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List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.<BR><BR>Year 2012. List of impacted publications in journals covered by Science Citation Index.

Year 2012.

Sorted by journal, first author, volume, and pages.
Authors of the Institute of Physiology are underlined.
Updated 12.4.2013

Zicha J. - Dobesova Z. - Kunes J. - Vaneckova I.
Chronic endothelin A receptor blockade attenuates contribution of sympathetic nervous system to salt hypertension development in adult but not in young Dahl rats.
Acta Physiologica, 205(1), 124-132, 2012
IF = 3,09(11)

Vohnik M. - Burdikova Z. - Wilkinson D. M.
Testate Amoebae Communities in the Rhizosphere of Rhododendron ponticum (Ericaceae) in an Evergreen Broadleaf Forest in Southern Spain.
Acta Protozoologica, 51, 259-269, 2012
IF = 1,317(11)

Cvetko E. - Karen P. - Janacek J. - Kubinova L. - Plasencia A.L. - Erzen I.
Human Masseter Muscle Fibers From the Elderly Express Less Neonatal Myosin Than Those of Young Adults.
Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 295(8), 1364-1372, 2012
IF = 1,473(11)

Marsakova L. - Touska F. - Krusek J. - Vlachova V.
Pore Helix Domain Is Critical to Camphor Sensitivity of Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Channel.
Anesthesiology, 116(4), 903-917, 2012
IF = 5,359(11)

Cvetko E. - Karen P. - Erzen I.
Myosin heavy chain composition of the human sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Annals of Anatomy-Anatomischer Anzeiger, 194(5), 467-472, 2012
IF = 1,861(11)

Zijlmans M. - Jiruska P. - Zelmann R. - Leijten F. S. S. - Jefferys J. G. R. - Gotman J.
High-frequency oscillations as a new biomarker in epilepsy.
Annals of Neurology, 71(2), 169-178, 2012
IF = 11,089(11)

Sutoris K. - Vetvicka D. - Horak L. - Benes J. - Nekvasil M. - Jezek P. - Zadinova M. - Pouckova P.
Evaluation of Topical Photodynamic Therapy of Mammary Carcinoma with an Experimental Gel Containing Liposomal Hydroxyl-aluminium Phthalocyanine.
Anticancer Research, 32(9), 3769-3774, 2012
IF = 1,725(11)

Vales K. - Rambousek L. - Holubova K. - Svoboda J. - Bubenikova-Valesova V. - Chodounska H. - Vyklicky ml. L. - Stuchlik A.
3 alpha 5 beta-Pregnanolone glutamate, a use-dependent NMDA antagonist, reversed spatial learning deficit in an animal model of schizophrenia.
Behavioural Brain Research, 235(1), 82-88, 2012
IF = 3,417(11)

Veisova D. - Macakova E. - Rezabkova L. - Sulc M. - Vacha P. - Sychrova H. - Obsil T. - Obsilova V.
Role of individual phosphorylation sites for the 14-3-3-protein-dependent activation of yeast neutral trehalase Nth1.
Biochemical Journal, 443(3), 663-670, 2012
IF = 4,897(11)

Mikulik K. - Felsberg J. - Kudrnacova E. - Bezouskova S. - Setinova D. - Stodulkova E. - Zidkova J. - Zidek V.
CobB1 deacetylase activity in Streptomyces coelicolor.
Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 90(2), 179-187, 2012
IF = 2,673(11)

Karbanova-Havlickova V. - Vrbacka-Cizkova A. - Hejzlarova K. - Nuskova H. - Stranecky V. - Potocka A. - Houstek J.
Compensatory upregulation of respiratory chain complexes III and IV in isolated deficiency of ATP synthase due to TMEM70 mutation.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1817(7), 1037-1043, 2012
IF = 4,843(11)

Kovarova N. - Vrbacka-Cizkova A. - Pecina P. - Stranecky V. - Pronicka E. - Kmoch S. - Houstek J.
Adaptation of respiratory chain biogenesis to cytochrome c oxidase deficiency caused by SURF1 gene mutations.
Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1822(7), 1114-1124, 2012
IF = 5,387(11)

Zahradka J. - Van Heusden G.P.H. - Sychrova H.
Yeast 14-3-3 proteins participate in the regulation of cell cation homeostasis via interaction with Nha1 alkali-metal-cation/proton antiporter.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. General Subjects, 1820(7), 849-858, 2012
IF = 5(11)

Zelenka J. - Muchova L. - Zelenkova M. - Vanova K. - Vreman H.J. - Wong R.J. - Vitek L.
Intracellular accumulation of bilirubin as a defense mechanism against increased oxidative stress.
Biochimie, 94(8), 1821-1827, 2012
IF = 3,022(11)

Cassey P. - Thomas G.H. - Portugal S. J. - Maurer G. - Hauber M. E. - Grim T. - Lovell P.G. - Miksik I.
Why are birds' eggs colourful? Eggshell pigments co-vary with life-history and nesting ecology among British breeding non-passerine birds.
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(3), 657-672, 2012
IF = 2,193(11)

Rezabkova L. - Kacirova M. - Sulc M. - Herman P. - Vecer J. - Stepanek M. - Obsilova V. - Obsil T.
Structural Modulation of Phosducin by Phosphorylation and 14-3-3 Protein Binding.
Biophysical Journal, 103(9), 1960-1969, 2012
IF = 3,653(11)

Barinka F. - Salaj M. - Rybar J. - Krajcovicova E. - Kubova H. - Druga R.
Calretinin, parvalbumin and calbindin immunoreactive interneurons in perirhinal cortex and temporal area Te3V of the rat brain: Qualitative and quantitative analyses.
Brain Research, 1436, 68-80, 2012
IF = 2,728(11)

Kostal L.
Approximate information capacity of the perfect integrate-and-fire neuron using the temporal code.
Brain Research, 1434, 136-141, 2012
IF = 2,728(11)

Sanda P. - Marsalek P.
Stochastic interpolation model of the medial superior olive neural circuit.
Brain Research, 1434, 257-265, 2012
IF = 2,728(11)

Borovska J. - Vyklicky V. - Stastna E. - Kapras V. - Slavikova B. - Horak M. - Chodounska H. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Access of inhibitory neurosteroids to the NMDA receptor.
British Journal of Pharmacology, 166(3), 1069-1083, 2012
IF = 4,409(11)

Neckar J. - Boudikova A. - Mandikova P. - Sterba M. - Popelova O. - Miksik I. - Dabrowska L. - Mraz J. - Gersl V. - Kolar F.
Protective effects of dexrazoxane against acute ischaemia/reperfusion injury of rat hearts.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 90(9), 1303-1310, 2012
IF = 1,953(11)

Ostadal P. - Ostadal B.
Women and the management of acute coronary syndrome.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 90(9), 1151-1159, 2012
IF = 1,953(11)

Janouskova H. - Maglott A. - Leger D.Y. - Bossert C. - Noulet F. - Guerin E. - Guenot D. - Pinel S. - Chastagner P. - Plenat F. - Entz-Werle N. - Lehmann-Che J. - Godet J. - Martin S. - Teisinger J. - Dontenwill M.
Integrin alpha 5 beta 1 Plays a Critical Role in Resistance to Temozolomide by Interfering with the p53 Pathway in High-Grade Glioma.
Cancer Research, 72(14), 3463-3470, 2012
IF = 7,856(11)

Ammirabile G. - Tessari A. - Pignataro V. - Szumska D. - Sardo F.S. - Benes ml. J. - Balistreri M. - Bhattacharya S. - Sedmera D. - Campione M.
Pitx2 confers left morphological, molecular, and functional identity to the sinus venosus myocardium.
Cardiovascular Research, 93(2), 291-301, 2012
IF = 6,064(11)

Sankova B. - Benes ml. J. - Krejci E. - Dupays L. - Theveniau-Riussy M. - Miquerol L. - Sedmera D.
The effect of connexin40 deficiency on ventricular conduction system function during development.
Cardiovascular Research, 95(4), 469-479, 2012
IF = 6,064(11)

Hudcovic T. - Kolinska J. - Klepetar J. - Stepankova R. - Rezanka T. - Srutkova D. - Schwarzer M. - Erban V. - Du Z. - Wells J. M. - Hrncir T. - Tlaskalova-Hogenova H. - Kozakova H.
Protective effect of Clostridium tyrobutyricum in acute dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis: differential regulation of tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-18 in BALB/c and severe combined immunodeficiency mice.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 167(2), 356-365, 2012
IF = 3,36(11)

Neckar J. - Kopkan L. - Huskova Z. - Kolar F. - Papousek F. - Kramer H. J. - Hwang S.H. - Hammock B.D. - Imig J. D. - Maly J. - Netuka I. - Ostadal B. - Cervenka L.
Inhibition of soluble epoxide hydrolase by cis-4-[4-(3-adamantan-1-ylureido)cyclohexyl-oxy]benzoic acid exhibits antihypertensive and cardioprotective actions in transgenic rats with angiotensin II-dependent hypertension.
Clinical science, 122(11), 513-525, 2012
IF = 4,317(11)

Sepitka J. - Lukes J. - Stanek L. - Filova E. - Burdikova Z. - Reznicek J.
Nanoindentation of intervertebral disc tissues localised by SHG imaging.
Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 15, 335-336, 2012
IF = 1,169(11)

Stribny J. - Kinclova-Zimmermannova O. - Sychrova H.
Potassium supply and homeostasis in the osmotolerant non-conventional yeasts Zygosaccharomyces rouxii differ from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Current Genetics, 58, 255-264, 2012
IF = 2,556(11)

Szakova J. - Novosadova Z. - Zidek V. - Fucikova A. - Zidkova J. - Miholova D. - Tlustos P.
Effect of the diet amended with risk elements contaminated soil on risk elements content in tissues and hematological parameters of rats.
Czech Journal of Animal Science, 57(9), 430-441, 2012
IF = 1,079(11)

Gazova I. - Vlcek K. - Nedelska Z. - Mokrisova I. - Hyncicova E. - Laczo J. - Hort J.
Prostorova orientace pri fyziologickem a patologickem starnuti.
Ceska a Slovenska neurologie a neurochirurgie, 75(4), 411-414, 2012
IF = 0,279(11)

Gottardo R. - Miksik I. - Aturki Z. - Sorio D. - Seri C. - Fanali S. - Tagliaro F.
Analysis of drugs of forensic interest with capillary zone electrophoresis/time-of-flight mass spectrometry based on the use of non-volatile buffers.
Electrophoresis, 33(4), 599-606, 2012
IF = 3,303(11)

Vetter I. - Touska F. - Hess A. - Hinsbey R. - Sattler S. - Lampert A. - Sergejeva M. - Sharov A. - Collins L. S. - Eberhardt M. - Engel M. - Cabot P. J. - Wood J. N. - Vlachova V. - Reeh P. W. - Lewis R. J. - Zimmermann K.
Ciguatoxins activate specific cold pain pathways to elicit burning pain from cooling.
EMBO Journal, 31(19), 3795-3808, 2012
IF = 9,205(11)

Kostal L. - Pokora O.
Nonparametric Estimation of Information-Based Measures of Statistical Dispersion.
Entropy, 14(7), 1221-1233, 2012
IF = 1,183(11)

Mares P.
Anticonvulsant action of GABA(B) receptor positive modulator CGP7930 in immature rats.
Epilepsy Research, 100, 49-54, 2012
IF = 2,29(11)

Beamer E. - Otahal J. - Sills G.J. - Thippeswamy T.
N-w-Propyl-L-arginine (L-NPA) reduces status epilepticus and early epileptogenic events in a mouse model of epilepsy: behavioural, EEG and immunohistochemical analyses.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 36(9), 3194-3203, 2012
IF = 3,631(11)

Parkanova D. - Novakova M. - Sosniyenko S. - Sumova A.
Photoperiodic modulation of the hepatic clock by the suprachiasmatic nucleus and feeding regime in mice.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 35(9), 1446-1457, 2012
IF = 3,631(11)

Jagr M. - Eckhardt A. - Pataridis S. - Miksik I.
Comprehensive proteomic analysis of human dentin.
European Journal of Oral Sciences, 120(4), 259-268, 2012
IF = 1,878(11)

Lindovsky J. - Petrov K. - Krusek J. - Reznik V.S. - Nikolsky E. E. - Vyskocil F.
Effect of tissue-specific acetylcholinesterase inhibitor C-547 on alpha 3 beta 4 and alpha beta epsilon delta acetylcholine receptors in COS cells.
European Journal of Pharmacology, 688, 22-26, 2012
IF = 2,516(11)

Folbergrova J. - Otahal J. - Druga R.
Brain superoxide anion formation in immature rats during seizures: Protection by selected compounds.
Experimental Neurology, 233(1), 421-429, 2012
IF = 4,699(11)

Maresova L. - Vydareny T. - Sychrova H.
Comparison of the influence of small GTPases Arl1 and Ypt6 on yeast cells’ tolerance to various stress factors.
FEMS Yeast Research, 12(3), 332-340, 2012
IF = 2,403(11)

Zahradka J. - Sychrova H.
Plasma-membrane hyperpolarization diminishes the cation efflux via Nha1 antiporter and Ena ATPase under potassium-limiting conditions.
FEMS Yeast Research, 12(4), 439-446, 2012
IF = 2,403(11)

Liotta E. - Gottardo R. - Seri C. - Rimondo C. - Miksik I. - Serpelloni G. - Tagliaro F.
Rapid analysis of caffeine in “smart drugs” and “energy drinks” by microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEEKC).
Forensic Science International, 220, 279-283, 2012
IF = 2,301(11)

Hoevenaars F.P.M. - van Schothorst E. M. - Horakova O. - Voigt A. - Rossmeisl M. - Pico C. - Caimari A. - Kopecky J. - Klaus S. - Keijer J.
BIOCLAIMS standard diet (BIOsd): a reference diet for nutritional physiology.
Genes and Nutrition, 7(3), 399-404, 2012
IF = 2,507(11)

Klaus S. - Keipert S. - Rossmeisl M. - Kopecky J.
Augmenting energy expenditure by mitochondrial uncoupling: a role of AMP-activated protein kinase.
Genes and Nutrition, 7(3), 369-386, 2012
IF = 2,507(11)

Simonis M. - Atanur S. S. - Linsen S. - Guryev V. - Ruzius F.-P. - Game L. - Lansu N. - de Bruijn E. - van Heesch S. - Jones S. J. M. - Pravenec M. - Aitman T. J. - Cuppen E.
Genetic basis of transcriptome differences between the founder strains of the rat HXB/BXH recombinant inbred panel.
Genome Biology, 13(4), r31, 2012
IF = 9,036(11)

Mares V. - Stremenova J. - Lisa V. - Kozakova H. - Marek J. - Syrucek M. - Soula O. - Sedo A.
Compartment- and malignance-dependent up-regulation of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and dipetidylpeptidase-IV activity in human brain gliomas.
Histology and Histopathology, 27(7), 931-940, 2012
IF = 2,48(11)

Hojna S. - Jordan M.D. - Kollias H. - Pausova Z.
High-fat diet induces emergence of brown-like adipocytes in white adipose tissue of spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Hypertension Research, 35(3), 279-286, 2012
IF = 2,576(11)

Vaneckova I. - Dobesova Z. - Kunes J. - Zicha J.
The effects of repeated delivery of angiotensin II AT1 receptor antisense on distinct vasoactive systems in Ren-2 transgenic rats: young vs. adult animals.
Hypertension Research, 35(7), 761-768, 2012
IF = 2,576(11)

Holendova B. - Grycova L. - Jirku M. - Teisinger J.
PtdIns(4,5)P-2 interacts with CaM binding domains on TRPM3 N-terminus.
Channels, 6(6), 479-482, 2012
IF = 2,14(11)

Parizek M. - Douglas T.E.L. - Novotna K. - Kromka A. - Brady M.A. - Renzing A. - Voss E. - Jarosova M. - Palatinus L. - Tesarek P. - Ryparova P. - Lisa V. - Dos Santos A.M. - Bacakova L.
Nanofibrous poly(lactide-co-glycolide) membranes loaded with diamond nanoparticles as promising substrates for bone tissue engineering.
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 7(2012), 1931-1951, 2012
IF = 4,976(10)

Medrikova D. - Jilkova Z. - Bardova K. - Janovska P. - Rossmeisl M. - Kopecky J.
Sex differences during the course of diet-induced obesity in mice: adipose tissue expandability and glycemic control.
International Journal of Obesity, 36(2), 262-272, 2012
IF = 4,691(11)

Ortega F.J. - Jilkova Z. - Moreno-Navarrete J.M. - Pavelka S. - Rodriguez-Hermosa J.I. - Kopecky J. - Fernandez-Real J.M.
Type I iodothyronine 5′-deiodinase mRNA and activity is increased in adipose tissue of obese subjects.
International Journal of Obesity, 36(2), 320-324, 2012
IF = 4,691(11)

Skalsky I. - Szarszoi O. - Filova E. - Parizek M. - Lytvynets A. - Maluskova J. - Lodererova A. - Brynda E. - Lisa V. - Burdikova Z. - Capek M. - Pirk J. - Bacakova L.
A perivascular system releasing sirolimus prevented intimal hyperplasia in a rabbit model in a medium-term study.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 427(2), 311-319, 2012
IF = 3,35(11)

Sedy J. - Zicha J. - Nedvidkova J. - Kunes J.
The role of sympathetic nervous system in the development of neurogenic pulmonary edema in spinal cord-injured rats.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 112(1), 1-8, 2012
IF = 3,753(11)

Cassey P. - Miksik I. - Portugal S. J. - Maurer G. - Ewen J.G. - Zarate E. - Sewell M.A. - Karadas F. - Grim T. - Hauber M. E.
Avian eggshell pigments are not consistently correlated with colour measurements or egg constituents in two Turdus thrushes.
Journal of avian biology, 43(6), 503-512, 2012
IF = 2,28(11)

Drahota Z. - Endlicher R. - Stankova P. - Rychtrmoc D. - Milerova M. - Cervinkova Z.
Characterization of calcium, phosphate and peroxide interactions in activation of mitochondrial swelling using derivative of the swelling curves.
Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 44(3), 309-315, 2012
IF = 2,813(11)

Holakovska B. - Grycova L. - Jirku M. - Sulc M. - Bumba L. - Teisinger J.
Calmodulin and S100A1 Protein Interact with N Terminus of TRPM3 Channel.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(20), 16645-16655, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Kaniakova M. - Krausova B. - Vyklicky V. - Korinek M. - Lichnerova K. - Vyklicky ml. L. - Horak M.
Key Amino Acid Residues within the Third Membrane Domains of NR1 and NR2 Subunits Contribute to the Regulation of the Surface Delivery of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptors.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(31), 26423-26434, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Pietka T. A. - Sulkin M.S. - Kuda O. - Wang W. - Zhou D. - Yamada K. A. - Yang K. - Su X. - Gross R. W. - Nerbonne J. M. - Efimov I. R. - Abumrad N. A.
CD36 Protein Influences Myocardial Ca2+ Homeostasis and Phospholipid Metabolism CONDUCTION ANOMALIES IN CD36-DEFICIENT MICE DURING FASTING.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(46), 38901-38912, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Sura L. - Zima V. - Marsakova L. - Hynkova A. - Barvik I. - Vlachova V.
C-terminal Acidic Cluster Is Involved in Ca2+-induced Regulation of Human Transient Receptor Potential Ankyrin 1 Channel.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(22), 18067-18077, 2012
IF = 4,773(11)

Vandrovcova M. - Hanus J. - Drabik M. - Kylian O. - Biederman H. - Lisa V. - Bacakova L.
Effect of different surface nanoroughness of titanium dioxide films on the growth of human osteoblast-like MG63 cells.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part A(4), 1016-1032, 2012
IF = 2,625(11)

Novakova M. - Nevsimalova S. - Prihodova I. - Sladek M. - Sumova A.
Alteration of the Circadian Clock in Children with Smith-Magenis Syndrome.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 97(2), E312-E318, 2012
IF = 5,967(11)

Petrovova E. - Sedmera D. - Luptakova L. - Mazensky D. - Danko J.
Chick development and high dose of bendiocarb.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 47(9), 1312-1318, 2012
IF = 1,19(11)

Matej R. - Olejar T. - Janouskova O. - Holada K.
Deletion of protease-activated receptor 2 prolongs survival of scrapie-inoculated mice.
Journal of General Virology, 93(9), 2057-2061, 2012
IF = 3,363(11)

Krasny L. - Pompach P. - Strohalm M. - Obsilova V. - Strnadova M. - Novak P. - Volny M.
In-situ enrichment of phosphopeptides on MALDI plates modified by ambient ion landing.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 47(10), 1294-1302, 2012
IF = 3,268(11)

Janacek J. - Kreft M. - Cebasek V. - Erzen I.
Correcting the axial shrinkage of skeletal muscle thick sections visualized by confocal microscopy.
Journal of Microscopy, 246(2), 107-112, 2012
IF = 1,631(11)

Slepicka P. - Kasalkova-Slepickova N. - Bacakova L. - Kolska Z. - Svorcik V.
Enhancement of Polymer Cytocompatibility by Nanostructuring of Polymer Surface.
Journal of Nanomaterials, 2012(2012), ID527403, 2012
IF = 1,376(11)

Svorcik V. - Makajova Z. - Kasalkova-Slepickova N. - Kolska Z. - Bacakova L.
Plasma-Modified and Polyethylene Glycol-Grafted Polymers for Potential Tissue Engineering Applications.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12(8), 6665-6671, 2012
IF = 1,563(11)

Kaniakova M. - Lichnerova K. - Vyklicky ml. L. - Horak M.
Single amino acid residue in the M4 domain of GluN1 subunit regulates the surface delivery of NMDA receptors.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 123(3), 385-395, 2012
IF = 4,061(11)

Kucerova L. - Broz V. - Fleischmannova J. - Santruckova E. - Sidorov R. - Dolezal V. - Zurovec M.
Characterization of the Drosophila adenosine receptor: the effect of adenosine analogs on cAMP signaling in Drosophila cells and their utility for in vivo experiments.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 121(3), 383-395, 2012
IF = 4,061(11)

Savelkoul P.J.M. - Janickova H. - Kuipers A.A.M. - Hageman R.J.J. - Kamphuis P.J. - Dolezal V. - Broersen L.M.
A specific multi-nutrient formulation enhances M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor responses in vitro.
Journal of Neurochemistry, 120(4), 631-640, 2012
IF = 4,061(11)

Pokora O. - Lansky P.
Estimating individual firing frequencies in a multiple spike train record.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 211(2), 191-202, 2012
IF = 1,98(11)

Cvetko E. - Karen P. - Erzen I.
Wearing of complete dentures reduces slow fibre and enhances hybrid fibre fraction in masseter muscle.
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 39(8), 608-614, 2012
IF = 1,529(11)

Powell A. D. - Gill K. K. - Saintot P.P. - Jiruska P. - Chelly J. - Billuart P. - Jefferys J. G. R.
Rapid reversal of impaired inhibitory and excitatory transmission but not spine dysgenesis in a mouse model of mental retardation.
Journal of Physiology, 590(4), 763-775, 2012
IF = 4,718(11)

Pavelka S.
Use of Br-82 and I-131 radionuclides in studies of goitrogenic effects of exogenous bromide.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(2), 379-383, 2012
IF = 1,52(11)

Pavelka S.
Radioiodine tracers as useful tools in studies of thyrotoxic effects of exogenous bromide and perchlorate ions.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291(2), 405-408, 2012
IF = 1,52(11)

Miksik I. - Lacinova K. - Zmatlikova Z. - Sedlakova P. - Kral V. - Sykora D. - Rezanka P. - Kasicka V.
Open-tubular capillary electrochromatography with bare gold nanoparticles-based stationary phase applied to separation of trypsin digested native and glycated proteins.
Journal of Separation Science, 35(8), 994-1002, 2012
IF = 2,733(11)

Rezanka P. - Ehala S. - Koktan J. - Sykora D. - Zvatora P. - Vosmanska M. - Kral V. - Miksik I. - Cerovsky V. - Kasicka V.
Application of Bare Gold Nanoparticles in Open-Tubular CEC Separations of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons and Peptides.
Journal of Separation Science, 35(1), 73-78, 2012
IF = 2,733(11)

Haladova K. - Mrazek H. - Jecmen T. - Halada P. - Man P. - Novak P. - Chmelik J. - Obsil T. - Sulc M.
The combination of hydrogen/deuterium exchange or chemical cross-linking techniques with mass spectrometry: Mapping of human 14-3-3 zeta homodimer interface.
Journal of Structural Biology, 179(1), 10-17, 2012
IF = 3,406(11)

Harcuba P. - Bacakova L. - Strasky J. - Bacakova M. - Novotna K. - Janecek M.
Surface treatment by electric discharge machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy for potential application in orthopaedics.
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 7, 96-105, 2012
IF = 2,814(11)

Vaneckova I. - Kujal P. - Huskova Z. - Vanourkova Z. - Vernerova Z. - Certikova - Chabova V. - Skaroupkova P. - Kramer H. J. - Tesar V. - Cervenka L.
Effects of Combined Endothelin A Receptor and Renin-Angiotensin System Blockade on the Course of End-Organ Damage in 5/6 Nephrectomized Ren-2 Hypertensive Rats.
Kidney & Blood Pressure Research, 35(5), 382-392, 2012
IF = 1,464(11)

Burdikova Z. - Capek M. - Svindrych Z. - Gryndler M. - Kubinova L. - Holcova K.
Ecology of Testate Amoebae in the Komorany Ponds in the Vltava Basin.
Microbial Ecology, 64(1), 117-130, 2012
IF = 2,912(11)

Folbergrova J. - Kunz W.S.
Mitochondrial dysfunction in epilepsy.
Mitochondrion, 12(1), 35-40, 2012
IF = 3,615(11)

Stiburek L. - Cesnekova J. - Kostkova O. - Fornuskova D. - Vinsova K. - Wenchich L. - Houstek J. - Zeman J.
YME1L controls the accumulation of respiratory chain subunits and is required for apoptotic resistance, cristae morphogenesis, and cell proliferation.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 23(6), 1010-1023, 2012
IF = 4,942(11)

Kubik S. - Miyashita T. - Kubik-Zahorodna A. - Guzowski J. F.
Loss of activity-dependent Arc gene expression in the retrosplenial cortex after hippocampal inactivation: Interaction in a higher-order memory circuit.
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 97(1), 124-131, 2012
IF = 3,419(11)

