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Volume 59, Issue 3, 2010



Physiol. Res. 59: 309-322, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Osteogenic cells on bio-inspired materials for bone tissue engineering.
B. Vagaská, L. Bačáková, E. Filová, K. Balík
(Dept. Growth Different. Cell Popul., Inst. Physiol., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 323-329, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Ca2+ oscillations and its transporters in mesenchymal stem cells.
B. Ye
(Dept. Physiol., Med. Coll., Xiamen Univ., People’s Republic of China)

Original Articles

Physiol. Res. 59: 331-338, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Absence of flow-mediated vasodilation in the rabbit femoral artery.
P. S. Clifford, J. A. Madden, J. J. Hamann, J. B. Buckwalter, Z. Valic
(Depts Anesthesiol., Physiol., Neurol., Med. Coll. Wisconsin & Veterans Affairs Med. Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Dept. Physiol., Univ. of Split School Med., Split, Croatia)


Physiol. Res. 59: 339-345, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Despite similar reduction of blood pressure and renal ANG II and ET-1 levels aliskiren but not losartan normalizes albuminuria in hypertensive Ren-2 rats.
Z. Vaňourková, H. J. Kramer, Z. Husková, L. Červenka, I. Vaněčková
(Dept. Exp. Med. & Cardiovasc. Res. Ctr., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 347-356, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Remifentanil protects myocardium through activation of anti-apoptotic pathways of survival in ischemia-reperfused rat heart.
H. S. Kim, J. E. Cho, S. W. Hong, S. O. Kim, J. K. Shim, Y. L. Kwak
(Brain Korea 21 Project Med. Sci. & Anaesth. Pain Res. Inst., Yonsei Univ. Coll. Med., Seoul, Republic of Korea)


Physiol. Res. 59: 357-362, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Fitting a single-phase model to the post-exercise changes in heart rate and oxygen uptake.
R. Stupnicki, T. Gabryś, U. Szmatlan-Gabryś, P. Tomaszewski
(Univ. Physical Educ., Warsaw, Poland)


Physiol. Res. 59: 363-371, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Hemodynamic response to thoracoscopy and thoracotomy.
S. Trča, Z. Krška, O. Kittnar, M. Mlček, R. Demeš, V. Danzig, S. Šimek, J. Bruthans, R. Fraško
(First Surg. Dept, Clin. Dept. Abdom., Thorac. Surg. Traumat., First Fac. Med., Gen. Teach. Hosp., Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 373-378, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

The effects of short-term norepinephrine up-titration on hemodynamics in cardiogenic shock.
R. Rokyta, Jr, J. Tesařová, V. Pechman, P. Gajdoš, A. Kroužecký
(Intens. Card. Care Unit, Dept. Med. I, Fac. Med. Plzeň, Charles Univ. Prague, Plzeň, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 379-384, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Long-term efficacy and safety of conversion to tacrolimus in heart transplant recipients with ongoing or recurrent acute cellular rejection.
B. Skalická, I. Málek, M. Kubánek, J. Vymětalová, J. Kautzner
(Dept. Cardiol., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 385-392, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Levels of circulating biomarkers at rest and after exercise in coronary artery disease patients.
V. Danzig, B. Míková, P. Kuchynka, H. Benáková, T. Zima, O. Kittnar, J. Škrha, A. Linhart, M. Kalousová
(Sec. Dept. Med., Dept. Cardiol. Angiol. & Inst. Clin. Chem. Lab. Diagn., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ., Gen. Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 393-400, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Hepcidin expression in adipose tissue increases during cardiac surgery.
M. Vokurka, Z. Lacinová, J. Křemen, P. Kopecký, J. Bláha, K. Pelinková, M. Haluzík, E. Nečas
(Inst. Pathol. Physiol. & Ctr. Exp. Hematol., Charles Univ. Prague, First Fac. Med. & Gen. Teach. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 401-406, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Antiatherogenic effect of simvastatin is not due to decrease of LDL cholesterol in ovariectomized golden Syrian hamster.
J. Pitha, D. Bobková, J. Kovář, J. Havlíčková, R. Poledne
(Lab. Atheroscler. Res., Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 407-413, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

May alcohol-induced increase of HDL be considered as atheroprotective?
I. Králová Lesná, P. Suchánek, P. Stávek, R. Poledne
(Inst. Clin. Exp. Med., Ctr. Cardiovasc. Res., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 415-422, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Plasma concentrations of fibroblast growth factors 21 and 19 in patients with Cushing's syndrome.
V. Ďurovcová, J. Marek, V. Hána, M. Matoulek, V. Zikán, D. Haluzíková, P. Kaválková, Z. Lacinová, M. Kršek, M. Haluzík
(Third Dept. Med., First Fac. Med., Charles Univ. & Gen. Univ. Hosp., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 423-429, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Collagen synthesis, nitric oxide and asymmetric dimethylarginine in diabetic subjects undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
F. Gurdol, M. Cimsit, Y. Oner-Iyidogan, H. Kocak, S. Sengun, S. Yalcinkaya-Demirsoz
(Dept. Biochem. & Dept. Underwater Hyperbar. Med., Istanbul Fac. Med., Istanbul Univ., Istanbul, Turkey)


Physiol. Res. 59: 431-442, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

Supplemented creatine induces changes in human metabolism of thiocompounds and one- and two-carbon units.
T. Navrátil, E. Kohlíková, M. Petr, D. Pelclová, M. Heyrovský, K. Přistoupilová
(J. Heyrovský Inst. Phys. Chem., Acad. Sci. Czech Rep., Prague, Czech Republic)


Physiol. Res. 59: 443-454, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

ERKs and JNKs mediate hydrogen peroxide-induced Egr-1 expression and nuclear accumulation in H9c2 cells.
I. K. S. Aggeli, I. Beis, C. Gaitanaki
(Dept. Anim. Hum. Physiol., School Biol., Fac. Sci., Univ. Athens, Athens, Greece)

Short Communications

Physiol. Res. 59: 455-458, 2010   Full version (PDF file)

[3H]SCH 23390 binding in various brain regions of C57BL/6J mice with repeated experience of victory or social defeat in agonistic interactions.
D. F. Avgustinovich, O. V. Alekseyenko
(Inst. Cytol. Genet., Siberian Dept. Russian Acad. Sci., Novosibirsk, Russia)

This number was issued in June 2010

© 2010 by the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences