časopis teorie vědy
Teorie vědy (časopis pro teorii vědy, techniky a komunikace) 
ročník XII /XXV/   
č. 1
Gerhard Banse, Andreas Metzner: Veränderungen im Quadrat: Computervermittelte Kommunikation und moderne Gesellschaft
Nadezhda Bagdasaryan, Viktoria Silaeva: Problems of Scientific Discourse in an Electronic Society
Ignacio Ayestarán: The Networks of Life: the Virtual, the Real, the Global
Andrzej Kiepas: Der Mensch zwischen realer und virtueller Welt
Béla Csiszér: The Role of Education in Securing Cyberspace
Uwe Meinberg, Irene Krebs: Möglichkeiten und Barrieren grenzüberschreitender informations- und kommunikationstechnischer Lösungen in Zdministrationsbereichen
Hans-Joachim Petsche: Inwiefern es Sinn macht, das Internet als Medium zu betrachten – ein technikphilosophischer Ansatz
Nicanor Ursua Lezaun: Internet. A Case of Cultures “online”: Cultures without Territories
Daniela Fobelova: Internet as a New Medium in the Culture of Slovakia
Tadeusz Miczka, Bogdan Zeler, Urszula Żydek-Bednarczuk: Linguistic, Literary and Audiovisual Communication in the Internet
Zoltan Galantai: Self-filtering and Internet
Gerhard Zecha: Ethik und Internet
Andoni Alonso, Raquel Martínez: GNU/Linex: Political and Communal Experience
Silva Machleidtová, Petr Machleidt: Neue Medien und Öffentlichkeit in Frankreich

Monika Bartíková
Herbert Paschen, Bernd Wingert, Christopher Coenen, Gerhard Banse:
Kultur – Medien – Märkte, Medienentwicklung und kultureller Wandel
Jan Rod
Gerhard Banse, Armin Grunwald, Michael Rader (eds.): Innovations for an e-Society


Gerhard Banse, Andreas Metzner
Veränderungen im Quadrat: Computervermittelte Kommunikation und moderne Gesellschaft
Der Aufsatz präsentiert zunächst die Hintergründe der Genese des europäischen Forschungs-Netzwerks „Kulturelle Diversität und neue Medien“ (CultMedia). Anschließend legt er dar, wie seine Forschungstätigkeiten auf drei Ebenen entfaltet werden können, der „begrifflich-konzeptionellen“, der „diskursiv-vergleichenden“ und der „synthetisch-konziliären Forschungs-ebene“. Daraufhin befasst er sich mit der Ausweisung von vier zentralen Forschungsfeldern: „Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit“, „Identität und Gemeinschaft“, „Wissen und Wirtschaft“ sowie „(Un‑)Sicherheit und Vertrauen“. Zum Schluss führt er dann Überlegungen zur konzeptionellen Fundierung von CultMedia im „Vierecksverhältnis“ von Kultur, Gesellschaft, Technik und Medien aus.
Nadezhda Bagdasaryan, Viktoria Silaeva
Problems of Scientific Discourse in an Electronic Society
The article is devoted to the urgent problem of net-scientific discourse. Having in basis researches of discourse in general sense and trying to reveal some features of electronic communication we outline most important characteristics of scientific discourse in electronic society. The understanding of investigation methodology of formulated problem is possible by using the concept and directions of discursive analysis by M. Foucault. For example, we note that information search, structure of text and visualization of the text is a main peculiarity of modern self-presentation, which in direct way influences specific discourse. Thus we pick out this main points in borders of the given problem, but that is only the beginning of further investigation.
Ignacio Ayestarán
The Networks of Life: the Virtual, the Real, the Global
Since global environmental problems have appeared in Gaia -our planet-, we live in the era of the Post-Normal Science and the ecological economics. We understand the project of ecological economics as human ecology and of human ecology as a global “orchestration of the sciences” for the study of sustainability. This global project is neither technocratic nor scientist. Here we have a new democratisation of science, not without people, not even for the people but with the people. In this democratisation of science, we should not use the global (world-teletechnologies) to exploit the real (raw materials, environmental resources) to obtain the virtual (financial speculation). We must use the virtual (mathematics, software, biocomputering, Internet) to measure the real (biogeochemical-physical) to obtain the global (ecological economics and human ecology in Gaia).
