
Michal Landa
Head of Department, Head of Laboratory
Ultrasonic evaluation of materials, AE measurements
Petr Sedlák
Junior Researcher
Inverse problems, Thermomechanical modeling
Lucie Bodnárová
Ph.D. Student (on maternitny leave)
Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
Hanuš Seiner Junior Researcher
Internal dynamics of materials, Inverse problems
Jan Zídek Technician-designer
Precious mechanics and optics, Experimental devices
Miroslav Frost Ph.D. Student
Mathematical modelling of SMA wires and structures
Michaela Janovská Junior Researcher
Laser induced ultrasoud, optics
Barbora Benešová Junior Researcher
mathematical moedlling of SMA, variational principles, non-linear PDE
Martin Ševčík Ph.D. Student
Electronics and control of experimental devices
Martin Koller M.Sc. Student
Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy at elevated temperatures

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