J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Surface Tension and p−ρ−T Data for 1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluorobutane (HFC-365mfc) and 1,1,1,2,2,3,3-Heptafluoro-3-methoxy-propane (HFE-347mcc). Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, dx.doi.org/10.1021/je4004542, (2013)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek : Liquid-Phase p–ρ–T Data for 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene (R-1234yf) and 1,1,2,3,3,3-Hexafluoroprop-1-ene (R-1216) at Temperatures from (208 to 353) K under Pressures up to 40 MPa. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 57, 3283–3289 (2012)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Isochoric p–ρ–T Measurements for trans-1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene [R-1234ze(E)] and Trifluoroiodomethane (R13I1) at Temperatures from (205 to 353) K under Pressures up to 40 MPa. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 57, 3270–3277 (2012)
M. Součková, J. Klomfar, J. Pátek: Surface tension and 0.1MPa densities of imidazolium-, pyridinium-, pyrrolidinium-, and piperidinium-based tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate ionic liquids. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 333, 38 - 46 (2012)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Experimental Study of p–ρ–T Relationship of Compressed Liquid Phase for Octafluoropropane and Two near Azeotropic Ternary HFC/HC Mixtures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 57, 1627-1634 (2012)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: P–ρ–T Measurements for 1-Ethyl and 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Dicyanamides from Their Melting Temperature to 353 K and up to 60 MPa in Pressure. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 57, 1213-1221 (2012)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: P–ρ–T Measurements for 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids with Tetrafluoroborate and a Trifluoromethanesulfonate Anion. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 57, 708-720, (2012)
M. Součková, J. Klomfar, J. Pátek: Temperature dependence of the surface tension and 0.1 MPa density for 1-Cn-3-methylimidazolium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate with n = 2, 4, and 6. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 48, 267–275 (2012)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Temperature Dependence of the Surface Tension and Density at 0.1 MPa for 1-Ethyl- and 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Dicyanamide. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56, 3454–3462 (2011)
M. Součková, J. Klomfar, J. Pátek: Surface tension of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids with trifluoromethanesulfonate and tetrafluoroborate anion. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 303, 184-190 (2011)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Experimental p-ρ-T Data for 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate at Temperatures from (240 to 353) K and at Pressures up to 60 MPa. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 56, 426-436 (2011)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Temperature Dependence Measurements of the Density at 0.1 MPa for 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids with the Trifluoromethanesulfonate and Tetraborate Anion. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 55, 4054-4057 (2010)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Surface Tension Measurements with validated accuracy for four 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-based ionic liquids . Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 42, 323-329 (2010)
J. Klomfar, J. Pátek, M. Součková: Buoyancy density measurements for 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids with tetrafluoroborate anion. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 282, 31-37 (2009)
J. Klomfar, M. Součková, J. Pátek: Surface Tension Measurements for Four 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids with Hexafluorophosphate Anion. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 54, 1389-1394 (2009)
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: A simple formulation for thermodynamic properties of steam from 273 to 523 K, explicit in temperature and pressure. International Journal of Refrigeration, 32, 1123-1125 (2009)
J. Pátek, J. Hrubý, J. Klomfar, M. Součková, A. H. Harvey: Reference Correlations for Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Water at 0.1 MPa. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 38, 21-29 (2009)
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, M. Součková: Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in the System of CaCl2-H2O with Special Regard to the Transition Points. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53, 2260-2271, 2008
M. Součková, J. Klomfar, J. Pátek: Measurement and Correlation of the Surface Tension-Temperature Relation for Methanol. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 53, 2233-2236, 2008
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: Thermodynamic properties of the LiCl-H2O system at vapor-liquid equilibrium from 273 to 400K. International Journal of Refrigeration, 31, 287-303 (2008).
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: Solid-liquid phase equilibrium in the systems of LiBr-H2O and LiCl-H2O. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 250, 138-149 (2006).
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: A computationally effective formulation of the thermodynamic properties of LiBr-H2O solutions from 273 to 500 K over full composition range. International Journal of Refrigeration, 29, 566-578 (2006).
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, L. Čapla, P. Buryan: Thermal conductivity of carbon dioxide-methane mixtures at temperatures between 300 and 425 K and at pressures up to 12 MPa. International Journal of Thermophysics, 26, 577-592 (2005).
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, L. Čapla, P. Buryan: Thermal conductivity of nitrogen-methane mixtures at temperatures between 300 and 425 K and at pressures up to 16 MPa. International Journal of Thermophysics, 24, 923- 935 (2003).
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: Measurement of the thermal conductivity of argon and methane: a test of a transient hot-wire apparatus. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 198, 147-163 (2002).
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, J. Pražák, O. Šifner: (p,ρ, T) behavior of 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea) measured with a Burnett apparatus. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 30, 1159-1172 (1998).
