Number of visits: 38106        Start of counting: 03-11-2006        Last modification: 01-07-2013
© 2000 - 2013   Jiri Stary        Česky  English

Monitoring and interpretation of natural seismic activity in the northern
part of the Moravia-Silesian region, observatory activity on national
seismic station Ostrava – Krasne Pole

Actual list of seismicity in Czech republic can be found on web pages of responsible professional institutions. Seismic toad of natural seismicity is quite small in our country. But according to the map of seismic zones (Eurocode-8) an earthquake of 6° MSK-64 can be expected wherever in our country in interval of 475 years. That is why seismic toad of natural seismicity cannot be ignored in projection. Weak seismic activity is documented within regions of North Moravia and Silesia. Currently Institute of Geonics runs 3 seismic stations in triggered regime (Zlate Hory, Radun and Slezska Harta). Measured data are confronted with Institute of Physics of the Earth MU Brno and Geophysical institute AS CR Praha. We partake in operating of seismic station of national and worldwide seismic network Ostrava – Krasne Pole. Simultaneously there are experimental measurements to obtain satisfactory basis of digital data for research of new findings, e.g. specification of speed field, review of seismic activity of individual fault groups, etc.

Seismic pillar with seismometers
SM3 in drift on station Zlate Hory
Three-part wave image of natural
earthquake near Litultovice
registered on station Radun

Selected publications

  • Holub, K., Kaláb, Z., Knejzlík, J. and Rušajová, J. (2004): Frenštát Seismic Network and Its Contribution to Observations of the Natural and Induced Seismicity on the Territory of Northern Moravia and Silesia, Acta Geodyn. Geomater., Vol. 1 (133), Prague, 59-71.
  • Schenk, V., Kaláb, Z., Grygar, R., Holub, K., Jelínek, J., Knejzlík, J., Kottnauer, P. and Schenková, Z. (2004): Fundamental Mobility Trends in the Northern Part of the Moravo-Silesian Zone (the Bohemian Massif) - A Complex Geodynamic Analysis. Acta Research Reports, No. 13, Prague, 75-90.