Andrzej Kiepas
Der Mensch zwischen realer und virtueller Welt
Die Perspektive der Entwicklung der Informationsgesellschaft bildet eine Herausforderung, die u.a. den Menschen als Subjekt seiner Handlungen und Entscheidungen betrifft. Die durch die Entwicklung der Informationstechnologien entstehende virtuelle Welt wird oftmals als eine angesehen, die die reale Welt als menschliches Milieu ersetzt. Das ist jedoch nur teilweise richtig, weil die virtuelle Welt nur die Verlängerung der realen Welt darstellt. Die virtuelle Welt ist jedoch für den heutigen Menschen auch ein wichtiger Bereich, in dem Muster für seine Handlungen, Entscheidungen und Verhaltensweisen entstehen. Damit hängen sowohl viele positive Möglichkeiten als auch bestimmten Bedrohungen zusammen. Diese Bedrohungen stehen besonders mit dem Mangel an Wertkompetenzen in Beziehung, und sie bilden gleichzeitig eine Herausforderung für die Subjektivität des Menschen in der heutigen postmodernen Kultur.
Béla Csiszér
The Role of Education in Securing Cyberspace
Nowadays, being online on the internet is not as safe as we may think. But do people really understand that there is a problem? We all surely heard about computer viruses, and we also know, that something must be done to avoid virus-incidents. Unfortunately, the story doesn't end at this point. We shouldn't treat our computer with the installed operation system and the applications as a static system – it is a dynamic system where all of the components should be updated regularly. We simply have to change our attitude when thinking about the computer and it can only be reached through education. The most basic form of education in this topic is public awareness: we have to be familiar with the possible dangers of being connected. My article tries to sum up the common (and mostly underrated) threats and also tries to show, that know-how is the most important thing when working with the computer.
Uwe Meinberg, Irene Krebs
Möglichkeiten und Barrieren grenzüberschreitender informations- und
kommunikationstechnischer Lösungen in Administrationsbereichen
Hans-Joachim Petsche
Inwiefern es Sinn macht, das Internet als Medium zu betrachten –
ein technikphilosophischer Ansatz
Von der technischen Realisierung des Internets ausgehend, wird ein Zugang zur Bestimmung der Medialität des Internets umrissen, der eine Problemlage fixiert, als deren Antwort Medienphilosophie begriffen wird. Hieran wird die Formulierung einer These zur Charakterisierung des Mediums Internet geknüpft, in der die Spezifik des Mediums Internet als Verspleißung instrumenteller und kommunikativer Medialität gefasst wird. Im Anschluss an die Charakterisierung des Medienbegriffs im Rahmen der Philosophie wird versucht, eine philosophische Deutung des Internets als Medium zu liefern. Den Abschluss bilden Technikdeutungen von Hegel und Heidegger die im Kontext des Internets eine neue Gewichtung erfahren.
Nicanor Ursua Lezaun
Internet. A Case of Cultures “online”: Cultures without Territories
Generating culture in Internet is one of the main goals for the Internet. It is also necessary to redefine what is a culture online and how this relates to traditional cultures. Cultural values must be translated into the networks. It is also important, in this globalized world culture must preserve identity. Identity is an individual process but it occurs inside cultures. The mixture of different cultures thanks to the Internet and other mass media imply a blurring of the process. Castells has tried to show how a strong identity like Catalonian is affected by technology and global world. He also proposes different strategies to allow the protection of these minority cultures and at the same time open them to the reality of the globalized world.
Daniela Fobelova
Internet as a New Medium in the Culture of Slovakia
This article discusses the present state of the electronic culture in Slovakia. It starts with a general introduction pointing to the changes which new media are bringing into life. Then, the author compares the situation in Slovakia with the one of the advanced European countries. In order to improve the adverse Slovakian conditions in terms of the information technology, several programmes are being introduced with the help of the European Union. The article ends with the discussion of research surveys bringing out substantial data about using the internet in Slovakia. As the internet is becoming an essential part of the 21st century culture, it is necessary for Slovakia to avoid further lagging behind the rest of the world.
Tadeusz Miczka, Bogdan Zeler, Urszula Żydek-Bednarczuk
Linguistic, Literary and Audiovisual Communication in the Internet
The authors of this article concentrate on the transformation of human communication  under the pressure of new cultural, linguistic and audiovisual phenomena as well as high-tech. The key-word in the present thinking about new media is pluralism. Among multimedia, the Internet is the most expansive one. It requires a new view on the process of linguistic communication and reveals new literary forms, e.g. blogs. The transformation of communicative behaviour consists in the shift from a reading-like cognition of the world to navigation, hypertext, replacement of information transfer with interactive procedures as well as human immersion in virtual reality.
Zoltan Galantai
Self-filtering and Internet
Governments don't have a license to limit the access to information and it leads to the question whether self-filtering on the internet could undermine our democracy. Constituitonal lawyer Cass Sunstein regards the web as a great threat for democracy. It could give a chance for unlimited self filtering i.e. by the personalization of news sources, he says, and its result would be a society with radically reduced common experiences, where people live their life without facing with different standpoints. But, as some computer experts observed, our World Wide Web was a “small world”, and there was only about a nineteen step distance between any two documents. This network is more “permeable” than real life, and it is impossible to build a strictly filtered internet reality.
Gerhard Zecha
Ethik und Internet
Wie in jedem Bereich bewussten und planvollen menschlichen Handelns moralische Fragen zu stellen sind, so ist auch die Verwendung des Internet mit ethischen Problemen verbunden. Der Problemkomplex „Ethik und Internet“ ist allerdings erst seit rund 15 Jahren Gegenstand der Forschung, weshalb systematische Ansätze noch fehlen, obwohl schon etliche bemerkenswerte Publikationen dazu erschienen sind. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz wird ein knapper Überblick über die Terminologie gegeben, darauf werden die wichtigsten ethischen Problembereiche des Internet beschrieben. Es folgen in einem dritten Abschnitt Darstellung und Diskussion von drei unter­schiedlichen moralischen Regelkodizes für die Verwendung des Internet. Dabei hat sich heraus­gestellt, dass trotz der Vielzahl von ethischen Begründungsansätzen in der Fachliteratur der Kategorische Imperativ von Kant bzw. auch die beiden Formulierungen der Goldenen Regel einer sittlich verantwortungsvollen Verwendung des Internet am wirkungsvollsten dienen. Im letzten Abschnitt wird der Nachweis dieses Befundes durch die Anwendung dieser beiden klassischen Moralprinzipien auf einige der oben genannten Internetprobleme dem Leser vor Augen geführt. Eine Liste ausgewählter Literatur beschließt den Beitrag.
Andoni Alonso, Raquel Martínez
GNU/Linex: Political and Communal Experience
Internet has reshaped not only our daily lives but also our politics. Globalization and Information Technologies represent a new political framework that must be analyzed carefully. In the last years, different phenomena have appeared with a crucial political value. Communitarism tries to give an answer for the late capitalist world we live in. In this philosophy, states, markets and civil societies must achieve a new role. Also hackerism is tightly linked to communitarism but inside Internet and Information Technologies. There are different experiences that certify the possibility of a communal experience in Internet and GNU/Linex is a good example of that. The Government of Extremadura and the hacker activism is maybe one of the main examples of how it is possible to assign these new roles for states, civil society and market.
Silva Machleidtová, Petr Machleidt
Neue Medien und Öffentlichkeit in Frankreich
Attention paid in France to the questions of the new media in connection with the culture development is remarkable. This does not concern only the generous activities of the French government, but also specific initiatives of the regions, cities, industry, universities, libraries, galleries, etc. This process traverses the whole French general public. The influence of the new media development on the cultural policy, economics and cultural practices has obtained a specific shape there and also it has become an object of a wide range of researches. These - mainly empirical analyses - constitute one of the most important information resources for political decision-making of the French government.
Monika Bartíková
Herbert Paschen, Bernd Wingert, Christopher Coenen, Gerhard Banse:
Kultur – Medien – Märkte, Medienentwicklung und kultureller Wandel
The world of media is changing quickly and the same applies for the whole society. The problem of the change of transmission technology or the issue of the change of communication forms stand predominantly in the middle of the public discussion. However, the development of the “new media” also influences those areas of culture and society in which people do not interest so much, but which are very important for the cultural development of society. As an example, we can mention the problem of the understanding of the term culture or that of the new cultural politics. The book “Kultur – Medien – Märkte” (“Culture – Media – Markets”) attempts to comprehend the various aspects of the analyzed subject – it may become one of the basic information sources for the readers who are interested in this kind of questions.
Jan Rod
Gerhard Banse, Armin Grunwald, Michael Rader (eds.): Innovations for an e-Society
The conference about actual implementation of an e-Society projects shows us how far the European countries are in this implementation, including its difficulties, future fears and many other themes that come up during this difficult process. It is very beneficial to compare projects, share experiences and discuss solutions. That is the main target of the conference and even the book as its transcription.