Laczo J. - Andel R. - Vyhnalek M. - Vlcek K. - Magerova H. - Varjassyova A. - Nedelska Z. - Gazova I. - Bojar M. - Sheardova K. - Hort J.
From Morris Water Maze to Computer Tests in the Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neurodegenerative Diseases, 10, 153-157, 2012
IF = 3,056(11)

Kovaru H. - Kovaru F. - Lisa V.
Effect of fluoxetine and adenosine receptor NECA agonist on G alpha q/11 protein of C6 glioma cells.
Neuroendocrinology Letters, 33(6), 614-618, 2012
IF = 1,296(11)

Bendova Z. - Sladek M. - Svobodova I.
The expression of NR2B subunit of NMDA receptor in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of Wistar rats and its role in glutamate-induced CREB and ERK1/2 phosphorylation.
Neurochemistry International, 61(1), 43-47, 2012
IF = 2,857(11)

Penn A.C. - Balik A. - Wozny Ch. - Cais O. - Greger I. H.
Activity-Mediated AMPA Receptor Remodeling, Driven by Alternative Splicing in the Ligand-Binding Domain.
Neuron, 76(3), 503-510, 2012
IF = 14,736(11)

Palma-Cerda F. - Auger C. - Crawford D.J. - Hodgson A.C.C. - Reynolds S.J. - Cowell J.K. - Swift K.A.D. - Cais O. - Vyklicky ml. L. - Corrie J.E.T. - Ogden D.
New caged neurotransmitter analogs selective for glutamate receptor sub-types based on methoxynitroindoline and nitrophenylethoxycarbonyl caging groups.
Neuropharmacology, 63(4), 624-634, 2012
IF = 4,814(11)

Kasalkova-Slepickova N. - Slepicka P. - Kolska Z. - Sajdl P. - Bacakova L. - Rimpelova S. - Svorcik V.
Cell adhesion and proliferation on polyethylene grafted with Au nanoparticles.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B, 272, 391-395, 2012
IF = 1,211(11)

Jezek P. - Dlaskova A. - Plecita-Hlavata L.
Redox Homeostasis in Pancreatic beta Cells.
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2012(2012), 932838, 2012
IF = 2,841(11)

Slaninova J. - Mlsova V. - Kroupova H. - Alan L. - Tumova T. - Monincova L. - Borovickova L. - Fucik V. - Cerovsky V.
Toxicity study of antimicrobial peptides from wild bee venom and their analogs toward mammalian normal and cancer cells.
Peptides, 33(1), 18-26, 2012
IF = 2,434(11)

Skrabalova J. - Neckar J. - Hejnova L. - Bartonova I. - Kolar F. - Novotny J.
Antiarrhythmic effect of prolonged morphine exposure is accompanied by altered myocardial adenylyl cyclase signaling in rats.
Pharmacological Reports, 64(2), 351-359, 2012
IF = 2,445(11)

Prokopova I. - Bahnik S - Doulames V. - Vales K. - Petrasek T. - Svoboda J. - Stuchlik A.
Synergistic effects of dopamine D2-like receptor antagonist sulpiride and beta-blocker propranolol on learning in the Carousel maze, a dry-land spatial navigation task.
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 102(1), 151-156, 2012
IF = 2,532(11)

Ditlevsen S. - Lansky P.
Only through perturbation can relaxation times be estimated.
Physical Review. E, 86(5), 050102-5, 2012
IF = 2,255(11)

Tamborrino M. - Ditlevsen S. - Lansky P.
Identification of noisy response latency.
Physical Review. E, 86(2), 021128, 2012
IF = 2,255(11)

Houstek J. - Hejzlarova K. - Vrbacky M. - Drahota Z. - Landa V. - Zidek V. - Mlejnek P. - Simakova M. - Silhavy J. - Miksik I. - Kazdova L. - Oliyarnyk O. - Kurtz T. - Pravenec M.
Nonsynonymous variants in mt-Nd2, mt-Nd4, and mt-Nd5 are linked to effects on oxidative phosphorylation and insulin sensitivity in rat conplastic strains.
Physiological Genomics, 44(9), 487-494, 2012
IF = 2,735(11)

Neckar J. - Silhavy J. - Zidek V. - Landa V. - Mlejnek P. - Simakova M. - Seidman J. G. - Seidman Ch. - Kazdova L. - Klevstig M. - Novak F. - Vecka M. - Papousek F. - Houstek J. - Drahota Z. - Kurtz T. W. - Kolar F. - Pravenec M.
CD36 overexpression predisposes to arrhythmias but reduces infarct size in spontaneously hypertensive rats: gene expression profile analysis.
Physiological Genomics, 44(2), 173-182, 2012
IF = 2,735(11)

