Programme L 2002

L o g i c a  2 0 0 2 - Programme

Tuesday, June 18
>> afternoon session

Rom Harré

Recovering Leibniz: Modality as Truth Value

Göran Sundholm

“Mind Your P's and Q’s!” Does Modal Logic Use the Wrong Syntax?

Murali Ramachandran

 Contingent Identity and Kripkean Counterpart Theory

 Dale Jacquette

Kripke’s Modal Objection to the Description Theory of Reference

Andrei Rodin

Events and Intensional Setsh

A. A. Barcelo Aspeitia

Classification, Analysis and Replacement

 Tomasz Placek

Branching for a Transient Time

Wednesday,  June 19
>> morning session

 Jeff Paris

 There Is a Reason for Everything (Probably)

Samet Bagce

 How Safe Is the Deductivist Attitude?

Madeline Muntersbjorn

“Icons par Excellence”: Algebraic Representation and Geometric Rectification

Catherine Womack

Visual Reasoning in Mathematical Proof: From Bolzano to Cantor and Beyond

  Fred Johnson

Shefferizable Post Systems 

>> afternoon session

Susan Vineberg

  Probabilism as a Foundation of Scientific Reasoning

 François Lepage

Probabilistic Interpretations and General Imaging

 Armin Tatzel

Proving and Grounding: Bolzano’s Theory of Grounding and Gentzen’s Normal Proofs

Maria van der Schaar

Judgement, Assertion and Knowledge

 John Shosky

Russell's Principles of Mathematics: One Hundred Years Later

  G. Holmström-Hintikka

 More Questions than Answers

 František Gahér

  Anaphora and Attitudes (from the Point of Transparent Intensional Logic) 

 P. Materna & M. Duží

 "Parmenides principle" (An Analysis of Aboutness) 

Thursday,  June 20
>> morning session

Jaakko Hintikka

 What Is Not and What It Is Not?

 Jim Edwards

 Horwich on the Principles of Compositionality and Context

 Bjørn Jespersen

 Significant Sententialism

 Gary Kemp

 Minimalism, Expressiveness and Proof-Theory

  Roy T. Cook

 Parity and Paradox 

 Thomas Bolander

   Restricted Truth Predicates in First Order Logic

  Petr Hájek

 Once More on Gödel’s Ontological Proof 

Friday,  June 21
>> morning session

Per Martin-Löf

Are Rules Valid in Virtue of Meaning or Is Meaning Determined by Rules?

Jon Cogburn

 Deconstructing Dummett’s Anti-Realism: A New Argument against Church’s Thesis

John Kearns

 The Logic of Coherent Fiction

Charles Cross

 Nonmonotonic Inconsistency

Francesco Orilia

 Principles of Reasoning and Logical Paradoxes

Jaroslav Peregrin

 Meaning as Inferential Role