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List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.<BR><BR>Year 1995. List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.

Year 1995.

Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages.
Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined.
Updated 12.4.2013

Bohdanecky Z. - Indra M. - Radil T.
Changing difficulty level in a one-dimensional tracking task and corresponding heart rate changes.
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 55(1), 49-55, 1995
IF = 0,551(95)

Novotova M. - Soukup T.
Neomyogenesis in neonatally de-efferented and postnatally denervated rat muscle spindles.
Acta Neuropathologica, 89(1), 85-95, 1995
IF = 2,546(95)

Zicha J. - Pernollet M. G. - Kunes J. - Lacour B. - Vincent M. - Devynck M.A.
Alterations of cytosolic calcium in platelets and erythrocytes of lyon hypertensive rats.
American Journal of Hypertension, 8(8), 842-849, 1995
IF = 1,88(95)

Elleder M. - Drahota Z. - Lisa V. - Mares V. - Mandys V. - Muller J. - Palmer D.N.
Tissue culture loading test with storage granules from animal models of neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (Batten Disease): Testing their lysosomal degradability by normal and batten cells.
American Journal of Medical Genetics, 57(1), 213-221, 1995
IF = 1,836(95)

Vanecek J. - Klein D.C.
Melatonin inhibition of GnRH-induced LH release from neonatal rat gonadotroph: involvement of Ca 2+ not cAMP.
American Journal of Physiology, 269, E85-E90, 1995
IF = 3,244(95)

Wessler I. - Bender H. - Harle P. - Hohle K.D. - Kirdorf G. - Reinheimer T. - Ricny J. - Racke K. - Schniepp-Mendelssohn K.E.
Release of (3H) acetylcholine in human isolated bronchi. Effect of indomethacin on muscarinic autoinhibition.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 151, 1040-1046, 1995
IF = 3,731(95)

Klement P. - NIjtmans L.G.J. - Van den Bogert C. - Houstek J.
Analysis of oxidative phosphorylation complexes in cultured human fibroblasts and amniocytes by blue-native-electrophoresis using mitoplasts isolated with the help of digitonin.
Analytical Biochemistry, 230(1), 1-7, 1995
IF = 1,996(95)

Jirmanova I. - Soukup T.
Critical period in muscle spindle regeneration in grafts of developing rat muscles.
Anatomy and Embryology, 192(3), 283-291, 1995
IF = 1,801(95)

Siesjo B.K. - Zhao Q. - Pahlmark K. - Siesjo P. - Katsura K. - Folbergrova J.
Glutamate, calcium, and free radicals as mediators of ischemic brain damage.
Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 59, 1316-1320, 1995
IF = 1,568(95)

Kolar F. - MacNaughton C. - Papousek F. - Korecky B. - Rakusan K.
Changes in calcium handling in atrophic heterotopically isotransplanted rat hearts.
Basic Research in Cardiology, 90, 475-481, 1995
IF = 0,915(95)

Rashidy-Pour A. - Motaghed-Larijani Z. - Bures J.
Reversible inactivation of the medial septal area impairs consolidation but not retrieval of passive avoidance learning in rats.
Behavioural Brain Research, 72, 185-188, 1995
IF = 1,862(95)

Drahota Z. - Saf P. - Rauchova H. - Kalous M.
Dicarbanonaborates - new inhibitors of mitochondrial L-glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 210(3), 760-765, 1995
IF = 3,179(95)

Milligan G. - Wise A. - MacEvan D.J. - Grassie M.A. - Kennedy F.R. - Lee T.W. - Adie E.J. - Kim G.D. - MacCallum F.J. - Burt A. - Carr I.C. - Svoboda P. - Shah B.H. - Mullaney I.
Mechanisms of agoinst-induced G-protein elimination.
Biochemical Society Transactions, 23, 166-170, 1995
IF = 1,275(95)

Houstek J. - Klement P. - Hermanska J. - Houstkova H. - Hansikova H. - Van den Bogert C. - Zeman J.
Altered properties of mitochondrial ATP-synthase in patients with a T - G mutation in the ATPase 6 (subunit a) gene at position 8993 of mtDNA.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1271, 349-357, 1995
IF = 2,5(95)