Drahota Z. - Milerova M. - Endlicher R. - Rychtrmoc D. - Cervinkova Z. - Ostadal B.
Developmental changes of the sensitivity of cardiac and liver mitochondrial permeability transition pore to calcium load and oxidative stress.
Physiological Research, 61, S165-S172, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Charvatova Z. - Ostadalova I. - Zicha J. - Kunes J. - Maxova H. - Ostadal B.
Cardiac tolerance to ischemia in neonatal spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Physiological Research, 61, S145-S153, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kagan D. - Dlouha K. - Roubalova L. - Svoboda P.
Ontogenetic Development of GABA(B)-Receptor Signaling Cascade in Plasma Membranes Isolated From Rat Brain Cortex; the Number of GABA(B)-Receptors Is High Already Shortly After the Birth.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 629-635, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Konopkova R. - Vilagi I. - Borbely S. - Kubova H. - Otahal J.
Effect of endothelin-1 on the excitability of rat cortical and hippocampal slices in vitro.
Physiological Research, 61(2), 215-219, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Krejci E. - Pesevski Z - Dealmeida A.C. - Mrug M. - Fresco V.M. - Argraves W.S. - Barth J.L. - Cui X. - Sedmera D.
Microarray analysis of normal and abnormal chick ventricular myocardial development.
Physiological Research, 61, S137-S144, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kubova H. - Mares P.
Partial agonist of benzodiazepine receptors Ro 19-2088 elicits withdrawal symptoms after short-term administration in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 319-323, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kucka M. - Kretschmannova K. - Stojilkovic S. S. - Zemkova H. - Tomic M.
Dependence of spontaneous electrical activity and basal prolactin release on nonselective cation channels in pituitary lactotrophs.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 267-275, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Kunes J. - Kadlecova M. - Vaneckova I. - Zicha J.
Critical developmental periods in the pathogenesis of hypertension.
Physiological Research, 61, S9-S17, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Mares P.
Models of epileptic seizures in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 61, S103-S108, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Mares P. - Bernaskova K. - Kubova H.
An antagonist of GABA-B receptors potentiates activity of cortical epileptic foci.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 325-329, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Novak F. - Kolar F. - Vocu S. - Vecka M. - Novakova O.
Pressure overload selectively increases n-3 PUFA in myocardial phospholipids during early postnatal period.
Physiological Research, 61, S155-S163, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Ostadalova I. - Babicky A.
Periodization of the early postnatal development in the rat with particular attention to the weaning period.
Physiological Research, 61, S1-S7, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Ostadalova I.
Biological effects of selenium compounds with a particular attention to the ontogenetic development.
Physiological Research, 61, S19-S34, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Pryazhnikov E. - Ostroumov A. - Druginina O. - Vyskocil F. - Skorinkin A.
The mechanisms of inhibition of frog endplate currents with homologous derivatives of the 1,1-dimethyl-3-oxybutyl phosphonic acid.
Physiological Research, 61(4), 395-404, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Rauchova H. - Vokurkova M. - Koudelova J.
Hypoxia-induced lipid peroxidation in the brain during postnatal ontogenesis.
Physiological Research, 61, S89-S101, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Rauchova H. - Vokurkova M. - Drahota Z.
Idebenone-induced recovery of glycerol-3-phosphate and succinate oxidation inhibited by digitonin.
Physiological Research, 61(3), 259-265, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Ravingerova T. - Carnicka S. - Nemcekova M. - Ledvenyiova V. - Adameova A. - Khandelwal V. K. M. - Zalesak M. - Kolar F.
The impact of lifestyle-related risk factors on cardiac response to ischemia and possibilities to restore impaired ischemic tolerance.
Physiological Research, 61, S1-S10, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Riha H. - Papousek F. - Neckar J. - Pirk J. - Ostadal B.
Effects of isoflurane concentration on basic echocardiographic parameters of the left ventricle in rats.
Physiological Research, 61(4), 419-423, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Soukup T. - Sulimenko V. - Markova V. - Kopecka K. - Zacharova G. - Palecek J.
Expression of the skeletal calsequestrin isoform in normal and regenerated skeletal muscles and in the hearts of rats with altered thyroid status.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 575-586, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Svoboda J. - Telensky P. - Blahna K. - Bures J. - Stuchlik A.
Comparison of male and female rats in avoidance of a moving object: more thigmotaxis, hypolocomotion and fear-like reactions in females.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 659-663, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Szczurowska E. - Mares P.
Positive allosteric modulator of mGluR4 PHCCC exhibits proconvulsant action in three models of epileptic seizures in immature rats.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 619-628, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Snorek M. - Hodyc D. - Sedivy V. - Durisova J. - Skoumalova A. - Wilhelm J. - Neckar J. - Kolar F. - Herget J.
Short-term fasting reduces the extent of myocardial infarction and incidence of reperfusion arrhythmias in rats.
Physiological Research, 61(6), 567-574, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Wilhelm J. - Ostadalova I.
Ontogenetic changes of lipofuscin-like pigments in the rat heart.
Physiological Research, 61, S173-S179, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Zicha J. - Dobesova Z. - Vokurkova M. - Rauchova H. - Hojna S. - Kadlecova M. - Behuliak M. - Vaneckova I. - Kunes J.
Age-dependent salt hypertension in Dahl rats: fifty years of research.
Physiological Research, 61, S35-S87, 2012
IF = 1,555(11)

Jirkovska M. - Kucera T. - Kalab J. - Jadrnicek M. - Niedobova V. - Janacek J. - Kubinova L. - Moravcova M. - Zizka Z. - Krejci V.
The branching pattern of villous capillaries and structural changes of placental terminal villi in type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Placenta, 33(5), 343-351, 2012
IF = 3,693(11)

Lhotakova Z. - Urban O. - Dubankova M. - Cvikrova M. - Tomaskova I. - Kubinova L. - Zvara K. - Marek Michal V. - Albrechtova J.
The impact of long-term CO2 enrichment on sun and shade needles of Norway spruce (Picea abies): Photosynthetic performance, needle anatomy and phenolics accumulation.
Plant Science, 60-70, 2012
IF = 2,945(11)

