Ing. Zuzana Antošová, PhD.
Jaroslav Horák, DrSc.
RNDr. Jiřina Kolínská, CSc.
Prof. RNDr. Arnošt Kotyk, DrSc.
RNDr. Marie Kodedová, PhD.
Mgr. Klára Papoušková, PhD.
Ing. Olga Zimmermannová, PhD.
Technical Assistants
Pavla Herynková
Mgr. Barbora Hušeková
Ing. Marie Zákostelecká
PhD students
Mgr. Michala Bubnová
Mgr. Lucie Kraidlová
Mgr. Hana Elicharová
Mgr. Jaromír Zahrádka
Mgr. Jana Zemančíková
Department: |
Membrane Transport |
Head: |
RNDr. Hana Sychrova, DrSc. |
Contact phone/fax number: |
+420-296442667 |
+420-296442284 |
e-mail: |
Photo gallery |
Main Topics:
Study of transporters of alkaline metal cations in various species of model yeast cells
Characterization of heterologously expressed non-yeast transport systems in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The role of ubiquitin in down-regulation of model proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Characterization of proteins involved in the activation cascade of yeast H+-ATPase
Study of regulation of development and differentiation of enterocytes and thymocytes
Research group: Transporters in cell physiology
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