Condens.
Matter 14, 3725 –3733 (2002).
77. J. Banys, S. Kamba, A. Klorpperpieper, G. Voelkel: Infrared spectrum of
deuterated betaine phospite. Phys.
Stat. Sol. (b) 231, 581-588 (2002).
78. S. Kamba, J. Pokorný, V. Porokhonskyy, J.
Petzelt, M. P. Moret, A. Garg, Z. H. Barber, R. Zallen: Ferroelastic phase in SrBi2Ta2O9
and study of the ferroelectric phase-transition dynamics. Appl. Phys. Lett. 81,
1056-1058 (2002).
79. S. Kamba, V. Porokhonskyy, A. Pashkin, V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, J. C.
Nino, S. Trolier-McKinstry, M. T. Lanagan, C. A. Randall: Anomalous broad
dielectric relaxation in Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7
pyrochlore. Phys.
Rev. B 66, 054106/1-7 (2002).
80. J. C. Nino, M. T. Lanagan, C. A. Randall, S. Kamba: Correlation between
infrared phonon modes and dielectric relaxation in Bi2O3-ZnO-Nb2O5
cubic pyrochlore. Appl.
Phys. Letters 81, 4404-4406
81. S.
Kamba, E. Buixaderas, J. Petzelt, J. Fousek, J. Nosek, P. Bridenbaugh: Infrared
and Raman spectroscopy of Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3
and Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 single
crystals. J. Appl. Phys., 93, 933-939 (2003).
82. S.
Kamba, P. Samoukhina, F. Kadlec, J. Pokorný, J. Petzelt, I. M. Reaney, P. L.
Wise: Composition dependence of the lattice vibrations in Srn+1TinO3n+1
Ruddlesden-Popper homologous series. J. Eur. Cer. Soc.,23,
2639-2645 (2003).
83. J. Petzelt, S. Kamba: Submillimetre and infrared response of
microwave materials: Extrapolation to microwave properties, Material
Chemistry and Physics, 79,
175-180 (2003).
84. J. Hlinka, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, J. Kulda, C. Randall,
S. Zhang, Diffuse scattering in PZN-PT
by quasi-elastic neutron scattering, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15,
4249-4257 (2003).
85. J. Hlinka, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, J. Kulda, C.
Randall, S. Zhang, Origin of the „Waterfall“ Effect in Phonon Dispersion of
Relaxor Perovskites, Phys. Rev. Letters
91, 107602/1-4 (2003).
86. I. Rychetský,
87. V. Porokhonskyy, S. Kamba, A. Pashkin, M. Savinov, J. Petzelt,
R. Eitel, C. Randall: Broadband
dielectric spectroscopy of (1-x)BiScO3-xPbTiO3
piezoelectrics, Applied Physics Letters 83, 1605-1607
88. I. Rychetský, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, Constant dielectric losses in PLZT relaxor at low
temperatures. Ferroelectrics, 291,
83-91 (2003).
89. M. Savinov, V. Trepakov, S. Kamba, S. Kapphan, J. Petzelt,
R. Pankrath, I. Kislova, A. Kutsenko, L. Jastrabik: Dielectric
and Infrared Response of Ba0.77Ca0.23TiO3, Ferroelectrics 295, 31-38
90. M. Kempa, P. Kužel, S. Kamba,
P. Samoukhina, J. Petzelt, A. Garg, Z. Barber: The ferroelectric soft mode and central mode
in SrBi2Ta2O9 films J. Phys.:
Condens. Matter 15, 8095-8102 (2003).
91. V. Bovtun, S. Kamba, A. Pashkin, M. Savinov, P. Samoukhina,
J. Petzelt, I. P. Bykov, M. D. Glinchuk: Central-peak components and polar soft mode in relaxor Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3
crystals, Ferroelectrics 298,
23-30 (2004).
92. J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, V. Bovtun, A. Pashkin: High-frequency dielectric spectroscopy and
soft lattice dynamics of disordered ferroelectrics, Ferroelectrics
298, 219-233 (2004).
93. S. Kamba, V. Bovtun, V. Porokhonskyy, A. Pashkin, M. Savinov,
I. Rychetský, J. Petzelt: Low-temperature
dielectric response of relaxor ferroelectrics and related disordered materials,
Ferroelectrics 302,
241-245 (2004).
E. Buixaderas, S. Kamba, J.
Petzelt: Lattice dynamics and central-mode phenomena in the dielectric response
of ferroelectrics and related materials. Ferroelectrics 308,131-192
95. P. Kužel,
A. Pashkin, M. Kempa, F. Kadlec, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, Time-domain teraherz
spectroscopy of SrBi2Ta2O9, Ferroelectrics
300, 125-129 (2004).
96. D.
Noujni, S. Kamba, A. Pashkin, V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, A.-K.
Axelsson, N. McN Alford, P. L. Wise, I. M. Reaney: Temperature dependence of
microwave and THz dielectric response in Srn+1TinO3n+1,
Integrated Ferroelectrics 62, 199-203 (2004).
97. J. Navrátil, J. Horák, T. Plecháček, S. Kamba, P. Lošťák, J. Dyck, W. Chen, C. Uher: Conduction
band splitting and transport properties of Bi2Se3,
J. Solid State Chemistry 177, 1704-1712 (2004).
98. S. Kamba, H. Hughes,
D. Noujni, S. Surendran, R. Pullar, P. Samoukhina, J. Petzelt, R. Freer, N. McNAlford,
D. Iddles: Relationship between
microwave and lattice vibration properties in Ba(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-based
microwave dielectric ceramics J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 37,
1980-1986 (2004).
N.I. Santha, M.T. Sebastian, P. Mohanan,
N.M. Alford, K. Sarma, R.C. Pullar, S. Kamba, A. Pashkin, P. Samukhina, J.
Petzelt, Effect of doping on the dielectric properties of CeO2 in
the microwave and far-infrared frequency range. J.
Amer. Ceram. Soc. 87,
1233-1237 (2004).
100. S. A. Prosandeev, E. Cockayne, B.
Burton, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, Y. Yuzyuk, R. Katiyar, S. Vakhrushev: Lattice
dynamics in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3. Phys. Rev. B 70, 134110 (2004).
101. J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, J. Fabry,
D. Noujni, V. Porokhonskyy, A. Pashkin, I. Franke, K. Roleder, J. Suchanicz, R.
Klein and G. E. Kugel: Infrared, Raman and high-frequency dielectric
spectroscopy and the phase transitions in Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3.
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 16, 2719-2731 (2004).
102. F. Kadlec, S. Kamba,
P. Kužel, C. Kadlec, J. Kroupa and J. Petzelt, High-temperature phase
transitions in SrBi2Ta2O9
film: a study by THz spectroscopy, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, 6763-6769 (2004).
103. V. Bovtun, S. Veljko, M. Savinov, A. Pashkin,
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt: Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy of PZN-8%PT single
crystal, Ferroelectrics 318, 179-183 (2005).
104. V. Bovtun, S. Veljko, M. Savinov, A. Pashkin,
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt: Comparison of the dielectric response of relaxor PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 ceramics and single crystals, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 69,
3-10, 2005.
105. E. Buixaderas, M. Kempa, S. Veljko, M. Savinov,
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, R. Pankrath: Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy of
relaxor ferroelectric Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6,
Ferroelectrics 318, 133-140 (2005).
106. E. Buixaderas, M. Savinov, M.
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dielectric spectroscopy of relaxor ferroelectric Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6.
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 17, 653-666 (2005).
107. P. Samoukhina, S. Kamba, S. Santhi,
J. Petzelt, M. Valant, D. Suvorov: Infrared and THz dielectric spectra of novel
Bi2O3-Nb2O5 microwave ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 25, 3085-3088 (2005).
108. A.
Pashkin, S. Kamba, M. Berta, J. Petzelt, G.D.C. Csete de Györgyfalva, H. Zheng
and I.M. Reaney, High frequency
dielectric properties of CaTiO3-based microwave
ceramics, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 38,
741-748 (2005).
109. S. Kamba, S. Veljko,
M. Kempa, M. Savinov, V. Bovtun, P. Vaněk, J. Petzelt,
M.C. Stennet, I.M. Reaney, A.R. West: Dielectric spectra of a new relaxor
ferroelectric system Ba2LnTi2Nb3O15
(Ln=La,Nd), J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 25,
3069-3073 (2005).
110. S. Kamba, M. Kempa, V. Bovtun, J.
Petzelt, K. Brinkman, N. Setter: Central mode and soft mode behavior in PMN
relaxor ferroelectric, J. Phys.: Condens.
Matter, 17, 3965-3974 (2005).
111. S. Kamba, M. Berta, M. Kempa, J.
Hlinka, J. Petzelt, K. Brinkman, N. Setter: Far-infrared soft-mode behavior in
PbSc1/2Ta1/2O3 thin films. J. Appl. Phys. 98, 074103 (2005).
112. S. Kamba, M. Kempa,
M. Berta, J. Petzelt, K. Brinkman, N. Setter, Dynamics of polar clusters in
relaxor ferroelectrics, J. Phys. IV, 128, 121-126 (2005).
113. S.
Kamba, D. Noujni, A. Pashkin, J. Petzelt, R.C. Pullar, A.-K. Axelsson and N.
McN. Alford, Low-temperature microwave and THz dielectric response in novel
microwave ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26,
1845-1851 (2006).
114. M.-C. Wu, S. Kamba, V. Bovtun and W.-F. Su:
Comparison of microwave dielectric behavior between Bi1.5Zn0.92Nb1.5O6.92
and Bi1.5ZnNb1.5O7,
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26, 1889-1893 (2006),
115. J. Petzelt, J. Hlinka, S. Kamba, T. Ostapchuk, D.
Noujni, I. Rychetsky: Effective infrared response of inhomogeneous
ferroelectrics. Ferroelectrics, 334,
475-485 (2006).
116. V. Bovtun, S. Veljko, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, S.
Vakhrushev, Y. Yakimenko, K. Brinkman, N. Setter:
Broad-band dielectric response of PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3
relaxor ferroelectrics: single crystals, ceramics and thin films. J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26, 2867-2875
117. S. Kamba, H. Wang, M. Berta, F. Kadlec, J. Petzelt, D.
Zhou, J. Xi: Correlation among infrared, THz and
microwave dielectric properties of vanadium doped antiferroelectric BiNbO4.
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 26,
2861-2865 (2006).
118. J. Hlinka, T. Ostapchuk, D. Noujni, K. Kamba, J.
Petzelt: Anisotropic dielectric function in polar nano-regions of relaxor
ferroelectrics. Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 027601 (2006).
119. J. Hlinka, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, D. Noujni, T.
Ostapchuk: Infrared dielectric response of relaxor ferroelectrics. Phase Transitions, 79, 41-78 (2006).
120. H.
Wang, S. Kamba, M. Zhang, Ch.-T. Chia, H. Du, S. Veljko, F. Kadlec, J. Petzelt,
X. Yao, Microwave dielectric relaxation in cubic bismuth based pyrochlores
containing titanium, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 014105/1-014105/7 (2006).
121. H. Wang, S. Kamba,
M. Zhang, X. Yao, S. Denisov, F. Kadlec, J. Petzelt, Microwave and infrared dielectric
response of monoclinic bismuth zinc niobate based pyrochlore ceramics with ion
substitution in A site, J. Appl. Phys. 100,
034109/1-5 (2006).
122. E. Buixaderas, D.
Nuzhnyy, S. Veljko, M. Savinov, P. Vanek, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, and M. Kosec,
Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy of tetragonal PLZT x-40-60, Phase
Transitions 79, 415-426 (2006).
123. J. Macutkevic, S.
Kamba, J. Banys, A. Brilingas, A. Pashkin, J. Petzelt, K. Bormanis, and A.
Sternberg, Infrared and broadband dielectric spectroscopy of PZN-PMN-PSN
relaxor ferroelectrics: Origin of two-component relaxation. Phys. Rev. B
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124. D. Nuzhnyy, S.
Kamba, P. Kuzel, S. Veljko, V. Bovtun, M. Savinov, J. Petzelt, H. Amorin,
M.E.V. Costa, A.L. Kholkin, P. Boullay, M. Adamczyk:
Dynamics of the phase transitions in Bi-layered ferroelectrics with Aurivillius
structure: Dielectric response in the THz spectral range. Phys. Rev. B 74, 134105 (2006).
125. S. Kamba, D.
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Infrared and THz studies of polar phonons and magnetodielectric effect in
multiferroic BiFeO3 ceramics, Phys. Rev. B 75, 024403 (2007).
126. J. Macutkevic, S.
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Eur. Ceram. Soc. 27, 3713 (2007).
127. A. Belous, O.
V’yunov, D. Mishchuk, S. Kamba, D. Nuzhnyy, Effect of vacancies on the
structural and relaxor properties of (Sr,Ba,Na)Nb2O6, J.
Appl. Phys. 102, 014111 (2007).
128. E. Buixaderas, D.
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of lead-free Sr2LaTi2Nb3O15
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130. S. Kamba, D.
Nuzhnyy, S. Veljko, V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, Y.L. Wang, N. Setter, M. Tyunina, J.
Levoska, J. Macutkevic, and J. Banys, Dielectric relaxation and polar phonons
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131. S. Kamba, D.
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anisotropy in relaxor ferroelectric PLZT 15/40/60 ceramics, Appl. Phys. Lett.
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133. S. Kamba, D.
Nuzhnyy, P. Vanek, M. Savinov, K. Knizek, Z. Shen, E. Santava, K. Maca, M.
Sadowski and J. Petzelt, Magnetodielectric effect and optic soft mode behaviour
in quantum paraelectric EuTiO3 ceramics, Europhys. Lett. 80, 27002 (2007).
134. D. Nuzhnyy, J.
Petzelt, S. Kamba, T. Yamada, M. Tyunina, A.K. Tagantsev, J. Levoska, N.
Setter, Polar phonons in SrTiO3 thin films: Effect of compressive
stress and grain boundaries, J. Electroceramics, 22, 297-301 (2009).
135. V. Bovtun, S. Veljko,
A. Axelsson, S. Kamba, N. Alford, J. Petzelt, Microwave characterization of
thin ferroelectric films without electrodes using dielectric resonator, Integrated
Ferroelectrics, 98, 53-61
136. J. Macutkevic, S.
Kamba, J. Banys, A. Pashkin, K. Bormanis, and A. Sternberg, Polar phonons in
relaxor ferroelectric 0.2PSN-0.4PMN-0.4PZN, Acta Phys. Polonica A, 113, 879 (2008).
137. E. Dul’kin,
138. S. Kamba, D.
Nuzhnyy, R. Nechache, K. Závěta, D. Nižňanský,
E. Šantavá, C. Harnagea, and A. Pignolet, Infrared and magnetic
characterization of multiferroic Bi2FeCrO6 thin films
over a broad temperature range. Phys. Rev. B 77, 104111 (2008).
139. J.
Kroupa, V. Bovtun, D. Nuzhnyy, M. Savinov, P. Vaněk, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt,
J. Holc, M. Kosed, H. Amorín, and M. Alguero, Second harmonic generation and
dielectric study of the fine and coarse grain PMN-35PT ceramics, Phase
Transitions 81, 1059-1064 (2008).
140. S.
Kamba, D. Nuzhnyy, O. Tkáč, B. Malič, M. Kosec, J. Petzelt,
High-temperature soft phonon behavior in PLZT 8-65-35 relaxor ferroelectrics, Phase
Transitions 81, 1005-1012
141. E. Buixaderas,
D. Nuzhnyy, I. Gregora, S. Kamba, M. Berta, B. Malič and M. Kosec, Lattice
dynamics and phase transitions in KNbO3 and K0.5Na0.5NbO3,
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics,
and Frequency Control, 56, 1843-1849
E. Buixaderas, I. Gregora, S. Kamba, P. Kužel, and I. Reaney, Phonon
anomalies in PLZT x/90/10 ceramics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 052903/1-3 (2009).
143. E.
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144. S.
Kamba, M. Savinov, F. Loufek, O. Tkáč, Ch. Kadlec, S. Veljko, E. J. John,
G. Subodh, M.T. Sebastian, M. Klementová, V. Bovtun, J. Pokorný, V. Goian and
J. Petzelt, Ferroelectric and incipient ferroelectric properties of a novel Sr9-xPbxCe2Ti12O36
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145. V.
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147. V.
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Petzelt, Polar phonon mixing in magnetoelectric EuTiO3, Eur. Phys.
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148. E.Yu.
Koroleva, D. Nuzhnyy, J. Pokorny, S. Kamba, Yu. A. Kumzerov, S.B. Vakhrushev
and J. Petzelt, The negative phonon confinement in nanoscopic sodium nitrite. Nanotechnology,
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149. E.
Simon, J. Hlinka, S. Kamba, I. Gregora, and J. Erhart, Influence of poling on
far-infrared response of lead titanate ceramics, J. Appl. Phys. 106, 074104/1-5 (2009).
150. D.
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151. V.V.
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152. A.R.
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displacive and relaxor ferroelectrics, Phys. Rev. B 81, 064106 (2010).
153. M.
Tyunina, J. Levoska, D. Nuzhnyy, and S. Kamba, Enhanced relaxor behavior in
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154. S.
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V. Bovtun, J. Hlinka, K. Knížek, P. Vaněk, P. Novák, J. Buršík, Y.
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155. V.
Skoromets, C. Kadlec, P. Kužel, S. Kamba, J. Schubert, Electric field tuning of
hard polar phonons in SrTiO3, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 124116 (2010).
156. E.
Dulkin, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, E. Mojaev, and M. Roth, Relaxor-like behavior of
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157. L.
Buriánová, S. Panoš, M.C. Stennet, A.R. West, G. Subodh, M.T. Sebastian and S.
Kamba, Ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of Ba2NdTi2Nb3O15
and Pb9Ce2Ti12O36 ceramics, J. Electroceramics, 25, 116-121 (2010).
158. K.Z.
Rushchanskii, S. Kamba, V. Goian, P. Vaněk, M. Savinov, J. Prokleška, D.
Nuzhnyy, K. Knížek, F. Laufek, S. Eckel, S.K. Lamoreaux, A.O. Sushkov, M.
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159. J.H.
Lee, L. Fang, E. Vlahos, X. Ke, Y.W. Jung, L. Fitting Kourkoutis, J.-W. Kim,
P.J. Ryan, T. Heeg, M. Roeckerath, V. Goian, M. Bernhagen, R. Uecker, P. Ch.
Hammel, K. M. Rabe, S. Kamba, J. Schubert, J.W. Freeland, D.A. Muller, C. J.
Fennie, P.E. Schiffer, V. Gopalan, E. Johnston-Halperin, and D.G. Schlom, A
strong ferroelectric ferromagnet created via spin-lattice coupling, Nature,
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160. M.
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and P.M. Vilarinho, Bulk dielectric and magnetic properties of PFW-PZT
ceramics: absence of magnetically switched-off polarization, J. Phys.:
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161. M.C.
Ferrarelli, D. Nuzhnyy, D.C. Sinclair, and S. Kamba, Soft-mode behavior and
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162. V.
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(x=0-0.2) ceramics, Phase Transitions, 83, 931-941 (2010).
163. K.R.S.
Preethi Meher, M. Savinov, S. Kamba, V. Goian, and K.B.R. Varma, Structure,
dielectric, and magnetic properties of Sr2TiMnO6
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164. E. Buixaderas,
V. Bovtun, S. Veljko, M. Savinov, P. Kužel, I. Gregora, S. Kamba, and I.
Reaney, Ultrabroadband dielectric spectroscopy and phonons in (Pb1-x/2Lax)(Zr0.9Ti0.1)O3,
J. Appl. Phys. 108, 104101
165. E.
Simon, T. Ostapchuk, P. Kužel, J. Hlinka, S. Kamba, E. Nguema, P, Mounaix, J.C.
Carru, G. Velu, Terahertz and far infrared response of BaxSr1-xTiO3
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166. V.
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Prokleška, F. Borodavka, M. Ledinský, and I. Gregora, Dielectric, magnetic and
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167. V.
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168. D.
Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, X. Martí, T. Čechal, C.M. Brooks, and D.G.
Schlom, Infrared phonon spectroscopy of a compressively strained (001) SrTiO3
films grown on a (110) NdGaO3 substrate, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter. 23, 045901 (2011).
169. D.A.
Rusakov, A.A. Belik, S. Kamba, M. Savinov, D. Nuzhnyy, T. Kolodiaznyy, K.
Yamaura, E. Takayama-Muromachi, F. Borodavka and J. Kroupa, Structural
evolution and properties of solid solution between hexagonal InMnO3
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170. V.
Skoromets, S. Glinšek, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, B.
Malič, M. Kosec, and P. Kužel, Ferroelectric phase transition in
polycrystalline KTaO3 thin film revealed by terahetrz spectroscopy. Appl.
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171. J.H.
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Addendum: A strong ferroelectric ferromagnet created via spin-lattice coupling,
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172. V.