Drastichova Z. - Skrabalova J. - Jedelsky P. - Neckar J. - Kolar F. - Novotny J.
Global Changes in the Rat Heart Proteome Induced by Prolonged Morphine Treatment and Withdrawal.
PLoS ONE, 7(10), e47167, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Grycova L. - Holendova B. - Bumba L. - Bily J. - Jirku M. - Lansky Z. - Teisinger J.
Integrative Binding Sites within Intracellular Termini of TRPV1 Receptor.
PLoS ONE, 7(10), e48437, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Horakova O. - Medrikova D. - van Schothorst E. M. - Bunschoten A. - Flachs P. - Kus V. - Kuda O. - Bardova K. - Janovska P. - Hensler M. - Rossmeisl M. - Wang-Sattler R. - Prehn C. - Adamski J. - Illig T. - Keijer J. - Kopecky J.
Preservation of Metabolic Flexibility in Skeletal Muscle by a Combined Use of n-3 PUFA and Rosiglitazone in Dietary Obese Mice.
PLoS ONE, 7(8), e43764, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Jindrichova M. - Lansdell S. J. - Millar N. S.
Changes in Temperature Have Opposing Effects on Current Amplitude in alpha 7 and alpha 4 beta 2 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors.
PLoS ONE, 7(2), e32073, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Rossmeisl M. - Macek Jilkova Z. - Kuda O. - Jelenik T. - Medrikova D. - Stankova B. - Kristinsson B. - Haraldsson G.G. - Svensen H. - Stoknes I. - Sjovall P. - Magnusson Y. - Balvers M.G.J. - Verhoeckx K.C.M. - Tvrzicka E. - Bryhn M. - Kopecky J.
Metabolic Effects of n-3 PUFA as Phospholipids Are Superior to Triglycerides in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet: Possible Role of Endocannabinoids.
PLoS ONE, 7(6), e38834, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Sladek M. - Polidarova L. - Novakova M. - Parkanova D. - Sumova A.
Early Chronotype and Tissue-Specific Alterations of Circadian Clock Function in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats.
PLoS ONE, 7(10), e46951, 2012
IF = 4,092(11)

Slepicka P. - Kasalkova-Slepickova N. - Kolska Z. - Mackova A. - Bacakova L. - Svorcik V. - Malinsky P. - Trostova S.
Nanostructuring of polymethylpentene by plasma and heat treatment for improved biocompatibility.
Polymer Degradation and Stability, 97(7), 1075-1082, 2012
IF = 2,769(11)

Nedelska Z. - Andel R. - Laczo J. - Vlcek K. - Horinek D. - Lisy J. - Sheardova K. - Bures J. - Hort J.
Spatial navigation impairment is proportional to right hippocampal volume.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(7), 2590-2594, 2012
IF = 9,681(11)

Sumova A. - Sladek M. - Polidarova L. - Novakova M. - Houdek P.
Circadian system from conception till adulthood.
Progress in Brain Research, 199(2012), 83-103, 2012
IF = 3,04(11)

Jindrichova M. - Kuzyk P. - Li S. - Stojilkovic S. S. - Zemkova H.
Conserved ectodomain cysteines are essential for rat P2X7 receptor trafficking.
Purinergic Signalling, 8(2), 317-325, 2012
IF = 3,164(11)

Cerny I. - Budesinsky M. - Pouzar V. - Vyklicky V. - Krausova B. - Vyklicky ml. L.
Neuroactive steroids with perfluorobenzoyl group.
Steroids, 77(12), 1233-1241, 2012
IF = 2,829(11)

Kapras V. - Slavickova A. - Stastna E. - Vyklicky ml. L. - Vales K. - Chodounska H.
Synthesis of deuterium labeled NMDA receptor inhibitor-20-Oxo-5 beta-[9,12,12-H-2(3)]pregnan-3 alpha-yl-L-glutamyl 1-ester.
Steroids, 77(3), 282-287, 2012
IF = 2,829(11)

Solar P. - Kylian O. - Polonskyi O. - Artemenko A. - Arzhakov D. - Drabik M. - Slavinska D. - Vandrovcova M. - Bacakova L. - Biederman H.
Nanocomposite coatings of Ti/C:H plasma polymer particles providing a surface with variable nanoroughness.
Surface and Coatings Technology, 206(21), 4335-4342, 2012
IF = 1,867(11)

Hrebabecky H. - Dejmek M. - Dracinsky M. - Sala M. - Leyssen P. - Neyts J. - Kaniakova M. - Krusek J. - Nencka R.
Synthesis of novel azanorbornylpurine derivatives.
Tetrahedron, 68(4), 1286-1298, 2012
IF = 3,025(11)

Mikulikova K. - Romanov O. - Miksik I. - Eckhardt A. - Pataridis S. - Sedlakova P.
Study of Saiga Horn Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL, 2012(2012), ID759604, 2012
IF = 1,524(10)

Artemenko A. - Kylian O. - Choukourov A. - Gordeev I. - Petr M. - Vandrovcova M. - Polonskyi O. - Bacakova L. - Slavinska D. - Biederman H.
Effect of sterilization procedures on properties of plasma polymers relevant to biomedical applications.
Thin Solid Films, 520(24), 7115-7124, 2012
IF = 1,89(11)

Rihova Z. - Stary V. - Bacakova L.
A study of the structure and surface properties of nanostructured biocompatible coatings on Ti alloys.
Vacuum, 86(6), 630-633, 2012
IF = 1,317(11)

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