Nijtmans L. - Spelbrink J.N. - Van Galen M.J. - Zwaan M. - Klement P. - Van den Bogert C.
Expression and fate of the nuclearly encoded subunits of cytochrome-c oxidase ins cultured human cells defleted of mitochondrial gene.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1265, 117-126, 1995
IF = 2,5(95)

Nijtmans L.G.J. - Klement P. - Houstek J. - van den Bogert C.
Assembly of mitochondrial ATP synthase in cultured human cells: implications for mitochondrial diseases.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1272, 190-198, 1995
IF = 2,5(95)

Nijtmans L.G.J. - Barth P.G. - Lincke C.R. - Galen M.J.M. - Zwart R. - Klement P. - Bolhuis P.A. - Ruitenbeek W. - Wanders R.J.A. - Bogert C.
Altered kinetics of cytochrome c oxidase in a patient with severe mitochondrial encephalomyopathy.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1270, 193-201, 1995
IF = 2,5(95)

Lansky P. - Rospars J.P.
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model neuron revisited.
Biological Cybernetics, 72, 397-406, 1995
IF = 1,369(95)

Lansky P. - Sacerdote L. - Tomassetti F.
On the comparison of Feller and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck models for neural activity.
Biological Cybernetics, 73(1), 1-9, 1995
IF = 1,369(95)

Krekule I. - Kubinova L. - Kaminskij J. - Karen P.
Computerized systems for semi-automatic stereological analysis.
Biomedizinische Technik, 40(2), 193-195, 1995
IF = 0,478(95)

Kubinova L. - Karen P. - Indra M. - Jirkovska M. - Palovsky R. - Krekule I.
The role of stereology, confocal microscopy and 3-D reconstructions in morphometrical analysis of 3-D biological structures.
Biomedizinische Technik, 40(2), 196-197, 1995
IF = 0,478(95)

Moshe S.L. - Garant D.S. - Sperber E.F. - Veliskova J. - Kubova H. - Brown L.L.
Ontogeny and topography of seizure regulation by the substantia nigra.
Brain & Development, 17 suppl.(1), 61-72, 1995
IF = 0,709(95)

Folbergrova J.
Glycogen phosphorylase activity in the cerebral cortex of rats during development: effect of homocysteine-induced seizures.
Brain Research, 694(1), 128-132, 1995
IF = 2,687(95)

Rashidy-Pour A. - Motaghed-Larijani Z. - Bures J.
Tolerance to ketamine-induced blockade of cortical spreading depression transfers to MK-801 but not to AP5 in rats.
Brain Research, 693(1-2), 64-69, 1995
IF = 2,687(95)

Velisek L. - Moshe S.L. - Stanton P.K.
Resistance of hippocampal synaptic transmission to hypoxia in carbonic anhydrase II-deficient mice.
Brain Research, 671, 245-253, 1995
IF = 2,687(95)

Velisek L. - Roztocilova L. - Kusa R. - Mares P.
Excitatory amino acid antagonists and pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures during ontogenesis: III. The action of kynurenic acid and glutamic acid diethylester.
Brain Research Bulletin, 38(6), 525-529, 1995
IF = 1,794(95)

Pacha J. - Pohlova I.
Relationship between dietary Na+ intake, aldosterone and colonic amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport.
British Journal of Nutrition, 73, 633-640, 1995
IF = 1,532(95)

Ostadalova I. - Kolar F. - Ostadal B.
Inotropic effect of low extracellular sodium on perfused perinatal rat heart.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 73(1), 50-54, 1995
IF = 1,342(95)

DeChiara T.M. - Vejsada R. - Poueymirou W.T. - Acheson A. - Suri Ch. - Conover J.C. - Friedman B. - McClain J. - Pan L. - Stahl N. - Ip N. - Kato A.C. - Zancopoulos G.
Mice lacking the CNTF receptor, unlike mice lacking CNTF, exhibit profound motor neuron deficits at birth.
Cell, 83(1), 313-322, 1995
IF = 40,481(95)

Dobiasova M. - Stribrna J. - Frohlich J.J.
Relation of cholesterol esterification rate to the plasma distribution of high-density lipoprotein subclasses in normal and hypertensive woman.
Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 18(6), 449-454, 1995
IF = 1,242(95)

Tuckova L. - Tlaskalova H. - Farre M. - Karska K. - Rossmann P. - Kolinska J.
Molecular mimicry as a possible cause of autoimmune reactions in celiac disease. Antibodies to gliadin cross-react with epitopes on enterocytes.
Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 74(2), 170-176, 1995
IF = 2,088(95)

Kubova H. - Folbergrova J. - Mares P.
Seizures induced by homocysteine in rats during ontogenesis.
Epilepsia, 36(8), 750-756, 1995
IF = 2,34(95)

Velisek L. - Veliskova J. - Ptachevich Y. - Shinnar S. - Moshe S.L.
Effects of MK-801 and phenytoin on flurothyl-induced seizures during development.
Epilepsia, 36(2), 179-185, 1995
IF = 2,34(95)

Velisek L. - Veliskova J. - Ptachewich Y. - Ortiz J. - Shinnar S. - Moshe S.L.
Age-dependent effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid agents on flurothyl seizures.
Epilepsia, 36(7), 636-643, 1995
IF = 2,34(95)

Netopilova M. - Drsata J. - Kubova H. - Mares P.
Differences between immature and adult rats in brain glutamate decarboxylase inhibition by 3-mercaptopropionic acid.
Epilepsy Research, 20, 179-184, 1995
IF = 1,897(95)

Giniatullin R.A. - Kheeroug L.S. - Vyskocil F.
Modelling endplate currents: dependence on quantum secretion probability and decay of miniature current.
European Biophysics Journal, 23(6), 443-446, 1995
IF = 1,857(95)

Turecek R. - Vyklicky st. L. - Vlachova V. - Vyklicky ml. L.
G-protein modulation of Glycine-resistant NMDA receptor desensitization in rat cultured hippocampal neurons.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 7(7), 1826-1830, 1995
IF = 4,921(95)

Vejsada R. - Sagot Y. - Kato A.C.
Quantitative comparison of the transient rescue effects of neurotrophic factors on axotomized motoneurons.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 7, 108-115, 1995
IF = 4,921(95)

Hejnova L. - Tucek S. - El-Fakahany E.E.
Positive and negative allosteric interactions on muscarinic receptors.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 291, 427-430, 1995
IF = 2,637(95)

Jakubik J. - Tucek S.
Positive allosteric interactions on cardiac muscarinic receptors:effects of chemical modifications of disulphide and carboxyl groups.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 289(1), 311-319, 1995
IF = 2,637(95)

Stankovicova T. - Zemkova H. - Ziegelhoffer A. - Vyskocil F.
7-Oxo-prostacyclin affects the electrogenic Na+K+ pump in mouse diaphragm fibers.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 276(1-2), 101-105, 1995
IF = 2,637(95)

Ricny J. - Hohle K.D. - Racke K. - Wessler I.
Effect of inhaled stereoids on cholinergic transmission in human isolated bronchi.
European Respiratory Journal, 8, 587-589, 1995
IF = 2,275(95)

Jakubik J. - Bacakova L. - El-Fakahany E.E. - Tucek S.
Constitutive activity of the M1 - M4 subtypes of muscarinic receptors in transfeced CHO cells and of muscarinic receptors in the heart cells revealed by negative antagonists.
FEBS Letters, 337, 275-279, 1995
IF = 3,842(95)

Jezek P. - Bauer M. - Trommer E.W.
EPR spectroscopy of 5-DOXYL-stearic acid bound to the mitochondrial uncoupling protein reveals its competitive displacement by alkyl-sulfonates in the channel and allosteric displacement by ATP.
FEBS Letters, 361(2-3), 303-307, 1995
IF = 3,842(95)

Konopasek I. - Kvasnicka P. - Amler E. - Kotyk A. - Curatola G.
The transmembrane gradient of the dielectric constant influences the DPH lifetime distribution.
FEBS Letters, 374, 338-340, 1995
IF = 3,842(95)

Cimprich P. - Slavik J. - Kotyk A.
Distribution of individual cytoplasmic pH values in a population of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
FEMS Microbiology Letters, 130, 245-252, 1995
IF = 1,488(95)

Kren V. - Krenova D. - Pravenec M. - Zdobinska M.
Chromosome 8 congenic strains: Tools for genetic analysis of limb malformation, plasma triglycerides, and blood pressure in the rat.
Folia Biologica, 41, 284-293, 1995
IF = 0,446(95)

Kunclova D. - Liska V. - Svoboda P. - Svobodova J.
Cold-shock response of protein, RNA, DNA and phospholipid synthesis in bacillus subtilis.
Folia Microbiologica, 40(6), 627-632, 1995
IF = 0,147(95)

Svobodova J. - Konopasek I. - Kapralek F. - Svoboda P.
Effect of benzyl alcohol and ethanol on cold-shock response of bacillus subtilis.
Folia Microbiologica, 40(6), 633-638, 1995
IF = 0,147(95)

Tlaskalova-Hogenova H. - Farre-Castany M.A. - Stepankova R. - Kozakova L. - Funda D.P. - Barot R. - Cukrowska B. - Sinkora J. - Kolinska J.
The gut as a lymphoepithelial organ: The role of intestinal epithelial cells in mucosal immunity.
Folia Microbiologica, 40(4), 385-391, 1995
IF = 0,147(95)

Tagliaro F. - Smyth W.F. - Turrina S. - Deyl Z. - Marigo M.
Capillary electrophoresis: a new tool in forensic toxicology. Applications and prospects in hair analysis for illicit drugs.
Forensic Science International, 70(1-3), 93-104, 1995
IF = 1,254(95)

Obsil T. - Amler E. - Kotyk A. - Pavlicek Z.
Enzymically generated electron-excited speciels Increase the membrane order parameter without changing the rotational relaxation time of TMA-DPH.
General Physiology and Biophysics, 14(5), 393-403, 1995
IF = 0,42(95)

Skatchkov S.N. - Vyklicky st. L. - Orkand R.K.
Potassium currents in endfeet of isolated Muller cells from the frog retina.
GLIA, 15(1), 54-64, 1995
IF = 4,809(95)

Fenton A.A. - Arolfo M.P. - Nerad L. - Bures J.
Interhippocampal synthesis of lateralized place navigation engram.
Hippocampus, 5(1), 16-24, 1995
IF = 3,341(95)

Freisleben H.J. - Zwicker K. - Jezek P. - John G. - Bettin-Bogutzki A. - Ring K. - Nawroth T.
Reconstitution of bacteriorhodopsin and ATPsynthase from Micrococcus luteus into liposomes of the purified main tetraether lipid from Thermoplasma acidophillum: proton conductance and light-driven ATP synthesis.
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 78, 137-147, 1995
IF = 1,591(95)

Rauchova H. - Ledvinkova J. - Kalous M. - Drahota Z.
The effect of lipid peroxidation on the activity of various membrane-bound ATPases in rat kidney.
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 27(3), 251-255, 1995
IF = 1,059(95)

Velisek L. - Veliskova J. - Moshe S.L.
Developmental seizure models.
Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 16(1-2), 127-133, 1995
IF = 0,216(95)

Houstek J. - Andersson V. - Tvrdik P. - Nedergaard J. - Cannon B.
The expression of subunit c correlates with and thus may limit the biosynthesis of the mitochondrial FoF1-ATPase in brown adipose tissue.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270, 7689-7694, 1995
IF = 7,385(95)

Kopecky J. - Clarke G. - Enerback S. - Spiegelman B. - Kozak L.P.
Expression of the mitochondrial uncoupling protein gene from the aP2 gene promoter prevents genetic obesity.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 96, 2914-2923, 1995
IF = 8,788(95)

Pravenec M. - Gauguier D. - Schott J. - Buard J. - Kren V. - Bila V. - Szpirer C. - Szpirer J. - Wang J.M. - Huang H. - St.Lezin E. - Spence M.A. - Floodman P. - Printz M. - Lathrop G.M. - Vergnaud G. - Kurtz T.
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for blood pressure and cardiac mass in the rat by genome scanning of recombinant inbred strains.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 96(4), 1973-1978, 1995
IF = 8,788(95)

