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2012-12-20 ANNIVERSARY - 20 December 1890 - Jaroslav Heyrovský was born in Prague

Academician Jaroslav Heyrovský is considered to be the founder (1922) of a method (polarography) that enables the fast and extremely exact determination of metals and their concentrations in solutions.
In 1924 Heyrovský, together with his Japanese disciple Masuzo Shikata, designed and built an automatic device which he named a polarograph. After World War II, the method of polarography, which was employed in science, medicine and a range of industries, achieved a massive expansion.
In 1950, J. Heyrovský founded the Institute of Polarography that was attached to the Academy of Sciences in Prague.
Heyrovský is the only Czech scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry (10.12.1959) in recognition of his invention of polarography, pioneering achievement and the development of polarography.


The travelling exhibition about Jaroslav Heyrovský with the title "The Story of the Mercury Drop" introduces, by means of photographs, films, literary documents and other exhibits (e.g. examples of development of polarographic instruments), the life story of Jaroslav Heyrovský.

The 12th exhibition will be opened from March 14 to April 30 , 2013 in Žďár nad Sázavou.

Photos from the exhibitions in Palacký University in Olomouc (June 2010) and in Basic school Koperníkova in Teplice (May - June 2012)

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