Goian, S. Kamba, S. Greicius, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Karimi, and I.M. Reaney, Terahertz
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J. Appl. Phys. 110, 074112
173. E.
Simon, F. Borodavka, I. Gregora, D. Nuzhnyy, S. Kamba, and J. Hlinka,
Investigation of ferroelectric domains in epitaxial PbTiO3 films by
piezoresponse force microscopy and far-infrared reflectance. J. Appl. Phys.
110, 084115 (2011).
174. C.
Kadlec, V. Goian, K.Z. Rushchanskii, P. Kužel, M. Ležaic, K. Kohn, R.V.
Pisarev, and S. Kamba, Terahertz and infrared spectroscopic evidence of
phonon-paramagnon coupling in hexagonal piezomagnetic YMnO3. Phys.
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175. M.
Kachlík, K. Maca, V. Goian, S. Kamba, Processing of phase pure and dense bulk
EuTiO3 ceramics and their infrared reflectivity spectra, Materials
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176. S.
Kamba, V. Goian, V. Bovtun, D. Nuzhnyy, M. Kempa, M. Spreitzer, J. König, and
D. Suvorov, Incipient ferroelectric properties of NaTaO3, Ferroelectrics,
426, 206-214 (2012).
177. Ya,
Shchur, S. Kamba, G.V. Parasyuk, A.V. Kityk, Soft-mode-driven
lattice instabilities in Cs2Hg2Cl4 crystals:
Phenomenological treatment and far-infrared spectroscopy of the structurally
modulated phases, J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 24, 245901/1-15 (2012).
178. S.
Kamba, V. Goian, M. Orlita, D. Nuzhnyy, J.H. Lee, D.G. Schlom, K. Rushchanskii,
M. Ležaić, T. Birol, C.J. Fennie, P. Gemeiner, B. Dkhil, V. Bovtun, M.
Kempa, J. Hlinka, and J. Petzelt, Magnetodielectric effect and phonon
properties of compressively strained EuTiO3 thin films deposited on
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179. S.
Glinšek, D. Nuzhnyy, J. Petzelt, B. Malič, S. Kamba, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa,
V. Skoromets, P. Kužel, and I. Gregora, Lattice dynamics and broad-band
dielectric properties of the KTaO3 ceramics, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 104101 (2012).
180. V.
Goian, S. Kamba, O. Pacherová, J. Drahokoupil, L. Palatinus, M. Dušek, J.
Rohlíček, M. Savinov, F. Laufek, W. Schranz, A. Fuith, M. Kachlík, K.
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Antiferrodistortive phase transition in EuTiO3, Phys. Rev. B 86, 054112 (2012).
181. S.
Kamba, V. Goian, D. Nuzhnyy, V. Bovtun, M. Kempa, J. Prokleška, M. Bernhagen,
R. Uecker, and D.G. Schlom, Polar phonon anomalies in single-crystalline TbScO3,
Phase Transitions, (2012)
182. V.
Goian, S. Kamba, P. Vaněk, M. Savinov, C. Kadlec, and J. Prokleška,
Magnetic and dielectric properties of multiferroic Eu0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25TiO3
ceramics, Phase Transitions, (2012).
183. V.
Goian, S. Kamba, M. Savinov, D. Nuzhnyy, F. Borodavka, P. Vaněk, and A.A.
Belik, Absence of ferroelectricity in BiMnO3 ceramics, J. Appl.
Phys. 112, 074112 (2012).
Other journals and books:
M. P. Ozolinsh,
L. A. Shebanov, V. Železný, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, P. Hlídek: Infrared
reflectivity spectra of ferroelectric ceramics Pb(Sc0.5Nb0.5)O3
and Pb(Sc0.5Ta0.5)O3. (In Russian). In: „Aktual´nye problemy fiziki i khimii
segnetoelektrikov“, Latviiskii Gos. Universitet,
S. Kamba:
Infračervená spectroskopie - účinný nástroj pro studium
nízkofrekvenčních exitací, Československý
časopis pro fyziku (1992)
J. Petzelt, T.
Ostapchuk, S. Kamba: Ferroelectric soft-mode spectroscopy in disordered bulk
and thin-film perovskites. in Defects and
surface-induced effects in advanced perovskites. NATO Science Series 3. High Technology 77 (Eds. G. Borstel, A. Krumins and D. Millers), Kluwer Acad. Publ.