Tesarova E. - Gilar M. - Hobza P. - Kabelac M. - Deyl Z. - Smolkova-Keulemansova E.
Correlation between structure of dihydropyridine calcium antagonists and their retention behavior and enantioseparation on the beta-cyclodextrin stationary phase in HPLC.
Journal of High Resolution Chromatography, 18, 597-601, 1995
IF = 1,909(95)

Huang H. - Pravenec M. - Wang J.M. - Kren V. - St.Lezin E. - Szpirer C. - Szpirer J. - Kurtz T.
Mapping and sequence analysis of the gene encoding the bet subunit of the epithelial sodiumchannel in experimental models of hypertension.
Journal of Hypertension, 13(11), 1247-1251, 1995
IF = 2,318(95)

Boso R.L. - Bellini M.S. - Miksik I. - Deyl Z.
Microemulsion elektrokinetic chromatography with different organic modifiers: separation of Water- and lipid-soluble vitamins.
Journal of Chromatography A, 709, 11-19, 1995
IF = 2,296(95)

Deyl Z. - Miksik I.
Separation of collagen type I chain polymers by electrophoresis in non-cross-linked polyacrylamide-filled capillaries.
Journal of Chromatography A, 698(2), 369-373, 1995
IF = 2,296(95)

Jelinkova D. - Deyl Z. - Miksik I. - Tagliaro F.
Capillary electrophoresis of hair proteins modified by alcohol intake in laboratory rats.
Journal of Chromatography A, 709, 111-119, 1995
IF = 2,296(95)

Svorcik V. - Rybka V. - Hnatowicz V. - Bacakova L. - Lisa V. - Kocourek F.
Surface properties and biocompatibility of ion-implanted polymers.
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 5(1), 27-30, 1995
IF = 1,449(95)

Svorcik V. - Rybka V. - Hnatowicz V. - Bacakova L.
Polarity, resistivity and biocompatibility of polyethylene doped with carbon black.
Journal of Materials Science Letters, 14, 1723-1724, 1995
IF = 0,43(95)

Vetter R. - Studer R. - Reinecke H. - Kolar F. - Ostadalova I. - Drexler H.
Reciprocal changes in the postnatal expresssion of the sarcolemmal Na+ -Ca2+ exchanger and SERCA2 in rat heart.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 27, 1689-1701, 1995
IF = 2,78(95)

Wibo M. - Kolar F. - Zheng L. - Godfraind T.
Influence of thyroid status on postnatal maturation of calcium channels, beta-adrenoceptors and cation transport ATPases in rat ventricular tissue.
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 27, 1731-1743, 1995
IF = 2,78(95)

Zacharova G. - Kubinova L.
Stereological methods based on point counting and unbiased counting frames for two-dimensional measurements in mucles: comparison with manual and image analysis methods.
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 16, 295-302, 1995
IF = 2,611(95)

Zelena J. - Jirmanova I.
Reinnervation of rat Pacinian corpuscles after nerve crush during the postcritical period of development.
Journal of Neurocytology, 24, 955-964, 1995
IF = 2,536(95)

Dolezal V. - Schobert A. - Hertting G.
Presynaptic nicotinic receptors stimulate increases in intraterminal calcium of chick sympathetic neurons in culture.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 65(4), 1874-1879, 1995
IF = 4,852(95)

Schaad N.C. - Vanecek J. - Kosar E. - Aubry J.M. - Schulz P.E.
Adrenergic control of rat pineal NO synthase.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 65(2), 935-938, 1995
IF = 4,852(95)

Berezovskaya O.L. - Mares V. - Skibo G.G.
Growth related changes in sugar determinants on the surface of C6 glioma cells in culture: A cytochemical lectin-binding study.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 42(2), 192-198, 1995
IF = 3,377(95)

Philippi L. - Vyklicky st. L. - Kuffler D.P. - Orkand R.K.
Serotonin- and proton-induced and modified ionic currents in frog sensory neurons.
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 40(3), 387-395, 1995
IF = 3,377(95)

