Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Institute and media

CERN COURIER, Sept 27, 2012.

Jan Hladký, an experimental...

www.fjfi.cz, 7.8.2011.

The Seventh International Conference...

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

List of periodicals - Cukrovarnicka





Acta Crystallographica A

1968 -


Acta Crystallographica B

1976 - 1981, 1983 -


Acta Crystallographica C

1983 -


Acta Crystallographica

1957 - 1967


Acta Physica Polonica A

1986 -


Acta Physica Polonica

1947 - 1985

1949, 1952 are missing

Advances in Chemical Physics

1959 - 1991


Advances in Physics

1952 - 1969, 1974 -


American Journal of Physics

1948 - 1979, 1983 -


Annual Review in Automatic Programming

1960 - 1969, 1974


Applied Physics

1973 - 1976


Applied Physics A

1984 - 1997


Applied Physics B

1984 - 1996


Applied Physics Communications

1983 - 1987


Applied Physics Letters

1965 - 2005


Applied Surface Science

1981 - 1997


Bell System Technical Journal

1955 - 1976


Canadian Journal of Physics

1952 -


Comments on Solid States Physics

1968 - 1990

Some numbers are missing

Computer Physics Reports

1984 - 1990


Critical Review in Solid State Sciences

1970 - 1976


Critical Reviews in Solid State and Material Science

1976 -


Crystal Lattice Defects

1969 - 1989

Some numbers are missing

Crystal Research and Technology

1981 - 2000


Crystalography Reviews

1989 - 1996

Some numbers are missing

Current Contens. Physical Chemical Earth Science


Subscribed, 3 years back available

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics

1952 - 2006


Časopis pro matematiku a fyziku

1872, 1890 - 1898, 1908 - 1961

Some numbers are missing

Československý časopis pro fyziku

1952 -


Elektrotechnický časopis (Journal of Electrical Engineering)

1984 -


Ergebnissse der exakten Naturwissenschaften

1922 - 1972

Some numbers are missing

Europhysics News

1978 - 1989, 1992 -


Ežegodnik bolšoj sovetskoj enciklopedii

1957 - 1988


Fizika i technika poluprovodnikov

1976 -


Fizika nizkich temperatur

1977 - 1998


Fizika tverdogo tela

1960 -


Chemistry and Physics of Solid Surface

1986 -


IEEE Electron Device Letters

1985 - 1992


IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

1980 - 1996


IEEE Transactions on Magnetics

1969 -


IEEE Translation J. on Magnetics in Japan

1988 - 1989


IFF Bulletin

1981 - 1998

Some numbers are missing

Indian Journal of Physics

1953 -


Indian Journal of Pure a. Applied Physics

1976 -


Izvestija Akademii nauk. Serija fizičeskaja

1962 - 1985


Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR. Serija chimičeskaja

1990 - 1992


Izvestija Akademii nauk SSSR. Neorganičeskije materialy

1962 - 1990


Japanese Journal of Applied Physics

1962 - 1980


Jemná mechanika a optika

1993 -


Journal of Applied Crystallography

1969 -1972, 1975 - 1976, 1979 -


Journal of Applied Physics

1938 - 2005


Journal of Crystal Growth

1967 -


Journal of Materials Research

1986 -


Journal of Materials Science

1972 - 1994

1985 is missing

Journal of Materials Science Letters

1983 - 1994


Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

1991 - 1994


Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine

1990 - 1994


Journal of Mathematical Physics

1974 - 1978

1978 incomplete

Journal of Modern Optic

1987 - 1996


Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids

1968 -


Journal of Physical Chemistry

1992 - 1993


Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids

1963 -


Journal of Physics B

1969 - 1979


Journal of Physics C

1969 - 1981


Journal of Physics D

1970 - 1979


Journal of Physics E

1970 - 1979


Journal of Physics. Condensed Matters

1963 - 2006


Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards

1929 - 1939, 1949 -


Journal of Solid State Chemistry

1970 - 1996


Journal of Synchroton Radiation

1994 - 1997


Journal of the Optical Society of America A

1985 - 1996


Journal of the Optical Society of America B

1985 - 1997


Journal of the Physical Society of Japan

1946 -


Journal of Thermal Analysis

1969 - 1989

1974 is missing

Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology

1973 - 1978,1982


Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A

1983 - 1997,2003 - 2006


Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B

1983 - 1997,2003 - 2006


Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology

1989 - 1997


Kristall und Technik

1966 - 1980



1956 -


Kvantovaja elektronika

1981 - 1992


Materials Letters

1984 - 1996


Materials Research Bullletin

1966 - 1998


Materials Science and Engineering

1993 - 1994


Materials Science Reports

1986 - 1993


Molecular Physics

1958 - 1976


Neorganičeskije materialy

1968 - 1990


Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

1985 - 1988


Optica acta (next up Journal of Modern Optic)

1985 - 1986


Optika i spektroskopija

1956 -


Phase Transitions

1993 - 1994


Philips Research Reports

1958 - 1978


Philosophical Magazine

1951 - 1981



1951 - 1974


Physica A

1974 - 1977


Physica B+C

1974 - 1977


Physica status solidi

1961 - 1970


Physica status solidi A

1970 - 2003


Physica status solidi B

1971 - 2003


Physical Review Letters

1952 - 1982, 1992, 1994 - 2000


Physical Review

1904 - 1969


Physical Review. B. Condensed Mattter

1970 -

Subscribed, 1992 is missing

Physics Abstracts

1947 - 1997


Physics Today

1971 -


Physics World

1993 -


Physikalische Zeitschrift

1899 - 1943


Pisma v Žurnal eksperimentalnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziky

1965 - 1996


Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

1977 -

Subscribed, Some numbers are missing

Poverchnost. Fizika-Chimija-Mechanika

1982 - 1999


Proceeding of Physical Society

1949 - 1968


Proceeding of the Royal Society

1951 - 1975


Proceedings of the Indian Academy of  Science
(Chemical Science, Mathematical Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences)

1995 -


Progress in Solid State Chemistry

1983 - 1996

Some numbers are missing

Progress in Surface Science

1971 - 1997, 1999 - 2000

Some numbers are missing

Review of Scientific Instruments

1939, 1948 - 1996


Reviews of Modern Physics

1947 - 1979


Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální

1957 - 1970


Rozpravy ČSAV a umění

1911, 1930 - 1936, 1943 - 1946


Science Reports of the Tohoku University

1955 - 1988


Scientific American

1967 -


Sdělovací technika

1987 -


Semiconductor Science and Technology

1986 -



1958 - 1963, 1971


Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells

1987 - 1998


Solid State Communication

1963 -


Superlattices and Microstructures

1986 -


Surface Review and Letters

1994 - 1997


Surface Science

1964 -


Surface Science Reports

1981 - 1997


Thin Solid Films

1967 - 1981


Ukrainskij fizičnyj žurnal

1962 - 1997


Uspechi fizičeskich nauk

1939 - 1994


Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie

1958 - 1986


Zeitschrift für Kristallographie

1928, 1936 - 1982


Zeitschrift für Physik

1920 - 1976


Zeitschrift für Physik B

1974 - 1996


Žurnal eksperimentalnoj i teoretičeskoj fiziki

1939 -


Žurnal neorganičeskoj chimii

1962 - 1997



Rank name



Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics

1948 - 1987


Advances in X-Ray Analysis

1965 - 1992


Festkőrperprobleme (formerly Halbleiterprobleme)

1954-1961, 1962-


Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings

1981 - 2000


Semiconductors and Semimetals

1966 -


Solid States Physics

1958 -


Springer Series in Surface Science

1986 -


mackovaatfzu [dot] cz (N. Macková)

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