2000, pp. 233-248
4. V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, V.
Porokhonskyy, S. Kamba, T. Ostapchuk, M. Savinov, P. Samoukhina, P. Vilarinho, J. Baptista: Dielectric Response of Some Relaxor Ferroelectrics
in a
5. S. Kamba, V. Porokhonskyy, A. Pashkin, V. Bovtun,
J. Petzelt, J.C. Nino, S. Trolier-McKinstry, C.A. Randall, M.T. Lanagan: Broad-band dielectric spectroscopy of BZN
pyrochlore ceramics In: Grain Boundary Engineering of Electronic Ceramics-Proceedings
of a COST 525 meeting held in Aveiro, Portugal 2001, British Ceramic
Proceedings 63 (Eds. Freer R., Van h. J., Petzelt J., Leach C.), London,
Maney Publisher, pp. 123-132 (2003).
6. Kamba S., Petzelt J.: Polar Phonons and Dielectric Dispersion in
Relaxor Ferroelectrics In: Piezoelectric
7. J.
Petzelt, S. Kamba, and J. Hlinka, Ferroelectric soft modes in ceramics and
films, chapter in the book New developments
in advanced functional ceramics. Ed. L. Mitoseriu, Indian Series of Appl.
Phys., Transworld Research Network 37/661, Trivandrum,.Kerala, India, p.
387-421, (2007).
8. J.
Petzelt and S. Kamba, Spectroscopic properties and lattice dynamics of ferroelectric and
related oxide ceramics. Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic
Compounds - Techniques, Materials and Applications Vol. 40, Edited by J.
Yarwood, R. Douthwaite and S. B. Duckett, Royal Soc. Chem. Publishing,
Cambridge, UK, 2009, pp. 49-71.
9. S.
Kamba, Pomohou multiferoika vylepšit standardní model
částic? Čs. čas. fyz., 60, 328-330 (2010).
10. S.
Kamba, Rozhovor s Janem Petzeltem, Čs. čas. fyz., 61, 122-126 (2011).
Published conference proceedings
J. Petzelt, S.
Kamba: Far infrared properties of high-Tc YBa2Cu3O7-x. Proc. Int. Conf. Macrosc. Quant.
Phenomena, Smolenice 1989 (Ed. M. Koláč et al.), Union of
S. Kamba, J.
Petzelt, J. Pokorný, V. Koukal, J. Endal: Relation between microwave and
submillimetre losses in selected ceramic materials. Proc. 26th EuMC,
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, R. Freer, V. M. Ferreira, R. Zurmühlen, V. Koukal. Origin of losses
in some microwave ceramics investigated by submillimetre spectroscopy. Proc. Int. Conf. Electr. Cer. Appl.
(Eds. J. L. Baptista, J. A. Labrincha and P. M. Vilarinho) Dept. Cer. Univ.
J. Petzelt, S.
Kamba, I. Gregora: Infračervená a Ramanova
spektroskopie neuspořádaných feroelektrik. Sborník „Optické vlastnosti
pevných látek v základním výzkumu a aplikacích“
V. Bovtun, V. Porokhonskyy, J. Endal, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, A. Kania: High permitivity
microwave ceramics in the (Ag,Li)(Ta,Nb)O3 solid solutions. In: COMITE 1999. Conference Proceedings. -
J. Petzelt, S.
Kamba: High-frequency dielectric spectroscopy of some high-permittivity
microwave ceramics. Proc. DRP´98,
V. Bovtun, J. Petzelt, S. Kamba, V. Porokhonskyy, A.
Pashkin, S. Veljko, P. Samoukhina, Y. Yakimenko: High-frequency dielectric
spectroscopy of relaxor ferroelectrics and related materials. MSMW´04 Symposium Proceedings. Kharkov,
Ukraine, June 21-26, 2004, Vol 2,
757-759 (2004).
S. Veljko, V. Bovtun, J. Krupka, D. Nuzhnyy, V. Borisov,
S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, Microwave characterization of bulk ferroelektrics and
relaxors using composite dielectric resonator. Physics and
Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Workshop on
Terahertz Technologies, 2007 MSMW´07 Symposium Proceedings.
10. K. Brinkman, A.
Tagantsev, V. Cherman, Y. Wang, N. Setter, S. Kamba, J. Petzelt, Peculiar features
of the dielectric response in Lead Scandium Tantalate Pb(Sc1/2Ta1/2)O3
thin films, Proceedings of 2006 MRS Fall Meeting, 966, T07-37, 1-7 (2007).