Siesjo B.K. - Katsura K. - Zhao Q. - Folbergrova J. - Pahlmark K. - Siesjo P. - Smith M.L.
Mechanisms of secondary brain damage in global and focal ischemia: A speculative synthesis.
Journal of Neurotrauma, 12(5), 943-956, 1995
IF = 2,802(95)

Jakubik J. - Bacakova L. - El-Fakahany E.E. - Tucek S.
Subtype selectivity of the positive allosteric action of alcuronium at cloned M1-M5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 274(3), 1077-1083, 1995
IF = 3,582(95)

Vyskocil F. - Nikolsky E. E. - Zemkova H. - Krusek J.
The role of non-quantal release of acetylcholine in regulation of postsynaptic membrane electrogenesis.
Journal of Physiology-Paris, 89, 157-162, 1995
IF = 1,062(95)

Kraml J. - Kolinska J. - Kadlecova L. - Zakostelecka M. - Hirsova D. - Schreiber V.
Early and delayed effects of hydrocortisone and onapristone on intestinal brush-border enzymes and their sialylation and on thymus growth in suckling rats.
Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 52(3), 251-257, 1995
IF = 1,739(95)

Garlid K.D. - Sun X. - Paucek P. - Woldegiorgis G.
Mitochondrial cation transport.
Methods in Enzymology, 260, 331-349, 1995
IF = 1,586(95)

Soukup T. - Pedrosa-Domellof F. - Thornell L.E.
Expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms and myogenesis of intrafusal fibres in rat muscle spindles.
Microscopy Research and Technique, 30, 390-407, 1995
IF = 1,297(95)

Ostadal B. - Pelouch V. - Ostadalova I. - Novakova O.
Structural and biochemical remodelling in catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy: Comparative and ontogenetic aspects.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 147(1), 83-88, 1995
IF = 1,625(95)

Pelouch V. - Milerova M. - Ostadal B. - Hucin B. - Samanek M.
Differences between atrial and ventricular protein profiling in children with congenital heart disease.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 147(1), 43-49, 1995
IF = 1,625(95)

Vanecek J.
Melatonin inhibits increase of intracellular calcium and cyclic AMP in neonatal rat pituitary via independent pathways.
Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 107, 149-153, 1995
IF = 2,644(95)

Proska J. - Tucek S.
Competition between positive and negative allosteric effectors on muscarinic receptors.
Molecular Pharmacology, 48, 696-702, 1995
IF = 6,58(95)

Schaad N.C. - Vanecek J. - Rodriquez I.R. - Klein D.C. - Holtzclaw L. - Russell J.T.
Vasoactive intestinal peptide elevates pinealocyte intracellular calcium concentrations by enhancing influx: Evidence for involvement of a cyclic GMP-dependent mechanism.
Molecular Pharmacology, 47, 923-933, 1995
IF = 6,58(95)

Conover J.C. - Erickson J.T. - Katz D.M. - Bianchi L.M. - Poueymirou W.T. - McClain J. - Pan L. - Helgren M. - Ip N. - Boland P. - Friedman B. - Wiegand S. - Vejsada R. - Kato A.C. - DeChiara T.M. - Zancopoulos G.D.
Neuronal deficitis, not involving motor neurons, in mice lacking BDNF and/or NT4.
Nature, 375, 235-236, 1995
IF = 27,074(95)

Jacob H. - Brown D. - Bunker R. - Daly M. - Dzau V. - Goodman A. - Koike G. - Kren V. - Kurtz T. - Lernmark A. - Levan G. - Mao Z. - Pettersson A. - Pravenec M. - Simon J.S. - Szpirer C. - Szpirer J. - Trolliet M.R. - Winer E.S. - Lander E.S.
A genetic linkage map of the laboratory rat (Rattus Norvegicus).
Nature Genetics, 9, 63-69, 1995
IF = 28,543(95)

Apel C. - Ricny J. - Wagner G. - Wessler I.
Alpha-bungarotoxin, k-bungarotoxin, alpha-cobratoxin and erabutoxin-b do not affect 3H acetylcholine release from the rat isolated left hemidiaphragm.
Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 352, 646-652, 1995
IF = 3,04(95)

