International Research Projects
On-going projects
Les croisades tardives
CMS, Université Toulouse II – Le Mirail, Laboratoire Framespa, Université Paris XII
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Reform und Kompaktata: Neue Konfigurationen der kirchlichen und weltlichen Macht zur Zeit des Basler Konzils
Programm der internen Förderung von internationalen Kooperationsprojekten der Akademie der Wissenschften der Tschechischen Republik (M300090903)
Projektleiter: Prof. František Šmahel
Partner: Prof. Thomas Prügl (Universität Wien)
Koordinator: Dr. Robert Novotný
Magistri Iohannis Hus Opera omnia
The editorial care of the latin works of Jan Hus, formerly published but
abandoned by "Academia. Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd",
has been taken over by the Centre for Medieval Studies in cooperation
with the Belgian publisher Brepols n.v. Since 2004 new volumes and
revised editions have been integrated into the renown series Corpus
Christianorum – Continuatio Mediaevalis, keeping the original numbering
of the old Opera omnia as additional mark besides the appropriate place
in the new series. The secretary of the editorial commission has been
appointed by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and has his
seat at the CMS. He is responsible for the last revision of all
manuscripts to appear in the series. Further editions are in preparation
in Prague and Brno and will be ready in due time.
Past projects
Christianization and State-formation in Northern and Central Europe, c.900-c.1200
Director: Nora Berend, University of Cambridge
Religiöses Charisma als Motor und Medium der religiösen Kommunikation. Formen seiner symbolischen Repräsentation
CMS, Universität Konstanz (Sonderforschungsbereich 485: „Norm und Symbol. Die kulturelle Dimension sozialer und politischer Intergration“)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Patschovsky (Universität Konstanz), Prof. Dr. František Šmahel (CMS), Dr. Pavlína Rychterová (Universität Konstanz, CMS)
Projects awarded by Czech institutions
Christianity and Czech Society in the Middle Ages: −> Further information ![](
The Přemyslids: Building the Czech State and Nation: −> Further information ![](
Rituals, Ceremonies and Festivities in Central Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: −> Further information ![](
Anti-Hussite Polemics and the Czech Question in the Fifteenth Century: −> Further information