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19 May 09 - 5 Apr 14
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O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu
Martin Rossmeisl, MD, PhD
Pavel Flachs, MSc, PhD
Olga Horáková, MSc, PhD
Ondřej Kuda, MSc, PhD
Michal Hensler, MSc, PhD
Technical Assistants
Jaroslava Bémová
Soňa Hornová
Daniela Šálková
Post-graduate students
Kristina Bardová, MSc
Petra Janovská, MSc
Jana Roubalová, MSc
Michaela Svobodová, MSc
Petr Zouhar, MSc
Pre-graduate students
Jana Hansíková, BS
Miroslava Matějková, BS
Petra Kuchaříková, BS



Department: Department of Adipose Tissue Biology
Head: Jan Kopecky, MD, PhD, DSc
Contact phone/fax number +420 241062554/+420 241062599
E-mail: kopeckybiomed.cas.cz
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Main Topics:  
  1. Links between energy metabolism, lipid metabolism and cell proliferation in adipose tissue; and influence of adipose tissue metabolism on body fat content and insulin sensitivity.

  2. Dietary and pharmacological modulations of white adipose tissue metabolism.

  3. Mechanisms involved in the effects of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of marine origin (omega 3) on inflammation, energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity, namely with respect to prevention and treatment of obesity and its comorbidities (i.e. "metabolic syndrome").

  4. Role of lipid mediators (eicosanoids, resolvines, and protectines), endocannabinoids, and the adiponectin-AMPK axis in the effects of omega 3 on metabolic diseases associated with obesity and aging, and on cell proliferation.

  5. Use of omega 3 adjuvants in combined interventions to improve efficacy of the treatment of metabolic syndrome.

  6. Complex metabolomics biomarkers of propensity to obesity and associated diseases.



Last update: July 2012