Vanecek J.
Cellular mechanism of melatonin action in neonatal rat pituitary.
Neuroendocrinology, 61(1), 27-30, 1995
IF = 2,684(95)

Zemkova H. - Vanecek J. - Krusek J.
Electrophysiological characterization of GABAa receptors in anterior pituary cells of newborn rats.
Neuroendocrinology, 62(2), 123-129, 1995
IF = 2,684(95)

Dolezal V. - Schobert A. - Hertting G.
Differences of the electrical and nicotinic receptor stimulation-evoked liberation of norepinephrine from chicken sympathetic neurons in culture:possible involvement of different pools of the transmitter.
Neurochemical Research, 20(3), 261-267, 1995
IF = 1,577(95)

Musilkova J. - Tucek S.
Positive allosteric action of alcuronium on solubilized cardiac muscarinic receptors.
Neurochemistry International, 27(4/5), 337-343, 1995
IF = 2,236(95)

Vanecek J. - Klein D.C.
Mechanism of melatonin signal transduction in the neonatal rat pituitary.
Neurochemistry International, 27(3), 273-278, 1995
IF = 2,236(95)

Sumova A. - Travnickova Z. - Illnerova H.
Memory on long but not on short days stored in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Neuroscience Letters, 200(1), 191-194, 1995
IF = 2,318(95)

Valouskova V. - Galik J.
Unilateral grafting of fetal neocortex into a cortical cavity improves healing of a symetric lession in the contralateral cortex of adult rats.
Neuroscience Letters, 186(2/3), 103-106, 1995
IF = 2,318(95)

Heller J. - Kramer M.J. - Horacek V.
Effects of the angiotensin II receptor blocker EXP 3174 on renal glomerular hemodynamics in the dog.
Nieren und Hochdruckkrankheiten, 24, 591-592, 1995
IF = 0,123(95)

Dougherty P.M. - Palecek J. - Paleckova V. - Willis W. D.
Infusion of substance P or A by microdyalysis alters responses of primate spinothalamic tract neurons to cutaneous stimuli and to iontophoretically released excitatory amino acids.
PAIN, 61, 411-425, 1995
IF = 3,876(95)

Ostadalova I. - Pexieder T. - Ostadal B. - Kolar F.
Inotropic effect of increasing concentration of Ca 2+ in the fetal rat heart with retinoic acid-induced malformations.
Pediatric Research, 38(6), 892-895, 1995
IF = 2,857(95)

Pacha J. - Pohlova I. - Karen P.
Regulation of amiloride-sensitive Na+ transport in immature rat distal colon by aldosterone.
Pediatric Research, 38(3), 356-360, 1995
IF = 2,857(95)

Stankovicova T. - Zemkova H. - Breier A. - Amler E. - Burkhard M. - Vyskocil F.
The effects of calsium and calcium channel blockers on sodium pump.
Pflugers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology, 429(5), 716-721, 1995
IF = 2,646(95)

Kubova H. - Mares P.
Different postnatal development of convulsions and lethality induced by strychnine in rats.
Pharmacology & Toxicology, 77, 219-224, 1995
IF = 0,926(95)

Kubova H. - Mares P.
Suppresion of cortical epileptic afterdischarges by ketamine is not stable during ontogenesis in rats.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 52(3), 489-492, 1995
IF = 1,529(95)

Velisek L. - Kubova H. - Mares P. - Vachova D.
Kainate/AMPA receptor antagonists are anticonvulsant against the tonic hindlimb component of pentylenetetrazol-induced seizure in developing rats.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 51(1), 151-158, 1995
IF = 1,529(95)

Velisek L. - Mares P.
Age-dependent anticonvulsant action of clonazepam in the N-methyl-D-aspartate model of seizures.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 52(2), 291-296, 1995
IF = 1,529(95)