J. Pátek: Functional forms to describe thermodynamic properties of gases for fast calculations. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 118, 210-213 (1996).
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: Simple functions for fast calculations of selected thermodynamic properties of the ammonia-water system. International Journal of Refrigeration, 18 [4] 228-234 (1995).
O. Šifner, J. Klomfar: Thermodynamic properties of xenon from the triple point to 800 K with pressures up to 350 MPa. Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 23 [1] 63-152 (1994).
J. Klomfar, J. Pátek: An apparatus to measure the p-v-T behaviour of fluids based on the constant-volume method. IT News of the Institute of Thermomechanics 3 [3] 9-14 (1994).
J. Klomfar, J. Hrubý, O. Šifner: Measurements of the (T, p, ρ) behaviour of 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropane (refrigerant R227) in the liquid phase. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 26, 965-970 (1994).
J. Pátek, O. Šifner: Fast calculations of the properties of superheated steam from the saturation curve up to 600 °C and 30 MPa. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 148, 515-520, (1994)
J. Hrubý, J. Klomfar, O. Šifner: (T, p, ρ) relation of liquid methanol at temperatures from 205 K to 321 K and pressure up to 50 MPa. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 25 [10] 1229-1242 (1993).
J. Klomfar, J. Hrubý, O. Šifner: Measurements of the p-v-T behavior of refrigerant R134a in the liquid phase. International Journal of Thermophysics, 14 [4] 727-738 (1993).
Technical reports (in English)
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, J. Pražák: Measurement of thermal conductivity of selected lubricants. Part 2: Triton SE 170, EA 318/2, EA 318/3, EA 318/18, and EA 318/32. Prague T-454/98 Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR 1998
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, J. Pražák: Measurement of thermal conductivity of selected lubricants. Part 1: Triton SE 170-R134 (introductory study). Prague T-448/98 Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR 1998
L. Čapla, P. Buryan, J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: Measurement and prediction of transport properties of natural gases. Konference 50. let Ústavu plynárenství, koksochemie a ochrany ovzduší : sborník příspěvků, Praha: VŠCHT, 2003, pp. 18-29, Praha (CZ), 3.- 5. 9. 2003, ISBN 80-7080-522-6, in Czech
L. Čapla, P. Buryan, J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, M. Rottner: Accuracy assessment of the prediction scheme for the thermal conductivity of natural gases. Sborník příspěvků konference absolventů kurzu celoživotního vzdělávání - plynárenství u příležitosti 50. let FTOP VŠCHT Praha /3./., Praha VŠCHT 2003, pp. 50-56, Znojmo (CZ), 24.- 25.4. 2003, ISBN 80-7080-512-9, in Czech
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, L. Čapla, P. Buryan, M. Rottner: Thermal conductivity measurement on two samples of natural gases. Mezinárodní konference kursu celoživotního vzdělávání. Praha VŠCHT 2002, pp. 24-36., Pavlov (CZ), 30.9.- 2. 10.2002, ISBN 80-7080-494-7, in Czech
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: Prediction of the transport properties of multicomponent dense gas mixtures. Engineering Mechanics 2001, Svratka 14. – 17. 5. 2001
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar: Thermal conductivity of methane and natural gases measured with a hot-wire apparatus. Engineering mechanics 2000., pp. 225-230, Svratka (CZ), 15.- 18. 5. 2000
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, J. Pražák: An apparatus to measure (p,ρ,T) behaviour of gases by the Burnett method. Engineering mechanics 1999, pp. 711-716, Svratka (CZ), 17.- 20. 5. 1999
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, J. Pražák.: Transient hot-wire apparatus to measure thermal conductivity of fluids. Engineering mechanics 1998, pp. 577-582, Svratka (CZ), 11.- 14. 5. 1998, in Czech
J. Pražák, J. Pátek: Calculations and prediction of the transport properties of new refrigerants. Engineering Mechanics 1997,pp. 85-86., Svratka (CZ), 12.- 15. 5. 1997, in Czech
J. Pátek, J. Klomfar, J. Pražák, O. Šifner: Measurement of pvT behavior of ecologically safe refrigerants. 12th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 1996, pp. 36, Praque (CZ), 25.- 30. 8. 1996
J. Pražák, J. Pátek: Calculations and estimations of transport properties of new refrigerants. 12th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 1996., pp. 37, Prague (CZ), 25.- 30. 8. 1996
J. Pražák, J. Pátek: Development of the free convection in a hot-wire apparatus. Conference book 14th European conference on thermophysical properties, pp. 316, Lyon (FR), 16.- 19. 9. 1996
J. Pražák, J. Pátek: Development of the free convection in vertical cylinder with axial heater. 2nd EUROPEAN Fluid Mechanics Conference Abstracts of Papers. pp. 1, Warsawa (PL), 20.- 24. 9. 1994