O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu

Seznam zahraničních a soukromých grantových příležitostí


1) Fyssen International Prize
2) FENS Prizes
3) Boehringer Ingelheim FENS Research Award
4) FENS EJN Prize
5) FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize
6) Kavli Prize
7) Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
8) SfN Prizes
9) Loreal stipendium (cena) pro ženy ve vědě
10) Ignaz L. Lieben Award
11) Cena Společnosti pro Neurovědy
12) Harvey Prize
13) Česká naděje 2011 - Scopus Awards
14) Robert Feulgen Prize

1) Fyssen International Prize
eligibility: scientist who has conducted distinguished research in the areas supported
by the Foundation such as ethology, paleontology, archaeology, anthropology, psychology,
epistemology, logic and the neurosciences
2011 theme: Epigenetics of Cognition
award: 60 000 €
deadline: 31 October

2) FENS Prizes

3) Boehringer Ingelheim FENS Research Award
eligibility: european neuroscientist; age limit: 40
award: 25 000 € (research award); lecture at FENS
deadline: June in odd years

4) FENS EJN Prize
eligibility: european neuroscientist
award: 18 000 € (personal); lecture at FENS, minireview in EJN
deadline: June in odd years

5) FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize
eligibility: european neuroscientist; age limit: 40
award: 12 000 € (personal); lecture at FENS, minireview in EJN
deadline: June in odd years

6) Kavli Prize
eligibility: outstanding scientific research, highly creative scientists, international cooperation
among scientists; Deceased persons cannot be nominated.
award: 1 000 000 $ (research award)

7) Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
eligibility: This is an international research prize (self-nominated). The Prize is awarded annually
to one young scientist for the most outstanding neurobiological research based on methods of molecular
and cell biology conducted by him/her during the past three years. age limit: 35
award: 25 000 $ (personal award);
Additional benefits:
- Sponsored trip to Prize Ceremony in the USA
- $1,000 in free products from Eppendorf
- Work published in Science magazine
- Sponsored trip to visit Eppendorf in Hamburg
deadline: 15 June every year

8) SfN Prizes

9) Loreal stipendium (cena) pro ženy ve vědě
eligibility: mladé vědkyně do 35 let včetně (stipendium), zasloužilá vědkyně (cena); obory: matfyz,
biologie, chemie, lékařství
award: 250 000 Kč deadline: 31. ledna

10) Ignaz L. Lieben Award
eligibility: PhD scientists working in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegowina, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary,
Slovakia, or Slovenia under age of 40 who have made oustanding achievements and demonstrated ability
to significantly contribute to the fields of molecular biology, chemistry, or physics;
Academies of Sciences of the countries listed above may propose candidates, and scientists may apply themselves,
but no full member of any academy is eligible; obligation to inform the Department of Fellowships & Awards
of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
award: 36 000 US$; In autumn of each year, the recipient is honoured in an award ceremony at the Austrian
Academy of Sciences.
deadline: 15 March 2011

11) Cena Společnosti pro Neurovědy
eligibility: less 35 let v době podání návrhu, první autor vynikající práce z r. 2010, členství ve společnosti,
deadline: 30. září 2011
žádné další informace bohužel nejsou k dispozici (aktuality na webu společnosti jsou z r. 2009)

12) Harvey Prize
eligibility: being alive, not being Nobel or Wolf laureate unless nominated for a different achievement,
outstanding contribution to Science and Technology, Human Health, or Peace in the Middle East.
award: two 75000$ awards are made annually
deadline: 31.12.

13) Česká naděje 2011 - Scopus Awards
eligibility: pobyt v ČR, do 35 let k deadlinu; významná publikace less 5 let.
award: 1000 - 4000 EUR
deadline: 20. 1. 2012

14) Robert Feulgen Prize
eligibility: outstanding achievement in histochemistry/microscopic sciences including using these techniques;
mid-career, no lifetime contributions
award: 3000 EUR
deadline: 31. 1. 2012