Bacakova L. - Kunes J.
Sex-dependent differences in growth of vascular smooth muscles cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Physiological Research, 44(2), 127-130, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Bacakova L. - Mares V.
Cell kinetics of aortic smooth muscle cells in long-termcultures prepared from rats raised under conventional and SPF conditions.
Physiological Research, 44(6), 389-398, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Cernohorsky J. - Pelouch V. - Milerova M. - Ostadal B.
Protein profiling of the myocardium exposed to pressure overload from birth.
Physiological Research, 44, 139-142, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Dobesova Z. - Kunes J. - Zicha J.
Body fluid alterations and organ hypertrophy in age-dependent salt hypertension of Dahl rats.
Physiological Research, 44(6), 377-387, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Karen P. - Krekule I.
Computer graphics editor GSE and some of its applications in morphology.
Physiological Research, 44(1), 113-119, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Koldovsky O. - Dobiasova M. - Hahn P. - Kolinska J. - Kraml J. - Pacha J.
Development of gastrointestinal functions.
Physiological Research, 44(6), 341-348, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Koldovsky O. - Illnerova H. - Macho L. - Strbak V. - Stepankova R.
Milk-borne hormones: Possible tools of communication between mother and suckling.
Physiological Research, 44(6), 349-351, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Koldovsky O. - Dobiasova M. - Drahota Z. - Hahn P.
Developmental aspects of lipid metabolism.
Physiological Research, 44(6), 353-356, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Kotyk A. - Amler E.
Na, K-adenosinetriphosphatase: The paradigm of a membrane transport protein.
Physiological Research, 44(5), 261-274, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Kunes J. - Dobesova Z. - Zicha J.
High blood pressure of hypertriglyceridaemic rats is related to metabolic ddisturbances.
Physiological Research, 44(6), 421-424, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Ostadal B. - Kolar F. - Pelouch V. - Widimsky J.
Ontogenetic differences in cardiopulmonary adaptation to chronic hypoxia.
Physiological Research, 44(1), 45-51, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Ostadalova I. - Ostadal B. - Kolar F.
Effect of prenatal hypoxia on contractile performance and responsiveness to Ca 2 in the isolated perinatal rat heart.
Physiological Research, 44, 135-137, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Pelouch V.
Molecular aspects of regulation of cardiac contraction.
Physiological Research, 44(1), 53-60, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Rauchova H. - Drahota Z. - Lenaz G.
Function of coenzyme Q in the cell: Some biochemical and physiological properties.
Physiological Research, 44(4), 209-216, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Urazaev A.K. - Magsumov S. T. - Poletayev G. I. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskocil F.
Muscle NMDA receptors regulate the resting membrane potential through NO-synthase.
Physiological Research, 44(3), 205-208, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Zemkova H. - Krusek J. - Vyskocil F.
Potentiation of GABA A receptor in cultured mouse hippocampal cells by brain-derived peptide mixture cerebrolysin.
Physiological Research, 44(3), 151-155, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Zicha J. - Dobesova Z. - Kunes J.
Plasma triglycerides cosegregate with erythrocyte sodium content in F2 rats of HTG x Lewis cross.
Physiological Research, 44(6), 425-428, 1995
IF = 0,588(95)

Folbergrova J. - Zhao Q. - Katsura K. - Siesjo B.K.
N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone improves recovery of brain energy state in rats following trensient focal ischemia.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92(11), 5057-5061, 1995
IF = 10,52(95)

Sumova A. - Travnickova Z. - Peters R. - Schwartz W.J. - Illnerova H.
The rat suprachiasmatic nucleus is a clock for all seasons.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92(17), 7754-7758, 1995
IF = 10,52(95)

Lenaz G. - Bovina C. - Castellucio C. - Cavazzoni M. - Estornell E. - Fato R. - Huertas J.R. - Pich N.M. - Palloti F. - Parenti-Castelli G. - Rauchova H.
Modes of coenzyme Q function in electron transfer.
Protoplasma, 184(1-4), 50-62, 1995
IF = 1,487(95)

Cervenka L. - Heller J.
A comparison of the effect of feeding a low-protein diet and of pharmacological intervention on the course of ablation nephropathy in the rat.
Renal Failure, 17(1), 27-35, 1995
IF = 0,424(95)

Tucek S. - Proska J.
Allosteric modulation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors.
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 16(1), 205-212, 1995
IF = 17,556(95)

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