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Computational Neuroscience


Lansky Petr, Doc.RNDr.DrSc.
Contact phone: (420) 241062585
e-mail: lanskybiomed.cas.cz




Surname   Name   Title   E-mail   Phone   
Bartussek     Jan     PhD.   janini.phys.ethz.ch   241062539     
Čupera     Jakub     Mgr        241062733     
Chakraborty     Soma     Mgr        241062733     
Kalvoda     Jindřich        jindrichczela.net   241062536     
Košťál    Lubomír     PhD   kostalbiomed.cas.cz   241062276    
Kortus     Štěpán     Ing.   kortusbiomed.cas.cz   241062733    
Koyama     Shinsuke     As.prof.PhD   skoyamaism.ac.jp   241062276    
Lánský     Petr    Doc.RNDr.DrSc   lanskybiomed.cas.cz   241062585     
Leváková     Marie     Mgr   xlevakovmath.muni.cz       
Mullerová     Libuše        libambiomed.cas.cz   241062577    
Pilarski     Stevan     PhD.   pilarskibiomed.cas.cz   241062276    
Rajdl     Kamil     Mgr.   211771muni.cz        
Šanda     Pavel    Mgr   sandabiomed.cas.cz   241062733     
Šmít     Daniel    Mgr.   daniel.smitcentrum.cz        
Zápotocký    Martin     RNDr.PhD   zapotockybiomed.cas.cz   241062708     


Publications in 2011

  • Lansky P, Pawlas Z: Distribution of interspike intervals estimated from multiple spike trains observed in a short time window, Physical Review E, 83, 011910, 2011.

  • Lansky P, Ditlevsen S: Firing Variability Is Higher than Deduced from the Empirical Coefficient of Variation, Neural Computation, 23, 1944-1966, 2011.

  • Chaudhuri D, Borowski P, Zapotocky M: Model of fasciculation and sorting in mixed populations of axons, Physical Review E, 84, 021908, 2011.

  • Kostal L, Lansky P, Pokora O: Variability measures of positive random variables, PLoS ONE, 6, e21998, 2011.

  • Kostal L: Approximate information capacity of the perfect integrate-and-fire neuron using the temporal code, Brain Research, in press, 2011.

  • Kobayashi R, Shinomoto S, Lansky P: Estimation of time-dependent input from neuronal membrane potential, Neural Computation, in press, 2011.

  • Sanda P, Marsalek P: Stochastic Interpolation Model of the Medial Superior Olive Neural Circuit, Brain Research, in press, 2011.

  • Cupera J, Lansky P: Homogeneous diffusion layer model of dissolution incorporating the initial transient phase, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 1, 35-42, 2011.

Publications in 2010

  • Lansky P, Sanda P, He J: Effect of stimulation on the input parameters of stochastic leaky integrate-and-fire neuronal model. Journal of Physiology - Paris 104 (2010) 160–166.

  • Bibbona E, Lansky P, Sirovich R: Estimating input parameters from intracellular recordings in the Feller neuronal model. Physical Review E, 78: Art. No. 031916, 2010.

  • Pawlas Z, Klebanov LB, Benes, V., Prokesova M, Popelar J., Lansky P: First-spike latency in the presence of spontaneous activity. Neural Computation, 22: in press, 2010.

  • Kostal L, Lansky P, Information transfer for small-amplitude signals, Physical Review E, 81, 050901(R), 2010.

  • Kostal L, Marsalek P, Neuronal jitter: can we measure the spike timing dispersion differently? Chinese Journal of Physiology, 53 (2010) 454-464.

  • Kostal L, Information capacity in the weak-signal approximation, Physical Review E, 82, 026115, 2010.

  • Cupera J, Lansky P: Random Effects in Drug Dissolution, European journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 2010, 928-987

Older publications
